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勘已华 《社会学》2010,(2):40-47
本文运用实地调查获取的第一手资料,对上海市J居委会“议行分设”的实践过程进行了描述性分析,发现居委会“议行分设”的运行机制并没有给居民在社区内实行“民主决策、民主管理、民主监督”提供自主性空间。从表面上看,是由于街道对相关政策的选择性执行,深层原因则在于改革措施不配套。因此,仅仅依靠改革居委会的运作模式来恢复居委会的社会属性,使其能够在社区自治中发挥“主体组织”的作用,是难以实现的。  相似文献   

近日,中共中央办公厅.国务院办公厅公布《关于加强和改进城市社区居民委员会建设工作的意见》,为未来10年城市社区居委会改革绘制蓝图。江苏省扬州市民政局副局长王振祥在接受记者采访时说,党组织、社区居委会、社区工作站、社区邻里中心“四位一体”是扬州社区管理服务体制的一大创新。其中,社区党组织属于基层党组织,  相似文献   

杨爱平  余雁鸿 《社会学研究》2012,(4):105-126,243,244
本文把某些城市社区居委会有选择地采取弄虚作假、搞形式主义乃至欺骗的办法应付上级派发的各种工作压力的现象概括为选择性应付行为。通过构建街道办(政府)、居委会、居民三者间行动逻辑和策略选择的理论框架,本文尝试对居委会的选择性应付行为为何发生以及何以可能发生加以解释:一方面,居委会组织内部人力、财力、权力、时间等资源的极度短缺,造成了居委会协管能力严重不足,作为"弱者",居委会只能以应付的方式来抵触上级政府的超负荷压力。另一方面,在职责同构和压力型体制的行政环境下,上级政府尤其是街道办事处迫于向居委会寻求政绩支持的需要,默认乃至容忍了后者的选择性应付行为;而辖区居民受经济理性的影响,只关注居委会能否回应和解决居民事务的基本诉求,对于居委会的选择性应付行为采取了听之任之的冷漠态度。如此,居委会的选择性应付行为便有了重复发生的生存土壤。  相似文献   

苏州市平江区2009年总结’的这组社区工作法的作者既有社区党组织、居委会及工作站的负责人,也有协管专项具体工侣如劳保、退管)的有关人员。他们是当前我国承担社区工作的重要力量,都可纳入“社区工作者”的范畴。  相似文献   

作为一名“海归”,张靖辞去了外企的工作,当起了小小的居委会主任。留学时,她曾得到当地社工的热情帮助.并学到了一整套社区工作的理念。如今.她试图把这种理念引入中国的社区,却遭遇了不小的尴尬.甚至不得不“妥协”。  相似文献   

邱静,桃花坞街道养育巷社区党委书记兼居委会主任,2003年进入平江区社区工作者队伍。在服务社区70多名离休老干部过程中,邱静采用“五四”工作法,即“五必访四引导”。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国城市基层治理结构经历了以“单位制”为主转向以“街居制”为主的制度变迁。由于“街居制”在运作中面临一些深层矛盾,街道办事处改革的呼声一直很高。推进城市治理结构扁平化,有必要撤销街道办事处,由区政府直接指导社区建设,实行“二级政府、二级管理”体制。撤销街道办事处是一项系统工程,它有待于推进大部门体制、调整行政区划、培育非营利组织、发展公私合作关系等配套改革相支持。  相似文献   

“数字化社区”是为了提高政府管理、服务的职能而推出的。主要包括三个核心系统:社区服务平台,社区服务呼叫中心,社区一键通报警平台。通过“数字化社区”,政府可以建设一个综合服务管理平台,通过这个平台,更好地为社会居民提供快捷的服务,创建和谐社会。  相似文献   

海龙街位于广州市荔湾区西南部,下辖龙溪、海北、增滘3个经济联社,对应设立3个社区居委会,总面积达9.5平方公里,是荔湾区22条行政街中占地面积最大的一条街,也是城市化过程中典型的“村改居”社区聚落地.2010年8月,海龙街被确定为广州市家庭综合服务中心建设试点单位之一,也是唯一的“村改居”社区试点.2011年1月,海龙街通过政府购买形式,与广州市大同社会工作服务中心签订合作协议,以海龙街家庭综合服务中心(以下简称中心)为依托,开展家庭、青少年、长者、残障、义工、社区戒毒六大服务项目.  相似文献   

王莹 《社会学》2005,(1):39-41,46
社区服务是在改革开放中发展起来的新兴社会服务业。社区服务业是在政府倡导下,为满足社会成员多种需要,以街道、镇和居委会的社区组织为依托,具有社会福利性的居民服务业。社区服务业由社区福利服务业、便民利民服务业和职工社会保险管理服务业组成,是社会保障体系和社会化服务体系中的一个重要行业,也是社区建设的一个重要内容。  相似文献   

造成当前住宅物业管理矛盾纠纷难以解决的原因,既有社会客观性,也有行业特殊性.业主(业委会)、物业服务企业、政府部门在社区治理中各自承担着不同的功能,代表3方不同的利益主体,应将社区管理与物业管理有效地融合起来,形成业委会、居委会、物业公司“三位一体”的社会导向型物业管理模式,3方进行合作,各司其职,有效促进小区物业的健康发展.  相似文献   

郑张根 《科学发展》2013,(5):95-103
上海居民自治的大量活动案例表明,组织化、项目化、个案化是其主要的阶段性特征。如何将局部的、阶段性的自治典型案例,朝着普遍的、覆盖社区生活全过程的方向推进,是当前完善基层治理、促进社区和谐稳定的迫切需求。近期现实可行的增强居民区自治功能的主要对策,一是将社工站的职责定位为协助居委会开展自治为主,而非承接行政事务为主,减轻居民区工作班子的过重负担,并改革对居委会的考核机制,形成有利于其集中精力开展自治的外部环境;二是提升居民区工作人员整体素质,区分不同性质,吸引更多具有组织协调和宣传动员能力的居民,通过选举或聘用成为居委会成员或专职党务工作者、社工,形成能够普遍有效组织居民开展自治的工作骨干队伍;三是有序培育社区服务型的社会组织,给予居民区楼组、社区文体活动团队、社区公益型社会组织进一步的支持,夯实居民自治的群众基础。  相似文献   

This study examines whether the Internet is increasingly a part of everyday neighborhood interactions, and in what specific contexts Internet use affords the formation of local social ties. Studies of Internet and community have found that information and communication technologies provide new opportunities for social interaction, but that they may also increase privatism by isolating people in their homes. This paper argues that while the Internet may encourage communication across great distances, it may also facilitate interactions near the home. Unlike traditional community networking studies, which focus on bridging the digital divide, this study focuses on bridging the divide between the electronic and parochial realms. Detailed, longitudinal social network surveys were completed with the residents of four contrasting neighborhoods over a period of three years. Three of the four neighborhoods were provided with a neighborhood email discussion list and a neighborhood website. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to model over time the number of strong and weak ties, emailed, met in-person, and talked to on the telephone. The neighborhood email lists were also analyzed for content. The results suggest that with experience using the Internet, the size of local social networks and email communication with local networks increases. The addition of a neighborhood email list further increases the number of weak neighborhood ties, but does not increase communication multiplexity. However, neighborhood effects reduce the influence of everyday Internet use, as well as the experimental intervention, in communities that lack the context to support local tie formation.  相似文献   

Scholars argue in favor of social action in community organizing to address the oppression experienced by racialized groups. This study examines how community organizing practice in one diverse neighborhood constructed race to understand the potential for social action. Using interview and observational data with 16 community organizers working in 1 diverse, low-income neighborhood in Québec, Canada, I examine the social construction of race through the lens of postcolonial theory and the writings of Michel Foucault. I argue that a discourse of neutrality existed among community organizers, which was tied to state policy and a colonial discourse embedded therein. The resulting disconnect between race and power in community organizing practice not only forecloses on social change efforts, it also extends a state-driven nation-building agenda into community. As the basis for an anticolonial approach to neighborhood community organizing, I juxtapose the discourse of neutrality in community organizing with strategies that recoupled race and power by drawing attention to efforts among community organizers that were antagonistic to the discourse.  相似文献   

徐琴  王春苏 《城市观察》2013,(6):103-115,134
城市社区居委会,作为社区治理的重要主体,因过度行政化对其自治性造成的挤压一直是学界关注的热点,而对居委会是否具有自治性多持否定意见。我们通过观察南京市鼓楼区几个社区的治理实践,发现尽管居委会的过度行政化倾向依然普遍存在,但与此同时,社区居委会作为具有自主意志的独立行动者,在受行政力量掣肘的同时,也在力图彰显自身的独立性和向民性,居委会的自治性明显在成长。并且,兼有"官-民"二重性的居委会,在实践中不断探索其作为自治主体的行动策略;而社区议事园这一社区参与机制,则为居委会自治性的成长提供了良好的实践平台;政府从诸多社区管理事务中不断后撤,又为居委会自治性的成长提供了基本空间。  相似文献   

Photovoice empowers residents to use photographs to identify neighborhood concerns. Although Photovoice has been used to facilitate dialogue and action among residents to address a variety of issues, including neighborhood crime, it has not been used as part of an intervention to promote collective efficacy. This project integrated Photovoice into a crime-prevention program the goal of which was to facilitate collective efficacy, which. in turn, has been associated with lower levels of neighborhood crime and violence. Twenty-four racially diverse youth and adults participated in a crime-prevention training where Photovoice was used first to identify neighborhood characteristics that participants believed contributed to and alleviated crime, and then to develop a community project. Participants worked together to reuse a highly visible vacant lot to create an inviting neighborhood art and garden space that was open to the whole community. This process facilitated stronger social ties among neighborhood residents, as well as strategies for intervening in neighborhood problems, both of which are important components of collective efficacy.  相似文献   

This qualitative study critically explores the barriers experienced by diverse rural community stakeholders in facilitating environments that enable age-friendly social participation. Twenty-six semi-structured interviews were conducted across two rural Australian communities with stakeholders from local government, health, social care, and community organizations. Findings identify that rural community stakeholders face significant difficulties in securing resources for groups and activities catering to older adults, which subsequently impacts their capacity to undertake outreach to older adults. However, in discussing these issues, questions were raised in relation to whose responsibility it is to provide resources for community groups and organizations providing social initiatives and whose responsibility it is to engage isolated seniors. These findings provide a much-needed critical perspective on current age-friendly research by acknowledging the responsibilities of various macro-level social structures—different community-level organizations, local government, and policy in fostering environments to enable participation of diverse rural older adults.  相似文献   


This paper describes a project aimed at promoting major change in government policy toward the growing problem of food insecurity in Israel. The project was initiated by Ben-Gurion University in collaboration with community service and social advocacy organizations. This joint action led to a dramatic change in government activity. The problem of food insecurity moved from a state of obfuscation to the establishment of a special ministerial committee mandated to develop policy guidelines for a national school lunch program. For higher education to contribute to the community, necessary preconditions must exist: Is the faculty committed to promotion of social change? Do the organizational and community environments legitimize university-sponsored activity for such purposes? Is the faculty competent to act effectively in the community and adopt strategies for political influence? Are there organizational mechanisms, action frameworks, and community contacts that enable collaboration for the purposes of social change? This case discussion uses the analytical framework developed by Taylor (1985) to evaluate the preconditions for action and the processes involved in facilitating university-community collaboration for promoting policy change.  相似文献   


This article provides the assessment results from a community-engaged field education unit for social work students situated within a neighborhood setting in the South-Central region of the United States. A community-university partnership between several community institutions and a school of social work created the Southside Initiative (SSI) as a means to build capacity within the Oaks neighborhood. This neighborhood lacked professional social workers but was rich in other types of assets. The lessons learned from this initiative provide preliminary understanding about the benefits, complexity, and challenges of building and sustaining community-rooted practicum placements in neighborhood settings.  相似文献   

陈朋 《科学发展》2013,(2):34-44
社区是社会的基础和细胞。网络虚拟社会正以其信息多元性、交互性和去中心化等特点,使社区治理面临多方面的挑战。基于上海市6区15个街道(镇)39个社区(居委会)的实证调研表明,虚拟社会在丰富上海社区治理资源的同时,也给社区治理带来了严峻挑战。这主要表现在:虚拟社会的"参与式社区自治"难敌现实社会的"任务型社区自治";虚拟社会呼唤社区治理"崇尚自由"与现实社区治理强调"建构秩序"难以实现有机均衡;虚拟社会期待社区治理实现"多元共治"却遭遇了现实社区推行"自上而下"的治理。为此,网络虚拟社会背景下的上海社区治理创新需要明确的思路是:坚定一个模式——协商合作而不是"独自打保龄球";明确一个原则——强化政府对社区的有效治权而不是无原则的屈从"民意";正视一个态度:积极正视而不是有意回避网络社会给社区治理带来的风险。要做好"顶层设计",提高社区治理效能;尊重居民情感和地位,畅通网络民意渠道,保障居民的知情权、表达权和监督权;加强对网络舆论的引导,形成自觉、自主、自治的网络舆论平台;提升网络安全管理技术水平,完善社区网络预警及保障体系;重心下沉,努力探索社区公共服务新模式。  相似文献   

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