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精致化倾向以管理误差为焦点,对精细化管理进行全方位渗透与破坏,大大耗损精细化管理质效。为此,管理者必须聚焦管理误差,站稳唯物主义的哲学立场,守住科学合理的基本逻辑,选择理性正当的工作策略,切实防范精致化倾向对精细化管理的袭扰。  相似文献   

本文通过研究马尔库塞《单向度人》,从马尔库塞所指出的工业科技革命所带来的直接后果—单向度人的出现,导致“科技异化”现象的产生,比较当前教育现状尤其是职业教育,尝试性地解决地寻求解决问题的方案、方法,避免“教育异化”及“培训异化”的产生。  相似文献   

灰色营销的道德评价和行为倾向——参考群体的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于营销道德理论与相关的研究文献,以中国企业间销售-采购这一层面为研究平台,以卖方的立场实证性地检验组织内、外参考群体行为倾向和销售人员的灰色营销道德评价对销售人员灰色营销行为倾向的影响.采用情景法设计调查问卷,共回收有效问卷148份,利用SPSS 15软件进行统计分析.研究结果表明,卖方同事和领导的灰色营销行为倾向降低销售人员不道德的评价,提高灰色营销行为倾向,并对销售人员的灰色营销行为倾向产生直接的影响,促使其倾向于采用灰色营销行为;竞争者的灰色营销行为倾向对销售人员的灰色营销行为倾向产生直接的影响,诱使其倾向于采用灰色营销行为.最后讨论研究结果的实践意义和未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

从和谐主题的提出与研究现状入手,在建立策略性管理活动描述文本集合并从中抽取管理任务信息和管理问题信息的基础上,为了实现对管理领域中事实主题的识别与评价,本研究综合分析了从文本表示、雏数约减到聚类分析以及数据概化的思想及其方法技术,并通过引入W正态分布检验,完成了对所研究问题的解决方案设计。实证分析结果验证了本方法对于解决组织管理中事实主题诊断问题的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

和谐管理理论的研究框架及主要研究工作   总被引:32,自引:7,他引:32  
基于和谐管理理论的基本概念和假设,提出了和谐管理的基本函数关系、研究框架及相应的实证研究假设.组织、环境和领导特征的分析是和谐管理研究的起点,和谐主题的辨识、围绕和谐主题的和则、谐则及其耦合是和谐管理研究的重点.对和谐主题辨识,和则、谐则的理论和实证分析,和谐管理的耦合模型等研究工作进行了介绍,并对下一步面向应用方法和技术的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

员工的离职管理是组织人力资源管理的重要方面,如何有效地控制和预测员工的离职倾向成为学术研究的重要内容。相关研究结果表明,离职倾向是员工离职行为的最直接前因变量,可预测员工离职行为。笔者梳理了员工离职倾向的内涵、前因变量和测量的研究进展,并对员工离职倾向研究的未来发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

基于知识图谱理论和扎根理论的方法指导,以中文社会科学引文检索数据库收录的1998~2019年期间,与中国管理研究以及理论构建相关的561篇施引文献和7108篇被引文献作为研究对象。通过运用Citespace V可视化软件,进行中国管理研究与理论构建的知识基础、研究热点和主题演进脉络等的可视化分析与研究;并进一步精选了116篇科技文献为样本数据进行三级扎根编码,构建中国管理理论的研究框架模型。研究表明:中国管理研究目前聚焦于理论构建范式的研究主题,构建中国管理理论要直面实践导向,扎根传统文化,实现实践与文化的融合,要采用多元科学方法论与方法,辩证地使用实证研究方法。  相似文献   

《单向度的人》是马尔库塞激烈批判当代发达资本主义社会的一部代表作,深刻地揭示出人在当代资本主义的科学技术日益发达、物质生活异常丰富社会里全面地、彻底地异化,人成为单向度的人,精神上受到日渐全面的压抑。  相似文献   

《单向度的人》是马尔库塞颇负盛名的著作。该书对发达工业社会的政治、经济、思想和文化等方面进行了较为细致的分析,进而指出技术进步将社会整体异化为"单向度"的特性。其理论既包含一定合理性,而且对当代人类社会的发展在政治制度的选向上亦不无借鉴意义。  相似文献   

赵鹏 《领导科学》2020,(1):102-104
干部负向辨识度主要表现为价值立场上存在以我为大思想、行为方式上存在重言轻行倾向、管理标准上存在公私不分观念、处事态度上存在分层对待现象。其不仅会破坏干部个人的领导基础,还会瓦解团队整体的凝聚效力,导致工作效率的迟缓滞后。防避负向辨识度,干部要在个人思想上增强省察自律意识,交往方式上保持谦逊亲和作风,管理风格上严守公平公开底线。  相似文献   

The evolution and problems of model management research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Models are a key resource for organizational decision making. The diversity, complexity, and reusability of this resource result in the need for model management systems. The construction of a model management system involves a modeling task dimension and a design level dimension. The modeling task dimension consists of model formulation, model representation, and model processing. The design level dimension addresses the architectural requirements of a system from a user's standpoint and a computer system's standpoint.The numerous architectures suggested in the model management systems literature address isolated areas identified by these dimensions. The research surveyed in this paper indicates that the primary focus has been on the system view of model representation. Before model management systems can be widely used in organizations, model management researchers must explore systems that address all areas of the task and design level dimensions.In this paper, we identify and justify the necessary dimensions of model management research. Next, the existing model management research is critically reviewed. Finally, neglected research areas are discussed, and investigations necessary for the development of integrated model management systems are suggested.  相似文献   

Many studies have investigated barriers for women and minorities on their way to the top, but very few studies have examined which organizational practices indeed increase the diversity of the top management in organizations. This research analyzes whether various diversity practices increase the proportion of women and minorities at the top. The results show that the more diversity management and family-friendly practices that are implemented, the higher is the proportion of women in management positions. However, the results do not show any effect for diversity training or that people with a migration background benefit from diversity practices.  相似文献   

Strategic human resource management theory suggests that diversity and equality management (DEM) systems provide a firm with a competitive advantage, leading to superior performance. This study proposes and tests a moderated mediation model focusing on antecedents (i.e. top management team gender diversity) and consequences (i.e. performance) of DEM systems in the context of lower through middle management (LTMM) gender diversity. The model was tested in 248 medium-to large-sized organizations using time-lagged survey and archival data. The findings provide full support for the hypothesis that a gender-diverse top management team is positively associated with DEM systems. The results provide partial support for the following hypotheses: DEM systems are positively associated with performance and this relationship is moderated by LTMM gender diversity; and DEM systems mediate the relationship between TMT gender diversity and performance. We discuss theoretical, research and practical implications.  相似文献   

以1996~2020年Web of Science核心合集数据库中团队冲突在管理学研究中的文献为研究对象,运用Citespace等可视化科学工具绘制了团队冲突研究关键词共现图谱和战略坐标图,系统分析了团队冲突管理研究内容的内在关联与发展脉络,并绘制了团队冲突管理研究的热点趋势主线框架。研究结果发现:团队内部冲突、信任、绩效、战略性决策是团队冲突管理研究的热点。在未来的研究中,探究不同类型冲突间的转化过程及边界条件是明晰团队冲突结构及作用机制的突破口;结合其他冲突类型及团队生命周期各阶段展开对团队冲突与绩效影响关系的讨论是对团队冲突影响结果的有益探索;辨识高层管理团队成员间的信任障碍问题、虚拟团队中的快速信任机制是信任与冲突关系研究的重点议题;探究不同冲突管理策略组合运用的作用机理是找到冲突解决方案的关键一环。  相似文献   

Current research favors diversity within strategic networks as a source of idea generation and opportunity pursuit. However, diversity may not always be advantageous. Drawing from literature on entrepreneurial opportunities, social network theory, and cognitive psychology, it is argued in this paper that the level of diversity in entrepreneurial strategic networks differs based on the nature of the entrepreneurial opportunity context—discovery or creation. Competing hypotheses are developed for the nature of strategic networks in the discovery and creation opportunity contexts. The results from our two studies (using PSED II dataset and data collected from women entrepreneurs in India) show that entrepreneurial strategic networks differ based on whether entrepreneurs are pursuing discovery or creation opportunities, i.e., entrepreneurs operating in ‘discovery’ contexts tend to use networks ties with individuals who are relatively similar to themselves, while entrepreneurs in ‘creation’ contexts tend to use network ties with individuals who are relatively different from themselves. Further, the results also show that the diversity in strategic networks is not unidirectional in discovery and/or creation contexts but varies depending on the specific matters for which the entrepreneur seeks advice. Discussion and future research directions outline the unique findings of this study and potential implications for theory development.  相似文献   

企业高层管理团队研究的进展   总被引:60,自引:2,他引:60  
自从1984 年Hambrick 与Mason 提出“高层梯队理论”后,学术界涌现出大量高层管理团 队与组织绩效、战略、组织变革等方面的研究. 在此之前,有关高层领导的研究几乎完全针对领 导人个体,我国目前也沿袭这种研究模式. 激烈的市场竞争要求高层领导更多地以团队方式进 行运作,加强中国高层管理团队的研究势在必行. 文章对近20 年来国际有关企业高层管理团 队的科学管理做一综述,探讨高层管理团队的特征、运作过程以及不同文化背景对高层管理团 队绩效、组织绩效的影响,分析企业高层管理团队建设的研究框架,提出已有研究的局限及对 未来研究的展望.  相似文献   

刘文瑞 《管理学报》2011,8(8):1140-1145
《管理学报》近期的系列争鸣文章,提出了管理学发展的方向问题。西方管理学在学术研究和企业实践上存在双轨制,中国则演化为学术、咨询、实业的"三岔口"。如何使"三岔口"变为"铁三角",影响着管理学在中国的发展方向。圣吉作为非学术的咨询家,对其进行剖析可以更清楚地分析咨询和学术的关系。管理学的安身立命之地,在于学术本位,而学术本位的活力来源于面向实践和哲学思考。学术讨论和争鸣有利于推动学术共同体的形成和健全:管理学界应以中外学术争鸣为范例,继往开来,奠定管理学在中国发展的良好根基;《管理学报》这一平台应在其中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

This case study aims to highlight the strategic decisions and managerial practices in the formation and operation of a co-located research unit within a national laboratory. The empirical evidence is based on interviews with members of the research unit as well as responses from a research environment survey. The findings of the case study suggest specific strategies that are conducive not only for the co-location of research units but also for research management in general. Principal among these are the need to balance increases in diversity and complexity with mechanisms of integration and the use of specific management practices and leadership qualities that support these activities.  相似文献   

Supply chain risk management (SCRM) is a nascent area emerging from a growing appreciation for supply chain risk by practitioners and by researchers. However, there is diverse perception of research in supply chain risk because these researchers have approached this area from different domains. This paper presents our study of this diversity from the perspectives of operations and supply chain management scholars: First, we reviewed the researchers' output, i.e., the recent research literature. Next, we surveyed two focus groups (members of Supply Chain Thought Leaders and International SCRM groups) with open‐ended questions. Finally, we surveyed operations and supply chain management researchers during the 2009 INFORMS meeting in San Diego. Our findings characterize the diversity in terms of three “gaps”: a definition gap in how researchers define SCRM, a process gap in terms of inadequate coverage of response to risk incidents, and a methodology gap in terms of inadequate use of empirical methods. We also list ways to close these gaps as suggested by the researchers.  相似文献   

Management research exploring the role of national culture on topics such as management style, strategy, and firm performance can broadly be divided into two categories. Studies that attempt to compare and contrast the impact of culture on organizations in different cultures have been labeled as “National Character” studies. These studies attempt to determine how specific cultural attributes affect actions, strategies and performance. The second type of culture study focuses on the interactions between two firms embedded in different national cultures. These studies look at the impact of “Cultural Distance” on the ability of organizations to successfully interact. It is this latter area which is becoming increasingly important to technology management in the “Flat World” of the 21st Century. Research propositions for technology management for each of the two frameworks are developed.  相似文献   

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