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Union membership and density in Britain has experienced substantial decline since 1979. The fall in private sector membership and density has been much greater than in the public sector. The size of the union sector, measured by employer recognition, has shrunk. Membership decline has been accompanied by financial decline. Much of the decline occurred before 1997, under Conservative governments. Since 1997 and the return of a Labour government, the position has in some respects stabilized. Currently, unions have a substantially reduced economic impact, but a continued, if limited, role in workplace communication and grievance handling, often as part of a voice regime including nonunion elements.  相似文献   

I present the first longitudinal estimates of covered union member and covered nonmember wage differentials in Great Britain. Crosssectional estimates show that covered union members receive a premium of about 10 percent over other workers, but covered nonmembers have no significant wage differential. Longitudinal estimates that accounted for fixed effects, selectivity, and measurement error indicated that OLS estimates are downward biased. The “true” union wage differential is likely about 30–35 percent. There is a large negative selection effect to union membership. No robust estimate could be found for covered nonmembers. This paper has benefited from conversations with Martyn Andrews, Wiji Arulampalam, Alison Booth, Tim Hatton, John Hutton, George Jakubson, Costas Meghir, and Andrew Oswald. Alison Booth kindly made extensive comments on an earlier draft, which greatly improved the exposition. John Budd, Hank Farber, and Larry Katz directed me towards related work in the U.S. I am also grateful to seminar participants at the University of York University of Essex, and the CEPR Workshop on Labour Market Issues. Thanks to the ESRC Data Archive for supplying the Family Expenditure Survey (FES) data. All data, computer programs, and results alluded to in the text are available on request. The British Household Panel Study (BHPS) and FES data are available from the ESRC Data Archive at the University of Essex. The Panel Study of Manufacturing Establishments (PSME) data are available from the author on request.  相似文献   

From scholarly treatises to ideological polemics, more has been written in the past 50 years about union security and the right to work than almost any issue in labor law. It has been a profitable source of study for academics in several disciplines, and practitioners from both sides of the labor bar have contributed generously to the literature. For persons doing current work in the field, this vast accumulation of research and analysis provides an invaluable point of departure. Unfortunately, these materials are often somewhat difficult to find. Combing the traditional indices of legal and periodic literature is a time-consuming task, and a specialized bibliography has heretofore been lacking. Hopefully, this will supply the need. Notwithstanding my best efforts at thoroughness in compiling this bibliography, I will admit that I use the term “comprehensive” with great trepidation, for it is in the nature of things that persons who make such claims are soon taught their folly. Given the scope and popularity of the topic, it is inevitable that I overlooked some worthy books and articles. The bibliography is divided into broad and sometimes overlapping categories, and where a book or article was placed was often a close decision. Within each category, the materials are listed in chronological order.  相似文献   

In 1968 England legalized casino gaming. Unlike their counterparts in America, legislators in the House of Lords actively debated ways to help compulsive gamblers. Parliament adopted the 48 hour rule, requiring players to wait two days before gambling, put severe restrictions on check cashing in casinos and, limited the number of slot machines to two per club. England considered, but rejected, other proposals: the method, used in France, of allowing compulsive gamblers to voluntarily put their names on a list of persons to be excluded and, complete prohibitions on casino credit. Although the legislative restrictions greatly reduced compulsive gambling among adult gamers; sadly, Parliament ignored what has become a growing source of compulsive gambling among children: the practically unlimited availability of public arcades with amusement machines paying small cash prizes.The author wishes to thank James Claber for assistance in this article.  相似文献   

Following an analysis of the growing "need" and demand for sheltered housing, the paper considers the function of different sheltered housing types and the role of the warden. Sheltered housing management is also addressed and planning and policy conclusions drawn. The principle sources of data referred to in the paper consist of surveys of 17 housing managers, 156 wardens and some 5,000 or so tenant records, drawn from the urban West Midlands and rural Devon. Management and warden opinions and characteristics are analaysed against site and tenant characteristics (e.g., demographic, health, activity and movement/transition patterns).  相似文献   

This article presents four guidelines for providing direct instruction in thinking skills in social studies and history at any grade level. The author first describes, with examples, three major components of any thinking skill that students need to know. Second, he presents teaching techniques for making these components explicit. Third, he outlines and explains two different strategies for organizing introductory skill lessons. Fourth, he describes a variety of techniques for scaffolding and cueing continuing thinking-skill practice as well as strategies for organizing different types of skill-practice lessons. He explains principles for employing these techniques and strategies throughout. He also highlights three factors teachers should consider in implementing thinking-skills instruction. The article concludes with a brief research-based rationale for infusing thinking-skills instruction with social studies and history instruction.  相似文献   

This article reviews the state of law and society studies in Britain by revisiting the arguments raised by CM. Campbell and Paul Wiles in the late 1970s. It argues that the divide they identified between theoretically-oriented “sociology of law” and a-theoretical or empiricist “socio-legal studies” has widened, discusses some of the cultural and institutional reasons, and makes some practical recommendations.  相似文献   

Official figures indicate that there were 302 fatal occupational injuries in Britain 1996/97. This paper is a sustained critique of the means by which this 'headline figure' is reached. Drawing upon other, more or less recoverable, officially collected data on fatal injuries it demonstrates that there are at least five times more fatal occupational injuries during this time period. It then considers various anomalies and inconsistencies within the legally constituted (and recently revised) categories of data collection, the effect of which is to exclude indeterminate numbers of occupational fatalities, not least to members of the public, to the self-employed, and to other groups of workers. Finally, the paper considers some social processes of under-reporting, whereby occupational fatalities are not recorded in official data. The paper concludes that: fatal injury data is grossly incomplete, and requires work of reconstruction; the actual number of fatalities incurred through work in Britain at the end of the 1990s represents a largely obscured social problem; while there remain questions about both the reliability and validity of official fatality data, it is important that this data is incorporated within sociological analysis, albeit sceptically.  相似文献   

Cette ktude pr6sente une alternative au concept du systPme de dew partis pour le maintient d' un ordre democratique dans les organizations dites volontaires. On a présupposé que, en l'absence de conflit institutionalisé les orientations de rôle de militants qui se dedient des rôles de leaders determinent le caractère politique de l'organization.
On a choisi les délégués Aune convention constitutionelle des United Auto Workers (Syndicat des Travailleurs de 1'Automobile). On a supposé que les facteurs qui conditionnent un ordre democratique sont (i) l'orientation des valeurs des delbgues, (ii) l'evaluation du syndicat comme organization d6mocratique par les délégukés (iii)la perception par les dhgués du comportement politique des membres et de l'attitude de ceux-ci envers le direction du syndicat. Les resultats suggerent qu' il y a chez ces degues un fort attachement aux valeurs democratiques. En plus, l'evaluation du syndicat par les delegubs et leur perception de l'attitude et du comportement des membres sont des influences determinantes qui renforcent leur attachement B un syst6me democratique de direction.  相似文献   

The problem of elder abuse was first recognized in a formal way in Britain in 1975, yet efforts to confront the problem are only just beginning to emerge. This paper charts the slow development of a professional response to elder abuse in Britain and examines some of the key issues behing the relative inaction of 16 years.  相似文献   

Union Voice   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Many perspectives on globalization see it as differentiated in its effects and reception, culturally driven, either pre-modern or postmodern, best captured by globalist or sceptical perspectives, and an equalizing phenomenon. This article discusses the British experience of globalization in the light of such approaches and argues that looking at this case gives an alternative view. Six themes on globalization are explored across four areas of the British experience of globalization. It is argued that in Britain globalization is, in contrast to the approaches outlined above, differentiated but also generalizing, economically driven, modern, best understood with a mix of globalist and sceptical perspectives and structured by power, inequality, and conflict. It is also argued that the British experience of globalization is a specific one and that Britain is a very globalized and globalizing country, economically, culturally, and politically.  相似文献   

Leaving Home in Britain and Spain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

This paper examines the political context to policies promoting farm diversification in Britain, in an attempt to understand both the fundamental contradictions which lie within these policies and the particular emphasis placed upon on-farm diversification in Britain. The paper begins therefore with an analysis of the politics of British agriculture in the 1980s, and then focuses in detail on policies which promote farm diversification. Finally, the paper compares these policies with evidence of trends and characteristics of pluriactivity in Britain, and suggests three major contradictions between government policies and observed farm household behaviour. A majority of farm households see little need to diversify and have even less inclination to do so. Any redeployment of on-farm resources is most likely to occur on the sale or transfer of the farm, and is unlikely to offer a source of alternative income for poor farmers.  相似文献   

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