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通过对中职校园体育文化的概念以及现状的阐述,提出四条中职校园体育文化建设策略,旨在为贯彻与实施《全民健身计划纲要》、实施素质教育和培养学生终身体育意识和完成学校体育教育提供参考。  相似文献   

建设机制对高校校园体育文化建设的效果起着决定性作用,因此,对高校品牌形象的塑造具有重要意义。文章运用文献资料法以及个案分析法,对高校校园体育文化建设机制要素进行了梳理与剖析,总结了我国高校校园体育文化建设机制的成功经验,并对如何进行我国高校校园体育文化建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

从弘扬体育精神,形成具有高职特色的体育文化等几个方面对高职院校体育文化建设进行研究,旨在寻求一条适合高职院校自身的体育文化建设途径,建设人与自然、人与校园和谐统一的独具地方特色的高等职业院校体育文化。  相似文献   

侯叶  王少斌 《城市观察》2021,74(4):87-94
在消费文化中,消费的符号化是最重要的特征.消费文化对人们生活方式和认知方式的影响也反映在了城市空间形象和城市建筑形象中.结合体育建筑的自身特性,提出城市体育建筑的符号化主要集中在类似于城市摩天轮的结构符号化、类似于商业建筑媒介界面的表皮符号化以及类似消费品品牌价值的明星建筑师三方面.结合中国特色社会主义自身国情以及中国体育建筑在消费文化影响下的片面追求符号化现象,进行适宜的结构表达理性的表皮设计正确理解国外明星建筑师的中国城市体育建筑发展理性思辨.  相似文献   

源远流长的广府文化中,造船文化就是其中之一,我们说"粤人始做舟",就说明了我们造船的历史悠久.拿珠三角的造船制作来说,那是相当考究,整个程序下来差不多100道,一步步的精雕细琢,全凭手工,造一艘龙舟至少需要1个月.所以在推广龙舟运动的同时,不能忽略龙舟背后的文化元素.  相似文献   

Postmodern cultural theory after Foucault, Debord, and Baudrillard has tended to indict surveillance as a disciplinary apparatus, producing a society that is both carceral and increasingly virtual. At the same time, social critics like Lasch have decried the growth of narcissism amid the failure of liberalism. This essay aims to complicate both of these perspectives by examining the contradictory desire for surveillance in popular media like reality TV and in the social sciences themselves. It may be that the desire to watch and be watched is a more deeply rooted element of the liberal democratic impulse than we normally care to admit.  相似文献   

我国竞技体育后备人才培养模式的形成是一个渐进过程,在初级阶段存在诸多弊端。包括诸如高水平、低普及现象、后备人才的断层和社会保障制度不完善等问题。而大众体育虽然随着时代的发展提出了众多口号,但是在发展过程中的无力感情况依然存在。运用文献资料法、观察法和逻辑推理法等方法对我国中学体育教育模式对接未来竞技体育后备人才路径构建进行研究,提出在体育后备人才的培养方式中,要落实体教结合新模式,加强学校师资力量建设;扩充群众基础,带动大众体育积极性,完善体育后备人才的社会保障制度。通过从内部和外部共同入手的方式,构建兼容并蓄、协调发展的体育后备人才培养路径。  相似文献   

During the 1960s, the new generation changed the American Creed by deemphasizing sensitivity to evidence, emphasizing feelings and deductive thought, while assuming an adversarial position against the sociopolitical order and embracing the American Black's struggle against racism. Driven by pain, fueled by fear and anger and oriented by existential values of being the Civil Rights Movement, sought to actualize political values of justice and equality. As peaceful demonstrations dwindled, violence increased, converting individual anger to social rage. Anger's cognitive structure changed the concept of society into a dichotomy of Black victims and Ulhite oppressors, forming an ethic of sensitivity with victims occupying the moral high ground. Pain and tragedy were banished from view and blamed on oppressors as individual identities divested civil traits and acquired cultural identity, disuniting the civil society. Rubbing against the American Creed, the ethic ofsensitivity produced a feeling of malaise posing a threat to mentaL health.  相似文献   

This paper is a commentary on Christian Smith’s “The Conceptual Incoherence of ‘Culture’ in American Cultural Sociology.” This paper accepts Smith’s finding of conceptual incoherence at the disciplinary level and argues that it is a symptom of empiricism in American sociology. The paper suggests we employ conceptual analysis as practiced by analytical philosophy and proceeds to show how the use of that methodology can resolve the problem regarding the meaning of culture. In the end, the paper defends a conception of culture along the lines of Archer’s (1996) intelligibilia, interpreted as action and its products bearing social reasoning.  相似文献   


There is a series of common assumptions about prehistoric sex, associated with the prejudice that it must have been more natural because it happened closer to our evolutionary origins. The development of primate studies reveals a high degree of social variation between and within primate species, along with evidence for the practice of non-reproductive sex both recreationally and for expressing dominance relations. Yet, hypotheses about the behavior of human ancestors and early modern humans have been hampered by a lack of an integrated methodology. Although there is no single trajectory for either the elaboration or restriction of sexual behaviors after the emergence of culture, I argue here that it is possible to identify key turning points with more or less universal validity. These points include the reasons for and implications of brain size increase at the time of the emergence of genus Homo, the crystallization of impersonal gender by mid-Upper Paleolithic Ice Age societies, the early development of systems of control over both fertility and the projection and alteration of sexual identity, and the inferred emergence of homonegativity in early, reproduction-oriented farming societies. Further, archaeological data allows naturalist assumptions to be effectively refuted.  相似文献   

Orthodox neo-Darwinians have typically sought to explain human pro-social behavior by invoking kin altruism and reciprocal altruism, principles that explain the pro-social behavior of non-human species. These principles, however, do not account for those features of our species that are most unique and of greatest importance to sociologists—our group identities and behavior, our cognitive and behavioral plasticity, our capacity for social learning and cumulative culture, among other things. This article describes the efforts of “dual inheritance” theorists to overcome the deficiencies of orthodox neo-Darwinism by developing an evolutionary theory of culture, a theory that also seeks to account for human “groupishness,” intelligence, language use, empathy, morality and religion. The article asserts that dual inheritance theory accommodates most of the traditional research interests of sociologists while proving a robust explanatory framework and that sociologists are positioned especially well to contribute to the study of the evolution of culture.  相似文献   

In this essay, I argue that the Sociology of Culture and Cognition, and indeed, Sociology as a discipline, would do well to join in larger conversations concerning the interconnections of culture, thought, and action. In the pages to follow, I discuss why I make this assertion as well as how such a feat might be accomplished.  相似文献   

城市体育产业发展的根基与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代体育是随着工业化和城市化而产生的,在整个工业化和城市化的进程中,体育始终在竞技、娱乐、健身、休闲等价值取向中得到普及。城市体育产业发展的最重要根基是城市体育文化。体育文化深入人心,体育产业才能持续发展。城市体育产业的发展还需要考虑与城市主题的契合,要注意构建体育文化和产业体系,要注意结合城市体育传统和经济实力来引进和推广体育项目。  相似文献   

Homebrewing and microbrewing have been growing in popularity during the last few decades. One way this phenomenon can be analyzed is through the culture of knowledge production. We use the subfield of science and technology studies (STS) to examine homebrewing and microbrewing in this light. Early STS was interested in the social construction of scientific facts within daily practices of scientists. Through these early studies, STS revealed not only the process of scientific fact creation but also existence of “epistemic cultures.” Our study investigates the epistemic culture of homebrewers and microbrewers. Analysis of this epistemic culture was accomplished through use of in-depth interviews with homebrewers and microbrewers at several regional sites. Three major themes emerged from the data: home space as lab; the art and science of beer brewing; and brewing as “friendship”. These themes establish a foundation for understanding the shared epistemic culture existing between homebrewers and microbrewers.  相似文献   

School-Choice Stories: The Role of Culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article uses data from in-depth interviews conducted with the parents of a sample of 88 ninth-grade students from public, private, Catholic, and Christian high schools in two different suburban communities. This research investigates the ways in which parents understand education and how they make sense of schooling options for their children. It shows both how families who choose schools make the selection among various alternatives and why some families seem not to choose schools. This research finds that the financial and information resources of families are not enough in and of themselves to explain school-choice behavior. While these resources are indeed used by families as they make school choices, such measures do not capture the cultural dimension of school choice. In this context culture is understood as the lens through which people make sense of the social world. The decision to activate resources and the direction in which those resources will be activated are mediated by culture. In particular, as these school-choice stories show, the school-choice decision is influenced by the past educational experiences of the parents and by their religious faith.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1999,15(3):269-278
This paper applies a reading of the wider theoretical understanding of rural restructuring to the reform of agricultural holdings legislation over the last century. In charting the shifting legal basis of agricultural tenancies in England and Wales, from ‘black letter’ positivism to a more cultural form and system of regulation, the paper theorises that the underlying political imperative has been allied to the changing significance of property ownership and use. Rather than reflecting a long-term desire to maintain the let sector in British agriculture, however, the paper argues that this process has had other aims. In particular, it has been about an annexation of law to legitimise the retention of landowner power while presenting a ‘democratisation’ of farming, away from its plutocratic associations and towards a new narrative of ‘depersonalised’ business.  相似文献   

星座文化的个性分析语言具有重要教育价值。基于自我选择的人性观以及语言的意义,星座文化的价值不在于反映人的本来面目,而是给人提供自我建构的原料,这种价值的功能与传统的个性教育相似但又具有明显优势。作为大众文化,星座文化的商业思维与教化思路可以并行不悖;由于星座文化的价值属于意义范畴而非科学范畴,星座文化不能用伪科学来定论,“模糊”是对其的实用性态度。  相似文献   

青年网络亚文化的文化逻辑   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
互联网的诞生带来了传播范式的革命,网络这个大型广场赋予了参与者狂欢式的审美体验。在青年网络亚文化中,节日庆典与广场狂欢充分体现了网络话语的精神特质,网络民主与在线自由彰显了网络话语的行为机理。网络主体的迷失与渴望自由的想象异邦,显示了在现实社会与虚拟社会的张力之下,多极式交流格局对意义多元化的过度张扬造成了普遍价值规范缺席的文化困境。在网络社会的自由与秩序之间,救赎之道在于建立一种富有弹性的张力,以人文关怀调解网络技术进步与人类生活意义的失衡。本文以网络话语传播为视角进行相应分析。  相似文献   

在对体育习惯、体育意识与自主体育锻炼意识的概念界定基础上,通过问卷调查,了解大学生体育意识和体育习惯现状,分析影响大学生体育锻炼积极性的主客观因素,提出培养大学生体育意识和习惯对策,以利于对高校学生课外体育锻炼的管理。引导在校大学生理性地、科学地对待课外体育锻炼。  相似文献   

广州体育产业发展的思路与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了广州体育产业发展所具备的人文、经济和设施等方面的优势,以及政府体育职能部门为扶植体育产业在立法、监管、服务等采取的一系列措施。展望未来,第16届广州亚运会的成功举办,必将给广州体育产业的发展注入新的活力。  相似文献   

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