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股权分置改革中股东间博弈的实证研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
股权分置问题是中国证券市场最大的制度症结,股权分置改革的过程是非流通股股东与流通股股东之间,就非流通股获得流通权应支付的对价而进行的持续博弈过程.首先论述了股权分置改革中的博弈论基础,就股东间博弈的行为,博弈过程中股东的收益、股东的策略选择、博弈结果对市场平均对价水平的影响进行了论述;其次,研究了股权分置改革中以博弈论为基础的股东协商机制问题,并就股东间博弈的有效性进行了实证研究;最后,对投票表决制下的有关问题做出了分析并提出了建议.  相似文献   

基于EWA博弈学习模型的股权分置改革对价均衡研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以股权分置改革中以纯送股方式支付对价的936家A股上市公司为样本,从行为博弈的角度,用EWA学习模型研究了其对价均衡的形成机理,并对均衡的形成过程进行了模拟。模拟结果表明EWA学习模型成功捕捉了对价均衡的形成过程,说明股权分置改革对价博弈是一个基于策略学习的博弈过程。对模型参数的分析表明:博弈双方即非流通股股东和流通股股东具有极强的学习能力,但这种学习仅为对过去经验的纯策略学习;同时非流通股股东制定方案时对策略收益赋予较小的权重,说明决策双方博弈地位的不对等在很大程度上决定了不公平对价均衡的形成。  相似文献   

媒体治理与中小投资者保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文考察媒体在股权分置改革及流通股股东分类表决的制度安排下所发挥的治理职能.研究表明,作为宏观治理环境的一个重要组成部分,媒体在股权分置改革中发挥着非常重要的治理作用.在控制其它影响因素的前提下,媒体关注程度越高,治理环境越好,“公司治理溢价”越高,信息环境和信息质量越有保证,非流通股股东的私有利益越小,中小流通股股东所面临的信息风险越低,相应地,其所要求的实际对价也会相对较低.反之,中小流通股股东会向那些媒体关注程度较低公司的非流通股股东要求更高的对价.同时,密集的媒体披露水平可以明显影响甚至强化非流通股持股对实际对价所产生的正向相关关系.分组回归分析的结果表明,这些媒体的公司治理职能仅在中小流通股股东对实际对价高度满意的研究样本中存在.进一步,媒体的这些公司治理职能的发挥主要是通过提高中小流通股股东参与股改投票的热情、进而使其自身意见更有可能在分类表决中得到体现来实现的.  相似文献   

<正>所谓减持,就是非流通股股东转化为流通股之后股东对股票进行抛售的行为,限售股减持是我国证券市场进入全流通时代中的必经过程,也是股权分置改革中的一大重要举措。股权分置改革是当前中国资本市场上一项非常重要的制度改革。在中国内地的证券市场上,流通股与非流通股之间存在着"同股不同权,同股不同价"的巨大差异,这严重妨碍了市场的公正公平,也影响到市场上基本的估值体系的准确  相似文献   

郑磊 《经理人》2005,(10):68-69
与送股方式相比,吉林敖东通过缩股实现全流通对二级市场价格的 冲击较小,这种创新是对整个股权分置改革的贡献 被视为不得不冒险推进的由资产监 管者、法人股东、流通股股东参 与博弈的股权分置改革中,吉林 敖东无疑创造了一个多方共赢的局面,作 为第一家采取“缩股加派现”的上市公司, 扯起了股权分置改革中的创新大旗。  相似文献   

股利政策的股东财富效应:来自中国股市的经验证据   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
国内现有文献关于上市公司股利政策的研究,主要集中在股利政策的信号传递理论、代理成本理论和影响因素三个方面,对上市公司通过股利分配实现股东高回报率的股东财富效应研究较少,而国外从税收政策变化和税负差异的角度研究股利政策财富效应并不适合中国的情况。为此,本文基于我国上市公司股权分置的特殊治理结构,以2003-2004年所有分配股利的上市公司为样本,实证检验了我国上市公司股利政策的股东财富效应。研究表明,分配现金股利使非流通股股东实现高回报率,流通股股东获得股票股利的较高短期收益率。  相似文献   

中小板可望率先解决股权分置第二批股权分置改革试点中的10家中小板上市公司均已公布改革方案。分析10家公司的改革方案,可以预期,中小板公司股权分置问题有望率先解决。首先,中小板上市公司推出改革方案的速度,明显快于主板上市公司。其次,中小企业板块公司的非流通股股东支付对价能力较强,中小企业板块公司非流通股的比重比主板公司高。再者,中小板公司方案决策迅速,灵活性强。还有,10家试点公司在中小板中具备代表性。  相似文献   

股权分置改革将按“市场稳定发展、规则公平统一、方案协商选择、流通股东表决、实施分步有序”原则进行。中国证监会将根据上市公司股东的改革意向和保荐机构的推荐.协商确定少量试点公司。临时股东大会就股权分置改革方案做出决议.必须经参加表决的股东所持表决权的三分之二以上通过.并经参加表决的流通股股东所持表决权的三分之二以上通过。非流通股股份取得流通权后.其持有者应当承诺至少在十二个月内不上市交易或者转让;该承诺期期满后。出售数量占该公司股份总数的比例在十二个月内不超过百分之五.在二十四个月内不超过百分之十,在股权分置改革中,必须选择适当时机实行“新老划断”。[编者按]  相似文献   

郑磊 《经理人》2005,(9):74-76
8月4日,苏宁电器(002024)股权 分置改革方案以95.79%的流通股 赞成获得通过。在股权分置改革 的浪潮里,作为中小企业板解决股权分置的 样本股,苏宁电器解决股权分置的方案代表 着一个重要类别的上市公司,不仅具有象 征意义,其确定过程所遵循的原则和方法 将对其他中小企业板上市公司带来借鉴。 “苏宁式”对价方案  相似文献   

国有股减持的“阶段性成果”再次遭遇“用脚投票” 2002年1月26日,中国证监会在网上公布了关于国有股减持的”阶段性成果”。这个“阶段性成果”肯定了四大原则:“多赢”、“公开竞价形成全流通股价”、“补偿流通股股东价差的损失”、“保护非流通股利益”。  相似文献   

股权激励实施中经营者信息披露策略的演化博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在股东与经理仅具有有限理性的前提下,运用演化博弈方法对股权激励实施过程中,经理信息披露策略选择与股东策略选择的互动机制进行了分析.结果表明:当经理信息操纵的收益大于信息操纵的成本时,经理的信息披露策略依赖于股东监控的概率大小.当股东监控的收益大于监控的成本时,股东是否监控取决于经理选择信息操纵策略的概率大小.保持适度的股权激励水平、增强资本市场的有效性、加强监管、加重惩罚能降低经理信息操纵的概率.  相似文献   

EVA对股东和经理人博弈的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在委托代理关系下,股东和经理人之间的博弈行为会受到激励合同中业绩评价指标的影响。作为一个价值衡量指标,EVA可以被引入激励合同,作为经理人考核的标准。围绕“股东价值最大化”的根本目标,EVA激励体系将在目标类型选择等五个方面对股东和经理人的博弈行为产生影响。EVA对博弈的影响是积极和有效的,激励合同对EVA的引入将有助于委托代理成本的减少。EVA在中国企业的实践应避免教条主义。  相似文献   

Incentive compensation induces correlation between the portfolio of managers and the cash flow of the firms they manage. This correlation exposes managers to risk and hence gives them an incentive to hedge against the poor performance of their firms. We study the agency problem between shareholders and a manager when the manager can hedge his compensation using financial markets and shareholders can monitor the manager's portfolio in order to keep him from hedging, but monitoring is costly. We find that the optimal incentive compensation and governance provisions have the following properties: (i) the manager's portfolio is monitored only when the firm performs poorly, (ii) the manager's compensation is more sensitive to firm performance when the cost of monitoring is higher or when hedging markets are more developed, and (iii) conditional on the firm's performance, the manager's compensation is lower when his portfolio is monitored, even if no hedging is revealed by monitoring. Moreover, the model suggests that the optimal level of portfolio monitoring is higher for managers of firms whose performance canbehedged more easily, such as larger firms and firms in more developed financial markets. (JEL: G30, D82)  相似文献   

流域环境治理的市场失灵是外部性产生的根本原因,政府主导下的生态补偿机制能够将流域环境治理的外部效应内部化,是解决流域环境问题的有效手段。本文基于微分博弈模型,研究生态补偿机制对流域上下游政府治污努力的影响,通过对比无生态补偿、有生态补偿和中央干预三种情形下上下游政府的博弈均衡解,分析流域生态补偿机制的作用,并提出对策建议,为完善中国流域生态补偿机制提供科学依据。研究结果表明,在解决流域环境治理问题时,上下游政府各自为政的非合作方式绝不可取,中央干预能够有效提升流域整体收益,但当下游政府给予上游政府足够大的生态补偿时,能够极大激发上游政府的治污努力程度,促使流域整体收益达到最优。基于此,本文认为完善流域生态补偿机制,应当完善纵向与横向相结合的财政转移支付机制,建立有约束力的流域生态补偿激励机制,并考虑流域实际,因地制宜地选择适当的流域生态补偿模式。  相似文献   

This paper addresses a question arising out ofcalls for greater shareholder participation toensure accountability of management in publiclimited companies. It is argued here that theparticipation by shareholders in corporateelections is more difficult than it isenvisaged by those who issue clarion calls forshareholders to exercise their voting power.The exercise of the right to vote as ashareholder can be formulated as a game betweenshareholders and management and also amongstgroups of shareholders. The chances of anyparticular group of shareholders being able toinfluence policy depends on how other groupsof shareholders vote. Thus the organisationaltask in the exercise of the right to franchiseis more complicated than it is realised byenthusiasts for shareholder participation.  相似文献   

道德风险和逆向选择问题是委托代理理论的研究重点,也是企业薪酬机制设计的核心。本文在道德风险和逆向选择同时存在的框架下,创新性地将利润风控能力作为能力差异的体现引入异质经理人,求解出单一契约和两种契约情况下薪酬契约的显式最优解,并对结果进行了数值模拟验证。本文与单一契约相比,两种契约情况下股东的期望收益较高,对低能力经理的激励降低,对高能力经理的激励上升,但高能力经理的效用由于受到契约的扭曲反而会下降。股东还可针对高能力经理设计单一契约,但当低能力经理所占的比例足够高时,设计两种契约将成为股东的最优选择。本文的研究结果可为私募基金等重视经理风控能力的行业提供薪酬契约设计方面的参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationships among corporate ownership, the level of board compensation, and firms’ future performance within Italian listed companies. Board compensation could be related to corporate ownership characteristics, like the type of controlling shareholder, ownership concentration, the separation between cash flow and voting rights, and the presence of shareholders’ agreements. The evidence of high levels of board compensation associated with certain governance characteristics could signal, in a principal-agent framework, rent extraction by entrenched managers or by controlling shareholders versus minority shareholders; high board compensation, however, could be related to the need to hire directors with higher professional standing and also to the desire to create a network with other companies through the enlargement of the board, according to a social network view. In this paper we disentangle this issue showing the relationship between excess board compensation and future performance: examining firms listed on the Milan Stock Exchange over the period 1995–2002, we show that board compensation is linked to many governance characteristics, but excess compensation is never positively related to future performance. For founder family firms, in particular, high board compensation is associated with (a) smaller board size; (b) higher proportion of family members on the board; (c) lower future performance. The whole evidence therefore doesn’t support the hypothesis suggested by the social network view, but is consistent with a rent extraction hypothesis. These results could add new empirical evidence to the recent debate on the need for global remuneration reform. According to our results, some control mechanism and an increase in transparency of executive compensation schemes could be appropriate.  相似文献   

辛宇  黄欣怡  纪蓓蓓 《管理世界》2020,(1):69-87,235
以2016~2017年间中证中小投资者服务中心(以下简称"中证投服")提起的4例证券支持诉讼为研究对象,本文深入分析了该组织在证券支持诉讼中的作用实现机理及其在中小投资者利益保护方面所产生的直接经济后果和溢出效应。本文发现:中证投服提起的证券支持诉讼在很大程度上改善了虚假陈述案件的赔偿机制,主要体现为赔付主体更加合理化,赔偿金额的计算更加科学,赔付比例有明显提升,赔偿款项的执行力度得以加强;在作用实现机理方面,中证投服作为投资者保护公益组织向中小股东提供了公益服务,同时又具备政府弹性监管的色彩,与我国现行的司法制度形成互补;更为重要的是,中证投服参与证券支持诉讼产生了显著的溢出效应,在唤醒中小股东维权意识的同时,明显提升了民间律师团体的活跃程度,进而从整体上极大地带动了民间股东诉讼的兴起。  相似文献   

Large-area, long-duration power outages are increasingly common in the United States, and cost the economy billions of dollars each year. Building a strategy to enhance grid resilience requires an understanding of the optimal mix of preventive and corrective actions, the inefficiencies that arise when self-interested parties make resilience investment decisions, and the conditions under which regulators may facilitate the realization of efficient market outcomes. We develop a bi-level model to examine the mix of preventive and corrective measures that enhances grid resilience to a severe storm. The model represents a Stackelberg game between a regulated utility (leader) that may harden distribution feeders before a long-duration outage and/or deploy restoration crews after the disruption, and utility customers with varying preferences for reliable power (followers) who may invest in backup generators. We show that the regulator's denial of cost recovery for the utility's preventive expenditures, coupled with the misalignment between private objectives and social welfare maximization, yields significant inefficiencies in the resilience investment mix. Allowing cost recovery for a higher share of the utility's capital expenditures in preventive measures, extending the time horizon associated with damage cost recovery, and adopting a storm restoration compensation mechanism shift the realized market outcome toward the efficient solution. If about one-fifth of preventive resilience investments is approved by regulators, requiring utilities to pay a compensation of $365 per customer for a 3-day outage (about seven times the level of compensation currently offered by US utilities) provides significant incentives toward more efficient preventive resilience investments.  相似文献   

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