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性别因素对脆弱儿童的长期照顾的影响主要体现在以下方面:第一,在父死母嫁的情况下,女孩更容易被带入新的家庭,融入新的家庭中,成为其成员;而男孩则更容易被留在原生家庭中,形成与祖父母之间的隔代抚养关系。第二,在收养方面,女孩更容易被收养从而进入正常的家庭环境。以上这些状况的形成与亚洲地区男孩的性别偏好有非常重要的关系,这对于目前的社会福利政策与社会照顾体系提出了新的要求,需要采取一系列的措施与政策。如:通过现有的社会救助体系对祖父母—孙子女的隔代抚养关系给予支持与照顾;充分发挥社区作用,为脆弱儿童提供支持与保护;充分发挥儿童福利院的作用,为脆弱儿童提供专业支持和心理、情感指导,与家庭、社区相结合,共同为脆弱儿童的成长提供支持。  相似文献   

Using longitudinal data from 769 white adolescents in the Midwest, this research applies a social structure and personality perspective to examine variation in self-esteem and mastery trajectories by gender and SES across the high school years. Analyses reveal that high SES adolescents experience significantly steeper gains in self-esteem and mastery compared to low SES adolescents, resulting in the reversal of SES differences in self-esteem and the emergence of significant SES differences in mastery. Pre-existing gender differences in self-esteem narrow between the 9th and 12th grade because self-esteem increases at a faster rate among girls than boys during high school. These SES and gender differences in self-concept growth are explained by changes in parent-adolescent relationship quality and stress exposure. Specifically, boys and adolescents with lower SES backgrounds experienced steeper declines in parent-adolescent relationship quality and steeper gains in chronic work strain compared to girls and low SES adolescents, respectively.  相似文献   

将青年置于时代变革的社会坐标中,深入分析青年代际特征的新变化,揭示青年成才成长的新需求,把握青年发展的时代脉搏,这既是中国共产党自成立以来一以贯之的重要现实命题,也是习近平青年观对新时代背景下青年本质的科学把握、对青年成才成长规律的深刻揭示。习近平青年观体现了时代特征、中国国情、青年实际的辩证统一,既遵循了青年身心发展的客观规律和个性特点,又指明了青年成才成长的努力方向,为新时代中国特色社会主义事业注入绵绵不绝的动力源泉。  相似文献   

Scholars have linked neighborhood characteristics to self-efficacy, but few have considered how gender factors into this association. We integrate literature on neighborhoods, gender stratification, and self-efficacy to examine the association between women's relative resources among neighborhood residents and adolescents' self-efficacy. We hypothesize that girls report more self-efficacy when they reside in neighborhoods where women have more socioeconomic resources relative to men. We test this hypothesis using data from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods and the 1990 Census. Results from multilevel regression models with gender-interacted effects indicate the neighborhood level of women's relative resources was not associated with boys' self-efficacy. However, girls reported higher self-efficacy when women's relative resources in their neighborhoods were greater. This association persisted after including potential individual- and neighborhood-level confounding variables. Our study underscores the importance of attending to gendered processes when understanding how neighborhoods impact youth.  相似文献   

Despite India's substantial investments in primary schooling, gaps in schooling persist across gender and caste—with scheduled caste and scheduled tribe (SC/ST) girls being particularly disadvantaged. The representation of SC/ST women in state legislatures may help to mitigate this disadvantage. Specifically, because of her intersecting gender and caste/tribe identities, a SC/ST woman legislator might maintain a strong sense of solidarity especially with SC/ST girls and women, and support legislative policies benefitting SC/ST girls. Consequently, for this reason, we expect that living in a district where SC/ST women represent in state legislatures in a higher proportion may increase SC/ST girls' primary school completion, progression and performance. We tested this hypothesis using district-level data between 2000 and 2004 from the Indian Election Commission, the 2004/5 India Human Development Survey, and the Indian Census of 2001. As expected, the representation of SC/ST women in state legislatures was positively associated with SC/ST girls' grade completion and age-appropriate grade progression but was apparent not SC/ST girls' primary-school performance. SC/ST women's representation in state legislatures may reduce gender-caste gaps in primary-school attainment in India.  相似文献   

This study builds on and extends previous research on nativity variations in adolescent health and risk behavior by addressing three questions: (1) whether and how generational status and age at migration are associated with timing of sexual onset among U.S. adolescents; (2) whether and how family instability mediates associations between nativity and sexual debut; and (3) whether and how these associations vary by gender. We find that first- and second-generation immigrant youth initiate sexual activity later than native youth. Foreign-born youth who migrate after the start of adolescence exhibit the latest sexual onset; boys’ sexual behavior is particularly sensitive to age at migration. Parental union stability is protective for first- and second-generation youth, especially boys; however, instability in co-residence with parents accelerates sexual debut for foreign-born girls, and dilutes protections from parental marital stability. Use of a non-English language at home delays sexual onset for immigrant girls, but not boys.  相似文献   

农民合作社理事长的社会资本指标体系的建立是相关研究的基础。本文在对农民合作社理事长的社会资本相关研究进行综述的基础上,界定了理事长社会资本的概念,采用社会资本经典三维度划分方法,以农民合作社为组织边界,对理事长的社会网络进行分析,选取了合作社理事长社会资本各维度的衡量指标,构建了理事长社会资本指标体系。  相似文献   

Grounded in the research on the important role of social structures in forming gender inequalities, this study examines the effect of occupational attributes on the gender earnings gap over four decades. Using the IPUMS-USA from 1970 to 2010, the paper shows that occupational attributes cannot be reduced to the aggregate attributes of their individual incumbents. Rather, the effect of occupations on the gender earnings gap goes far beyond both the distributive role of occupational segregation and the effect of individual wage-related characteristics. Furthermore, occupations not only explain a significant portion of net gender pay gaps, but have also contributed to the narrowing of the gaps over the past several decades, as occupational attributes that favor women's pay have become more dominant over time.  相似文献   

The Moving to Opportunity (MTO) program offered public housing residents in distressed communities a chance to move to low-poverty neighborhoods. The present study examined whether the resulting decline in neighborhood poverty led to lower levels of exposure to danger among children and youth ages 8-19 years old (n = 4606), and specifically, if there was a gender difference that matched the pattern of more beneficial program effects for girls and more adverse affects for boys. The study goes beyond previous research by using fixed effects to control for family factors that may influence moving behavior and confound estimates of gender differences in program impacts. Results showed that children experienced a decline in exposure to danger, with one key gender difference. Models based on brother-sister comparisons indicated that MTO had a more beneficial impact on exposure to drug activity for females than males. The findings suggest that neighborhood poverty is tied to children’s exposure to danger. Moreover, exposure to drug activity may help explain the gender differences in impacts on children’s mental health and risky behavior.  相似文献   

以马克思主义方法论来考察人口流动问题,就是坚持用唯物史观和唯物辩证法来观察现实,是研究我国农民工回流问题的重要理论工具。人口学、经济学分别从人口迁移、劳动力配置的视角出发来研究人口流动问题,却都存在着明显的局限性。农民工回流的诸多影响因素中户籍制度障碍、政府的政策效应、城镇和农村经济形势的变化、工资待遇和工作环境等是农民工回流的外部社会原因,年龄、受教育程度、婚姻状况、性别、健康状况、技能和家庭事件等是农民工回流的个体原因,农民工回流即是这两种因素交织作用的结果。在社会个体化的时代背景下,回流是农民工自主性的一种体现。虽然城乡户籍制度的二元区隔在很大程度上造成了农民工的回流,但是城市经济社会发展的特殊阶段以及农民工对现实的考量才是回流产生的根本原因。主动回流与被动回流给农村社区带来的影响是不同的,如何将这种农民工回流的能量转化为推动乡村发展的动力与智力,需要制度扶持和政策引导。  相似文献   

企业承担必要的社会责任是企业自身伦理道德的内在要求。肺炎疫情这一重大突发公共卫生事件给中国及世界经济造成了极大的冲击和影响,这就更需要中小企业在这个特殊时期肩负起更大的社会责任。梳理了企业社会责任的相关文献,并从社会、员工、消费者、供应商等维度研究了中小企业在重大突发公共卫生事件时期应当承担的社会责任。  相似文献   

Though many studies have suggested that social and behavioral skills play a central role in gender stratification processes, we know little about the extent to which these skills affect gender gaps in academic achievement. Analyzing data from the Early Child Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort, we demonstrate that social and behavioral skills have substantively important effects on academic outcomes from kindergarten through fifth grade. Gender differences in the acquisition of these skills, moreover, explain a considerable fraction of the gender gap in academic outcomes during early elementary school. Boys get roughly the same academic return to social and behavioral skills as their female peers, but girls begin school with more advanced social and behavioral skills and their skill advantage grows over time. While part of the effect may reflect an evaluation process that rewards students who better conform to school norms, our results imply that the acquisition of social and behavioral skills enhances learning as well. Our results call for a reconsideration of the family and school-level processes that produce gender gaps in social and behavioral skills and the advantages they confer for academic and later success.  相似文献   

A mounting body of empirical studies demonstrates that first-generation immigrant children have a lower level of delinquency and crime but second and third-plus generations report a precipitous increase in these behaviors. Adopting a social network approach, we analyzed the behavioral and structural characteristics of children’s friendship networks across the first, second, and third-plus immigrant generations, and investigated the mediating role of these friendship traits in explaining generational disparity. Our results reveal that children’s friendship networks differ in structural (e.g., popularity) and behavioral features (e.g., network deviance) across immigrant generations. These friendship features, particularly network peer deviance, the percentage of second-generation friends, and children’s popularity mediate the association between immigrant generational status and children’s delinquency. Extending previous research, our study highlights the importance of applying the social network approach to understand delinquency disparity across immigrant generations and suggests that the composition of friendship networks play an important role in immigrant children’s delinquency involvement.  相似文献   

未成年人违法犯罪是当今严重影响我国社会治安的重要社会现象,如何预防和控制未成年人犯罪已经成为世界各国乃至国际社会关注的重大问题。结合我国实际,提高构建我国未成年人犯罪防控体系的理念,明晰构建我国未成年人犯罪防控体系的原则,追寻构建我国未成年人犯罪防控体系的途径,形成未成年人犯罪防控的有效机制,是我们预防和减少未成年人犯罪的应有之义和实践之要。  相似文献   

The method of delineating urban social areas devised by Shevky and Bell-that of social area analysis-has been seen by several writers as offering a promising framework for the areal analysis of delinquency rates and in consequence it has been adopted in many recent empirical studies. It is contended here that several fundamental conceptual and procedural problems are involved in using the Shevky and Bell framework and these remain as yet unresolved; that those researchers who have used the method have tended to do so uncritically; and finally that very often this approach has served to confuse rather than increase our understanding of the social patterning of delinquency.  相似文献   

Decades of research illuminates how status beliefs about socially significant characteristics, like gender, fundamentally alter expectations about individual's competence and worth. This process biases opportunity structures and resource distributions, thereby recreating social inequalities in a self-fulfilling fashion. Many social and organizational policies attempt to reduce inequality by increasing disadvantaged groups' access to valued rewards, such as prestigious alma maters, awards, and valued positions. In addition to meaningfully increasing resources, the status these rewards convey should also theoretically increase the status of the particular people who come to possess them. To know whether inversions to reward structures reduce social inequality, however, we must first demonstrate that the status value of rewards alone is an effective intervention. In an experimental test of interventions to gender status inequality, reward markers with relatively higher or lower status value were consistently or inconsistently associated with the gender of the participants' task partners. Results indicate that rewards intervened in the groups' gendered status hierarchy as participants were more likely to be influenced by their partners' rewards than their gender.  相似文献   

马克思的社会革命思想最早起源于两个转变时期,它开启了批判资本主义现代性的先河.从起源看,社会革命思想构成了现代性批判理论的渊源.这一思想的产生,一方面是马克思自身思想发展的内在需要,另一方面是对当时社会外在环境的理论回应.从内容看,社会革命思想实现了对资本主义现代性的扬弃,具体包括:严格区分政治革命和社会革命、解释社会革命的本质是实现人的解放、揭示社会变革的主体力量是无产阶级、阐明革命阶级与革命思想之间的辩证关系.归根到底,马克思的社会革命思想中蕴含的现代性批判理念为社会主义现代化建设提供了有益的理论指导.这些思想为当代中国跨越资本主义现代性陷阱,开辟中国特色社会主义现代化道路提供了宝贵的经验.  相似文献   

Residential mobility is a common experience among Americans, especially children. Most previous research finds residential mobility has negative effects on children's educational attainment, delinquency, substance abuse, and physical and mental health. Previous research, however, does not fully explore whether the effect of mobility differs by child race/ethnicity, in part because many of the samples used for these studies were majority white or exclusively non-white or disadvantaged. In addition, previous research rarely fully accounts for factors that predict selection into mobility and that may also be related to the outcome of interest. This study simultaneously addresses both of these limitations by estimating the effect of moving homes on children's emotional and behavioral wellbeing using first difference models and a diverse longitudinal sample from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods. I find that, after controlling for a wide range of individual, caregiver, household and neighborhood characteristics, the effects of moving among African American and Latino children are significantly worse than among white children.  相似文献   

The persistence of horizontal sex segregation in higher education continues to puzzle social scientists. To help resolve this puzzle, we analyze a sample of college entrants in Germany with a discrete choice design that allows for social learning from the experiences of others. We make at least two contributions to the state of research. First, we test whether essentialist gender stereotypes affect major selection mostly through internalization or rather as external constraints that high school graduates adapt their behavior to. Empirically, we find that internalized vocational interests better explain gendered major choices than conformance with friends' and parents' expectations does. Second, we scrutinize whether segregation results from women's anticipation of gendered family roles or from their anticipation of sex-based discrimination, but we find no evidence for either of these hypotheses. As in most previous studies, differences in mathematics achievement fail to explain gendered patterns of selection into college majors.  相似文献   

青少年犯罪已成为一个严重的社会问题 ,它突出表现为四个方面的特点 :低龄化趋势 ,文化素质差 ,财产型犯罪 ,团伙性犯罪。导致青少年犯罪的原因有家庭教育的偏激 ,学校教育的偏颇 ,社会环境的污染及青少年的自身素质不足。有效地防止青少年犯罪要从家庭、社会等方面采取相应对策  相似文献   

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