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In 2013, under the strong leadership of the Central committee of the Party and the State Council and ,with the focus on malor objectives of the Party and the state. China adhered to the main work line of orienting by people's livelihood and giving priority to talents: laid equal emphasis on both normal operation and intemal construction; comprehensively promoted scientific development, reform and innovation of human resources and social security undertakings and made positive contributions to economic and social development.  相似文献   

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and with regard to the plan for institutional reform and functional transformation of the State Council,the work of"Provisions on Main Functions,Internal Bodies and Staffing"of National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC)has been completed successfully.  相似文献   

In 2011, under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the population and family planning system and relevant departments strived to create a new situation of population work based on the overall situation with solid work. It created a more favorable population  相似文献   

At the beginning of the new year, the Leading Party Members’ Group of National Population and Family Planning Commission (NPFPC) published an article in People’s Daily on January 14, 2013. It indicated that NPFPC would remain highly consistent with the "grand blueprint of building a well-off society in an all-around way and accelerating the development of socialist modernization". They would earnestly study the spirit and profound contents of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party through various forms, follow the mindset of the Congress and actively explore new ideas and measures to promote the scientific development of population and family planning undertakings.  相似文献   

In 2012, in accordance with the decisions and plans of the Party .Central Committee and the StateCouncil, health and family planning departments at all levels had accelerated the establishment and improvement of national medical insurance system, reinforced and improved the basic drug system and the new operational mechanism for grass-roots; orderly promoted reform on public hospitals and made efforts to improve medical and health services; put forth efforts to strengthen the prevention and control of major diseases and food safety monitoring, and made solid progress in promoting family planning. The health and family planning undertakings had developed steadily.  相似文献   

National Conference on Population and Family Planning Work was convened on January 14, 2013 in Beijing. Main tasks of the conference were to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Party’s Eighteenth National Congress, summarize the work done in 2012, analyze current situation, clarify the tasks and objectives for 2013, further emancipate people’ mind, change people’s concepts and do real practical and solid work in order to accelerate the development of population and family planning undertaking and continuously make new accomplishments. Mrs. Wang Xia, Minister  相似文献   

Background of the News On January 14, 2013, National Conference on Population and Family Planning Work will be convened in Beijing. The conference will deepen and develop understanding of relevant spirits of the Party’s Eighteenth Congress and arrange implementation of related work. After keeping the low fertility rate for more than 10 years, shall China continue to adhere to the basic national policy of family planning? How shall we improve the quality of life of the newborns and reduce birth defects?  相似文献   

To strengthen the management of family planning services to the floating population is an important task to solve the population issue under the new situation in China. In 2006, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council made a "Decision on Overall Strengthening of the Population and Family Planning Work to Address the Population Issue In an Allround Way", which took the floating population service management as one of the five major tasks for addressing the population issue under the new situation.  相似文献   

ince its inception in the late 1970s and along with the reform and opening-up drive, the family planning program in China has brought significant changes to the national economy as well as people抯 lives. During the two decades, the central government and the State Council issued a series of documents guiding the national family planning work. These include the Open Letter to All Party and Youth League Members on Controlling Population Growth in China issued in 1980, the Decision on Stre…  相似文献   

The amendments to the Constitution of the People抯Republic of China, the fourth since the constitution was promulgated in 1982 and proposed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), are expected to enshrine the respect and protection of human rights, the protection of private property lawfully acquired and the important thought of Three Represents in the fundamental law, according to the just-concluded session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congr…  相似文献   

Anational debate has been raging on over whether women should work periodically or even go home to take care of the family. The debate was touched off in October 2000, when a government document, called 揜ecommendations of the Chinese Communist Party on the Formulation of the 10th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, mentioned 搕he creation of a mechanism for periodic employment? The All-China Women抯 Federation, the country抯 chief watchdog for women抯 rights, h…  相似文献   

正Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council recently issued"Opinion on adjustment and Improvement of fertility policies".It explicates the significance and overall thinking for adjustment of fertility policies,demands for adherance of the basic national policy of family planning and promotion of all the related work steadily,fi rmly and orderly.  相似文献   

The amendments to the Constitution of the People‘sRepublic of China, the fourth since the constitutionwas promulgated in 1982 and proposed by theCentral Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC), are expected to enshrine the respect andprotection of human rights, the protection of private  相似文献   

In2012,the national civil aft'air system earnestly implemented the spirit of .the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Thirteenth National Conference on Civil Affairs, effectively performed its function of protection of people's basic livelihood, innovation on social management,  相似文献   

In this paper, based on survey data of four cities,migrant population in 2008, we use multi-level Logit model to analyze the factors of individual and areas of destination which have impact on migration behavior of migrant population in large cities.We find that there are large changes in the behavior of migrants:Firstly,the rise in the proportion of migrant citizens has led to the effects of gender, marital status and household type and other factors on the probability of migration are not significant,and the migration is appearing to base on the family unit;Secondly,due to the discrimination against migrants in employment and wage income, and the upgrade of industrial structure,the attractiveness of the increasing jobs to the migrant population has declined, and migrants,expected income is detaching from the income level of urban residents;Thirdly,the growth of urban ladors,average wage has extrusion effect on the employment of the migrant labors in the informal sector, which reduces the probability of potential migrant population.  相似文献   

According to China News, Guangdong recently starts the Project of Family Education Lecture in Rural Areas, one of the top ten practical things of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Guangdong  相似文献   

The concept of"urbanization on city and town level" is an expression of Chinese version, or a mainland understanding of China. However, city and town are on the different levels. In the light of census' measures on city population" and "town population, the paper tries to analyze population size aud its change on both "city" and "town" levels: to compare the different population density and their effect; to observe the mobile population between "city" and "town" level, and their age structure. The paper tries to explain two demographic effects fiom "city" and "town" levels on the course of Chinese urbanization.  相似文献   

正To further implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Party Central Committee,conscientiously sum up comprehensive management of sex ratio at birth in 2013 and fully arrange the tasks in 2014,on December 20,2013,National Meeting on Comprehensive Management of Sex Ratio at Birth was held in Fuzhou  相似文献   

China will realize a low birth rate and shift from slow population growth to zero growth in the next few decades, according to a decision by the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee and the State Council. Entitled "Decision on Strengthening Population and Family Planning Work and Maintaining A Low Birth Rate," the document issued on March 2 has set goals and principles for China's population and family planning work for the next decades. China will keep the average population birt…  相似文献   

In the article,we attribute the main institutional reasons for impacts on citizenization of migrant workers to the urban-rural dual institution, and analyze its content and the basic characteristics.Then empirical analysis of the impact on the will, the ability,decision-making and process of citizenization of migrant workers is given by use of Logistic regressive model and investigation data.Finally a result is found that although the migrant workers have a strong desire for becoming citizens, the vast majority of migrant workers can not be converted to the public because of their capacity constraints, so as soon as possible to improve their ability of citizenization becomes the key to promote citizenization of migrant workers;furthermore,in the urban-rural dual institution,in addition to the household registration system,the employment system, the social security system,the land system and the education system have obvious obstacles on the will, the ability decision-making and process of citizenization of migrant workers.Therefore,the future focus of innovation of the urban-rural dual institution can not continue to remain in the formal aspects of the household registration system,but as soon as possible to switch to innovation of the employment system,the social security system,the land system and the education system which have a substantial impact on the rights and benefits of rural migrant workers,such as expectations and income.  相似文献   

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