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While fertility theories suggest that insecure labor market experiences encourage women to postpone having children, few have examined whether job insecurity perceptions influence fertility in the North American context—an omission we address in the current study. Findings from event history analyses of a panel dataset of Canadian workers (Canadian Work, Stress and Health Study) reveal that perceived job insecurity is salient for women's first birth decisions but not subsequent births. Further subgroup analyses show that the association between perceived job insecurity and likelihood of a first birth is limited to college-educated women and those in low unemployment labor market regions. Among women with less than a college degree and those in high-unemployment regions, the likelihood of a first birth does not vary by respondents' perceptions of insecurity. Results suggest a more nuanced relationship between insecure work and women's childbearing decisions than predicted by traditional pro-cyclical accounts of the economy-fertility association.  相似文献   

Using data from the US Current Population Surveys 2006-2008, I examine the weekly work hours of Mexican immigrants. Mexican immigrant workers on average work 2-4 h less than non-Hispanic whites per week, which contradicts the popular portrait of long immigrant work hours. Four mechanisms to explain this gap are proposed and examined. Results show that the work time disparity between non-Hispanic white and Mexican immigrant workers is explained by differences in human capital, ethnic concentration in the labor market, and selection process into employment. English proficiency has limited effect on work time after location in labor market is specified, while the effect of citizenship status remains robust.  相似文献   

兼职已经成为普遍存在的非典型用工模式,而我国现行立法对兼职劳动的立场比较暧昧,兼职在促进灵活就业同时,由于其缺乏相关的法律规制,也给劳资双方带来了有关兼职劳动者合法权益保护、专利权、商业秘密、竞业禁止等法律风险。为了扬长避短,我国应不断完善兼职劳动关系的相关立法,劳动者和用人单位也应采取措施防范兼职的法律风险,维护自身的合法权益。  相似文献   

Two literatures on work and the labor market draw attention to the importance of non-pecuniary job amenities. Social psychological perspectives on work suggest that workers have preferences for a range of job amenities (e.g. Halaby, 2003). The compensating differentials hypothesis predicts that workers navigate tradeoffs among different job amenities such that wage inequality overstates inequality in utility (Smith, 1979). This paper joins these perspectives by constructing a new measure of labor market success that evaluates the degree to which workers’ job amenity preferences and outcomes match. This measure of subjective success is used to predict workers’ job satisfaction and to test the hypothesis that some degree of labor force inequality in wages is due to preference-based tradeoffs among all job amenities. Findings demonstrate that the new measure predicts workers’ job satisfaction and provides evidence for the presence of compensating differentials in the primary and intermediate, but not secondary, labor markets.  相似文献   

陶友之 《社会科学》2006,2(5):54-60
企业"二元结构",是指在同一企业或单位内存在着两种截然不同的用工制度和劳动制度,从劳动者、劳动岗位、劳动条件、劳动报酬和劳动保障等,分别在两条不同的轨道上运行.形成企业"二元结构"的原因主要有用工和劳动制度改革中的歧区,农村剩余劳动力的大量涌流和企业既得利益团体的形成.应从尊重农民工的合法权利、严格按"劳动法"办事等方面来进行根治.  相似文献   

Because temporary jobs are time-delimited, their implications for workers’ economic security depend not only on their current characteristics, but also their place in longer-term patterns of mobility. Past research has typically asked whether temporary jobs are a bridge to better employment or trap workers in ongoing insecurity, investigating this question by analyzing single transitions. We demonstrate that this approach is ill-suited to assessing the often more complex and turbulent employment patterns characteristic of temporary workers. Our analysis instead employs sequence methods to compare a representative sample of temporary workers’ month-by-month mobility patterns through 8 potential (non)employment states over five years. We derive a typology of trajectories and describe their relative precariousness in relation to employment stability and wage and earnings levels and growth. While some of the pathways correspond quite closely to frameworks used by past research, others reveal new and important distinctions. Multinomial logit models reveal job, employer, and worker characteristics associated with different pathways. Age, gender, and type of temporary work stand out as important factors shaping subsequent mobility patterns.  相似文献   

Continuing employment growth and declining unemployment rates in the U.S. labor force since 1982 have raised new questions about employment quality and shifts between adequate and marginal employment. In this paper, we use an individual-matched file from the 1986 and 1987 March annual demographic supplements of the Current Population Survey to examine 1-year transitions between labor force states measured with the Labor Utilization Framework (LUF). Short-term shifts between nonparticipation, unemployment, underemployment, and adequate employment—as conceived in the LUF—are characterized here for the first time. Our results suggest that the majority of recent job takers found adequate employment, but that new labor force entrants and the previously unemployed nevertheless experienced rates of involuntary part-time and low-wage employment exceeding rates for the labor force as a whole. Association models reveal wideranging differences in patterns of mobility and immobility across labor force positions. We find that upward transitions are largely counterbalanced by downward transitions, essentially yielding a one-to-one exchange of workers between specific pairs of labor force states. The analysis also indicates similarity across sex and race groups in patterns of mobility and only small differences in immobility. Mobility and immobility largely serve to reproduce from year-to-year existing sex and race inequalities in the labor force.  相似文献   

Although the relationship between motherhood and women's labor market exits has received a great deal of popular and empirical attention in recent years, far less is known about the relationship between motherhood and women's job changes. In this paper, I use panel data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1979) (NLSY79) and Cox regression models to examine how motherhood influences the types of job changes and employment exits women make and how this varies by racial-ethnic group. I find preschool-age children are largely immobilizing for white women, as they discourage these women from making the types of voluntary job changes that are often associated with wage growth. No such effects were found for Black or Hispanic women.  相似文献   

新生代农民工就业能力的高低关系到国家经济转型和产业结构升级,通过职业技能培训对提高其就业能力具有重要和深远意义。本文根据调查样本数据,建立Logistic和Stepwise回归模型,在劳动力市场分割视角下分析新生代农民工职业培训选择影响因素并对培训收益率进行研究,发现职业培训对低学历者存在"挤出效应",劳动力市场分割对农民工的培训机会和培训收益方面存在显著影响;与学校教育相比,职业技能培训对新生代农民工收入增长作用仍待进一步提高。据分析,政府必须统筹规划不同劳动力市场的职业技能培训资源,优化配置培训资源;同时,为提高职业培训的效率和效益,必须对免费培训选择性的"提档升级",努力规避培训对低学历的"挤出效应"。  相似文献   

The migration of Latinos to nontraditional settlement areas in the United States is renewing interest in how an established low-skilled work force is affected by the inflow of a minority group whose members tend to have a weak basket of human capital. Some scholars focus on how the incoming group creates head-to-head competition with established workers. An alternative view posits that, depending on the context of the receiving labor market, incoming workers may primarily fill roles that complement preexisting labor market arrangements. I study these issues in the region of the country that has experienced the most pronounced in-migration of Latinos during the past few years. The findings indicate migrating Latinos tend to complement preexisting labor market conditions rather than spark job competition and undercut the earning power of non-Latinos.  相似文献   

The commitment to farm has been regarded as dependent primarily on the farm′s financial viability, from which standpoint submarginal and part-time farms continue to survive only because of income derived from a nonfarm job. The significance of the relative conditions and rewards of farm and nonfarm work for the satisfactions and relative commitments to different jobs, although often recognized, have been rarely analyzed. This study examines hypotheses that satisfaction with, and commitments to, farm and to nonfarm work are socially constructed from the institutional and organizational conditions of work. Analysis of data from a male, part-time, farmer sample reveals that commitment to, and satisfaction with, farming is primarily contingent on the intrinsically rewarding aspects of both farm and nonfarm work. Satisfaction with farming is primarily dependent on the intrinsic rewards of farming activity alone, but this relationship is enhanced as the status of the part-time farmer′s nonfarm job rises. As is typical of "hobby farms," farm performance measures - gross sales and net farm income - are less important to the fanning commitments of part-time than of farmers in general. Part-time farmers′ satisfactions with, and commitments to, their nonfarm jobs are constrained by the intrinsic rewards derived from farming even as they are strengthened by the intrinsic and economic rewards of the nonfarm job. The spouse′s involvement in farming, or lack of it, as well as the farmer′s age and education moderate his commitment to farming, thereby enhancing his commitment to the nonfarm job.  相似文献   

The impact of labor demand on the decline in labor force participation of older males too young to qualify for Social Security is often acknowledged but seldom measured or incorporated into models of retirement. Using data from Current Population Survey March Demographic files and the periodic employment dislocation supplements, a series of cause-eliminated increment–decrement work life tables captures the impact of employment dislocation and early (before age 65) pension receipt on the employment of older males in a simple overall summary measure: expected work life. Employment dislocation and being offered an early pension are two of the most obvious manifestations of shifts in labor demand that can affect the labor force withdrawal of older males. Consistent with earlier research, I find early pension receipt to be an important factor in early labor force withdrawal but, in addition, employment dislocation has a sizeable direct impact on labor force participation. The findings suggest that employment dislocation and other, yet unmeasured, labor demand factors need to be incorporated into models of retirement.  相似文献   

杨怀印  史册 《学术探索》2014,(5):152-156
美国社区就业是得到国际普遍认可的大学生择业模式,其特点就是立法、政府(教育、劳动就业管理部门)与学校、社区的合作促进就业的制度设计。其中鼓励在校学生积极参与社区志愿服务的就业预备模式的实质,就是规避市场经济条件下的"毕业即失业"现象,使得教育和劳动就业部门、学校、社区和学生群体形成共同自由择业的合力。与美国不同,我国现行劳动预备制度排除了高校毕业生,特点是通过劳动技能培训、发证,促使初、高中毕业生走进劳动力市场。但自2004年高校扩招后,"毕业即失业"或毕业后滞后待业现象越来越呈现规模化。如何走出高校毕业生的择业困局,美国的社区就业模式值得借鉴。  相似文献   

在单位制度的基础上依附于国家的传统工人阶级,其计划体制中的权利被剥夺,同时市场体制中的权利远未兑现,利益受损的工人以集体抗争的形式来表达自身强烈的不满,在此过程中工人阶级开始获得自主性的权利意识并成为劳工力量重建的重要资源。劳工力量重建既是一个工人阶级的内部整合过程,也是一个工人与国家之间关系重构的过程,而两者的相遇则孕育着国家制度成长的契机。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the skill divide in job quality and the role of social institutions in structuring the relation of workers’ qualifications to the attributes of their jobs. Four measures of job quality are examined: job security, job achievement, job content and work schedule flexibility. The study is based on the 2005 ISSP module on work orientations and encompasses 28 countries. Obtained through multilevel modeling, the findings show that low-skilled workers are disadvantaged in all aspects of job quality. However, skill inequality in the quality of employment depends on countries’ characteristics, with declining inequality in countries at higher levels of technological development and to some extent also in times of technological growth. At times of high unemployment, skill disparities in job security widen while on other measures of job quality they decline. Under high market regulation, the low skilled enjoy better job security but on other measures, skill inequalities increase.  相似文献   

Applying a multi-level framework to the data from the European Social Survey’s Round 3 (2006) and Round 6 (2012), we assessed the crisis by increases in rates of unemployment, while also controlling for countries’ pre-crisis economic conditions. We found a positive relationship between depression and an increase in national unemployment rates. This relationship can be only partly ascribed to an increase in the number of unemployed and those employed in nonstandard job conditions—with the exception of the self-employed and women working part-time. The crisis effect is more pronounced among men and those between 35 and 49 years of age. Moreover, in strongly effected countries, the crisis has changed the relationship between part-time work and depression, between depression and certain subcategories of the unemployed (looking for a job or not looking), and between depression and the non-employed.  相似文献   

杜建华 《兰州学刊》2005,(4):229-231
当前受劳动力市场中的诸多矛盾及体制性弊端的影响,我国的劳动力就业面临着内部阻力和外部压力,劳动力的就业问题成为影响我国经济发展的突出问题.要妥善解决这一问题,就要求我们实施积极的就业政策,通过创造就业机会、转换就业结构、深化劳动就业体制改革、提高劳动者素质等措施,从根本上提高我国劳动力的就业能力,从而促进我国劳动力的顺利就业与再就业.  相似文献   

农村工业化过程中社区劳动力市场建设与女性劳动力转移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村工业化过程中 ,早期的农村社区劳动力市场使妇女在本社区内部实现了工业就业和工资就业。随着市场化进程的发展和乡镇企业经济效益的下降 ,使得农村社区劳动力市场不再对妇女宽容 ,这导致妇女就业过程中遇到更多的障碍和约束。本研究就是在这样的背景下 ,试图从分析农村女性实现本地非农就业、平等进入农村社区劳动力市场的障碍出发 ,提出促进女性劳动力平等转移的对策和公共政策选择  相似文献   

就业是民生之本。农民工问题的核心是农民工就业问题,农民工就业问题的实质是就业歧视。消除就业歧视、实现平等就业是"推动实现更高质量就业"的题中应有之义。进入21世纪以来,我国农民工政策已经趋向相对公平,但是农民工就业歧视问题至今依然没有得到有效解决。我国农民工在就业准入、从事行业、劳动工资、居住条件、工作环境、工作时间、社会保障和职业发展方面遭遇到了歧视性对待。农民工就业歧视产生的原因主要在用人单位、政府和社会三个方面。要消除农民工就业歧视,用人单位必须转变对农民工的歧视观念,规范劳动用工管理制度。政府需要建立健全农民工信息服务平台,完善农民工就业服务体系;加强劳动保障监察,发挥企业工会职能;建立和完善相关法律法规,加大行政执法力度;逐步改革户籍制度,健全社会保障制度。社会各界共同努力,逐步消除社会歧视。  相似文献   

As female labor force participation increases globally, the relationship between maternal employment and children's development remains unclear. Using data from the India Human Development Survey (2005), we investigate the link between maternal employment and children's arithmetic and reading achievement. We develop a work pattern typology that goes beyond standard measures of employment and captures work intensity and its compatibility with child-rearing in a transitional economy. We find that the relationship between maternal employment and children's outcomes is not unidimensional. For example, children of self-employed mothers are not disadvantaged compared to those with stay-at-home mothers, but maternal employment in salaried jobs or wage work outside the home is negatively associated with cognitive skills in children. However, this negative association is reversed at higher levels of maternal education, suggesting greater access to resources and flexibility associated with better jobs mitigate the negative aspects of maternal employment posed by time constraints. Additionally, maternal employment is associated with maternal involvement in schoolwork and financial investment in academic activities, providing evidence that both time and resources devoted to children's education are significant.  相似文献   

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