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Following a decade of rapid expansion of afterschool enrichment programs, leaders in the field are rethinking how those programs can be designed to play a larger role in supporting student achievement and development and in strengthening school reform initiatives.  相似文献   

outdoor adventure experiences, traditionally associated with programs like Outward Bound and Project Adventure, have evolved into specific interventions for a number of therapeutic populations. Once used primarily with dysfunctional adolescents, a series of presentations and writings have emerged that apply these techniques to marriage and family populations. This article presents a brief history and overview of the documented use of adventure experiences in marriage and family therapy and enrichment. Illustrations of actual techniques and recommendations for guiding future studies are also offered.  相似文献   

Experiences that are deeply engaging and enjoyable, engender full concentration, and present a balance between challenge and skill promote children's development. This chapter describes a study that sought to identify the kinds of settings and activities that foster engagement and, by extension, positive youth development. The after-school experiences of 191 ethnically diverse youth living in three states, some of whom participated in after-school programs and some of whom did not, were studied. Youth were equipped with logbooks and watches that were programmed to signal at random times. When signaled, youth recorded their location, social partners, activity, and feelings. The study found pervasive differences in the experiences at programs and elsewhere. Youth spent more time in academic and arts enrichment, organized sports and physical activities, community service, and homework at programs versus elsewhere, and they spent less time eating and watching TV at programs. They also reported higher levels of motivation, engagement, and positive affect at programs. At the same time, there were few differences in activities, emotions, effort, or motivation of program participants and nonparticipants when both groups were elsewhere. The similarities in these experiences while elsewhere suggest that the program context, not differences in youth characteristics or interests, was responsible for the feelings of engagement that were reported at programs.  相似文献   

Youth violence is a public health concern that has devastating consequences for communities and requires a collaborative community response. While public health approaches underscore the importance of collaborative efforts to address public health concerns, violence prevention programs are often siloed and lack a multisectored response that includes the education system, criminal justice system, local government, university, and service providers. This article explores the successes and lessons learned from the emergence of a multisectoral community-based initiative to address youth violence in southeastern North Carolina. The model for this initiative evolved from the Harlem Children’s Zone and includes identifying existing resources and coordinating a continuum of support and services to increase availability of after-school, summer enrichment, life-skills, and parenting programs to reduce youth violence. Implications of applying multisectoral community-based interventions are discussed in terms of capacity building, promotion of well-being, and research.  相似文献   

The authors provide examples of sports-based youth development programs and offer information about program mission and vision, program design and content, evaluation results, and program sustainability. The four sports-based youth development programs presented are Harlem RBI, Tenacity, Snowsports Outreach Society, and Hoops & Leaders Basketball Camp. These programs serve diverse audiences with diverse missions, but all are focused on using sports to develop life skills and facilitate learning. Harlem RBI serves boys and girls ages seven to eighteen living in East Harlem. The program combines baseball, academic, and enrichment programs with the overall goal that participants who enter the program as vulnerable children graduate as resilient young adults. Tenacity, a nonprofit organization with headquarters in Boston, uses tennis to attract and retain students who particiate in a high-quality academic support and physical fitness program. The mission of Snowsports Outreach Society, based in Vail, Colorado, is building character in at-risk and underprivileged youth to develop their decision-making ability for healthy and successful life experiences. Hoops & Leaders Basketball Camp is a youth mentoring and leadership development program that offers summer camp experiences to improve the lives of at-risk urban youth in New York City. It uses the game of basketball to provide youth with caring mentors, develop leadership skills, and offer exposure to different educational and career paths.  相似文献   

The Center for Summer Learning examined various summer program models and found that there are nine characteristics that provide a framework for effective summer programs. In this chapter, the authors demonstrate how effective practices lead to positive results for young people. The nine characteristics of effective summer learning programs are (1) accelerating learning, (2) youth development, (3) proactive approach to summer learning, (4) leadership, (5) advanced planning, (6) staff development, (7) strategic partnerships, (8) evaluation and commitment to program improvement, and (9) sustainability and cost-effectiveness. These characteristics are divided into two sections. The first three characteristics address a program's approach to learning. Summer instructional techniques are most effective when academic learning is woven into enrichment activities and youth development. The second section covers program infrastructure to ensure the organization achieves and maintains quality programming. The nine characteristics complement each other to ensure a strong program that works to prevent summer learning loss and narrow the achievement gap. To demonstrate the variety of high-quality programs that include the nine characteristics, thirteen program profiles at the conclusion of the chapter each highlight one of the characteristics. These profiles show the various approaches that different summer programs have developed to accelerate academic achievement and promote positive development for young people in their communities.  相似文献   

Although most efficacious marital enrichment programs are multisession, few studies have explored whether outcomes differ according to session attendance, particularly among minority groups with lower than average participation in prevention programs. This study therefore investigates attendance levels and long‐term improvements in couple functioning among 164 couples participating in the Promoting Strong African American Families program. Structural equation models indicated session attendance predicted 2‐year changes for men's reports of communication, commitment, and spousal support (marginally) but not for women's. Individual and couple characteristics that predicted attendance levels were also identified. Results highlight distinct gender differences in the effects of sustained attendance as well as characteristics that provide early identifiers for African American couples at increased risk of low program attendance.  相似文献   

Current school reform efforts, emphasizing data and accountability, have shed additional light on racial and income-based inequities in education. To tackle this achievement gap, the discrepancies in the nation's educational system must be examined within the context of the increasing economic demand for higher skill levels. The author asserts that the education system is not educating all students to the levels necessary to fulfill America's quest for international excellence. Demonstrating the inadequacies of the current educational system, this chapter draws from Murnane and Levy's research emphasizing a need for new basic skills. The author cites Murnane and Levy's finding that up to half of all graduates leave high school without the skills necessary to compete in today's economy. Students are not getting enough out of school to succeed in the workforce. These data prompt the author's support for out-of-school-time programs. An opportunity gap exists when it comes to how children from various socioeconomic backgrounds spend their out-of-school time. Children from disadvantaged families experience much less enrichment, further contributing to the achievement gap. Quality after-school programs-not just "more school"-can fill this void, providing the enrichment and academic support needed to gain the skills required to succeed in the modern workforce. The Nellie Mae Education Foundation's Critical Hours: Afterschool Programs and Educational Success confirms the need for out-of-school-time programs by showing the relationship between an effective after-school program and academic success. Ultimately the after-school movement will reduce educational inequality, allowing today's youth to contribute to America's international competitiveness.  相似文献   

The findings from a meta-analysis of 85 studies of premarital, marital, and family enrichment, representing 3,886 couples or families are presented. Metaanalysis is a method for statistically aggregating and evaluating empirical findings. Findings from the study are discussed in terms of overall enrichment effectiveness as well as salient program, subject, design, measurement, and analysis characteristics. The enrichment studies yielded an average effect size of .44, which indicates that the average person who participates in enrichment is better off following intervention than 67% of those who do not. The most powerful factors related to outcome were measurement variables rather than those related to program content, structure, leadership, or participant characteristics. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A national survey of 2-year human services programs in community colleges revealed the current status of these programs and identified significant trends in areas such as program number, curriculum design, standard-setting mechanisms, student composition and career paths, and faculty affiliation. Of particular interest was the relationship of these programs and their graduates to social work education and the social services job market. Among the principal findings were (a) these programs are in a period of renewed growth and (b) a need and an opportunity exist for the social work profession, particularly social work education, to be constructively involved in this level of education.  相似文献   

A study of the bereavement programs provided by hospices in Ireland and the Canadian province of Alberta was done to determine if and how these are evaluated for efficacy. All but one hospice offered multiple different bereavement programs, with routine in-house evaluations of all programs performed. In all cases, staff and client unsolicited and solicited comments made during and at the end of each program provided data for continuing program refinement. Most hospices also routinely employed a self-devised questionnaire to gain specific sought information to retain or change programs. Other information, including news about program developments elsewhere, was also actively sought for program adoption or for the improvement of existing programs. With most bereavement programs having been in place for many years, participants were confident their programs are needed, safe, and effective. Their continuing quest for high-quality programming, however, meant they were active in monitoring these programs and in seeking developments in this field.  相似文献   

The creation or enhancement of intimacy is a goal that is widely sought in contemporary Western life and in many therapeutic and enrichment programs with couples and families. In this paper, intimate experience is conceptualized within a developmental, or epigenetic, framework of relational systems, viewed from an evolutionary and historical perspective, and considered in the light of hypotheses about gender differences. Intimacy recurs most reliably, not when it is demanded as a primary or continuous experience, but when it emerges spontaneously within a context of basic, well-functioning relational processes.  相似文献   

Doctoral education is greatly impacted by context, and the large majority of marital and family therapy (MFT) doctoral programs are PhD programs in research-focused universities. I believe their primary mission is to equip students to become scientist–practitioners and do original research that will advance the science of the discipline, whereas the mission of the typical master’s program is to produce strong practitioners who are research informed. It is the emphasis on the scientific method, not the content specialty area, that should be the hallmark of PhD programs in research-focused contexts. I describe metrics for success that include not only research productivity but also the development of a supportive, open, flexible, and generous program culture. The research mission of these programs has been only modestly helped by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education process and the programs are largely not doing the programmatic intervention research that the field needs. As the universities that house these programs are also “raising the bar,” the long-term viability of the programs themselves will likely hinge on success in this arena.  相似文献   

Physical fitness and health lifestyle habits have been reported to lower the risk of death from disease, foster healthy muscles, joints and bones, and enhance personal function and mental health. Given these benefits, many employers are implementing health and fitness programs into their workplace with the goals of improving and maintaining the health of their employees and increasing worker productivity. However, research is still being conducted to determine if these programs are an effective means of achieving these goals. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of these programs on employee physical and mental health, employee work performance, and the employer. This paper also investigates the effectiveness of the specific program structures and intervention procedures that were used in the employee health and fitness programs that have been implemented. STUDY DESIGN: This paper analyzed 15 previously conducted studies to investigate the impact and design of employee health and fitness programs. RESULTS: The reviewed literature suggests that the incorporation of an employee health and fitness program can have positive effects for both the employee and the employer. Programs that are structured using a variety of physical fitness programs, health education classes, outreach and one on one counseling with follow up contact have proven to be most beneficial in terms of employee and employer satisfaction. CONCLUSION: The implementation of an employee health and fitness program can have positive lasting effects on both the employee and employer. In addition to implementing programs that offer a variety of choices and one on one counseling, employers would benefit from targeting the at-risk population to ensure that the programs benefit the greatest number of employees possible.  相似文献   

The major uncertainty about energy conservation is not its importance in resolving energy problems, but the role of governments vis-a-vis the free market. During the past few years, both the overall efficiency of energy use and the number of government conservation programs increased sharply. However, the extent to which these efficiency improvements were due to government programs is unclear.A key element in the careful evaluation of these conservation programs is data. Data, particularly on energy consumption, are needed to help sort out the effects of government programs relative to market forces. However, data can serve these purposes only if they are accurate, consistent, comprehensive, accessible, and documented. This paper discusses data requirements and current data sources for careful evaluation of energy conservation programs.  相似文献   

Title I was created to eliminate the achievement gap and to provide additional support for children living at or below the poverty threshold. In order to be able to evaluate and adjust programs designed to academically serve children in poverty, educators need parental involvement and insight. Unfortunately, collecting such information has proven difficult. The purpose of this study was to try to find a means to generate parental perspectives on the value of poverty-based programs and on how these programs contribute to academic success for their children. The researchers found such a means by forming collaborative relationships with social workers, and gained valuable insights from parents into whether these programs are viewed as helping children succeed academically and on how programs should be altered.  相似文献   

Current legal and professional guidelines related to master's-level training programs in marriage and family therapy are reviewed. The admission and program requirements of 50 California-based programs are then evaluated in light of these standards. The data indicate that the reality of these training programs often departs significantly from the ideals and suggested standards of the field. It is recommended that the various national and state organizations interested in promoting quality marriage and family training programs collaborate with program representatives to establish more explicit and rigorous expectations for master's-level training.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested that peer-led drug prevention programs are more effective than adult-led programs, but the evidence is not conclusive. In this article the results are presented of a meta-analysis of studies that compare drug prevention programs led by peers to the same programs led by adults. Twelve studies were identified in a systematic literature search. The quality of these studies was not optimal, and the interventions and target groups differed considerably among studies. Overall, peer-led programs were found to be somewhat more effective than adult-led programs (standardized difference d: 0.24). Large differences between studies were found, with some studies indicating greater effects for peer-led programs and other studies showing greater effects for adult-led programs. It is concluded that the effectiveness of a prevention program is determined by several characteristics of the programs. The leader may constitute one of those characteristics.  相似文献   


During the last 2 decades, social work education programs have sought to incorporate cross-cultural and international content into their curriculum, including the establishment of international field placements. This study reports the results of a full survey (N=446) of all accredited social work education programs. Findings include the number of programs placing students internationally, the number of students placed, the countries into which they are placed, whether these students are graduates or undergraduates, and whether these international placements represent an ongoing commitment by the programs. Several factors are examined which are hypothesized to affect a program's willingness to place students internationally.  相似文献   

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