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辱虐管理是指下属感知到的管理者持续表现出的怀有敌意的言语和非言语行为,但不包括身体接触类的侵犯.大量研究表明,辱虐管理会对员工的心理、态度和行为造成不同程度的负面影响,降低员工的绩效,进而损害组织的效能.深入认识辱虐管理的前因变量,进而探寻应对和消除这一负向领导行为消极影响的管理措施,具有重大的现实和理论意义.为了弥补已有研究对辱虐管理影响因素认识不足的缺陷,本文梳理了2006年以来辱虐管理影响因素研究的重要文献,以攻击行为理论为主要框架,从多个角度对辱虐管理影响因素研究进行了系统回顾和评价.  相似文献   

基于情绪中介机制的辱虐管理与偏差行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙旭  严鸣  储小平 《管理科学》2014,27(5):69-79
理清偏差行为的成因和动机机制是偏差行为研究的焦点,但基于本土企业的实证研究相对较少。从员工工作场所情绪感受的视角,应用情感事件理论,探讨消极情绪在辱虐管理与组织偏差行为和主管偏差行为间的中介效应,并比较辱虐管理对两类偏差行为影响的差异性。通过对19家企业、180名管理者和360名下属的配对研究,采用阶层回归进行分析。研究结果表明,辱虐管理显著正向影响两类偏差行为,但员工展现两类偏差行为的倾向并不等同,即员工展现组织偏差行为的倾向强于主管偏差行为的倾向;消极情绪是偏差行为的诱发动机,显著正向影响员工的组织偏差行为和主管偏差行为,并部分中介辱虐管理与两类偏差行为间的关系。  相似文献   

作为"毒性"领导的一种表现形式,辱虐管理通过影响员工行为而给现代企业组织绩效带来很强的负面影响。然而,对于辱虐管理与员工沉默行为之间的关系,以及这种关系的边界影响因素的探讨仍较为缺乏。从资源保存理论出发,采用来自江苏88家企业的88名主管副总经理与575名下属员工的配对数据,本文研究发现,上级主管的辱虐管理对下属沉默行为具有显著正向预测作用,并且这种正向预测作用受到三个层面边界条件的影响:下属的独立型自我意识越强,工作复杂性越高,以及在高关注员工发展的组织文化中,辱虐管理与下属沉默行为之间的关系越强。本文的研究为我们理解辱虐管理与员工沉默行为的关系提供了新的理论视角。  相似文献   

基于情感事件理论和情绪认知评价理论,通过对56家企业332位员工的有效问卷调研,考察了辱虐管理对离职倾向的影响,以及消极情绪的中介作用和乐观解释风格的调节作用。研究结果发现:辱虐管理对消极情绪、离职倾向具有显著正向影响;消极情绪中介了辱虐管理和离职倾向的关系;乐观解释风格调节了辱虐管理通过消极情绪影响离职倾向的作用,即员工乐观解释风格越高,消极情绪所带来的影响越弱,离职倾向也会因此降低。  相似文献   

本研究旨在从期望理论的角度探究辱虐管理的成因,认为主管的任务难度和任务效价会引发对下属的辱虐管理行为,而主管的负面情绪在这个过程中起中介作用。本文以长沙6家大型制造型企业为样本来源,采用结构化的配对问卷,匹配92名主管和303名员工,层级回归结果表明:(1)任务难度正向影响主管的辱虐管理行为;(2)任务难度正向影响主管的负面情绪;(3)主管负面情绪在任务难度与辱虐管理的关系中起中介作用,同时在任务难度和任务效价的交互效应对辱虐管理的影响过程中起中介作用;(4)主管任务效价负向调节任务难度与负面情绪之间的关系,同时负向调节任务难度与辱虐管理之间的关系。  相似文献   

本研究聚焦于探析辱虐管理对员工离职倾向的影响机制,重点验证了员工信任和传统性在其中所起的中介与调节作用。以北京市6家中等规模的电子制造企业中273名员工为研究对象,研究显示:辱虐管理负向影响员工信任,进而正向影响员工离职倾向;员工传统性调节了辱虐管理和员工信任、员工信任和离职倾向之间的关系,员工的高传统性程度不仅可以弱化主管辱虐管理对员工信任的负向影响,还可以强化员工信任对离职倾向的负向影响。  相似文献   

基于个人-环境匹配理论和资源保存理论,从领导-下属双边视角出发,通过两阶段291对领导-下属配对数据,运用多项式回归与响应面分析方法探究了下属接受和需求的领导幽默匹配性对其工作绩效的影响,以及下属情绪耗竭的中介作用和领导政治技能的调节作用。研究结果表明:下属接受和需求的领导幽默越不匹配,越会造成其情绪耗竭;在领导幽默不匹配的情况下,与幽默不足相比,幽默过度时下属的情绪耗竭水平更高;下属接受和需求的领导幽默匹配性通过下属情绪耗竭影响其工作绩效;领导政治技能在下属接受和需求的领导幽默匹配性与其情绪耗竭之间起到调节作用,即领导政治技能越高,领导幽默不一致给下属造成的情绪耗竭越弱。  相似文献   

马吟秋  席猛  许勤  赵曙明 《管理学报》2017,(8):1153-1161
基于社会认知理论,采用来自307家企业的1 912份员工问卷数据,研究了辱虐管理影响下属员工反生产行为的心理认知机制与边界条件。研究发现,辱虐管理对员工反生产行为具有显著的正向预测作用,而心理契约破裂中介了辱虐管理与反生产行为之间的关系,并且员工的自我建构调节了辱虐管理与心理契约破裂和反生产行为之间的关系。研究结果对进一步理解辱虐管理对反生产行为的作用机制具有较为重要的理论和现实意义,也为后续相关研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

基于自我决定理论和行为弹性理论,深入研究了辱虐管理为何以及怎样影响员工的主动行为.研究结果表明,主管的辱虐管理对员工的主动行为具有显著的负向影响,而工作投入在辱虐管理与主动行为的关系中起着完全中介作用,即辱虐管理会降低员工在工作中的投入,继而减少了主动行为.同时,核心自我评价会削弱辱虐管理的直接效应和工作投入的间接效应,即相对于低核心自我评价的员工,高核心自我评价的员工较少因为主管的辱虐管理而降低其工作投入,进而较少减少主动行为.  相似文献   

严丹 《管理科学》2012,25(2):41-50
探讨辱虐管理与建言行为之间的关系,并研究组织自尊和个性控制点在以上关系中的中介和调节作用。以广东省两家大型制造型企业410名下属和111名主管为配对样本,采用验证性因子分析对模型进行检验,运用回归分析方法分析辱虐管理对员工建言行为的影响及其机制,研究组织自尊在其中的中介作用以及员工个性控制点的调节作用。实证结果表明,辱虐管理对员工抑制性建言行为和促进性建言行为均有显著的负向影响,组织自尊在两者之间起到完全中介作用;员工个性控制点对辱虐管理与组织自尊之间的关系具有显著的调节作用,员工个性控制点水平越高(越内控),辱虐管理对组织自尊的负面影响越小;员工个性控制点水平越低(越外控),辱虐管理对组织自尊的负面影响越大。  相似文献   

Abusive supervision is detrimental to both subordinates and organizations. Knowledge about individual differences in personality related to abusive supervision may improve personnel selection and potentially reduce the harmful effects of this type of leadership. Using the HEXACO personality framework, we hypothesized that subordinates perceive leaders high on Agreeableness and Honesty-Humility as less abusive. In a sample of 107 unique supervisor-subordinate dyads that filled out the online questionnaire, we found that both Agreeableness and Honesty-Humility were negatively related to subordinate perceptions of abusive supervision. Our findings contribute to our understanding of the origins of abusive supervision and hopefully stimulate future research on supervisor personality and abusive supervision.  相似文献   

辱虐管理一直是负面组织行为的研究热点,近年呈现一些新趋势,特别是在崇尚“不打不成器”的本土情境下,挑战视之为“绝对恶魔”的呼声渐起。理论创始人Tepper也呼吁进行更多的研究来比较与整合其正面和负面效应。摒弃已有研究忽视辱虐管理主观目的性的研究惯例,从概念本源出发,整合感知控制理论与有限控制理论双重线索,探讨了辱虐管理与下属绩效的倒U型关系及其成因。453份配对样本的Fieller法和J-N法检验结果支持了倒U型假设,并揭示辱虐管理对下属自我努力有凹型影响,较大程度上促进下属的纠偏努力,对自我损耗有凸型影响,加剧损耗;正负效应的叠加导致倒U型净效应出现。研究结果有助于深化辱虐管理影响机制研究,也有助于丰富和拓展非线性方法研究。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how leaders' perceptions of the instrumental benefits of abusive supervision shape their tendencies to abuse their employees. We posit that leaders who believe abuse has a positive impact on employee performance will engage in more abusive supervision than their peers, with downstream implications for employees' counterproductive work behaviors. Furthermore, we position leader empathic concern as a boundary condition, whereby empathic concern mitigates the effects of leaders' perceptions of abusive supervision's instrumentality. Data from two studies employing both experimental and field survey designs offer convergent support for our hypotheses. Overall, our findings challenge the prevailing view that abusive supervision is primarily motivated by a desire to aggress, instead demonstrating that leaders sometimes abuse their employees in the pursuit of more pro-organizational goals.  相似文献   

We report a systematic and critical review of abusive supervision research to provide a comprehensive catalogue of the correlates of abusive supervision (i.e., antecedents, outcomes, mediators, and moderators) and identify four major challenges facing the field. First, abusive supervision is conceptualized in a confused manner that conflates followers’ subjective evaluations of abuse with leaders’ behaviors. Second, we consider how conceptual confusion is reflected in and undermines dominant measurement tools. Third, we identify and critique overreliance on cross-sectional survey-based studies and vignette experiments, which vary considerably in the extent to which they can evidence causal effects. Fourth, we consider the fact that abusive supervision is a low base rate phenomenon (i.e., is rarely reported). Using novel and simulated data we demonstrate that most past research is ill-equipped to make claims about the effects of intermediate or high levels of abusive supervision. Throughout, we explain how each challenge limits past research and offer achievable recommendations for a fundamental rethink of abusive supervision. In the discussion, we synthesize the recommendations for rethinking the conceptualization, measurement, and empirical study of abusive supervision. Only by overcoming these challenges will future research be robust enough to provide meaningful theoretical advances and useful policy implications.  相似文献   

The study examines the relationships between abusive supervision, subordinates’ perceptions of organizational politics (POPs), and political behavior. The moderating roles of Machiavellianism (Mach) and guanxi in these relationships are also examined. Data were collected from 280 supervisor–subordinate dyads in a Chinese taxation bureau. Results indicate that, under abusive supervision, subordinates experienced heightened POPs and were more likely to engage in political behavior. Furthermore, the relationship between abusive supervision and POPs was stronger among low-Mach subordinates. Moreover, the relationship between POPs and political behavior is strongest among high-Mach individuals who have strong guanxi with their supervisor. The findings indicate that abusive supervision has important implications for political dynamics in an organization, and the political perspective serves as a meaningful theoretical lens to examine its impact.  相似文献   

A growing literature explores abusive supervision as non-physical form of hostility by managers against there direct reports. However, researchers have used different terminology to explore phenomena that overlap with abusive supervision. The author therefore provides a review of literature how an US-american author, who researches some years ago about abusive supervision explains. The antecedents and consequences of abusive supervision and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

While much is understood about the outcomes of different leadership styles, less is known about the antecedents of leadership, particularly with regards to how leaders' own psychological well-being impacts leadership behaviors. Using conservation of resources theory as a framework, we investigated the relationship between leaders' depleted resources and their leadership behaviors. Conceptualizing depressive symptoms, anxiety, and workplace alcohol consumption as resource depletion, we predicted that depletion would be associated with lower levels of transformational leadership, and higher levels of abusive supervision, and when taken together, would further exacerbate these effects on leadership behaviors. In a study of 172 leader–subordinate pairs, leaders' depressive symptoms, anxiety, and workplace alcohol consumption separately predicted lower transformational leadership, and higher abusive supervision. Furthermore, partial support was found for an exacerbating effect on transformational leadership and abusive supervision.  相似文献   

We present two studies that examine the effects of psychological entitlement on employees' ratings of abusive supervision and their behavioral reactions to these perceptions. Study 1 indicated that entitlement was positively associated with ratings of abusive supervision. Perceived abuse was, in turn, associated with upward undermining behaviors and organizational deviance. In Study 2, we re-examined the hypothesized relationships using paired data from employees and their coworkers. The results replicated those from the first study and showed that entitled employees rated supervisors as more abusive than coworkers who shared the same supervisors. Although this variance is likely driven by a combination of perceptual distortion and actual abusive behaviors, the ultimate implication is that psychologically entitled employees are prone to feel that they are victims of abuse and to react in undesirable ways.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined social adaptability as a moderator of the relationships between perceptions of abusive supervision and several work outcomes. Specifically, we hypothesized that individuals with lower levels of social adaptability would be more adversely affected by heightened levels of abusive supervision perceptions than employees with greater levels of social adaptability. Data from two samples offered strong support for the hypotheses. Specifically, employees with lower levels of social adaptability reported heightened job tension (i.e., Sample 1) and emotional exhaustion (Samples 1 & 2), as well as diminished job satisfaction (Samples 1 & 2) and work effort (Samples 1 & 2) as perceptions of abusive supervision increased, whereas employees with greater social adaptability skill were less strongly affected by their perceptions of abusive supervision. Contributions of the research to scholarship and practice, strengths and limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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