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针对高校传统基层工作评价体系评价效果较差的问题,提出基于模糊评价模型的高校基层工作评价体系优化设计。首先在原有评价体系的基础上通过模糊评价模型界定高校基层工作的评价范围,确定评价体系的构建原则,从而构建高校基层工作评价体系。实证分析表明,设计的基层工作评价体系评价效果较好,有一定应用价值,可作为后续高校基层评价的参考。  相似文献   

Even a decade ago there was considerable reason to foresee the possible appearance of the wave of "Left" terror now rolling through a number of capitalist countries. The Left petit-bourgeois radical youth movement of the late 1960s, with its extremist tendencies, its appeals for universal destructive rebellion, and its attempts to implement such rebellion in practice, was marked, particularly, by the creation of a number of groups that were the embryos of the terrorist organizations of today.  相似文献   

诉讼移管制度是刑事案件管辖权在国与国之间的转移制度。文章以欧盟为主要研究对象,放眼世界,从刑事诉讼移管制度的内容发展,刑事诉讼移管与禁止双重追溯原则,管辖权冲突的解决方案,判决执行的移管等方面进行了讨论,结合我国的司法实际,探讨了欧盟刑事诉讼移管对我国刑事司法合作存在的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

日本金融体制相异于欧美金融体制的显著特征在于其规制型金融的本质。这一体制曾经有力地促进了战后日本经济的高速增长。但是,随着日本进入工业化经济的成熟阶段以及全球金融自由化浪潮的兴起,这种金融体制的内在弊端暴露得越来越显著。80年代以来政府对其进行了改革,尽管改革尚未带来经济绩效的显著提升,但其基本方向己日渐明晰,即向着减少政府直接干预、引入市场竞争机制的规则型金融体制的方向演进。  相似文献   

Portability of Supplementary Pension Rights in the European Union   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
European Union (EU) legislation on portability of supplementary pension rights accrued by private-sector migrant workers is at an early stage. The recent directive on this topic, aiming to preserve accrued pension rights at least at the level guaranteed in the case of within-borders mobility, emphasizes the role of country-specific legislation on pension portability issues. This paper analyses EU as well as national pension portability regulation for a representative sample of EU countries, in the light of recent empirical evidence outlining the role of occupational pensions in individual job mobility choices in these countries.  相似文献   

At present, health policy in the European Union (EU) is being developed in an extremely disconnected fashion. EU member States independently develop their own health systems, based on the goals they wish to pursue, without really considering consistency with European Community (EC) law. The impact of European integration is, in turn, mainly indirect and has emerged from European Court of Justice (ECJ) rulings. These rulings have arisen either from considerations in other sectors or through the process of addressing particular issues within single cases, leaving major issues of applicability unresolved. The evolving issue of free movement of patients is instructive. While not completely outlawing the use of a prior authorization system, recent ECJ rulings have radically restricted member States' discretion to determine their own policies by requiring that their decisions be necessary, proportional and based on objective and non-discriminatory criteria. By linking EEC Regulation 1408/71, on which cover for healthcare abroad has been traditionally based, with the free provision of services, the ECJ seems to have created difficulties and important uncertainties for the system of coordination of social security schemes.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr K. J. Bentley, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1001 West Franklin Street, Richmond, V A 23284-2027, USA. Summary The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of ashort-term model of intervention on schizophrenic out-pattentsand their relatives. The author implemented an in-home ten sessioneducational and skills training programme adapted from existingmodels. The intervention's effects on patient's clinical statusand social functioning, relative's attitudes, and family stresswere evaluated using a multiple baseline acroos four cases,as well as pre, post, and follow-up data.  相似文献   

On the convergence of social protection systems in the European Union   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Member States of the European Union are autonomous when it comes to the design of their social protection systems. However, they are committed by a recommendation accepted by the European Council addressing the convergence of social protection objectives and policies. Besides, convergence of social protection systems is expected to come about as a result of economic integration. In this paper we examine whether such convergence has occurred during the past decades, using data on replacement rates and social expenditure ratios. We find a rather strong trend of relative convergence and, only during the past two decades, an absolute convergence of social indicators in the EU. But there are only weak signs that these trends are the result of European integration.  相似文献   

欧洲一体化进程中的"反一体化"分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着欧洲一体化的演进,反对、抵制一体化的思想与行动一直此起彼伏,反一体化伴随着一体化进程的始终."反一体化"活动主要在国家、政党和民众三个层次上展开,遍及政治、经济、社会文化等领域.其动因主要在于一体化进程对利益的重新分配所引发的复杂利益冲突和传统主权观、民族主义思想与一体化现实之间产生的尖锐对立."反一体化"对一体化进程产生了重要的影响.一方面它是一体化前进的阻力,另一方面又对一体化的发展产生了建设性的影响,使一体化能够相对稳定地向前迈进.反一体化将长期存在,并在欧洲一体化的未来发展中继续发挥自身的作用.  相似文献   

Correspondence to John Hopton, 64 Peveril Close, Whitefield, Manchester M45 6NR, UK. Summary In this paper the writer reviews the available literature onpsychological profiling, discusses the differences between thefacet approach to psychological profiling and other techniqueswhich have been labelled ‘psychological profiling’,and discusses the applications of the facet approach. This discussionis followed by a critical evaluation of the potential of thefacet approach as a means of assessing whether or not a personsuffering from mental distress should be regarded as a riskto herself/himself or to other people. Finally, there is a discussionof issues around anti-oppressive and and-discriminatory practice,and the writer concludes that, in the light of recent mentalhealth legislation and mental health policy decisions, the useof psychological profiling as a means of risk assessment couldreduce the number of mentally distressed persons subjected tointrusive surveillance and/or compulsorily admitted to secureaccommodation.  相似文献   

This article examines the reasons for the technology gap between Europe and its Japanese and U.S. counterparts, and assesses the EU's effort towards reducing this gap. The EU considers technological collaboration the best way to reduce the gap, and we assess it for technologies: (1) High Definition Television (HDTV) and (2) telecommunications. These catch up efforts have been only partly successful. The HDTV program did not make much progress, and the worldwide switch from analogue to digital technology has hobbled the European attempt. Telecom manufacturers have cleverly adapted to a number of niche markets, such as Nokia in portable telephones, but the industry remains fragmented and poorly equipped to compete against global rivals such as AT&T. Application of pure research to industrial and commercial uses has been spotty, only half-heartedly been implemented by European states or the EU Commission. Even so, the EU Commission continues to promote a wider European perspective. Future technology policies could usefully promote greater entrepreneurial activity and national technical specialization.  相似文献   

本文分析了苏联东欧演变的本质 ,及其政治和经济原因。  相似文献   

A brief overview of essential choices facing the transition countries of central Europe with regard to social security policy precedes the discussion of some selected issues related to their entry into the European Union (EU). While not much weight is given to the idea of these countries bringing in yet another social model, the problem of social dumping is considered more seriously, particularly in view of the continuing impact of neoliberal ideology. The central issue of maintaining equilibrium between economic and social development is then examined in the context of current preparations for accession, and attention is drawn to the inherent weakness of the present EU policy, which deals with economic aspects of social protection only and fails to give the populations concerned a clear vision of attainable social goals for the future.  相似文献   

欧盟食品安全监管的理论和实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
欧盟的消费者享有世界最高的食品安全保障水平,然而这个目标也是在经历了1996年疯牛病危机的深重打击后,在这么多年艰难改革的基础上予以实现的.而随着新的成员国的加入,如何在更大范围内保障所有的欧盟消费者可以继续享有这么高水平的食品安全保障,既是今后欧盟食品安全监管的难点,也是其不得不面对的挑战所在.对于欧盟食品安全监管的发展,本文从法律法规、机构组织和原则、措施三个方面予以了讨论,在此基础上比照中国食品安全监管的现状,为中国食品安全监管的改革提出了一些源于欧盟的借鉴和经验.  相似文献   

中俄环境影响评价制度比较评析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
中国和俄罗斯联邦都建立了环境影响评价制度 ,但由于两国政治、经济、文化和法律等各方面的不同 ,导致环境影响评价制度在诸多方面存在着差异。对中俄两国环境影响评价制度进行分析 ,可以寻找出两国环境影响评价制度的差异 ,取长补短 ,完善中国环境法律制度。  相似文献   

The discovery of spectrum analysis occupies an important place on the long and thorny path of the advance of human knowledge toward the atoms, the stars, and the mastery of their laws. This great discovery was made one hundred years ago (April, 1860). The decisive role in this achievement belongs by right to two outstanding German scientists, Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff. This discovery simultaneously opened the path into the atomic world, making it possible to judge the internal structure of atoms from their optical properties, and into the world of heavenly bodies, the chemical composition of whose substances was first determined by means of spectrum analysis. All this led to an unprecedented expansion of the field of scientific knowledge both in the direction of the investigation of microscopic objects in nature and in that of the study of macro-objects. But the most remarkable thing was that in their development both these trends in research proved to be interrelated. The penetration of science into the field of the macro-cosmos was a direct consequence of its more profound penetration into the field of the micro-cosmos. In a word, this was one of the boldest of scientific achievements, one that enabled human reason to penetrate into the depths of the substance of the earth and the cosmos, to know its properties, its composition, and its laws.  相似文献   

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