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首先要作两点说明:一是副标题中的"览"字,是说我尚未对这部若译成汉语至少有350万字的历史巨著从头到尾地读过,而只是浏览了其中自己感兴趣的部分;二是书话与书评之间有些区别,因为常有朋友问,你怎么不写书评.书评有一定的模式,必须将一本书从作者、内容、背景、意义以及不足等讲清说透,对此,自己感到力不从心,对这种有模式的东西并不太喜欢.书话则不然,它可以漫谈,较随意,可以写些不太重要或看似不太重要的边角.如能小中见大,再好不过,等而下之,能讲出一点不为人所知,或至少不为大多数人所知的事,也就能够交待.  相似文献   

The Maudsley and more recent family‐based therapy manualised approaches are positioned by some as the gold standard, evidence‐based therapy for adolescent anorexia nervosa (AN). However, a significant proportion of adolescents and their families either discontinue this therapy and/or find that it simply does not work for them. These adolescents and families are under‐represented in the literature on therapeutic interventions for adolescent AN. This paper begins to address this gap with an in‐depth qualitative case study that explores the lived experience of Maudsley family therapy (MFT)/family‐based therapy (FBT) for one female adolescent (age 14 years) and her family over the period of 3 years (ages 11–14). Although initially handing over the responsibility for her eating was comforting and reinstated a sense of control in the family system, these experiences were not maintained. When she did not progress past the first phase of FBT, she and her family experienced the approach as blaming. She felt silenced and family alliances were weakened. This paper analyses how the family members negotiated and preserved their identities within this disabling context.  相似文献   

从技术和管理上阐述了小城镇节水的措施,并详细介绍了工业、居民生活和市政设施方面的节水方法,最后提出了城镇预备水资源的合理开发。  相似文献   

小城镇青年的消费行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对苏南谏壁镇进行的实地调查,从消费需要、消费观念、消费选择和消费情感四个方面描述该镇青年居民的消费行为状况,并从社会学视角加以分析.研究结果显示,苏南小城镇青年的消费行为在以上四个方面呈现理性化特征,与以往研究发现的城市青年消费行为的特点存在一定差异.  相似文献   

A major theme in social theory concerns the transformation of social relationships in small communities as a result of modernization. This paper examines changing social relations in some small towns in southeastern Pennsylvania. For several hundred years, the residents of these towns have continuously developed institutions to preserve their local identity and maintain personal relations at the same time that they are incorporated into larger, regional social systems. The same local institutions and relations, however, are replicated in each small town, suggesting that local and particular interests are expressed through regional institutions. Although focused on a few small towns in one region of the United States, this paper examines the local expression of processes which are global.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines patterns of annexation, including municipal “underbounding,” in nonmetropolitan towns in the South; that is, whether blacks living adjacent to municipalities are systematically excluded from incorporation. Annexation‐or the lack of annexation‐can be a political tool used by municipal leaders to exclude disadvantaged or low‐income populations, including minorities, from voting in local elections and from receiving access to public utilities and other community services. To address this question, we use Tiger files, GIS, and other geographically disaggregated data from the Summary Files of the 1990 and 2000 decennial censuses. Overall, 22.6 percent of the fringe areas “at risk” of annexation in our study communities was African American, while 20.7 percent of the areas that were actually annexed during the 1990s was African American. However, communities with large black populations at the fringe were significantly less likely than other communities to annex at all‐either black or white population. Largely white communities that faced a “black threat”‐which we defined in instances where the county “percent black” was higher than the place “percent black”‐were also less likely to annex black populations during the 1990s. Finally, predominately white communities were much less likely to annex black populations, even when we controlled for the size of the black fringe population at risk of annexation. Such results provide evidence of racial exclusion in small southern towns.  相似文献   

城市是非农产业的集中地,城市化是产业结构高度化和非农产业在空间上聚集的结果,是衡量一个国家经济发展水平高低的重要标准之一.因此,提高城市化水平,着力推进以小城镇为基础的城市化进程,是我国今后一个时期经济发展中的战略任务.然而,在我国现阶段的小城镇建设过程中,还存着不少亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

积极发展小城镇,是我国实现四个现代化的客观需要,研究和解决小城镇发展中的土地利用诸多问题无疑成为当前土地管理的重大课题.在过去很长一段时间里,我国小城镇的发展主要表现在数量的增加和面积的扩张上,小城镇内部用地布局不合理,土地利用率低,而忽视了对土地的科学合理利用,从而影响了小城镇功能的发挥,实际上阻碍了小城镇的发展.本文仅就小城镇土地利用中存在的主要问题及对策作初步探讨.  相似文献   

西部大开发战略的确立,标志着我国区域经济开发的战略重点已由沿海地区逐步转向广大西部地区.小城镇建设作为转移农村剩余劳动力、拉动地区经济增长、传导城市文明的有效载体,在西部大开发的热潮中,有着特殊的地位和意义.因此,本文通过总结东部地区小城镇发展的经验教训探讨如何加快西部小城镇建设,以期为振兴西部地区提供一个启动点.  相似文献   

一、小城镇建设土地利用的"集约化"理念的提出 党的十一届五中全会提出了"积极稳妥地推进城镇化"的方针和"发展小城镇是推进我国城镇化的重要途径"的战略.  相似文献   

刘林 《城市观察》2015,(3):111-116
2010年,浙江省在全国率先开展小城市培育试点,作为首批27个小城市培育试点之一的店口因小城镇建设效果显著而备受关注,本文从钱、地、人、权四个关键方面对小城镇建设的"店口样本"进行综合观察,在此基础上总结店口特色的城镇化经验,为浙江省制定相关城镇化的改革政策以及各地未来新型城镇化的推进提供有益的启示和借鉴。同时,本文还探讨了在店口小城市培育试点新三年行动计划的突破口上,如何实现人口集聚、产业、城市管理的全面整体升级,高质高效的实现向新城的跨越。  相似文献   

从费孝通先生研究"小城镇、大问题"到江泽民总书记提出"小城镇、大战略",加强小城镇发展建设已成为党中央在新世纪推进中国城市化的重大决策之一.  相似文献   

聂静 《交通与港航》2009,23(1):40-41
该文综述了国内小城镇污水处理的现状及存在的问题,分析了小城镇污水处理的特点,介绍了一种适合于小城镇污水处理的厌氧水解——高负荷生物滤池和蚯蚓生态滤池组合新工艺。  相似文献   

发展小城镇在实施城镇化战略中占有重要的地位.城镇化就其实质而言,是在人口的非农化和农村人口的城镇化前提下的经济社会现代化.我国自改革开放以来,从1978年到1999年的21年间,城镇人口增加了2.1亿人,扣除城镇人口自然增长部分,城镇共吸纳农村人口1.4亿人,其中小城镇吸纳了8000万人,约占转移农村人口的57.1%.鉴于我国经济发展水平及制度转型的障碍等实际问题,大中市场吸纳人口的能力大幅度提高有一个较长的过程,因此,发展小城镇作为当前人口城镇化的重要途径,应给予高度的重视.  相似文献   

中世纪的阿拉伯史学著作,不仅卷帙浩繁--保守一点说,也有几百部,而且每部动辄几百万乃至上千万字,难怪一些史书干脆把名字叫"大历史".就阿拉伯通史著作而言,如果有人搞一个"Top10"这样的排行榜,伊本@凯西尔的《始末录》应该榜上有名.这除了因为它在阿拉伯史学史中占有重要地位,还因为它在后世史学著作的参考文献和注释中出现频率很高.  相似文献   

任何事物发展都有着自身规律,小城镇发展也不例外.以地生财只是小城镇发展的外部因素,离开工业化时代资本、土地、人力等生产要素市场发展的内在推动力,脱离小城镇的力所能及的综合经济实力,单纯指望以地生财做大小城镇,建起的有可能是沙滩上的楼阁,而且很可能因为迫于建设资金短缺的压力去追逐土地利润的最大化,从而提高了农民进小城镇的门槛,把大部分农民拒之于小城镇门外,结果是以地生财建了镇,又以地生财关了门.  相似文献   

在小城镇建设过程中,由于历史欠账较多,城市建设资金匮乏是一个非常普遍的问题。本文以浙江省小城市培育试点镇为例,重点分析试点镇的建设资金来源和资金用途,资金匮乏的主要原因是城市建设资金来源的单一性和投资需求过大。解决试点镇城市建设的资金问题必须坚持"开源节流",不仅要拓宽融资渠道,而且更要注重城市建设资金的利用效率,降低城市建设的费效比,避免城市建设过热,让小城市建设回归理性。  相似文献   

This study uses the case of Can Kilçiksiz, an Arab Christian refugee youth from Antioch, Turkey, to argue that globalization may result in fragmented families and subjectivities and can also accelerate processes initiated by modernity and the construction of national identities. Can Kilçiksiz and his siblings now live in Turkey, Germany, France and Finland. His life history suggests that males of Arab Christian origin from Antioch who had access to schooling are more likely to be involved in politics whereas females tend to be drawn to evangelical Christian organizations. The case also suggests that sibling ties might prove more durable in the course of transnational migration than conjugal ties. The case of Can Kilçiksiz shows that the time/space linked to childhood through memory can play an important role in identity construction of subjects circulating in transnational space.  相似文献   

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