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Labor and Employment National employment at year-end amounted to 767.04 million persons,an increase of 2.84 million over the end of last year.Of which,371.02 million were urban employments,an increase of 11.88 million over the end of last year.Of the national employment,33.6% was in primary industries;30.3% secondary industries and 36.1% tertiary industries.  相似文献   

The Law on the Protection of the Rights andInterests of Women of the People‘s Republicof China is the first of its kind in China to focus on women and protection of their legal right sand interests. As of the year 2002, the Law had been put into effect for ten years. In order to understand  相似文献   

正February 24,2014General Outlook By the end of 2013,the total population in the mainland reached 1,360.72 million,an increase of6.68 million over that at the end of 2012.Of this total,urban permanent residents numbered 731.11million,accounting for 53.73 percent,or 1.16 percentage points higher than that at the end of the previous year.The year2013 saw 16.40 million births,a crude birth rate of 12.08  相似文献   

General Outlook
By the end of 2013, the total population in the mainland reached 1,360.72 million, an increase of 6.68 million over that at the end of 2012. Of this total, urban permanent residents numbered 731.11million, accounting for 53.73 percent, or 1.16 percentage points higher than that at the end of the previous year. The year 2013 saw 16.40 million births, a crude birth rate of 12.08 per thousand, and 9.72 million deaths, or a crude death rate of 7.16 per thousand.  相似文献   

Following are main excerpts of the Report on the Work of the Government delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao at the Second Session of the Tenth National People's Congress on March 5, 2004. --Editor I. Review of the Past Year's Work Last year was a significant and unusual year in the course of China's development. We braved difficulties and hardships in an indomitable and innovative spirit and made important advances in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. -- …  相似文献   

National Bureau of Statistics of China February 28,2011 General Outlook In 2010,the gross domestic product (GDP) was 39 798.3 billion yuan, up by 10.3%over the previous year.In terms of different industries,the value added of the primary industry was 4 049.7 billion yuan,up by 4.3%;that of the secondary industry was 18 648.1 billion yuan,up by 12.2%and the tertiary industry 17 100.5 billion yuan,up by 9.5%.The value added of the primary industry accounted for 10.2%of the GDP, that of the secondary industry 46.8%,and that of the tertiary industry 43.0%. The general level of consumer prices of the year was up by 3.3%against the previous year:the first quarter up by 2.2%,the second 2.9%,the third 3.5%,and the fourth 4.7%.Of this,the prices for food went up by 7.2%and the  相似文献   

According to Shaanxi Daily, in 2011 Shaanxi provincial government has decided to put in RMB 47.92 million, an increase of 47.13% compared to the same period of the previous year, to perform 10 practical things for disabled persons.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen an increase in the migrant population in Fengxian, Shanghai by 50,000 a year as a result of rapid socioeconomic development. In 2005, the migrant population in this district reached 370,000, close to the total number of permanent residents. This group of people is critical, therefore, to the district government and even the  相似文献   

The life expectancy at birth for female reached 81.81 in Shanghai in 2003, up from 81.63 in the previous year, according to a new report on the status of women and children in the city in 2003. The report was released jointly by Shanghai Women and Children‘s Committee and the Shanghai Statistics Bureau.  相似文献   

正Population Size of Migrant Workers According to sample survey results from National Bureau of Statistics,the number of migrant workers of China in 2013 totaled 268.94 million,an increase of 6.33 million compared with the previous year,a rise of 2.4%.Of which,166.10 million were migrant workers outside hometown,  相似文献   

At the beginning of the new year, the Leading Party Members’ Group of National Population and Family Planning Commission (NPFPC) published an article in People’s Daily on January 14, 2013. It indicated that NPFPC would remain highly consistent with the "grand blueprint of building a well-off society in an all-around way and accelerating the development of socialist modernization". They would earnestly study the spirit and profound contents of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party through various forms, follow the mindset of the Congress and actively explore new ideas and measures to promote the scientific development of population and family planning undertakings.  相似文献   

The Total Population Size of Migrant Workers 1. Number of migrant workers continue to increase with a total amount of 252.78 million Estimated from the result of sample survey, the number of migrant workers of China in 2011 totaled 252.78 million, an increase of 10.55 million compared with last year, 4.4% up. Of whom, 158.63 million worked  相似文献   

Population Size of Migrant WorkersTotal Population Size Continued to Increase but Growth Rate Continued to Drop According to sample survey results from National Bureau of Statistics,the number of migrant workers in China in2015 totaled 277.47 million,an increase of3.52 million compared with the previous year,and a rise of 1.3%.Since 2011,growth  相似文献   

V. Domestic Trade Sales of consumer goods grew steadily in 2001. The total retail volume of consumer goods amounted to RMB3,759.5 billion, up by 10.1% over year 2000. Of this, the retail volume of consumer goods in urban areas reached RMB2,354.3 billion, up by 11.5% and that in counties and below, RMB1,405.2 billion, an increase of 7.7%. The turnover of the wholesale and retail trades was RMB2,551.1 billion, up by 10.7%, that of the catering, RMB436.9 billion, an increase of 16.4% and …  相似文献   

February 26,2015General Outlook By the end of 2014,the total number of Chinese population at the mainland reached 1 367.82million,an increase of 7.10 million over that at the end of 2013.Of this total,urban permanent residents numbered 749.16million,accounting for 54.77 percent.The year 2014 saw 16.87 million births,a crude birth rate of 12.37 per thousand,and9.77 million deaths,or a crude death rate  相似文献   

President Jiang Zemin called for majorimprovements in the country's familyplanning, resources management andenvironmental protection at a work conferenceheld in Beijing on March 12 this year onpopulation control, natural resources andenvironmental protection.In his address, the president noted that thecountry will strive to control its populationwithin 1.4 billion by the year 2010, halt thedeterioration of the environment and noticeablyimprove it, and enhance resources management."It is an ar…  相似文献   

Health Care Resources Total Number of Medical and Health Institutions At the end of 2011,the number of medical and health institutions totaled 954,389,an increase of 17,462 compared with that of last year.Of which,there were 21,979 hospitals,918,003 grassroots healthcare institutions and 11,926 specialized public health institutions.Compared with last year,the number of hospital increased by 1,061,that of grassroots healthcare institutions increased by 16,294;and that of specialized public health institutions increased by 91(see Table 1). Among the hospitals,13,542 were public hospitals and 8,437 were private hospitals.Categorized by classes,there were 1,399 first-class hospitals "of which,881 were upper first-class hospitals",6,468 second-class hospitals,5,636 third- class hospitals and 8,476 unclassified hospitals.Categorized by the number of beds a hospital possessed,there were 13,136  相似文献   

Nine million new jobs are to be created in 2005, according to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. For the first time in five years, the jobless rate dropped in 2005, and the labor market is seeing a slight rebound. Currently, the Chinese economy is in the upward curve of a new round of growth, with its GDP rising by 9.5% in 2005. This resulted in 9.8 million new jobs created last year, an increase of 1.3 million from 2003. At the same time, 5.1 million laid-off workers were re-empl…  相似文献   

Shanghai has the highest per capita income, while inland province Shanxi has the lowest, according to a new survey. The survey, conducted by the State Statistical Bureau of 44,000 urban residents, shows that in the first half of 2001, the average per capita disposable income of urban residents stood at RMB3,424 (US$420), an actual increase of 5.5% over the same period last year, considering inflation. Shanghai ranked the first (RMB6,018 or US$730) while Shanxi the last (RMB2,494 or US$…  相似文献   

Shenzhen, a prosperous city in southern China acrossfrom Hong Kong, reported 250 HIV cases in January-September 2004, a 136% increase over the sameperiod a year ago and 30.9% increase from 2003,according to the Shenzhen Center for Disease Control.Most Carriers Are Non-Permanent ResidentsOf the 250 cases, 95% were migrants coming from 21provinces, and only 12% had an education of seniormiddle school and above. In addition, 76.4% of thecarriers were male averaging 31 years of age.Close to…  相似文献   

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