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数字技术是否显著冲击了企业创新活动的要素构成与资源配置关系,直接影响着制造业单项冠军企业数字创新战略的制定,也是引导制造企业在数字化情境下优化创新要素、提升资源配置效率的核心问题。基于“迈尔斯—斯诺”战略类型分析框架,使用制造业单项冠军企业上市样本数据,以多因素组态视角分析了动态能力(感知能力/整合能力)、冗余资源、环境动态性与数字创新(探索式/利用式数字创新)4个前因条件对企业绩效的组态效应,并对典型案例进行了验证性分析,研究发现:(1)存在4类能够产生高企业绩效的数字创新适配组态:“捕获—突破”型、“编排—开拓”型、“协同—共创”型与“自驱—并创”型。前两类可归纳为探索式数字创新战略模式,后两类可归纳为双元数字创新战略模式;(2)高环境动态性下,强感知能力是制造业单项冠军企业通过探索式数字创新战略模式获取高绩效的关键条件;(3)非高环境动态性下,高冗余资源与单一动态能力(感知能力/整合能力)是制造业单项冠军企业通过双元数字创新战略模式产生高绩效的关键条件;(4)科技型制造企业更倾向于探索式数字创新战略模式,而传统制造领域企业在资源充盈时更倾向于双元数字创新战略模式。本文研究结论一方...  相似文献   

宋锦河 《科学咨询》2008,(23):35-35
(一)战略管理会计能综合提升企业的战略决策能力。战略管理会计能综合提升企业的战略决策能力。战略管理会计将企业管理上升到战略层次的高度,并且能与企业发展中的各个管理层次相结合,通过对竞争对手的分析,为企业决策者提供最优的战略管理服务。它通过运用各种经济信息为企业战略管理提供信息支持,帮助企业做出正确的战略决策,从而综合提升了企业的战略决策能力。  相似文献   

国有企业资本结构的实证分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
(一)指标选择衡量国有企业盈利能力的指标通常有:总资产收益率、资本收益率和净资产收益率。在这3种指标中 ,资本收益率、净资产收益率反映企业权益资本的获利能力 ,这个比率越大 ,企业可用于积累和分配的资金来源就越多。而一般认为净资产收益率比较准确和全面 ,但考虑在1996年前无净资产收益率的统计数据 ,因此 ,我们选择资本收益率作为衡量国有企业获利能力的指标 ,并考察资本收益率与资本结构(资产负债率)之间的关系。(二)模型建立我们讨论的是非股份制国有企业资本结构与盈利能力之间的关系 ,按照资本结构理论模型:iT=…  相似文献   

宁波服装产业区域品牌国际化的路径——基于SWOT的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SWOT分析法又称为态势分析法,旨在对企业内部的优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)和外部环境的机遇(Opportunities)、威胁(Threats)进行综合分析的基础上,制定与内部能力和外部环境相适应的经营战略。SWOT分析方法的最大特点是,能够有效地帮助企业的战略制定者通过对企业内外部环境的分析,制定出SO(优势一机会)战略、  相似文献   

风险投资项目评价的基本分析框架和选择空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的风险投资自1998年以来迅速发展。对科技成果转化和高新技术产业化产生了重要作用。风险投资一般采取间接投资的形式,由风险资金的供给者(投资者)、运作者(风险投资公司)、使用者(风险企业)构成三位一体的运作方式。风险投资市场的主体是投资者、风险投资公司和风险企业。资金首先从投资者流向风险投资公司,经过风险投资公司的筛选,然后流向风险企业;通过风险企业的运作,资本得到增值,再回流到风险投资公司;风险投资公司再将收益回馈给投资者。  相似文献   

智能客服已成为企业降低成本、提升服务效率的重要方式。然而,消费者却对智能客服表现出厌恶心理。本文从消费者不确定需求视角出发,通过四项研究检验了智能客服厌恶效应的诱因、心理机制及其边界条件。结果发现:(1)相比不确定性低的需求状态,不确定性高的需求状态更可能诱发消费者对智能客服产生厌恶效应;(2)该效应受到能力感知的中介作用,即消费者认为智能客服在不确定性高(vs.低)的需求状态下更缺乏能力,进而导致智能客服厌恶效应;(3)上述效应存在于主观不确定性的需求状态,而对于客观不确定性的需求状态,厌恶效应消失;(4)通过赋予智能客服应对不确定性能力的策略,可以有效地削弱智能客服厌恶效应。本文从消费者不确定需求视角丰富了智能客服的理论研究,为企业改善智能客服厌恶现象提供了营销启示。  相似文献   

以服务业企业为研究对象,将数据赋能分为连接能力、智能能力和分析能力三个维度,探讨三个维度对服务业企业转型绩效的影响,并研究外部知识搜索的中介作用和战略一致性的调节作用。研究结果显示:(1)连接能力、智能能力和分析能力均对服务业企业转型绩效有显著的正向影响;(2)外部知识搜索分别在连接能力、智能能力、分析能力与服务业企业转型绩效之间发挥中介作用;(3)战略一致性正向调节外部知识搜索与服务业企业转型绩效之间的关系。  相似文献   

近年来,越来越多的造业企业选择引入和应用IE技术来应对成本持续上升的压力,在此过程中,企业需要一整套包括IE能力标准和改进的路线图在内的指南。鉴于此,本文借鉴软件行业广泛应用软件能力成熟度模型(CMM)的成功经验,结合IE学科特点,对工业工程能力成熟度模型(IECMM)的成功经验,结合IE学科特点,对工业工程能力成熟度模型(IECMM)的构建进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文提出的网络型市场结构不仅克服了传统市场结构分析中割裂产业问联系的缺陷,同时也修正了供应链中忽视同行业之间相互作用的弊端,并进一步提出了网络型市场结构一般模型。进而,构造了两个具有代表性的“一市场两产业三企业”网络型市场结构模型,从(竞争,竞争,竞争)、(竞争,合作,合作)、(合作,合作,竞争)及(合作,合作,合作)四种策略组合对网络型市场结构下Cournot均衡产量和传统市场结构下Cournot均衡产量决策进行了对比。得出,网络型市场结构下企业Cournot均衡产量小于传统市场结构下企业Cournot均衡产量的结论,并通过算例对该结论进行了验证。  相似文献   

公共关系和市场营销共同制约了企业经营战略的形成并影响其执行.本文采用了系统分析(Systems Analysis)的方法分析了不同经营状态下的企业经营绩效.从中得出了当今企业的长期经营绩效主要取决于其企业的公共关系(Public Relations)和市场营销(Marketing)这两种运作能力,此前沿营销理念的提出将会对企业的长期经营绩效起到飞黄腾达的作用.  相似文献   

崔淼  苏敬勤  王淑娟 《南开管理评论》2012,15(2):128-135,142
本文采用探索性嵌入式单案例研究,以北车集团大连机车车辆有限公司八类复杂产品系统的技术发展历程为分析单元,研究发现:后发复杂产品系统制造企业的技术系统包括架构、元件和测试技术,测试技术是联接架构与元件技术的纽带;从技术获取到自主研发,三类技术分别经历了引进、消化吸收、系列化,引进、国产化与周边元件改进、核心元件研发与元件改进,以及匹配性测试、周边元件性能与匹配性测试、元件性能与匹配性测试三个发展阶段。最后通过与"简单"产品制造企业技术演化特征的比较,提出后发复杂产品系统制造企业的技术演化具有架构与元件技术并行消化吸收、测试技术促进架构与元件技术发展、核心元件技术研发模式多样的特征。  相似文献   

Disruptive innovations often engage in a fierce battle with incumbent technologies for hegemony. Past studies on technological innovations are silent about factors that extend the duration of the ‘era of ferment’—that is, the period during which competing technologies fight for dominance. We argue that complexity of the underlying technology, ecological and institutional dynamics may permit coexistence of competing technology regimes. The paper illustrates such coexistence by discussing the persistence of disparate technologies in steel making and kidney disease treatment. We conclude that the process of ‘creative destruction’ can be delayed in certain settings.  相似文献   

Technology monitoring (TM) may take on different meanings in a company’s day-to-day activities. In some cases it can be interpreted as a technology intelligence methodology, while in others it is understood as technology forecasting or even as technology assessment. These different interpretations are confirmed by an analysis of the literature. This case study examines the technology monitoring process in four Italian companies.For each of the cases considered, first we analysed the way technology monitoring is carried out and then we tried to understand what factors influence the company approach to technology monitoring. Four factors that can be expected to influence a company’s technology monitoring approach came out of this empirical research study: the industry a company operates in, the business model it uses, the importance of technology in the corporate culture, and the level of its R&D resources.  相似文献   

A population perspective of the formation, long-term survival, and prevalence of U.S./Japanese alliances in seven technology-intensive areas suggests the presence of two subpopulations. We have called these two subpopulations dominated and hybridized. They were predicted and empirically identified as being comprised of unique combinations of the technical area of operations, the administrative form of the alliance, and the product/knolwedge flow through the entity.  相似文献   

基于技术变化周期的企业能力重置机制选择研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文基于全球技术快速变化的实践背景,以生命周期理论与组织能力理论为依据,以技术生命周期和技术变化特征为轴线,构建出企业应对技术变化的能力重置机制连续带,提出企业能力重置机制的五种选择;依据技术演化的不同发展阶段呈现出的技术变化特征进一步扩展了能力变革机制,并辅以实例佐证,以期诠释技术变化在不同发展阶段上对企业造成的影响,为企业选择最佳的能力重置模式进而获取竞争优势给出指导建议。  相似文献   

We analyze the option to breach a leasing contract when replacing a fleet of ICVs (internal combustion engine vehicles) and EVs (electric vehicles) subject to cost uncertainty. We derive the optimal policy for technology choice and breaching ICV contracts. The decision to breach is shown to offer both cost savings resulting from reduced ICV operating costs and preemptive acquisition, but incurs additional costs arising from the need to compensate for breached vehicles and in the form of opportunity costs. We also demonstrate that the effects of breaching a leasing contract have a ripple effect across the decision horizon, thus amplifying the impact of a single breach. A numerical study based on data from La Poste, the French postal service, shows that breaching a leasing contract in this context offers measurable cost benefits.  相似文献   

Building on recent unique, yet potentially complementary, approaches to understanding the formation of user perceptions about technology (Venkatesh, 1999; Venkatesh & Speier, 1999), the present work reanalyzes the data from both studies to develop an integrated model of technology acceptance. The integrated model specifically examines the influence of pre‐training and training environment interventions (termed user acceptance enablers) to understand how user perceptions are formed prior to system implementation. The model is then further extended and tested using longitudinal data in a field setting. The results indicate that the integrated model emerged as a better predictor of user behavior when compared to the existing models.  相似文献   

Persuading users to adopt new information technologies persists as an important problem confronting those responsible for implementing new information systems. In order to better understand and manage the process of new technology adoption, several theoretical models have been proposed, of which the technology acceptance model (TAM) has gained considerable support. Beliefs and attitudes represent significant constructs in TAM. A parallel research stream suggests that individual difference factors are important in information technology acceptance but does not explicate the process by which acceptance is influenced. The objective of this paper is to clarify this process by proposing a theoretical model wherein the relationship between individual differences and IT acceptance is hypothesized to be mediated by the constructs of the technology acceptance model. In essence then, these factors are viewed as influencing an individual's beliefs about an information technology innovation; this relationship is further supported by drawing upon extensive research in learning. The theoretical model was tested in an empirical study of 230 users of an information technology innovation. Results confirm the basic structure of the model, including the mediating role of beliefs. Results also identify several individual difference variables that have significant effects on TAM's beliefs. Theoretical contributions and practical implications that follow are discussed.  相似文献   

A large-scale random sample is used to empirically examine the relationships between implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and three organization-level measures that have historically been attributed to AMT, but not fully tested along the AMT spectrum: market-oriented flexibility of the production process, organizational integration of production processes, and administrative intensity of the organization. Results indicate that as an organization moves along the technology scale from stand-alone AMT (e.g., CNC machines) through functionally oriented AMT (FMS and CAM) toward CIM, not only do its production processes become more integrated with each other, but those processes become more integrated with other functional systems of the organization, and the quality and timeliness of production information increase. Furthermore, this relationship becomes stronger as companies increase their level of implementation for the latter two technologies. Conversely, market-oriented flexibility decreases and administrative intensity is not observed to change as companies move along the technology spectrum. Future research should examine how organizational redesign and implementation strategies that accompany AMT implementation can concomitantly enhance organizational integration of the production process and market-oriented flexibility.  相似文献   

Management research exploring the role of national culture on topics such as management style, strategy, and firm performance can broadly be divided into two categories. Studies that attempt to compare and contrast the impact of culture on organizations in different cultures have been labeled as “National Character” studies. These studies attempt to determine how specific cultural attributes affect actions, strategies and performance. The second type of culture study focuses on the interactions between two firms embedded in different national cultures. These studies look at the impact of “Cultural Distance” on the ability of organizations to successfully interact. It is this latter area which is becoming increasingly important to technology management in the “Flat World” of the 21st Century. Research propositions for technology management for each of the two frameworks are developed.  相似文献   

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