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In this paper, we propose an extension of the Gompertz-Makeham distribution. This distribution is called the transmuted Gompertz-Makeham (TGM). The new model which can handle bathtub-shaped, increasing, increasing-constant and constant hazard rate functions. This property makes TGM is useful in survival analysis. Various statistical and reliability measures of the model are obtained, including hazard rate function, moments, moment generating function (mgf), quantile function, random number generating, skewness, kurtosis, conditional moments, mean deviations, Bonferroni curve, Lorenz curve, Gini index, mean inactivity time, mean residual lifetime and stochastic ordering; we also obtain the density of the ith order statistic. Estimation of the model parameters is justified by the method of maximum likelihood. An application to real data demonstrates that the TGM distribution can provides a better fit than some other very well known distributions.  相似文献   

Classical univariate measures of asymmetry such as Pearson’s (mean-median)/σ or (mean-mode)/σ often measure the standardized distance between two separate location parameters and have been widely used in assessing univariate normality. Similarly, measures of univariate kurtosis are often just ratios of two scale measures. The classical standardized fourth moment and the ratio of the mean deviation to the standard deviation serve as examples. In this paper we consider tests of multinormality which are based on the Mahalanobis distance between two multivariate location vector estimates or on the (matrix) distance between two scatter matrix estimates, respectively. Asymptotic theory is developed to provide approximate null distributions as well as to consider asymptotic efficiencies. Limiting Pitman efficiencies for contiguous sequences of contaminated normal distributions are calculated and the efficiencies are compared to those of the classical tests by Mardia. Simulations are used to compare finite sample efficiencies. The theory is also illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

Kurtosis, usually as measured by the standardised fourth central moment, has been examined on a number of occasions by observing the effect of contaminating the distribution, that is, mixing in another distribution. However, superficial treatment can lead, and indeed has led, to misunderstandings. This paper considers, firstly for a symmetric distribution contaminated at two points symmetrically placed around its centre and then for a mixture of two continuous symmetric distributions, the behaviour of three measures of kurtosis. This is done in general and not just as the mixing proportion tends to zero as in the influence function approach. It is seen that when both scale and kurtosis change, the latter is not necessarily intuitive. It is also illustrated that parameter interpretation in terms of distributional properties such as shape can be misleading without the use of the appropriate distributional partial ordering  相似文献   

Sample kurtosis is a member of the large class of absolute moment tests of normality. We compare kurtosis to other absolute moment tests to determine which are the most powerful at detecting long‐tailed symmetric departures from normality for large samples. The large sample power of the tests is calculated using Geary's (1947) approximations of the moments of the test statistics. Using the system of Gram-Charlier symmetric distributions as alternatives, the most power is obtained using a moment in the range 2.5 ‐ 3.5.  相似文献   


In this article, the kurtosis of the logistic-exponential distribution is analyzed. All the moments of this survival distribution are finite, but do not possess closed-form expressions. The standardized fourth central moment, known as Pearson’s coefficient of kurtosis and often used to describe the kurtosis of a distribution, can thus also not be expressed in closed form for the logistic-exponential distribution. Alternative kurtosis measures are therefore considered, specifically quantile-based measures and the L-kurtosis ratio. It is shown that these kurtosis measures of the logistic-exponential distribution are invariant to the values of the distribution’s single shape parameter and hence skewness invariant.  相似文献   

Simulated powers of the MRPP two-sample rank test statistic ?1- are compared with the powers of the MRPP test statistic ?2(the two-sided Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test) for large samples from several underlying populations. Powers are obtained using two approximate distributions of ?1 involving three and four moments

respectively, The use of the fourth moment indicates that an approximation to the null distribution of ? based on four moments can perform better  相似文献   

Undoubtedly, the normal distribution is the most popular distribution in statistics. In this paper, we introduce a natural generalization of the normal distribution and provide a comprehensive treatment of its mathematical properties. We derive expressions for the nth moment, the nth central moment, variance, skewness, kurtosis, mean deviation about the mean, mean deviation about the median, Rényi entropy, Shannon entropy, and the asymptotic distribution of the extreme order statistics. We also discuss estimation by the methods of moments and maximum likelihood and provide an expression for the Fisher information matrix.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose an extension of the Maxwell distribution, so-called the extended Maxwell distribution. This extension is evolved by using the Maxwell-X family of distributions and Weibull distribution. We study its fundamental properties such as hazard rate, moments, generating functions, skewness, kurtosis, stochastic ordering, conditional moments and moment generating function, hazard rate, mean and variance of the (reversed) residual life, reliability curves, entropy, etc. In estimation viewpoint, the maximum likelihood estimation of the unknown parameters of the distribution and asymptotic confidence intervals are discussed. We also obtain expected Fisher’s information matrix as well as discuss the existence and uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimators. The EMa distribution and other competing distributions are fitted to two real datasets and it is shown that the distribution is a good competitor to the compared distributions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates an asymptotic distribution of the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and presents its characteristics in normal linear regression models. The bias correction of the AIC has been studied. It may be noted that the bias is only the mean, i.e., the first moment. Higher moments are important for investigating the behavior of the AIC. The variance increases as the number of explanatory variables increases. The skewness and kurtosis imply a favorable accuracy of the normal approximation. An asymptotic expansion of the distribution function of a standardized AIC is also derived.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with estimating the parameters of Tadikamalla-Johnson's LUdistributions based on the method of moments. Tables of the parameters of the LU distribution are given for selected values of skewness (0.0(0.05) 1.0(0.1)2.0) and for twenty values of kurtosis at intervals of 0.2. The construction and use of these tables is explained with a numerical example.  相似文献   


In this article a generalization of the modified slash distribution is introduced. This model is based on the quotient of two independent random variables, whose distributions are a normal and a one-parameter gamma, respectively. The resulting distribution is a new model whose kurtosis is greater than other slash distributions. The probability density function, its properties, moments, and kurtosis coefficient are obtained. Inference based on moment and maximum likelihood methods is carried out. The multivariate version is also introduced. Two real data sets are considered in which it is shown that the new model fits better to symmetric data with heavy tails than other slash extensions previously introduced in literature.  相似文献   

This paper defines new parameters characterizing multivariate elliptical distributions. Mardia's coefficient of multivariate kurtosis is shown to be essentially one of these parameters. A simple relation is established between centered multivariate product moments and second moments of the variables. The general results are verified on the contaminated normal distribution as an example.  相似文献   

The exponentiated exponential distribution, a most attractive generalization of the exponential distribution, introduced by Gupta and Kundu (Aust. N. Z. J. Stat. 41:173–188, 1999) has received widespread attention. It appears, however, that many mathematical properties of this distribution have not been known or have not been known in simpler/general forms. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of the mathematical properties. We derive expressions for the moment generating function, characteristic function, cumulant generating function, the nth moment, the first four moments, variance, skewness, kurtosis, the nth conditional moment, the first four cumulants, mean deviation about the mean, mean deviation about the median, Bonferroni curve, Lorenz curve, Bonferroni concentration index, Gini concentration index, Rényi entropy, Shannon entropy, cumulative residual entropy, Song’s measure, moments of order statistics, L moments, asymptotic distribution of the extreme order statistics, reliability, distribution of the sum of exponentiated exponential random variables, distribution of the product of exponentiated exponential random variables and the distribution of the ratio of exponentiated exponential random variables. We also discuss estimation by the method of maximum likelihood, including the case of censoring, and provide simpler expressions for the Fisher information matrix than those given by Gupta and Kundu. It is expected that this paper could serve as a source of reference for the exponentiated exponential distribution and encourage further research.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes Nagar's (1959) approximation to the finite sample mean squared error (MSE) of the instrumental variables (IV) estimator to the case in which the errors possess an elliptical distribution whose moments exist up to infinite order. This allows for types of excess kurtosis exhibited by some financial data series. This approximation is compared numerically to Knight's (1985) formulae for the exact moments of the IV estimator under nonnormality. We use the results to explore two questions on instrument selection. First, we complement Buse's (1992) analysis by considering the impact of additional instruments on both bias and MSE. Second, we evaluate the properties of Andrews's (1999) selection method in terms of the bias and MSE of the resulting IV estimator.  相似文献   


This paper derives the asymptotic distributions of the estimators of the unified process capability indices C p (u, v) and C pa (u, v) for arbitrary population under general, regularity conditions, assuming that the fourth moment about the mean exists.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new class of skew distributions by extending the alpha skew normal distribution proposed by Elal-Olivero [Elal-Olivero, D. Alpha-skew-normal distribution. Proyecciones. 2010;29:224–240]. Statistical properties of the new family are studied in details. In particular, explicit expressions for the moments and the shape parameters including the skewness and the kurtosis coefficients and the moment generating function are derived. The problem of estimating parameters on the basis of a random sample coming from the new class of distribution is considered. To examine the performance of the obtained estimators, a Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted. Flexibility and usefulness of the proposed family of distributions are illustrated by analysing three real data sets.  相似文献   

A new class of distributions called the log-logistic Weibull–Poisson distribution is introduced and its properties are explored. This new distribution represents a more flexible model for lifetime data. Some statistical properties of the proposed distribution including the expansion of the density function, quantile function, hazard and reverse hazard functions, moments, conditional moments, moment generating function, skewness and kurtosis are presented. Mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, Rényi entropy and distribution of the order statistics are derived. Maximum likelihood estimation technique is used to estimate the model parameters. A simulation study is conducted to examine the bias, mean square error of the maximum likelihood estimators and width of the confidence interval for each parameter and finally applications of the model to real data sets are presented to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed distribution.  相似文献   


In this paper, we compute closed-form expressions of moments and comoments for the CIR process which allows us to provide a new construction of the transition probability density based on a moment argument that differs from the historic approach. For Bates’ model with stochastic volatility and jumps, we show that finite difference approximations of higher moments such as the skewness and the kurtosis are unstable and, as a remedy, provide exact analytic formulas for log-returns. Our approach does not assume a constant mean for log-price differentials but correctly incorporates volatility resulting from Ito’s lemma. We also provide R, MATLAB, and Mathematica modules with exact implementations of the theoretical conditional and unconditional moments. These modules should prove useful for empirical research.


In this paper an alternative measure for the excess, called standard archα s , is introduced. It is only an affine transformation of the classical kurtosis, but has many advantages. It can be defined as the double relative asymptotic variance of the standard deviation and can be generalized as the double relative asymptotic variance of any other scale estimator. The inequalities between skewness and kurtosis given inTeuscher andGuiard (1995) are transformed to the corresponding inequalities between skewness and standard arch.  相似文献   

We reconsider the derivation of Blest’s (2003) skewness adjusted version of the classical moment-based coefficient of kurtosis and propose an adaptation of it which generally eliminates the effects of asymmetry a little more successfully. Lower bounds are provided for the two skewness adjusted kurtosis moment measures as functions of the classical coefficient of skewness. The results from a Monte Carlo experiment designed to investigate the sampling properties of numerous moment-based estimators of the two skewness adjusted kurtosis measures are used to identify those estimators with lowest mean squared error for small to medium sized samples drawn from distributions with varying levels of asymmetry and tailweight.  相似文献   

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