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It is increasingly recognized that social work has a vital role to play in shaping effective responses to environmental degradation, climate change and disasters. Innovative teaching and learning strategies can be used to facilitate understanding of complex, interrelated and systemic social, economic and environmental challenges. This article shares the development and design of a new social work course entitled ‘Social work and sustainable social development’. Teaching methods and strategies are provided including individual and group mind maps, case studies and presentations, guest speakers and evaluation methods. Implications for social work education and the profession are discussed in order to build capacity to address environmental justice and sustainability.  相似文献   

The integration of learning is a central goal for all professions. The question of how to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and between the classroom and the field, is one which has preoccupied social work education since its very beginnings in universities in the United Kingdom and the United States in the early twentieth century. Between 2003 and 2005, the Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education funded a project which piloted a new approach to the integration of learning for practice. This paper reports on the findings of that project, and suggests ways of taking its findings forward in the future.  相似文献   

The main aim of this article is to adapt the Typology of Disability Organisations that Oliver devised, and subsequently developed further in 1990, to a different context, in this case the Maltese disability sector. The paper first traces the history of the disabled people’s movement and presents Oliver’s Typology, which makes a clear distinction between organisations for and of disabled persons. The article then highlights the main characteristics of the Maltese disability sector and develops the Typology of the organisations operating within that sector. It shows how it is non-disabled people that are mostly in control of disability organisations, and suggests ways in which there can be a stronger movement towards the development and strengthening of disabled people’s organisations. The article shows how Oliver’s Typology can be used flexibly and adapted to various contexts. It also shows how drawing up a Typology of Disability Organisations can shed light on the environment within which these organisations operate, identifying areas of strength and possible areas for growth.  相似文献   

The spread of protests throughout the Arab world can be viewed as the product of social learning by Arab citizens—a wave effect facilitated by the rapid diffusion of ideas, discourses, and practices from one country to another and their adaptation to local contexts. Yet it less commonly recognized that Arab regimes' counter-revolutionary strategies have also been shaped by processes of learning and diffusion among regime elites, especially among those where protests began later in the sequence of events that constitute the Arab awakening. Accordingly, there have been two parallel processes at work in the unfolding and the potential unraveling of the Arab awakening: one at the level of Arab societies and the other among authoritarian regimes. Initially, the first of these processes worked to the advantage of protestors. As regimes adapted to the repertoires of contention developed by protesters and assessed the direction of regional and international trends, the advantage shifted in their direction. Several incumbents in the region became increasingly persuaded that their best bet lay in strategies of repression, and, in essence, in hunkering down and pursuing a range of measures to ride out uprisings which themselves seemed to confront diminishing probabilities of success.

La difusión de protestas a través del mundo árabe puede verse como un producto de aprendizaje social por ciudadanos árabes—un efecto de oleaje facilitado por la rápida difusión de ideas, conversaciones y prácticas de un país a otro y su adaptación a contextos locales. Sin embargo, es menos reconocido que las estrategias contrarrevolucionarias de los regímenes árabes se hayan formado por procesos de aprendizaje y difusión entre regímenes elitistas, especialmente entre aquellos a donde las protestas empezaron más tarde en la secuencia de eventos que constituyen el despertar árabe. En consecuencia, ha habido dos procesos paralelos en función de la revelación y desenredo potencial del despertar árabe: uno al nivel de las sociedades árabes y el otro entre los regímenes autoritarios. Inicialmente, el primero de estos procesos trabajó en ventaja de los manifestantes. En cuanto los regímenes se adaptaron a los repertorios de opinión desarrollados por los manifestantes, y evaluaron la dirección de tendencias regionales e internacionales, la ventaja cambió en su dirección. Varios de los mandatarios en la región aumentaron su persuasión de que su mejor opción radicaba en estrategias de represión y fundamentalmente en refugiarse y perseguir una serie de medidas para superar los levantamientos que ellos mismos parecían hacerle frente, disminuyendo las probabilidades de éxito.

遍及阿拉伯世界的抗议浪潮可被视为阿拉伯各国公民进行社会学习的产物——一种由观念的迅速扩散、演讲、从一国到另一国的实践以及对当地环境的适应等助推下的波浪效应。然而人们较少认识到,阿拉伯各国政权反革命的策略已经由政权精英之间,尤其是那些在构成阿拉伯觉醒的事件序列中较晚出现抗议的政权之间的学习和扩散过程塑造成形。相应地,在展现着的和潜在瓦解着的阿拉伯觉醒中,有两个平行的进程:一个是阿拉伯社会这一层面的进程,另一个是统治政权中间的进程。起初,第一个进程有利于抗议者。当各政权适应了抗议者提出的各种论争并评估地区和国际趋势的方向后,有利地位就转到了它们一边。该地区一些现任领导人已日益相信,他们最好的办法是实行镇压策略,根本上说是着手控制并采取一系列措施,以平安渡过这些起义,而它们自身似乎也面临成功概率下降的问题。  相似文献   

In an Australian Bachelor of Social Work degree, critical reflection is a process explicitly taught in a fourth year subject to students who have returned from their first field placement experience in agencies delivering social work programmes. The purpose of teaching critical reflection is to enable social work students to become autonomous and critical thinkers who can reflect on society, the role of social work and social work practices. The way critical reflection is taught in this fourth year social work unit relates closely to the aims of transformative learning. Transformative learning aims to assist students to become autonomous thinkers. Specifically, the critical reflection process taught in this subject aims to assist students to recognise their own and other people's frames of reference, to identify the dominant discourses circulating in making sense of their experience, to problematise their taken-for -granted ‘lived experience’, to reconceptualise identity categories, disrupt assumed causal relations and to reflect on how power relations are operating. Critical reflection often draws on many theoretical frameworks to enable the recognition of current modes of thinking and doing. In this paper, we will draw primarily on how post-structural theories, specifically Foucault's theorising, disrupt several taken-for-granted concepts in social work.  相似文献   

Policy actors engaged in migration governance operate in complex environments characterised by spatial entanglements that bring together different levels and jurisdictions. While “levels-of-analysis” and multi-level governance (MLG) frameworks capture some of this complexity, they undertheorise the extent to which migration and mobility are both causes and consequences of other forms of spatial entanglement. This article sets forth an “entangled” approach to migration governance and applies it to the Turkish case. It discusses how historical legacies and regional ties produce enduring cross-border connections, examining diaspora engagement policies; migration diplomacy; and conflict and security in Turkey through the lens of entangled migration governance.  相似文献   

On 20 October 2000, the longest and most deadly hunger strike in modern history began in prisons throughout Turkey. Organized as a response to the government's plans to develop and construct new so-called ‘F-type’ prisons – in which prisoners are isolated from one another, from legal advocates and from family members – the strike was also intended to challenge several recently-enacted ‘anti-terrorism’ policies that have resulted in thousands of arrests. In a country where political prisoners make up roughly one-sixth of the total prison population, and where a long history of prison torture has been criticized by a wide range of outside human rights groups, the hunger strike sees little chance of achieving its goals: convincing government officials to repeal the official legislation and to reconsider its shift to the F-type prison system. Nonetheless, the Strike has continued for well over two years, and has claimed at least 107 lives. This essay is intended to explore the political effects and performative value of a mode of resistance (1) founded on the eventual death of many, if not all, of its practitioners and (2) ineffective in eventuating its desired changes. By definition, hunger striking is an unsustainable form of resistance; and yet, the Turkish strikers have continued to fast far longer than anticipated, and seem to be willing and able to continue indefinitely. How are cultural meanings and political currencies of Hunger Striking reformulated in such a radically changed temporal context? In a practice that so dramatically fuses the subject and object of state violence into a single body (and at the behest of such a maligned community), what kind of political subject is produced, and how is her/his relationship to the state redefined? And finally, how might political efficacy be redefined in the case of the Turkish strike, and by the performative value of various attempts to represent the strike in the context of European assimilation?  相似文献   

Social work practice and education in many parts of the world are implementing an elearning agenda. This article considers the experiences of students using a website developed to support learning in agency settings to discover if and how it can be used to create a ‘bridge’ between the learning environments of the university and practice. The website contains a range of features, including downloadable practice assessment documents, links to university based teaching units, electronic personal notification of placement allocation, and an asynchronous discussion forum.

The action research project which informs this article employed focus groups of students to ascertain their expectations and experiences of the website, in particular the asynchronous discussion forum facility, prior to and on completion of the 80 day placement, combined with analysis of the actual usage patterns and content.

Three quarters of the cohort participated in the discussion forum and findings suggest that students used and valued the discussion forum for its ability to enable the student to student and tutor to student relationships underpinning collaborative learning to be maintained during the placement, and to enable resource sharing and networking.  相似文献   

This paper arises from the experiences of the authors in providing critical reflection training to social workers and health professionals. It examines the cultural challenges involved in undertaking critical reflection, and how such challenges may contribute to learning. We examine the nature of some of these risks and what might be at stake, and how we as educators might manage these in the interests of better learning. First we discuss the concept of critical reflection and the particular approach we take. We then analyse the nature of some of the risks involved by examining the cultural challenges that are at stake. Lastly we posit some strategies to reduce risk and maximise learning.

We outline three major types of cultural assumptions which are challenged by critical reflection. These include assumptions regarding interpersonal communication and dialogue, professional helping and workplace cultures, and regarding knowledge, learning, research and the place of emotions. The implications of these challenges include: the appropriateness of critical reflection for all types of learners; the need for emotional preparation for the critical reflection process; the need to emphasise the professional learning purposes; the need to clarify the use of self‐disclosure; and the need to set up an appropriate alternative cultural environment for the purpose of critical reflection.  相似文献   

The paper explores the use of visual sociology in the study of material culture. It is argued that visual methods are particularly useful, sometimes essential, in gathering data about social and symbolic uses of goods and objects in day‐to‐day social life. Visual methods are not only integrative, but fundamental, in the construction of sociological datum from direct observation. Recognizing the importance of visual techniques forces us to reconsider their methodological status, from the point of view of reliability and standardization. This paper analyzes problems and advantages of photographic data, and proposes a “shooting protocol” to guarantee the reliability and standardization of research images. In addition, results of a study on the social and symbolic meaning of furniture are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a statistical seminar designed to provide a common foundation in core statistical concepts among all students as they enter a social work PhD program. Student feedback surveys assessed students’ statistics preparation prior to entering the program, and pre- and posttests were compared for increases in statistical knowledge. Nearly half (42.1%) reported no prior statistics training, and exposure to IBM SPSS Statistics software was low (M=1.54 out of 5, SD=1.38). Students showed significant gains in posttest knowledge. Findings suggest substantial variability in students’ statistical preparedness, and for many, knowledge of basic concepts is rudimentary. Such a seminar may allow programs to begin with more advanced quantitative course work and move to increasingly more complex topics over time (e.g., multilevel modeling).  相似文献   

This article examines the conceptualisation and use of memory in the social sciences, both as a methodological tool and as an object of research. The article situates memory as a vast potential resource for the social sciences in the exploration of relations between public and private life, agency and power, and the past, present and future. It goes on to recognise that the methodological issues surrounding the use of memory have, with few exceptions, rarely received sustained attention. The article argues for, and moves towards, developing a coherent account of the variety of practical techniques of using memory in data collection and analysis, and their appropriate use within a clear epistemological framework which distinguishes itself from conventional historiography and it’s criteria of validity. It is argued that without this attention to method, memory will remain on the margins of social science research.  相似文献   

This is a study of teachers’ conceptualizations of multicultural education (MCE) and their implications for practice in both schools and university courses. Through survey and interview data, the results reveal that teachers associated multicultural education with demographic diversity rather than with social justice, strategies for instruction rather than with theory, and that patterns of communication within the school precluded school‐wide implementation of multicultural education. The implications for bridging the gap between university courses grounded in social justice and school practice are explored.  相似文献   

The author describes a model that can enhance professional learning and awareness, assisting appropriate responsibility‐taking in interactions. It has been effectively applied over 10 years with managers and practitioners in public sector settings across social work, health, education and housing, and more recently also in the private sector. The model is first explained in the context of family relationships to facilitate generalisability. Applications in social work management and practice roles are described. They are seen to demonstrate greater effectiveness, personally and professionally, within the context of day to day challenges. The result is to assist collaborative and organisational learning in behaviours similar to those associated with the language of emotional intelligence.  相似文献   

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