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朱俊 《现代妇女》2013,(11):279-279
现代物流是个非常重要的传递方式,而物流园是多家物流公司或者企业集中的场所,物流园的信息平台的建设能够帮助物流园通过现代化手段来管理园区,能够让物流企业发挥自身更大的作用,本文主要围绕物流园信息平台的建设,分析了平台对物流企业的作用和相关的结构设计,让信息化平台帮助物流走向更加现代化的管理。  相似文献   

王煦  王秀繁 《现代交际》2011,(10):78-79
应急管理是政府科学管理的有效手段,是减少由于自然灾害造成人民损失的有效保证。本文简要介绍了应急物流的概念,我省的基本自然状况和应急物流的现状,分析了目前存在的问题,提出从协同机制、加强储备、人才培养、资金保障等几个方面对吉林省应急物流体系建设的几点建议。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,物流运输企业所面临的内外部环境也变的更加复杂,这不仅会对企业的正常运转产生影响,还会导致企业产生应急管理的需求。为了保障物流运输企业能够正常运行,应对企业加强应急管理。本文主要对物流运输企业内应急管理存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了一些管理对策。  相似文献   

社会的快速发展使物流管理在企业发展中的作用越来越突出。科技发展,使社会进入信息化时代,企业物流管理也要顺应时代要求,实现管理信息化。目前企业物流管理信息化还存在一定问题,在分析企业物流管理信息化特征及原则的基础上,探讨企业物流管理信息化对策,可以促进企业健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

公共物流信息平台的实施有助于实现行业资源交互和共享,便于充分利用物流资源,发挥物流行业的整体优势.并形成物流信息平台化管理。通过构筑物流信息平台.支撑现代物流业发展对信息的综合需求,逐步发展为重要物流枢纽.大幅提升城市和地区竞争力。本文主要研究公共物流信息平台的运营模式,并提出建设运营过程中的建议.  相似文献   

随着信息化时代的发展,人类文明的进步,人工智能在医疗、教育、物流等领域取得重大进展,被运用在各行各业,特别是在信息处理以及机器人等领域为人类生活带来极大的便利。分析了美军的战术语言与文化训练系统,探讨了人工智能虚拟现实技术与游戏平台的结合,以开发我军的军事外语训练系统,从而促进我军语言与文化技能的提升。  相似文献   

互联网的普及带动了电子商务的发展,如今很多国内外的贸易促进了物流产业的急速发展,如何加强物流产业的营销管理,已经成为促进国内经济发展的重点问题。国内物流产业虽有了一定规模,但物流服务企业营销管理存在信息化程度低、缺乏品牌营销意识、物流管理观念不强、缺乏市场竞争力等问题,和发达国家相比还有很大差距,现从加快信息建设、品牌战略意识强化、注重物流人才的引入和培养、成立专门的物流管理部门等方面提出物流服务企业营销管理的对策,以实现物流服务企业营销的目标。  相似文献   

我国物流管理中存在的问题及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李赞 《现代交际》2011,(5):63-63
随着现代信息网络化及运输业的快速发展,物流服务业获得前所未有的发展契机,物流业呈现国际化、信息化、现代化的趋势,传统物流向现代物流过渡。本文通过对我国物流业的一些管理问题,并就此进行了相关的策略研究,对我国物流的开展和存在的问题的解决提供了一些参考性的建议。  相似文献   

高宏伟 《职业》2011,(12):103-104
随着全球经济一体化步伐的加快,我国传统的交通运输、仓储、流通加工以及信息等企业也纷纷向物流业进军,物流产业已初步形成。2009年国家提出了振兴物流产业的规划,明确要求加快发展国际物流和保税物流、加强物流基础设施建设、提高物流标准化程度和信息化水平。因此,培育和发展中国的物流产业,物流标准化的建设势在必行。一、物流标准化建设的意义及作用物流标准化是指以物流为一个大系统,制定系统内部设施、机械装备,包括专用工具等的技术标准,包装、仓储、装卸、运输等各类作业标准,以及作为现代物流突出特征的物流信息标准,并形成全国以及和国际接轨的标准化体系。  相似文献   

本文基于我国目前虚拟物流发展的现状,对虚拟物流电子商务信息服务平台进行了需求分析,指出构建虚拟物流电子商务信息服务平台的必要性。同时进一步构建了虚拟物流电子商务信息服务平台总体功能定位方案,进行了平台功能分析,提出了一个构建虚拟物流电子商务信息服务平台的方案。  相似文献   

This article discusses the statement of the UN International Office of Migration (IOM) delivered at the Fourth World Congress on Women held in Beijing in 1995. The Beijing Platform of Action identified migrants as comprising an estimated 125 million people. Half of the international migrants live in developing countries, and at least 50 million are women. Another 500 million are internal female migrants. Migration programs tend to marginalize female migrants and to ignore women's special needs and experiences. The Third World Conference in Nairobi in 1985 indicated that women migrants were more likely to suffer deprivation, hardship, isolation, loss of status, and discrimination. Women bear the burden of a family's daily life, are more vulnerable than men, and face additional problems in the work force. Women migrants are identified as dependents and must be sponsored for admission to the host country; they are often subjected to physical and sexual abuse and must face discrimination in a foreign environment. The special needs of migrant women must be addressed at every stage of the migration process: the decision making stage, the integration into host communities, and the reintegration upon return. Women must be empowered. IOM recently established the International Center for Migration and Health. This center will focus on special problems faced by women migrants and on migrants' rights. Between the Nairobi and Beijing conferences the plight of migrant women was not prominently addressed. Migration references were made in Beijing's Platform of Action in scattered places in the text. Governments need to provide gender-sensitive human rights education and training for public officials in order to fulfill the Beijing Platform. The IOM technical assistance to Argentina illustrates what cooperative ventures are possible. IOM has made important progress in implementing Beijing's Platform.  相似文献   

The field of substance abuse prevention has neither an overarching conceptual framework nor a set of shared terminologies for establishing the accountability and performance outcome measures of substance abuse prevention services rendered. Hence, there is a wide gap between what we currently have as data on one hand and information that are required to meet the performance goals and accountability measures set by the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 on the other. The task before us is: How can we establish the accountability and performance measures of substance abuse prevention programs and transform the field of prevention into prevention science? The intent of this volume is to serve that purpose and accelerate the processes of this transformation by identifying the requisite components of the transformation (i.e., theory, methodology, convention on terms, and data) and by introducing an open forum called, Prevention Validation and Accounting (PREVA) Platform. The entire PREVA Platform (for short, the Platform) is designed as an analytic framework, which is formulated by a collectivity of common concepts, terminologies, accounting units, protocols for counting the units, data elements, and operationalizations of various constructs, and other summary measures intended to bring about an efficient and effective measurement of process input, program capacity, process output, performance outcome, and societal impact of substance abuse prevention programs. The measurement units and summary data elements are designed to be measured across time and across jurisdictions, i.e., from local to regional to state to national levels. In the Platform, the process input is captured by two dimensions of time and capital. Time is conceptualized in terms of service delivery time and time spent for research and development. Capital is measured by the monies expended for the delivery of program activities during a fiscal or reporting period. Program capacity is captured by fourteen measurement units, tapping into the dimensions of staff resources and community assets. Staff resources are, in turn, operationalized in terms of staff size, staff certification status, staff turnover rate, and the accreditation status of a provider agency. Community assets are operationalized by the number of community centers accessible to the funded agency, number of formalized teams or antidrug coalitions active in the catchment area, and other social/human services providers with whom the prevention agency has formalized networks. The totality of process output from all sources of program activities is reduced to eighteen classes of measures. These are operationalized by thirty-three summary measures. Some of these include: total count of events facilitated; total number of clients served; average number of clients served per event; clients served by single and multiple program sessions; classification of target population in terms of the severity of risk as defined by the Institute of Medicine; age groups and race/ethnicity of clients served; number of program participants retained by recurring programs; number of clients who have completed the program; penetration rates to the target population; client attrition rates; average referral rates per provider per time interval; referral success rates; and so on. All process output measures specified in the Platform are derived from two broad classes of events classified as either products or services. The collectivity of these measures is expected to present a cost-effective, parsimonious, yet comprehensive picture of the entire spectrum of the process output, i.e., "what came out of the program as program activities". For the measurement of performance outcomes, two types of data are incorporated into the Platform: outcome data from individuals and the behavior (or performance) of social indicators from aggregated data bases. Individual data are used to evaluate the outcome of substance abuse programs  相似文献   

When it comes to treatment that is evidence‐based, nonprofit Shatterproof, funded mainly by insurance companies, is keeping patients informed in a “Yelp”‐like tool. The New York City–based organization formally launched its ATLAS (Addiction Treatment Locator, Assessment, and Standards Platform) in six states last week.  相似文献   

该文介绍了上海城市供水管网的现状和在考虑供水量特点之基础上建立的供水量预测模型。通过利用上海市供水调度监测中心的中心城区供水量实际数据对此模型进行的验证表明,其在上海城市供水中有一定的实用价值。并对拟建的上海市应急决策支持平台做了基本的阐述。  相似文献   

2010年3月,为了纪念《北京行动纲领》通过15周年,联合国回顾了第四次世界妇女大会(1995年在北京召开)以来世界妇女的发展历程和所取得的各项成果.其中提到全球女性参政议政的比例尚未达到20%.这与15年前联合国在第四次世界妇女大会上设立的30%的目标相去甚远。  相似文献   

第四次世界妇女大会对中国妇女和中国人民有非同寻常的意义。20年前,将性别观点纳入社会发展各领域的主流,在《北京行动纲领》中被确定为促进男女平等的全球战略。尽管如此,那时在中国,很少有人知道什么是“社会性别”。20年来,在中国妇女运动、民间社会和国际机构的推动下,社会性别主流化取得了很大进展。  相似文献   

This article states that the discipline of international relations has paid only scarce attention to the debates on knowledge that have taken place in neighboring disciplines. A notable exception is the epistemic community framework that amounts in this article to a first narrative of knowledge. By means of challenging this narrative of knowledge, the article suggests a second narrative of knowledge that is derived from literature in science and technology studies. This narrative is further illustrated through a discussion on the epistemic authority of the Forest Stewardship Council and the newly established Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.  相似文献   


The paper assesses the Spanish housing activists Plataforma de Afectados por La Hipoteca (PAH, Platform for the Mortgage-Affected) as an example of left-wing convergence. From the perspective of the horizontal democratic practices and civil disobedience tactics they adopt, the paper acknowledges the anarchist, Marxist and reformist influences in PAH and reveals how the creative tension between activists of different persuasions has aided the movement’s relative success. In harnessing and transforming the revolutionary subjectivity of the movement of the squares in 2011, PAH has in turn led to a broader urban radical politics. This new revolutionary subjectivity captures PAH’s legacy and positioning within broader anti-austerity politics.  相似文献   

Inspired by the seminal typology of power first suggested by French and Raven, this study identified five types of power (Expert, Information Reward, Information Coercive, Advertising Coercive, and Influence Powers) that health public relations practitioners believed they have in media relations. This study also examined the effect of four variables, such as personal closeness with reporters, openness towards the media, perceived media job performance, and perceived expertise in the health field, on these five types of perceived power. The results suggested that public relations practitioners who highly evaluate themselves as an expert in health and as a competent media communicator, and who are personally close with reporters have greater Expert Power in media relations. Also, when practitioners are personally close to reporters, they are more likely to use Information Reward Power.  相似文献   

An online support site was constructed for graduate social work students at San Diego State University in California during their first‐year field practicum. A study was conducted to explore and describe the attitudes of these students toward the usefulness of the site's online features. Students participated in the site through the Blackboard Software Platform by adding discussion threads to asynchronous forums on an online discussion board, receiving information through online announcements, accessing field‐related materials through the site, and engaging in an online network. The most useful forum was related to the learning plan that students were required to complete in planning and organizing their field practicum experience. Students reported that the most useful feature of the site was the ability to access timely information through the online announcements from the Field Education Program.  相似文献   

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