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古代的犹太妇女没有婚姻自主权,在离婚的问题上,也完全处于被动的地位。其财产限于自己的嫁妆及获得的礼物与"婚娶赠与",丈夫用其财产投资所得以及她们本人的工资收入都不属于自己。与其他民族不同的是,犹太教高度赞美婚姻家庭制度,从而使得犹太律法赋予了犹太妇女婚姻生活中应有的人性化待遇,而且从《塔木德》时代开始,犹太妇女的婚姻权益开始受犹太婚约的保护,它不仅使得犹太妇女在离婚或丧夫守寡之后的经济生活有一定的保障,而且对丈夫单方面休妻的行为也有所限制,犹太妇女的婚姻地位因而在附属中有所改善。  相似文献   

中国当前的婚姻态势及变化趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张翼 《河北学刊》2008,28(3):6-12
本文通过对2005年1%人口抽样调查数据的分析发现:中国内地人口粗离婚率逐年升高,这既有人们婚姻观念的变化的因素,也受到中国婚龄人口供给的影响。中国每年登记结婚的对数在逐步减少,离婚率在迅速上升。在地区分布上,东北三省离婚和再婚率比较高,但浙江、江苏、广东等省却不明显。人们的初婚年龄进一步推迟,未婚人口所占百分比越来越高。农村老人的丧偶问题重于城市。青少年人口性别比失衡,未来男性"婚荒"问题将会很严重。  相似文献   

所谓内涵性婚姻与功利性婚姻是根据个人的情感和社会经济背景所缔结的两种不同类型的婚姻。内涵性婚姻以爱情为基础,认为没有爱情的婚姻是不道德的;功利性婚姻以现实的需要或利益为选择,认为只有建立在实际需要上的婚姻才更具稳定性,也更具道德性。从理论上分析,二者各有所长亦各有所短,但舆论似乎更偏向内涵性婚姻,并对功利性婚姻持批判态度。但从伦理的角度重新审视婚姻问题,我们应当超越内涵性婚姻与功利性婚姻的对立,建构起一种新的以价值认同为基础的婚姻模式。  相似文献   

This paper reports an investigation of the effects of socioeconomic and labor market factors on the dissolution of marriages since the mid 1960s. We examine the effects of possible sources of marital disruption, including poor labor market opportunities for young adults; the economic independence and improved labor market opportunities of women; and changes in the labor market roles and expectations of women within marriage. Using the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Men, Young Women, and Youth, we estimate the effects on marital stability of husbands′ and wives′ levels, differences and changes in educational attainment, income, and annual weeks worked. Our results suggest that average levels of couples′ educational attainment and recent work experiences positively affect marital stability. The degree to which husbands and wives differ on educational attainment and income does not affect marital stability, but the more that wives work relative to their husbands, the greater the chances of disruption. Positive changes in wives′ socioeconomic and labor force characteristics over the course of their marriages increase the odds of marital disruption.  相似文献   

Relationship quality for married couples typically declines after the birth of a (first) child, as parenthood brings new identities, stresses, and responsibilities for mothers and fathers. Yet, it is less clear whether nonmarital relationship quality follows a similar trajectory, particularly given the greater selectivity of nonmarital relationships that persist over time. This paper uses data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 3,459) with latent growth curve models to examine relationship quality (measured by mothers' perceived supportiveness about fathers) for married and unmarried couples over nine years after a child's birth. Findings suggest that marriage at birth is protective for relationship supportiveness over time, net of various individual characteristics associated with marriage, compared to all unmarried couples at birth; however, marriage does not differentiate supportiveness compared to the subset of unmarried couples who remain stably together. Also, unmarried couples who get married after the birth have more supportive relationships compared to all unmarried couples who do not marry—though less so when compared to couples who remain stably together.  相似文献   

I examine variation in trajectories of women’s marital quality across the life course. The analysis improves upon earlier research in three ways: (1) the analysis uses a sequential cohort design and data from the first 35 years of marriage; (2) I analyze rich data from a national sample; (3) I examine multiple dimensions of marital quality. Latent class growth analyses estimated on data from women in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth-1979 (N = 2604) suggest multiple trajectories for each of three dimensions of marital quality, including two trajectories of marital happiness, two trajectories of marital communication, and three trajectories of marital conflict. Socioeconomic and demographic covariates are then used to illustrate how factors such as income, cohabitation, and race-ethnicity set individuals at risk of poor marital quality throughout the life course by differentiating between high and low trajectories of marital quality. Women on low marital quality trajectories are, as expected, at much greater risk of divorce. Taken together, these findings show how fundamental socioeconomic and demographic characteristics contribute to subsequent marital outcomes via their influence on trajectories of marital quality as well as providing a better picture of the complexity in contemporary patterns of marital quality.  相似文献   

杨甫旺 《学术探索》2007,(5):113-116
50多年来,永仁县谢腊村彝族婚姻家庭生活方式发生了前所未有的变化,婚嫁打破了传统血缘、民族和地域的界限,婚姻观念发生了根本性的变化。传统的多元化婚姻模式的传承,为现代谢腊彝族实施计划生育政策提供了良好基础,"养儿防老"观念日趋淡薄。谢腊彝族家庭结构以核心家庭和直系扩大家庭为主,婚姻礼俗中的当事人、父母、媒人的角色发生了转换,青年男女在婚姻中获得了自主权,家庭关系呈民主化趋势,妇女的家庭地位得到了明显提高。这种婚姻家庭生活方式有选择性地继承了传统、吸纳了现代文化,它对谢腊彝族社会生活方式乃至社会文化的发展有着重要意义。  相似文献   

论唐代的冥婚及其形成的原因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文旨在探讨唐代冥婚墓志、敦煌冥婚书仪、以及唐代小说笔记中有关冥间结婚和离婚的记载中所反映的唐代的冥婚现象及其兴盛的原因。本文认为 :第一 ,冥婚反映了佛教对唐人的死后世界观的影响 ;第二 ,唐代前期的经济繁荣为重葬提供了良好的土壤 ;第三 ,唐代社会对男女之情的开放态度为冥婚提供了精神和心理条件 ;第四 ,冥婚为死者亲属提供了增进族间交往、伸张权势以及炫耀财富和地位的机会 ;第五 ,冥婚习俗随着唐代社会的衰微而渐趋消失。  相似文献   

荷兰同性婚姻的国际私法问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李良才 《兰州学刊》2010,(7):134-138
性别相同的两个自然人结合而成的伴侣关系有多种表现形式,有的较为松散,不具有法律意义,有的颇为紧密,具有从法律角度予以探讨的必要。2001年4月荷兰修订了《婚姻法》,允许缔结同性婚姻。2005年以来相继有比利时、加拿大、马萨诸塞州、荷兰及西班牙等通过立法承认同性婚姻。荷兰《国际私法(结婚与离婚)法》也作了修订,及时回应同性婚姻的成立与解除、同性离婚案件管辖权选择、外国同性婚姻的效力及外国同性离婚判决的承认、同性婚姻与荷兰区际私法等问题对国际私法的需求。我国当前同性恋人群呈增长趋势。在可预见的未来我国必然遇到在我国境内缔结同性婚姻的合法性、外国同性婚姻配偶在我国的民事法律地位、外国同性离婚判决在我国的承认等问题。我们需要研究和借鉴域外的成功经验,完善我国国际私法立法。  相似文献   

More and more people enter multiple unions during their lives, and then they may choose to either cohabit or marry. We examine the implications of this diversity in partnership trajectories by assessing dissolution risks in first and higher order marital and cohabiting unions. We use recent Norwegian survey data that contain complete retrospective union histories. We find that, when selectivity is accounted for, higher-order unions are not less stable than first unions. When dissolution risks for all possible partnership trajectories are compared, we find that former cohabitants who cohabit in a second union are as likely to break up as they were in their first cohabiting union. As soon as they enter marriage in their second unions, however, they do slightly better than first married persons. The previously married experience higher dissolution risks in their second union compared to their first, regardless of their current union type.  相似文献   

在德国,离婚后的扶养作为婚姻关系解除的余后效力,法律对其作了极其全面和详尽的规定,这不仅有利于防止离婚自由权的滥用,而且也有利于保护需要扶养方的利益。值此我国《民法典》制定之际,德国有关这一制度的规定对完善我国离婚时的经济帮助制度有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

葛亮 《河北学刊》2004,24(5):99-104
在汉代,所谓的民族"和亲",是指有仇怨、相互战争的民族,彼此商定,捐弃仇怨,消弭战争,进而缔结和平亲近的民族关系.因此,在和平时期的西汉竟宁元年,王昭君奉汉元帝之命出嫁匈奴呼韩邪单于,本是巩固、强化汉与匈奴的政治整合,而并非什么民族"和亲",因为汉代史籍中从未出现过"昭君和亲说".然而,随着"和亲"词义在北朝隋唐之际的衍增,民族"和亲"与跨民族的"政治联姻"叠为一体,于是,王昭君出嫁就被唐代的学者引申联想为是一次民族"和亲",从而世代流传,延续至今,遂成定论.事实上,"昭君和亲说"既无助于阐明王昭君嫁呼韩邪单于的真正历史意义,又会导致人们在释读汉代史料时思维混乱.研究汉代历史,应该摒弃"昭君和亲说".  相似文献   

中国现代文学中涉及女性的婚姻问题一直被作家和读者们关注着,而对于大龄未婚女青年有关婚恋的语言、行为和心理的描述却是罕见的。独具慧眼的钱钟书先生在《围城》中有意无意地切入了这个由于众多原故产生的一个具有现代意识的新的社会问题。从《围城》中范懿和刘小姐二人可见当时大龄未婚知识女性的心理状态。  相似文献   

精神病人作为婚姻关系的一方当事人,其离婚诉权依法应得到保护。从离婚诉权的基本内涵入手,考查精神病人离婚诉权的立法及司法现状,结合存在的问题提出完善的构想。  相似文献   

略论唐代的政治婚姻及其作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政治婚姻是以婚姻为手段达到某种政治目的的婚姻形式 ,它是唐代政治、军事斗争的产物 ,其方式和类型也随政治、军事形式的变化而变化。在不同时期、不同条件下 ,政治婚姻所起的作用也不尽相同。唐政府与少数民族之间的和亲有利于边疆和平和双方的经济文化交流 ;朝廷与藩镇联姻有助于加强中央对地方的控制 ,维护中央集权 ;藩镇之间联姻在初期巩固了军事同盟和地方割据 ,至唐末又有助于壮大强藩的势力 ,实现局部的统一。  相似文献   

A growing literature reveals that parental divorce and marital discord can have undesirable effects on the mental health and social well-being of children, some of which extend well into adulthood. Our study augments this body of work by focusing on the interplay of divorce and discord in shaping the religious and spiritual lives of young adults. Several discrete subgroups of young adults are identified in terms of parental marital status and degree of parents’ marital conflict, and multiple religious and spiritual outcomes are considered. Data are taken from the National Survey on the Moral and Spiritual Lives of Young Adults from Divorced and Intact Families, a nationwide US telephone survey of approximately 1500 young adults ages 18-35 conducted in 2001. Findings confirm that persons raised by parents in intact, happy, low-conflict marriages tend to score higher on most religious and spiritual outcomes. However, offspring from divorced families and those from intact high-conflict families differ on some outcomes, but not others. Indicators of traditional institutional religious practices and beliefs appear more vulnerable to the effects of parental divorce and discord than personal spiritual beliefs and practices. Overall, findings reveal a rich but complex set of relationships between family background and religious and spiritual lives among young adults.  相似文献   

当代中国社会变迁背景下高离婚率的社会学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代中国高离婚率的积极含义在于社会更包容和人们尤其是文化高及经济地位上升的妇女享有更多婚姻自主与个人自由。而其消极后果是社会急剧变迁背景下共同体弱化而个人的过分自由,难在婚姻生活中找到慰藉。其社会原因主要是:调解机制匮乏、家庭核心化、社会流动加剧及经济压力加大。个人原因在于婚姻的责任意识差及个人社会性低下。解决之道在于重建共同体,加强初级群体建设来培育个人责任感与沟通能力。  相似文献   

We examine how religious and political factors structure support for same-sex marriage in the United States over the last two decades. Using data from the General Social Surveys, we show that respondents who identify more strongly with the Republican Party, sectarian denominations, and those who subscribe to biblical fundamentalism and political conservatism are substantially more opposed to same-sex marriage than are other Americans. Heterogeneous ordinal logistic regression models show that these religious and political factors have become more important over the last two decades. Cohorts born after 1945 became substantially more supportive of marriage rights between 1988 and 2008, but shifts in support for marriage rights were less sizeable for persons affiliated with sectarian denominations, religious fundamentalists, Republicans, and political conservatives. Estimates from structural equation models show that religious factors influence political conservatism and Republican identification, yet both religious and political factors have significant and substantial independent direct effects on support for same-sex marriage.  相似文献   

在离婚案件中,对夫妻共同债务偿还问题处理得好坏,直接关系到债权人的合法权益能否得到切实的保障。现行婚姻法所规定的以夫妻共同财产清偿共同债务的做法不妥,这一规定在司法实践中易产生多种问题。事实上,像财产可以分割一样,共同债务也可以分割给离婚双方,由其各自单独承担相应债务。  相似文献   

抗战期间,陕甘宁边区政府实行了婚姻制度改革,其中军婚不同于普通婚姻,处理军婚问题时既要考虑到保证前线战士的抗战积极性又要照顾到因丈夫长期不在而产生不安情绪的抗属,若处理不当极易影响边区政权稳定。边区政府为解决军婚中存在的问题和矛盾,采取了一系列积极措施并取得了良好效果。这一时期的军婚改革实践推动了边区民主建设进程,为现代军婚的确立和发展积累了丰富的经验。  相似文献   

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