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上海市一项长达10余年的跟踪调查显示,近期“社会公平”被关注的程度已超过了“腐败”问题,而“教育公平”正是“社会公平”价值在教育领域的延伸和体现。每个国家在制定教育政策的时候都秉承这样的理念:普及、民主、科学、公平。1995年我国颁布的《中华人民共和国教育法》规定,“公民不分民族、种族、性别、职业、财产状况、宗教信仰等,依法享有平等的受教育机会。……受教育者在入学、升学、就业等方面依法享有平等权利。”教育权利的平等和教育机会的均等——教育公平指涉的两个方面——有毫不含糊的法条保证;而在现实中,教育的不公又切切实实地存在着,存在于城市与农村之间、中西部不同区域之间、基础教育与高等教育之间、不同阶层之间、重点与非重点之间……教育本应是实现社会公平的最重要工具,如果教育本身也成为加剧社会不公的帮凶,那么,人民还能从教育中期待什么?在追求和谐社会的今天,决策者应把教育不公平现象作为常鸣的警钟。  相似文献   

1970年以来,中国的生育率持续下降,在家庭层面上表现为兄弟姐妹数的减少,同时也影响了兄弟姐妹的构成,进而影响家庭对子女教育的投资以及性别间的教育差异。对2006年综合社会调查数据的分析表明,兄弟姐妹越多,女性的受教育年数相对男性越低,尤其是在她们有兄弟的情况下。在中国,随着生育率的下降,年轻一代的性别间教育不平等相对老一代降低了。本研究显示,性别间教育不平等不仅受到国家促进男女平等政策的影响,还受到计划生育政策的影响。  相似文献   

输在起跑线——再议中国社会的教育不平等(1978-2008)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐俊超 《社会学研究》2015,(3):123-145,244
本文关注教育不平等状况在不同入学阶段的变化。本文认为,家庭社会经济地位、家庭文化背景对教育获得的影响将随着入学阶段(小升初阶段、中考阶段、高考阶段)的上升而降低,而学校等级的影响将升高,这是差异选拔、个体生命历程发展及早期异质教育三大机制共同作用的结果。本文采用CGSS2008数据,利用多元logistic回归模型检验了上述假设,结果显示:小升初阶段的不平等最为严重,随着入学阶段的提升,即在小学-初中-高中-大学的升学过程中,家庭社会经济地位与文化背景的影响逐渐被学校等级所取代。早期教育的公平问题必须得到更多重视。  相似文献   

王威海  顾源 《社会学研究》2012,(4):48-66,242,243
布劳-邓肯的经典职业地位获得模型把教育水平作为阶层地位再生产的中间变量,却忽视了教育分流的效应。本研究认为,在当前中国社会中,中学教育分流对阶层地位的再生产的效应是不可忽视的。对2008年"中国综合社会调查"(CGSS2008)数据的分析显示,曾就读重点初中或高中的人更有可能获得较高水平的教育,从而在劳动力市场上获得较高的职业地位;但是教育分流的优势并未对人们现职职业地位产生显著的直接影响,只能通过教育获得和初职职业地位获得对现职职业地位获得产生间接影响。中国的重点、非重点中学校制,导致了后续高等教育机会分配的不平等,进而影响了人们职业地位的获得。这些研究结论以中国的资料拓展了布劳-邓肯模型关于教育作为阶层地位再生产的中间变量的内涵。  相似文献   

刘精明 《社会学研究》2023,(1):68-95+227-228
学校教育机会具有“得到即满足”的充要特性,教育机会供给扩大意味着机会分布不平等下降。受教育年限的复合基尼系数是各机会基尼系数的加权平均。本文以数学推导和数值模拟证明,复合教育基尼系数随教育扩张而下降是其内在的固有性质。利用Barro-Lee世界教育面板数据,本文以实证研究验证了这一基本性质,并建立了教育基尼系数演化形态的解释模型。结果显示,各级教育衔接时序、扩展速率是影响复合教育基尼函数演化的直接因素。  相似文献   

户内人口匹配数据被广泛地应用于社会学、人口学及相关领域的研究中,但户内人口匹配数据的选择性偏差常常被研究者忽略。针对这类问题本文利用2000年第五次人口普查和2005年1%人口抽样调查原始抽样数据对户内父子、母子和夫妻关系进行匹配,发现三种匹配数据均存在不同程度的选择性偏差,体现在年龄、性别、流动状况、城乡分布、教育、地区分布等方面。在此基础上,本文对《高等教育扩张与教育机会不平等》一文的匹配数据、分析模型和研究结论进行再检验。发现匹配数据的选择性偏差对分析模型和研究结论的影响是确定的。户内人口匹配数据的偏差不仅影响统计模型因素判断程度的错误,甚至完全改变影响因素的作用方向。为了减小匹配数据偏差的影响,本文提出户内人口匹配数据偏差的调整方法和思路,认为加权和再抽样方法能够在一定程度上弥补选择性偏差,相比来说,加权模型的调整效果更加理想。  相似文献   

能否获得高等教育机会,对人的职业生涯乃至社会分层有着重大影响。因为,从高等教育阶段起,就根据专业的划分重新进行社会分工,地域、户口等对人口流动的限制也被冲破。影响高等教育机会获得的直接因素可分为两大类:高等教育的资源分布状况和高考招生政策,以及高中教育机会获得的延续性影响。高等教育资源分布状况是指高等学校的地域分布、各种层次高校的分布状况,高考招生政策包括考试方法和标准、录取分数线的划定、考生资格的规定、收费等问题。这些问题是从高等教育政策的影响看待高等教育机会获得的状况。而高中教育机会获得对高等教育机会获得的影响,是从整个教育系统的角度来看待高等教育的公平问题。由杨东平教授主持的国家教育十五规划课题“我国高等教育公平问题研究”显示:高中教育已经成为影响普通高等教育机会获得的狭窄瓶颈。  相似文献   

女大学生平等就业权实践中存在的问题《劳动法》第12条明确规定:“劳动者就业不因民族、种族、性别、宗教信仰不同而受歧视。”这就赋予了女性平等就业的权利。但是目前在女大学生就业中,性别歧  相似文献   

高考新政中招考方式的变化,意味着过去被动的"一考定终身"现象将被打破,学生的自主选择将成为高等教育机会获得的重要决定因素。目前,我国有关个体高等教育选择与高等教育机会获得的研究还相对较少,国外这一领域的相关研究有重要的借鉴意义,表现在以下三个方面:其一,研究路径上,基于行动性路径的高等教育需求-选择研究凸显了个体主动的教育选择对高等教育扩张及教育机会不平等的影响作用;其二,研究取向上,以布东为代表的理性选择研究提出了影响教育获得的首要效应和次要效应,揭示了个体选择、成绩与教育制度对高等教育机会获得的共同影响;其三,教育策略上,高中-大学链接策略和个体教育信念对高等教育选择具有重要意义。  相似文献   

韩恩力 《职业时空》2009,5(10):159-160
随着河北省体育教育专业学生数量因扩招政策飞快增长,其与逐年走低的就业率之间的矛盾更加突显。体育教育专业的毕业生就业面临着前所未有的严峻考验。从高等教育的长远利益和健康发展以及学生的切身利益出发,本文结合河北省体育教育专业学生的就业现状,从影响就业的几大突出问题入手进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigated the size of the impact of parental education on fertility choice and whether this effect was larger for maternal education. This paper utilized the substantial expansion of educational opportunities in Taiwan and thus applied the two-stage least-square method to account for the endogeneity of educational attainment. The results showed that parental education was an important factor in reducing the fertility rate. In addition, maternal education was a stronger determinant than paternal education.  相似文献   

Rapid expansion of educational research and conceptualization combined with increased emphasis on relevance and effectiveness as values within the educational institution encourage expansion of the assumptions made by social work educators. Such expansion forces recognition of the complexity of the educational transaction and of the importance of flexibility as a teacher characteristic. But certain new assumptions suggest undeveloped opportunities for facilitating significant student learning. This article identifies four such opportunities based on assumptions about individual differences, cognitive functioning, and affective learning. A complex, growth-oriented view of social work education is emphasized.  相似文献   

We address two views from organization theory to consider the expansion and effects of nonprofits in education: first, a functional view emphasizing the direct effect of work of civil society organizations (CSOs) and, second, a phenomenological neoinstitutional view focusing on the cultural meaning of education CSOs as indicators of a rationalized, liberal world society. We use panel regression models with country fixed effects to analyze the cross-national expansion of domestic education CSO sectors in 130 countries from 1970 to 2014. We then examine the association between the size of the domestic education CSO sector and memberships in international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) with education outcomes, including spending, education aid, secondary and tertiary enrollments, and the share of women in secondary and tertiary education. Results show that INGO memberships, an expanded state, and an expanded education system are highly associated with the expansion of a domestic education CSO sector. Both domestic CSOs and INGO memberships tend to have a significant, positive relationship with education outcomes net of other factors. We also find preliminary evidence indicating that the causal forces at play are more complex than a straightforward direct effect of education CSOs doing good work. Specifically, CSOs, at least in part, are indicators of a Western, liberal model of a proper modern society; the underpinning culture, represented by CSOs, accounts for some educational expansion above and beyond the benefit (or harm) caused by any given entity.  相似文献   

The United States leads the world in public higher education, with a substantial amount of funding coming from state, rather than federal, government sources. Perhaps not surprisingly, the amount states contribute varies widely, leading researchers to explore the sources of such variation. While numerous factors have been shown to matter, the potential relevance of political representation remains unclear. To address this gap, the relationship between state legislators’ own educational backgrounds and state spending on higher education is tested. Utilizing a database of publicly available information on the educational backgrounds of 6,517 state senators and representatives, we find that states with a higher percentage of legislators who attended state colleges and/or universities invest more generously in public higher education than other state legislatures. Results support theories of representation, suggesting that legislators may be directly advocating for spending given their own educational profiles.  相似文献   

阿拉伯的高等教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经几十的努力,阿拉伯高等教育的多样化模式、研究生教育的发展以及私立高校的兴起极大地促进了阿拉伯高等教育的规模建设和系统复杂化。在这一过程中,也出现了一些围绕高等教育对阿拉伯本土社会责任贡献能力不足而产生的问题。对这些总是的认识与有效解决是未来阿拉伯高等教育发展的方向。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact on children's education and labour of monthly cash grants targeted on ultra‐poor households and designed to reduce poverty and enable families to invest in human development. It conducts a randomised community trial, with baseline and endline surveys of intervention and control households; verifies school enrolment; and completes key‐informant interviews and focus‐group discussions. Compared with non‐beneficiaries, intervention children experienced a 5 percentage point difference in enrolment, higher educational expenditures, fewer absences, and a 10 percentage point decrease in labour outside the home. Qualitative data confirm the quantitative findings. Transfers to poor households had a positive impact. However, the Malawian educational system needs to be improved for short‐term impacts to lead to long‐term development in human capital.  相似文献   

"Demographic studies on cohort fertility have revealed that the birth decline in the [Federal Republic of Germany] was accompanied or even brought about by a considerable postponement in parenthood. By means of event history analysis and micro-simulation this article shows that the postponement of motherhood can be attributed to the expansion of the educational system that took place in the 60s and early 70s. Furthermore, changes in educational structure have contributed markedly to increased childlessness in the younger generation, whereas there is no relation between the reduction in family size and the structural changes in education. The impact of increased education on the family life-cycle can be explained by labour market theories, whereas traditional theories have neglected biographic aspects of fertility." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   


This article will discuss social development models and their application to the establishment of social work field education in Lithuania. A model of field education as social development is presented and discussed, with reference to promoting core social work knowledge, values and skills, establishing relationships between educational and social welfare institutions, and identifying the impact of field education programs on community well-being. Examples from the authors' experience in educational program development and implementation are presented, along with implications for international social work education.  相似文献   

近年来,我国高等职业教育迅猛发展,文章从高等职业教育的办学理念、课程体系、析,并提出了教学改革的建议及措施。在发展过程中,其存在的问题也受到社会的广泛关注。师资队伍、教材建设等几方面对存在的问题进行了剖  相似文献   

This study applies a family process model to the linkage between early economic disadvantage and later enrollment in higher education. Using two waves of data on low‐income youth, the authors found that the attitudes and behaviors of their parents, mostly mothers, mediate the impact of disadvantage on enrollment. Economically disadvantaged parents are less optimistic about their adolescents' educational chances and, in turn, engage less in the proactive parenting that promotes enrollment. The authors also found that parents' perceived efficacy buffers against the more negative consequences of disadvantage that can influence their adolescents' educational trajectories. Group comparisons reveal few differences by gender or ethnicity.  相似文献   

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