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Women entered the paid workforce in unprecedented numbers during the 20th century. Yet recent years have been witness to a creeping reversal in women's labor force participation. Why did the revolution stall? In response to debates over a “natural” limit to women's employment, or a cultural backlash against the dual-breadwinner household, we consider an alternative explanation, namely whether immigration has slowed the growth in female labor force participation. Using CPS data from 1998 to 2018, we show that the increase in the share of immigrants and children of immigrants in the population has reduced overall female labor force participation. However, immigration accounts for relatively little of the retreat from the labor force. Instead, the compositional effect of population change is overshadowed by behavioral shifts that affect both natives and immigrants. Lower participation rates among native-born women accounts for most of the overall decline. Despite persistent differences, we also find substantial convergence in the labor force behavior of native-born and foreign-born women, which bodes well for the long-term economic incorporation of immigrants and their children.  相似文献   

建国以后,我们的党和政府领导人十分重视提高妇女的法律地位,先后颁布了很多法律法规,对妇女的各种权利、义务、利益等都做出了明确规定。我国妇女获得了参与国家事务管理的权利,并分阶段地参与到国家事务管理当中,这是我国妇女参政上的一个突破。介绍了建国后我国妇女参政的历程,分析了当前我国妇女参政的现状及原因。应完善目前相关体制,提高我国女性参政比例及参政能力。  相似文献   

This study uses retrospective work history data from CGSS 2008 and employs group-based trajectory analysis to model the diverse employment trajectories of cohorts of urban Chinese women (born in the 1940s–1970s) during young adulthood (age 20–35). We identify ideal-types of urban women's employment trajectories and explore traits associated with each group type. In particular, we examine whether and how the timing of marriage and fertility as well as socioeconomic background help to distinguish patterns of women's labor force attachment in young adulthood. We also examine how these patterns change across cohorts given China's rapid social transformations in the past few decades. We find that delaying family formation is generally associated with more consistent work attachment, but this relationship is also largely associated with one's socioeconomic background. Our results reveal significant cohort variations in the shape of women's employment trajectories and we discuss how institutional and cultural contexts of different historical periods could have shaped family formation and employment processes differently. Our findings highlight the heterogeneity of urban women's work and family formation patterns in the context of rising gender inequalities and rapid socioeconomic transformation over time.  相似文献   

While fertility theories suggest that insecure labor market experiences encourage women to postpone having children, few have examined whether job insecurity perceptions influence fertility in the North American context—an omission we address in the current study. Findings from event history analyses of a panel dataset of Canadian workers (Canadian Work, Stress and Health Study) reveal that perceived job insecurity is salient for women's first birth decisions but not subsequent births. Further subgroup analyses show that the association between perceived job insecurity and likelihood of a first birth is limited to college-educated women and those in low unemployment labor market regions. Among women with less than a college degree and those in high-unemployment regions, the likelihood of a first birth does not vary by respondents' perceptions of insecurity. Results suggest a more nuanced relationship between insecure work and women's childbearing decisions than predicted by traditional pro-cyclical accounts of the economy-fertility association.  相似文献   

The transition into motherhood is often associated with a reduction in women's labor force participation, reinforcing gender employment hierarchies. Our study compares women's employment status and paid work time prior to and following birth among immigrants and native-borns in Australia. We also consider how these outcomes differ by generation status and racial and ethnic background. Australia provides a valuable context to understand these outcomes given its skilled migration policy, racial and ethnic diversity, limited childcare and family leave policies, and high rates of part-time work among mothers. We examine longitudinal data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) for women from 2001 to 2016. We find that migrant women show lower employment levels and commensurate work hours than native-borns prior to childbirth. After childbirth, migrant mothers maintain lower employment levels, but higher work hours than native-born mothers. Overall, we find that relative to native-borns, migrant women typically experience a smaller reduction in employment and work hours following childbirth, but some of this is likely due to their lower starting position prior to childbirth. Our findings have implications for skilled immigration policies and highlights the unique work-family pressures facing immigrant and native-born women.  相似文献   

物权与债权是民法财产体系中的两大财产权。在我国物权法制定的过程中,首要解决的是物权与债权的区分问题,这不仅关系到民法典日后物权编的修订,更多的是关系到物权法体系的构建。物权与债权相伴而存,虽有紧密的联系,但在性质、客体、内容、设定、期限上又体现出来及其差异化的特点。本文重点对这两类权利进行比较以及讨论物权债权化或债权物权化之优化的问题。物权与债权的区分与融合,有助于我们正确对两者进行类型化整理,有助于立法的完善和民法学研究中复杂问题的解决。  相似文献   

This paper examines the outcomes of individual abuse claims filed against states under the First Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as decided by the Human Rights Committee (HRC). Results from selection models that account for a country’s initial decision to join the Optional Protocol and an individual’s subsequent decision to file a complaint under it show that the substantive nature of complaints were more determinative of HRC outcomes than were country-level characteristics. Claims relating to due process rights, civil liberties, and political freedoms most often resulted in violations, whereas claims pertaining to discrimination, suffrage rights, and the rights of women and children were much less successful. Only two country-level characteristics robustly affected HRC outcomes, net of rights claims: democratizing countries were found in violation at higher rates than were other countries, while violation rates declined as a function of aggregate wealth.  相似文献   

Although the relationship between motherhood and women's labor market exits has received a great deal of popular and empirical attention in recent years, far less is known about the relationship between motherhood and women's job changes. In this paper, I use panel data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1979) (NLSY79) and Cox regression models to examine how motherhood influences the types of job changes and employment exits women make and how this varies by racial-ethnic group. I find preschool-age children are largely immobilizing for white women, as they discourage these women from making the types of voluntary job changes that are often associated with wage growth. No such effects were found for Black or Hispanic women.  相似文献   

文化权利是公民在社会中生存与发展的自然权利,公共图书馆是是民主政府为保障公民的文化权利而作出的制度安排,在保障与实现公民的文化权利方面具有其它机构所无法替代的重要作用。目前,我国公共图书馆事业发展的实然现状,远远不能够满足人们日益增长的文化需求。为此,政府应该积极履行所承担的公共文化职能,重视建设公共图书馆服务体系,努力促进公民文化权益的保障与实现。  相似文献   

刘萍 《齐鲁学刊》2012,(5):100-106
社会管理创新的重要价值目标是建设法治社会。随着中国社会的转型和发展,需要不断提高社会管理的民主化和法治化水平。应以保障人权、公平正义、民主参与和权力制约的法治理念为导引,进一步完善民生民权保障的法制;加强依法行政,完善行政法制模式;强化公众民主参与机制;加强基层民主自治,培育和发展社会主义公民社会;健全多元化的公民权利救济机制,拓展法院的司法功能。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the state on participation in human rights international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) from 1966 through 2006, using random effects negative binomial models. Civic participation in human rights INGOs is not responsive to human rights abuses of the state, but is affected by the institutional environment provided by the state. Two intertwined dimensions within the state, democracy and state capacity, are found to be important in explaining cross-national variation in this participation. Strong state capacity magnifies the effect of democracy. A strong democratic state generates the most favorable condition. A strong but authoritarian state, however, is the most unfavorable, because it has both the motive and the capacity to restrain its citizens’ global civic engagement. In contrast, an authoritarian but weak state lacks adequate capacity to intervene, and thus tolerates more participation than its strong counterpart. Over time differential participation across different types of states has not been diminished. This study reveals the role of the state in mediating between local citizens and global civil society, and develops a state-centered explanation for unequal participation in human rights INGOs across countries.  相似文献   

This paper investigates Mexican immigrant incorporation by examining labor force participation and schooling among Mexican-origin adolescents in the United States. Theoretical perspectives on immigrant incorporation, labor migration-related cultural repertoires and adolescent development considered together imply that studying ethnoracial differences in schooling among adolescents without taking work into account can yield mis-leading pictures of Mexican-origin non-high school completion patterns, thus hampering the assessment of incorporation theories. To avoid this, we analyze Mexican-origin generational differences in the relationship between schooling and workforce participation among adolescents compared to non-Hispanic whites and blacks. Using micro-data from the 2000 US Census, we find that Mexican immigrant boys who are not enrolled in school are more likely to be in the workforce, and conversely that those who are enrolled in school are much less likely to be in the workforce, compared to whites and blacks. Such relative differences in school/work specialization, as predicted, diminish across Mexican-origin generations. Moreover, based on supplementary analyses, we find similar patterns for a cohort of young adults who failed to complete high school during the 1990s. Overall, the results are consistent with the idea that cultural orientations growing out of the nature and experience of Mexican labor migration are important for assessing school enrollment patterns among Mexican-origin youth and for gauging their implications for educational policy and immigrant-group incorporation.  相似文献   

Women remain underrepresented in the STEM workforce. We assess explanations for women's underrepresentation in STEM jobs, focusing on a cohort that came of age in the 1980s and 1990s, when women dramatically increased their representation in the scientific labor force. Data are from the NLSY79, and our analysis focuses on members of this cohort who received a college degree, with an emphasis on those who completed a degree in a STEM field. Our analyses test the extent to which college major, expectations to work in STEM, and family expectations shaped transitions into STEM occupations within two years of degree completion. Among those majoring in STEM fields there were no gender differences in transitioning into STEM jobs, though there were sizable differences in transitions to STEM employment by field of study. Of note are gender differences in associations between family expectations and transitions into STEM employment. The most career oriented women, who expected to marry late and limit fertility, were no more likely to enter STEM jobs than were women who anticipated marrying young and having two or more children. The men most likely to enter STEM occupations, in contrast, adhered to significantly more conventional gender ideologies than their female counterparts, expecting to marry at younger ages but also to remain childless. Results of our regression decomposition indicated that marriage and family expectations and gender ideology worked in opposite directions for men and women. Nonetheless, the majority of the gender disparity in transitions into STEM jobs was related to women's underrepresentation in engineering and computer science fields of study.  相似文献   

Using multi-level models, the analysis examines female employment and child stunting across 49 developing countries. At the country level, female labor force participation is not associated with malnutrition after controlling for economic development. At the individual level, a binary measure of employment is not significantly associated with malnutrition. However, a more nuanced measure of seven occupational categories shows that certain types of employment improve malnutrition. Professional, clerical, sales, and domestic jobs are associated with reduced stunting. These effects are only partially mediated by wealth, perhaps suggesting that some jobs may bring benefits to the household beyond the sheer acquisition of tangible resources. Agricultural jobs are associated with increased malnutrition. Manual labor and service work do not have an effect on malnutrition, compared to unemployment. Thus, women's employment is not necessarily a mechanism for empowerment and wellbeing. Not all jobs are created equal, and many of them do not confer the benefits that are typically associated with working outside the home.  相似文献   

劳动者的个人信息权是指劳动者对由用人单位收集或存储的,能够反映劳动者特征的具有可识别性的符号系统所享有的知悉、控制并排除他人侵害的权利。在劳动关系中劳动者处于弱势地位,其个人信息权受到用人单位知情权的制约,极易受到用人单位的侵害。劳动者的个人信息权义务主体为用人单位,内容与劳动合同的订立、履行或解除具有一定的相关性,由此可将其归属于劳动权范畴。通过劳动权救济模式比一般私权的救济模式更能保护劳动者的个人信息权。在此框架下,确立遵循利益衡量、最小损害、倾斜保护劳动者为劳动者个人信息权救济三原则。在责任构成要件上,主要考察侵权事实、侵害后果以及二者之间的因果关系,弱化对用人单位主观过错的要求。同时考虑到劳资双方的地位减轻劳动者的举证责任,完善行政投诉、劳动仲裁及劳动争议等多元救济途径,从实质上保障劳动者的个人信息权。  相似文献   

Early – or childmarriage (before age 18) may diminish women's ability to exercise agency, or their capacity to act upon their goals. Using a propensity score adjustment approach, we analyzed data from 2394 married women ages 35–49 years who participated in the 2006 Egypt Labor Market Panel Survey (ELMPS). We examined whether women's first marriage at age 18 or older was associated with their post-marital agency, measured in terms of their influence in family decisions, freedom of movement in public spaces, and unfavorable views about intimate partner violence against wives. In bivariate analyses, women's age at first marriage was positively associated with their decision-making and more equitable gender attitudes. However, once we controlled for selection into age-at-first-marriage groups, there were no significant differences between the two age-at-first-marriage groups in any dimension of women's agency. We examined the sensitivity of the non-significant age-at-first-marriage effects to possible violations of the strong ignorability assumption and the results did not alter our conclusions. The assumption that women's age at first marriage is a proxy for their post-marital agency, as defined here, warrants further study.  相似文献   

中国大学生是否享有劳动权的争论是学界热议但悬而未决的课题。中国宪法及劳动法律规范分析可以推演出的基本性结论是:中国大学生具备劳动者基础法理特征。针对实然法上的中国大学生劳动权益相关法律规范存在缺失的困境,对比大陆法系与英美法系相关法律规范,应以非全日制用工对中国大学生劳动行为进行界定。中国大学生享有劳动权益的落实需要对大学生劳动合同订立的形式、合同的期限、劳动工时制度、劳动条件等基本法律问题进行厘清。  相似文献   

当前,丰富精神文化生活愈益成为人民群众的热切期盼,让文化惠泽民生也成为党和国家的重要战略任务.因此,民生不仅是指物质层面的民生,而且包括文化层面的民生.文化民生是民生的丰富和发展,是更高层次的民生.这些文化民生思想在马克思、恩格斯的文本和中共领导人的著作和讲话中得到了充分体现.而文化民生有着多方面内容,即优质文化产品和文化服务的供给,人民群众精神信仰和理想信念的塑造,以及人民群众文化权利的实现.在新时期,满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化需求,大力推进文化民生建设,就需要以科学发展观为指导,通过构建良性的文化生态加以保障,并把文化生产力作为其动力源泉.  相似文献   

空间批评关注空间的社会文化等属性。波·马歇尔的《棕色姑娘,棕色砖房》分别从景观空间、社会空间和个体空间三个角度真实呈现黑人女性追寻自我发展空间的心路历程。  相似文献   

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