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基于情绪中介机制的辱虐管理与偏差行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙旭  严鸣  储小平 《管理科学》2014,27(5):69-79
理清偏差行为的成因和动机机制是偏差行为研究的焦点,但基于本土企业的实证研究相对较少。从员工工作场所情绪感受的视角,应用情感事件理论,探讨消极情绪在辱虐管理与组织偏差行为和主管偏差行为间的中介效应,并比较辱虐管理对两类偏差行为影响的差异性。通过对19家企业、180名管理者和360名下属的配对研究,采用阶层回归进行分析。研究结果表明,辱虐管理显著正向影响两类偏差行为,但员工展现两类偏差行为的倾向并不等同,即员工展现组织偏差行为的倾向强于主管偏差行为的倾向;消极情绪是偏差行为的诱发动机,显著正向影响员工的组织偏差行为和主管偏差行为,并部分中介辱虐管理与两类偏差行为间的关系。  相似文献   

马吟秋  席猛  许勤  赵曙明 《管理学报》2017,(8):1153-1161
基于社会认知理论,采用来自307家企业的1 912份员工问卷数据,研究了辱虐管理影响下属员工反生产行为的心理认知机制与边界条件。研究发现,辱虐管理对员工反生产行为具有显著的正向预测作用,而心理契约破裂中介了辱虐管理与反生产行为之间的关系,并且员工的自我建构调节了辱虐管理与心理契约破裂和反生产行为之间的关系。研究结果对进一步理解辱虐管理对反生产行为的作用机制具有较为重要的理论和现实意义,也为后续相关研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

基于情感事件理论和情绪认知评价理论,通过对56家企业332位员工的有效问卷调研,考察了辱虐管理对离职倾向的影响,以及消极情绪的中介作用和乐观解释风格的调节作用。研究结果发现:辱虐管理对消极情绪、离职倾向具有显著正向影响;消极情绪中介了辱虐管理和离职倾向的关系;乐观解释风格调节了辱虐管理通过消极情绪影响离职倾向的作用,即员工乐观解释风格越高,消极情绪所带来的影响越弱,离职倾向也会因此降低。  相似文献   

以一家大型制造企业的229名员工为样本,从"压力源-紧张状态-后果"的视角,基于社会交换理论,研究辱虐管理对员工人际偏差行为的影响,并进一步分析了工作压力与自我控制能力在以上关系中所起的中介和调节作用。研究发现,辱虐管理作为员工工作生活中的压力源之一,对工作压力有显著的正向影响,进而导致员工产生人际偏差行为;员工自我控制能力可以调节工作压力与人际偏差行为之间的关系,较高的自控水平不仅可以削弱工作压力对人际偏差行为的正向影响,还可以弱化工作压力在辱虐管理与人际偏差行为之间所起的中介效应。  相似文献   

随着对负向领导行为关注的提升,近年来越来越多的组织行为领域学者开始对辱虐管理进行研究。本文先从辱虐管理的影响效果与影响因素两个方面对已有的研究文献进行了综述,然后对研究现状进行评析,指出已有研究的不足,并在此基础上提出对未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

赵富强  胡伟  陈耘 《管理科学》2022,(6):97-112
已有辱虐管理研究主要集中于对受害者的影响,而对施虐者自身的研究尚待丰富。领导者实施辱虐后心理压力如何缓解、人际关系如何重构、领导效能如何提升等,是推脱责任还是勇于担责,其推脱或担责的内在机制和边界条件如何,已有研究尚乏关注。基于领导身份控制理论,结合趋避框架,明确领导者施辱后为符合领导身份而对受害者的趋避行为(包括帮扶行为、和解行为和推脱行为)效应,探究自我反思和外部学习在上述关系中的中介机制,同时考察独立型自我建构和依存型自我建构起调节作用的边界条件,以实现其合格领导的身份感知。通过三阶段问卷调查,收集来自湖北、广东和上海等地区460份有效问卷,借助Spss 26.0和Mplus 8.3,采用路径分析和bootstrapping法,验证理论假设。研究结果表明,(1)辱虐管理对领导者趋避行为中的帮扶行为和和解行为有显著正向影响,对推脱行为有显著负向影响。(2)自我反思和外部学习中介辱虐管理对3种趋避行为的影响。(3)自我建构部分调节辱虐管理与领导者自我反思和外部学习之间的关系,独立型自我建构负向调节辱虐管理与领导者自我反思和外部学习之间的关系,而依存型自我建构正向调节辱虐管理与领导者自...  相似文献   

尽管建言行为对于组织变革与发展的意义重大,然而现实中许多员工的建言行为通常并不尽如人意,管理者领导行为的辱虐方式应是非常重要的影响因素之一.本文旨在研究辱虐管理对员工建言行为的影响,并以社会认同理论和文化及价值观为基础,研究组织认同和组织自尊在以上关系所起的中介作用,员工权利距离感在其中的调节作用.研究以广州一家大型制造型企业中302名员工和78名管理者作为研究对象,采用层级回归分析对问卷调查所获得的匹配数据进行分析.结果表明:辱虐管理对员工的建言行为有显著的负向影响,员工的组织认同和组织自尊在其中起完全中介作用;员工的权力距离感越大,辱虐管理对员工的组织认同和组织自尊的负面影响越小.  相似文献   

本研究旨在从期望理论的角度探究辱虐管理的成因,认为主管的任务难度和任务效价会引发对下属的辱虐管理行为,而主管的负面情绪在这个过程中起中介作用。本文以长沙6家大型制造型企业为样本来源,采用结构化的配对问卷,匹配92名主管和303名员工,层级回归结果表明:(1)任务难度正向影响主管的辱虐管理行为;(2)任务难度正向影响主管的负面情绪;(3)主管负面情绪在任务难度与辱虐管理的关系中起中介作用,同时在任务难度和任务效价的交互效应对辱虐管理的影响过程中起中介作用;(4)主管任务效价负向调节任务难度与负面情绪之间的关系,同时负向调节任务难度与辱虐管理之间的关系。  相似文献   

辱虐管理、心理安全感知与员工建言   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于中国组织情境中辱虐管理对员工建言行为影响的研究,认为企业上级领导实施辱虐管理,首先会削弱员工的心理安全感,继而影响员工建言行为,心理安全感知是辱虐管理与员工建言之间的关系的中介。此外,研究结论还表明,辱虐管理对心理安全感知的削弱作用会受到员工不确定性规避特质的影响,对于高不确定性规避的员工而言,企业上级领导实施辱虐管理,此类员工感受到的"心理不安全"更强。最后,以来自新疆维吾尔自治区2家石化企业中的258名员工和102名上级领导的配对数据验证了以上理论假设。  相似文献   

作为"毒性"领导的一种表现形式,辱虐管理通过影响员工行为而给现代企业组织绩效带来很强的负面影响。然而,对于辱虐管理与员工沉默行为之间的关系,以及这种关系的边界影响因素的探讨仍较为缺乏。从资源保存理论出发,采用来自江苏88家企业的88名主管副总经理与575名下属员工的配对数据,本文研究发现,上级主管的辱虐管理对下属沉默行为具有显著正向预测作用,并且这种正向预测作用受到三个层面边界条件的影响:下属的独立型自我意识越强,工作复杂性越高,以及在高关注员工发展的组织文化中,辱虐管理与下属沉默行为之间的关系越强。本文的研究为我们理解辱虐管理与员工沉默行为的关系提供了新的理论视角。  相似文献   

The study examines the relationships between abusive supervision, subordinates’ perceptions of organizational politics (POPs), and political behavior. The moderating roles of Machiavellianism (Mach) and guanxi in these relationships are also examined. Data were collected from 280 supervisor–subordinate dyads in a Chinese taxation bureau. Results indicate that, under abusive supervision, subordinates experienced heightened POPs and were more likely to engage in political behavior. Furthermore, the relationship between abusive supervision and POPs was stronger among low-Mach subordinates. Moreover, the relationship between POPs and political behavior is strongest among high-Mach individuals who have strong guanxi with their supervisor. The findings indicate that abusive supervision has important implications for political dynamics in an organization, and the political perspective serves as a meaningful theoretical lens to examine its impact.  相似文献   

The opportunity to use one's skills at work is an important prerequisite for employee well-being. Drawing on self-determination and person-environment fit theory, this diary study aims to add to our understanding of this important phenomenon in two ways. Firstly, we examine the associations of within-subject daily variations in skill utilization with well-being. Secondly, we model work value orientation as a between-subject factor that moderates this within-subject relationship. Specifically, we advocate that daily skill utilization is more beneficial (in terms of more daily work engagement and less daily emotional exhaustion) for employees holding predominantly intrinsic (i.e. self-development, community contribution) as opposed to extrinsic (i.e. financial success, status) values. Results of multilevel modelling using diary data from 99 service workers over five working days, supported the assumption that daily skill utilization was positively related to daily work engagement, particularly among employees holding a predominantly intrinsic work value orientation. Contrary to our expectations, daily skill utilization was unrelated to daily exhaustion, both for employees holding high and low intrinsic values. The discussion highlights the importance of, and employees’ receptiveness to, variations in beneficial working conditions.  相似文献   

基于自我决定理论和行为弹性理论,深入研究了辱虐管理为何以及怎样影响员工的主动行为.研究结果表明,主管的辱虐管理对员工的主动行为具有显著的负向影响,而工作投入在辱虐管理与主动行为的关系中起着完全中介作用,即辱虐管理会降低员工在工作中的投入,继而减少了主动行为.同时,核心自我评价会削弱辱虐管理的直接效应和工作投入的间接效应,即相对于低核心自我评价的员工,高核心自我评价的员工较少因为主管的辱虐管理而降低其工作投入,进而较少减少主动行为.  相似文献   

本文以2002-2007年沪深两市的ST公司为样本,实证研究了企业的政治关联对财务困境公司获取政府补助的影响.结果显示:(1)民营企业的政治关联对企业处于财务困境时获取政府补助有显著影响,但对国有企业作用不显著.(2)考虑企业所处的地区环境差异之后,本文发现民营企业的政治关联优势受到地区财政富余程度的显著影响,而地方政府干预要起作用也受到地区财政状况的制约.只有在地方财政有充足财力的情况下,民营企业才可能利用政治关联获得更多的政府补助.(3)从政府补助的效果来看,政府补助虽然可以在救助当年明显改善公司业绩,但对公司长期业绩的提升作用却因企业政治关联程度和企业性质的不同而存在差异:政治关联较弱的民营企业获得的政府补助对公司长期业绩的提高作用显著,但对于国有企业以及具有较强政治关联的民营企业作用则不显著,这在一定程度上说明政治关联导致了政府补助资金的低效运作.  相似文献   

Although international nonmarket strategy research has highlighted the importance of political ties, it is still unclear why some foreign subsidiaries are more politically active than others and what conditions may render political practices beneficial in a host country. We argue that foreign subsidiary political tie intensity—the extent to which senior managers provide time and resources in informally dealing with government officials for nonmarket purposes—will be influenced by political institutions in their parent's home country, especially when the MNE parent attempts to protect foreign subsidiary resources. Additionally, we assert that fit between a parent's home country political institutions and foreign subsidiary political tie intensity will positively affect subsidiary performance. We employ primary data collected from 181 foreign subsidiaries in the Philippines and find support for our hypotheses. This study advances international nonmarket strategy research by highlighting how an MNE's home country political institutions shape subsidiary political networking and strategic performance outcomes in host country environments.  相似文献   

Gray markets, also known as parallel imports, have created fierce competition for manufacturers in many industries. We analyze the impact of parallel importation on a price‐setting manufacturer that serves two markets with uncertain demand, and characterize her policy against parallel importation. We show that ignoring demand uncertainty can take a significant toll on the manufacturer's profit, highlighting the value of making price and quantity decisions jointly. We find that adjusting prices is more effective in controlling gray market activity than reducing product availability, and that parallel importation forces the manufacturer to reduce her price gap while demand uncertainty forces her to lower prices. Furthermore, we explore the impact of market conditions (such as market base, price sensitivity, and demand uncertainty) and product characteristics (“fashion” vs. “commodity”) on the manufacturer's policy towards parallel importation. We also provide managerial insights about the value of strategic decision‐making by comparing the optimal policy to the uniform pricing policy that has been adopted by some companies to eliminate gray markets entirely. The comparison indicates that the value of making price and quantity decisions strategically is highest for moderately different market conditions and non‐commodity products.  相似文献   

Quality‐related incidents involving contract manufacturers (CMs) are becoming increasingly prevalent. The quality management (QM) literature, however, has focused mostly on QM within a single firm. Thus, the need for data‐driven research on managing quality with outsourced production is evident. We investigate the use and effectiveness of external failure penalties and audits of CMs’ facilities to manage inter‐firm quality. Building on agency theory and extant QM literature, this study addresses two research questions: (i) whether the control mechanisms of quality audits and contractual external quality failure penalties are substitutes or complements in use and (ii) whether they are substitutes or complements in their effectiveness at aligning the quality interests of customers and their CMs. Our analysis uses dyadic data gathered from brand‐owning firms and their CMs representing 95 contract manufacturing relationships in Food and Drug Administration (FDA)‐regulated industries. The results indicate that more severe external failure penalties correspond to a lower use of facility audits (i.e., they are substitutes‐in‐use). We also find that both external failure penalties and facility audits have a unique positive effect on the CM's perception of relative quality importance. Finally, some evidence supports the hypothesis that each mechanism is more effective in the presence of the other (i.e., they are complements‐in‐effectiveness).  相似文献   

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