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Seclusion, or the use of locked, closely monitored containment, is widely used in psychiatric practice and is legally sanctioned. Involving humanitarian, ethical, and legal issues, seclusion poses dilemmas and raises questions for health-care professionals. Among those defending the practice, some would argue that it is used reluctantly and only as a last resort, whereas others consider it to be a positive therapeutic treatment modality, whether used alone or in conjunction with other treatments. Opponents of seclusion disagree, considering seclusion to be punitive, arbitrary, and geared toward serving the needs of other patients and staff. Although professionals have interpreted seclusion differently with regard to its function, efficacy, and impact, the vast majority of patients view it negatively. Wadeson and Carpenter (1976) found that individuals interviewed 1 year after seclusion still felt bitter about the experience; for many, that experience symbolized their entire psychiatric illness.  相似文献   

This Issue Brief is the third in a series of Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) publications based on data collected in 1998 and released in 2002 as the Retirement and Pension Plan Coverage Topical Module of the 1996 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). This report completes the series by examining the survey's more detailed questions concerning workers' employment-based retirement plans. Specifically, it examines the percentage of workers who are participating in a plan, and also workers' reasons for not participating in a plan when working in a job where a plan is sponsored; the features of, or decisions made concerning salary reduction plans; historical participation in employment-based retirement plans; and a comparison of the standard of living of individuals age 55 or older with their living standard in their early 50s. As of June 1998, 64.3 percent of wage and salary workers age 16 or older worked for an employer or union that sponsored any type of retirement plan (defined contribution or defined benefit) for any of its employees or members (the "sponsorship rate"). Almost 47 percent of these wage and salary workers participated in a plan (the "participation rate"), with 43.2 percent being entitled to a benefit or eligible to receive a lump-sum distribution from a plan if their job terminated at the time of survey (the "vested rate"). The predominant reason for choosing not to participate in a retirement plan was that doing so was unaffordable. The eligible participation rate for salary reduction plans was 81.4 percent. Fifty-six percent of all workers have participated in some type of retirement plan sometime during their work life through 1998. For those ages 51-60, almost 72 percent have ever participated in a plan. The median account balance in salary reduction plans in 1998 was $14,000. In 1998, 12.9 percent of salary reduction plan participants eligible to take a loan had done so, and the average outstanding loan balance was $5,196. Nearly 80 percent of those age 55 or older reported that their standard of living is about the same or better now than it was when they were in their early 50s. The incidence of both pension income and health insurance from a former employer had a significant impact on retirees' ability to maintain their standard of living. In addition, those who spent their entire most recent lump-sum distribution were more likely to have a much worse standard of living in retirement than those who rolled over their entire most recent distribution.  相似文献   

Satisfaction with health care was assessed using three measures, including one with general referents, one with personal referents, and one referring to the last physician visit. These measures were used to predict an outcome measure that included four groups: those who intended to change health care and did, those who intended to change and did not, those who did not intend to change and did, and those who did not intend to change and did not. The measure with personal referents was the best predictor of intention to change/change, while the measure with general referents did not enter the prediction equation. None of the measures was a very good predictor of those who did not carry out their intentions with respect to change of health care plan.  相似文献   

1. Reported patient perceptions of seclusion revealed many negative feelings. The quest for the human element, dignity, to understand and to be understood, and to be reassured was a theme throughout. 2. Whatever nurses can do before or during the seclusion process that results in more positive perceptions by patients helps promote more comfortable feelings and more appropriate behavior. Frequent reviews of seclusion policies and procedures are important. 3. Debriefing may be one of the most important ways that staff can help the patient in diminishing the emotional impact of seclusion. It provides an opportunity to clarify the rationale for the seclusion, offer mutual feedback, and promote the patient's self-esteem.  相似文献   

本文从分析目前大多数校园网的可靠性现状出发,简要介绍了虚拟路由冗余协议VRRP,提出应用VRRP协议提升校园网络的可靠性解决方案,从保护投资和提高网络可靠性的角度提出一种实用的解决方案.  相似文献   

This Issue Brief examines the academic literature and issues in consolidation of the hospital sector in the context of responses to changes in the competitive environment. It analyzes the motivations for consolidation as well as its effects. Hospital merger activity has increased dramatically in recent years. The current wave of mergers is primarily a reaction to a competitive environment that is placing a greater emphasis on controlling costs and forcing high-cost providers out of the market. The growth of managed care has placed considerable pressure on providers of health care and, in particular, on hospitals. The evolution of insurance companies' behavior helps explain the recent hospital consolidation movement. As managed care has become the dominant type of coverage in the last decade, insurance companies have become more active in trying to control costs--a reversion to their previous practices before the advent of managed care. Insurance companies have placed cost constraints on providers, both in the early years of health insurance and currently, when there are strong competitive forces. Hospitals claim that their primary merger motives are improving efficiency and the quality of care. The empirical evidence on this claim is mixed. Vertical integration (between suppliers and buyers of health care services, such as between hospitals and physicians) has appealed to hospitals because of their need to obtain more patients. More research is needed to explore the effects of vertical integration in the health care sector. In one of the more significant recent legal rulings, the U.S. Justice Department lost a 1997 case challenging the merger of two hospitals in the New York City metropolitan area. This, along with other recent losses by the antitrust authorities, does not bode well for the government's ability to prevent hospital mergers in metropolitan areas. It is difficult to generalize on an appropriate antitrust policy for hospital mergers. Hospital consolidation is likely to continue at a rapid pace. Since some developments may reduce the cost of employee benefits while others may increase the cost of these benefits, the final effect on the provision of health care benefits by employers is uncertain. Employers must pay close attention to the hospital consolidation movement because it will lead to important changes in the provision of health care benefits.  相似文献   

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