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日常环境中的暴力暴露环境因素影响着青少年诸多不良行为的产生,对1950名青少年调查发现,男生的暴力暴露程度、网络欺凌发生、亲子沟通水平和自我控制能力均低于女生,初中生在上述四个变量上得分也均低于高中生;暴力暴露能够正向预测网络欺凌的发生,母子沟通以及自我控制能力均能够负向预测网络欺凌的发生;父子沟通和自我控制在暴力暴露与网络欺凌间起中介作用,母子沟通和自我控制在暴力暴露与网络欺凌间起中介作用,且前者的中介效应在暴力暴露与网络欺凌关系中高于后者。  相似文献   

环境因素对青少年道德认同产生较大的影响,对4000多名中学生的调查发现,青少年道德认同的水平整体较高,其中,内在化道德认同最高,外在化道德认同次之,负向道德认同最低。父母情感温暖型家庭教养方式对青少年的道德认同具有影响;同伴关系中的孤独感变量能负向预测青少年的道德认同,而追求受欢迎变量既能正向预测青少年的外在化道德认同,又能正向预测其负向道德认同;社区暴力接触一方面对青少年的内在化道德认同产生正向效应,另一方面则对青少年的外在化和负向道德认同产生负向效应。  相似文献   

青少年认同的亲社会行为:一项焦点群体访谈研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用焦点群体访谈的方法,探讨了青少年认同的亲社会行为。研究者对141名(男69名,女72名)青少年组成的24个焦点群体访谈小组进行了深入访谈;针对访谈中青少年提名的亲社会行为,又通过专家讨论、评价和分类编码,最终得到43种亲社会行为类型;其中未被传统研究重视的亲社会行为大约占56.32%。研究还发现,家庭社会经济地位(SES)显著影响青少年提名的亲社会行为的频次分布和种类;各年级青少年提名的亲社会行为的整体频次分布不存在明显差异,但小学6年级青少年的提名具有独特性;女生提名的关系型亲社会行为显著多于男生,男生提名的外显型亲社会行为显著多于女生。  相似文献   

随着基督教在农村地区的迅速传播,农村留守青少年成为基督教传播的对象,信仰人数多、占比高,且呈增长趋势。留守青少年信仰基督教具有受到留守家庭熏陶与默许、同伴相互吸引入教、积极参加聚会活动但并不了解基督教的特点,是社会、家庭、学校教育不足等多种因素交织作用的结果。解决留守青少年的信教问题,需要家庭、学校、政府多方协作,家庭需要给予留守青少年更多的情感关爱和正向引导;学校应该更加重视留守青少年的德育工作,培育学生树立科学的价值观;政府需要打击违法传教活动,为留守青少年建设各类闲暇活动室。  相似文献   

为探讨初中生主观幸福感和同伴接纳之间的关系,采用青少年生活满意度量表(MSLSS)、快乐感量表及同伴等级评定表对768名初中生进行调查.研究表明,(1)初中生的主观幸福感处于中等程度以上,在生活满意度及消极情感上存在显著的年级差异.(2)同伴接纳与生活满意度之间显著正相关,与消极情感之间显著负相关,与积极情感之间相关不显著;不同接纳水平的初中生主观幸福感各纬度得分存在差异.  相似文献   

本文采用问卷法对245名大学生进行调查,基于调查所得的数据研究了大学生亲子依恋与生活满意度的关系。结果表明:大学生的亲子依恋在性别方面存在显著差异,女生的亲子依恋显著高于男生,且进一步分析得出女生在母子信任、母子沟通和父子信任方面显著多于男生,在母子疏离方面,男生显著多于女生;家庭主观经济社会地位在大学生生活满意度方面存在显著差异,家庭主观经济社会地位高的大学生的生活满意度显著低于家庭主观经济社会地位低的大学生的生活满意度;大学生亲子依恋与生活满意度呈显著正相关;大学生亲子依恋水平对生活满意度有一定预测力。  相似文献   

中学生心理健康现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究为配合青少年心理健康教育的需要,使用SCL-90作为测量工具,对随机选取的305名初中生进行测量.同时对被试家庭情况进行了调查,以便深入揭示其心理问题产生的根源.本研究主要得到以下结果(1)初中生心理问题检出率为21.8%.其中有严重心理问题者达4.6%.(2)女生在各因子分值(偏执除外)都要高于男生,特别是焦虑和恐怖两项.(3)初三学生在强迫因子分上显著高于初一学生.(4)母亲与学生的关系好坏与学生的心理问题检出率之间呈显著的正相关.  相似文献   

父母教养方式与青少年网络成瘾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用中文网络成瘾量表与根特教养方式量表,考察了966名初、高中学生网络成瘾的基本特点及其与父母教养方式的关系,结果发现青少年网络成瘾存在显著的性别差异.时间管理问题维度存在显著的年级差异:与一般群体相比网:二成瘾高危群体在父母教养方式的监控、约束、严厉惩罚、忽视四个维度存在显著差异。在监控维度,高危群体显著低于一般群体,而在约束、严厉惩罚、忽视四个维度,高危群体显著低于一般群体:父母教养方式中的监控可以显著负向预测男女生的网络成瘾,约束可以显著正向预测男生的网络成瘾,而忽视和物质奖励可以显著预测女生的网络成瘾。  相似文献   

多种媒体形式广泛拓展了青少年获取信息的渠道、丰富了他们休闲娱乐的方式,但媒体中所包含的暴力内容也广为传播,对青少年的身心健康产生了极为不利的影响。调查研究发现:总体上青少年进行休闲性阅读的时间相对较少,对于电视节目、电影和视频电子游戏三类媒体,青少年普遍存在低到中等程度的暴力偏好。男生媒体接触频次、接触时间、暴力偏好以及暴力媒体接触量普遍高于女生。青少年暴力媒体接触量与攻击行为呈正相关,接触时间、频率和暴力偏好与总体攻击倾向、躯体攻击呈正相关。为改善青少年的媒体使用习惯,提出了重视阅读的作用、采用技术手段对含有暴力内容的媒体节目进行规范,青少年需要不断丰富学习和娱乐方式等对策和建议。  相似文献   

目的:探究西部地方高校大学生生命控制感现状与应对方式的关系,为学校生命教育及心理健康服务体系构建提供指导;方法:采用大学生生命控制感问卷及简易应对方式问卷对233名大学生进行调查;结果显示:(1)大学生生命控制感总体水平较高;(2)不同专业及是否独生子女大学生的生命控制感水平不存在显著差异;(3)女生在生命控制感总分及生活盈实,变化接纳两个维度上显著高于男生;农村学生在去自我关注维度得分显著高于城镇学生;大四学生在生活盈实和宽容程度水平上显著高于其他年级学生;(4)大学生的生命控制感水平可正向预测其积极应对方式,可显著地预测其消极应对方式。  相似文献   

对中学校园欺凌现状和学生学校归属感的考察结果表明,中国大陆中学校园欺凌的总体发生率相对较低,但学生的学校归属感低于OECD国家或地区的平均水平.中学校园欺凌发生率存在性别差异,男生比女生经历欺凌的频率更高;而中学生学校归属感则存在年龄差异,其年龄越大,他们的学校归属感越低.在控制性别、年龄以及家庭社会经济地位等条件下,校园欺凌对学校归属感有显著负向影响.现阶段为及时预防和治理校园欺凌、提高学生学校归属感,主要可从开展校园欺凌防治专题活动、严格管理学生的日常行为、落实家长对子女的监护责任以及鼓励学生积极参与班级互助活动等方面进行干预.  相似文献   

School engagement predicts academic achievement and attainment, yet remains under‐theorized in the sociological literature. While psychologists describe three distinct yet mutually reinforcing categories of school engagement (behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement), sociologists have largely neglected to analyze cognitive engagement. Drawing on ethnographic observations and interviews with members of two debate teams in Chicago Public Schools, I demonstrate that behavioral engagement in the form of debate team participation helped foster debaters' cognitive and emotional engagement in school. Through the activity, debaters developed strong relationships with peers and their adult coaches, and strengthened their appreciation for challenging aspects of the learning process. Although many debaters felt that the learning environment of the debate context was more stimulating than the learning environments of their classes, they nevertheless applied the skills and attitudes they acquired in the activity to the “core” curriculum of the school. These factors help explain why debaters have been shown to outperform comparable peers in terms of academic achievement and attainment. These findings suggest that cognitive engagement is one mechanism driving the positive impact of certain extracurricular activities on students' school performance.  相似文献   

School Choice     

In recent years voucher programs that permit the use of publicly funded monies to pay for private schools have emerged as a proposed solution to perceived problems within the public school system. Lost in this debate are the implications of choice based proposals for children with disabilities. In this article the authors examine the legal basis for special education services and explore the extent to which the rights of children in a private choice based system would be protected. The authors conclude that serious questions of equity exist, with the dis-enfranchisement of children with special needs a likely consequence if vouchers are adopted on a broad scale.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that good‐quality school climates foster a sense of connection to the school and in this way contribute to fewer emotional and behavioral problems. However, few studies have directly assessed the role of school connectedness as a mediator of school climate effects. Using path analysis, this brief report examined whether four aspects of student perceived school climate (cohesion, friction, competition among students, and overall satisfaction with classes) were indirectly associated with subsequent early adolescent conduct problems and depressive symptoms through school connectedness. Participants were four hundred and eighty‐nine 10‐ to 14‐year old middle school students involved in two waves of a study. The results showed that school connectedness mediated the relations between perceived cohesion, perceived friction, and overall satisfaction with classes and subsequent student conduct problems 1 year later. School connectedness was not, however, predictive of subsequent depressive symptoms and thus did not mediate the school climate effects on early adolescent emotional problems.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effects of social support from teachers on the school engagement of middle and high school Latino students identified as being at risk of school failure. Regression analyses indicated that social support from teachers is an important factor in affective and behavioral aspects of school engagement. Specifically, teachers exerted an important effect on school engagement, beyond the effect of parental support. This paper discusses the implications of these findings for developing more effective dropout-prevention interventions for Latino students.  相似文献   


Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and intersex (i.e., sexual minority) youth are often targets of aggression because of their sexual identity, both in and out of schools. Literature on school-related aggression toward sexual minority youth often relies on quantitative surveys or retrospective studies. Little non-retrospective research has been done with this population investigating the nature of bullying, school climate, and the effects of being a sexual minority youth in schools. Sixteen sexual minority high school youth participated in face-to-face, in-depth interviews. Results for the themes from these interviews are presented in four categories: Sexual minorities' overall perspective on their school climate, the nature of aggression in schools against sexual minorities when present, the characteristics of the victims and bullies, and the consequences of being a sexual minority in schools. These youth's perspectives provide support for existing literature on the nature of bullying while providing additional insights into the nature and deficiencies of the resources available to them at schools. Ideas for future research with sexual minority youth in school-based settings also are included.  相似文献   

Using a sample of middle and high school students who had been identified by school personnel as at risk of school failure, this investigation examines two competing models about the effects of students' perceptions of danger at school and teacher support on their sense of school coherence. From the compensatory model, it is assumed that risk and protective factors combine additively to influence outcomes. From the immunity model, it is assumed that protective factors buffer or moderate the negative effects of risk factors on outcomes. Support is found for the compensatory or additive model, with perceptions of school danger negatively influencing students' sense of school coherence and teacher support positively influencing variation in the criterion variable. Implications for theory, practice, and further research are discussed.  相似文献   


This article addresses the need for social work students to understand basic legal concepts and their application in social work. It begins with a review of recent literature on teaching law within the social work curriculum. It then reports on the authors' April 1991 survey of accredited MSW programs, which showed that few schools require MSW students to study law, but that curricula have little room to expand. Finally, the article describes a flexible approach to infusing legal content into existing social work courses by focusing on six legal precepts: the definition and regulation of practice; client issues; privacy; advocacy; conflict/liability; and precedents.  相似文献   

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