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Shredded Wild Rice Stems Ingredients:500 grams (1.1 lb) wild rice stems 3 grams (1/2 tsp) salt 1 gram (1/4 tsp) MSG 5 grams (1 tsp) soy sauce50 grams (3 1/2 tbsp) oil2 grams (2/5 tsp) sugar150 grams (10 tbsp) waterDirections:1. Remove the outer skin of the wild rice stems and cut into sections 10 cm (4 inches) long and 1 cm (0.4 inch) wide.2. Heat the oil to 70-100OC (160-210OF) and quick-stir-fry the wild rice stem sections. Then add the soy sauce, water, salt and sugar, and bring to a boil. Cover the wok to simmer for 10 minutes. Add the MSG, boil off some of the liquid over a strong fi re. Take out and serve.  相似文献   

角色扮演法在心理学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
角色扮演教学法是以能力培养为目标,以互动和创新教学、全真模拟教学为特征的一种教学方法,该方法是教学中理论联系实际的桥梁,是教师引导学生参与教学活动,让学生扮演各种角色,进入角色情景,去处理多种问题和矛盾,达到加深对专业理论知识的理解的有效方法.本文就角色扮演教学法的意义,角色扮演的教学原则、运用此方法应该注意的问题等内容进行了论述.  相似文献   

朗读就是心、眼、口、耳并用的一种学习方法,作为教师,就应该把语文课堂还给学生,让学生自己带着兴趣、带着激情,带着自信走进课堂,用心去感悟语文世界给他们带来的无限乐趣。对于初入学的低年级学生,尤其是对我们农村学前教育不规范的学生来说,朗读是沟通书面语言与口头语言(方言)之间的桥梁,是其语文能力发展的基石。  相似文献   

There is no doubt that international scientific collaboration has increased in recent years in terms of both volume and importance.The Royal Society of Chemistry(RSC) and our partners in China are continuously strengthening links with the chemical sciences community around the world through a number of initiatives.  相似文献   

小学语文教学必须加强朗读训练   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、朗读有助于发展学生的语言教师在指导学生朗读课文的时候,要求学生读准字音,不添减文字,不读破词句,就是说要读通句子。学生在各种形式的朗读中,与字词多次见面,牢固掌握字的读音,强化识记字形,从而有效地识字、识词。反复的朗读,能使学生读得正确,读得流畅,增强语感。教师在此基础上加强指导,可进一步增强学生的朗读兴趣,培养他们自觉朗读的习惯。  相似文献   

International Talent Monthly: In March 2017, you and your team visited Beijing E-Town Industrial Zone. It is reported that you are planning to establish an Artiifcial Intelligence (AI) Institute. Could you introduce the current progress of the project to the readers?  相似文献   

一、转变教师的演员角色,把课堂还给学生 新课程要求把课堂还给学生,让学生成为课堂的主人,提倡探究式学习,以学生为主体,积极鼓励学生参与,让学生自主探索和学习,而教师则是地理学习的合作者、引导者和促进者,教学过程是师生交往共同发展的互动过程.  相似文献   

Space science offers a unique opportunity to open dialogue between countries,independently of their political system. In the early 1990s,Dr. Roger-Maurice Bonnet,Director of the Science Program of ESA received a letter from a group of Chinese scientists in response to an invitation,to cooperate on the ESA CLUSTER mission. That event marked the initiation of space cooperation between ESA and China. He is very disappointed about that the partners of the International Space Station(USA,Russia,Europe,Japan,Canada) would not agree on accepting China as one of their partners,and China has to develop its own space station with its own means.  相似文献   

朗读是一种传统的行之有效的语文教学方法.虽然许多教师都认为其重要,但在实际教学中,却重视不够,往往为繁琐的课文分析和书面练习所代替,越来越听不到朗朗的读书声了.但好的朗读教学却可以使学生更快、更深入、更透彻的理解课文.  相似文献   

如何在语文教学中加强朗读训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古人云"熟读唐诗三百首,不会写诗也会吟",年长的读书人常教导晚辈:读书、读书,就要强调读,不强调读、朗读,还叫什么读书!实际上,古人的"读书百遍.其义自现"也说明了朗读带来的好处.它告诉我们,多朗读.才能熟练地掌握知识;多背诵,才能终身受益.通过熟读、背诵,使书面语言内化为学生自己的语言,才能有效地提高学生理解、运用语言的能力.  相似文献   

本文阐明了复述的原理、依据、方法,以及复述与其它方法的六重整合,以期引起学生的重视并能应用于学习实践,在同遗忘斗争过程,掌握学习英语的金钥匙。  相似文献   

一、翻转课堂概述 翻转课堂(Inverted Classroom)是指在教学实践中,利用信息化教学手段,重新调整课堂内外时间,将学习的决定权从教师转移给学生,并引导学生实现自主学习的一种新型教学方法.翻转课堂的出现对传统课堂教学的主体角色、课程模式和管理模式产生了深刻的影响.  相似文献   

如何提高小学生的朗读能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文是小学语文教学的基本要求。朗读,不仅是感悟课文的重要手段,也是体现学生语文学习能力的重要特征。朗读能发展学生的思维,激发学生的感情,学生朗读能  相似文献   

(Continued from the last issue)However,I did not feel I had made the right choice and the next time I saw her I apologized.She said to me I had done nothing wrong and said "it’s not your fault teacher,it’s my fault my English is too poor." But I still insisted that I had made a mistake.Yes,I had corrected her,but at what cost? The experience obviously embarrassed her,and her peers by the third time she repeated the word incorrectly had been shaking their heads.She may have left the classroom being able to pronounce the word correctly but what about the damage to her confidence? I thought about it for literally hours.I feared that perhaps next time she might not want to stand up,or shout out the answer in class in case she might be humiliated again.In her mind it was her own incompetence but for me it was my own ignorance.  相似文献   

Job Seeker     
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:Assistant Manager-MIS (Management Info. Systems):(Nov 2010-Present)Exposure to various meets of Top Man-agement and keeping track of data which involves the Accounts,HR,Business Development history of Projects all over in M/s.Ramky Infrastructure Limited,Hyderabad,INDIA.  相似文献   

Direct Tourism Train on Guangzhou-Beijing High-speed Rail Now Open京广直达旅游专列开通The direct tourism train on the Guangzhou-Be ing high-speed rail officially opened on March 10. The train (G80)departs Guangzhou on even-number days at 10:00 and arrives in Be ing at 17:59. The return train (G81) departs Beijing on odd-number days at 13:05 and arrives in Guangzhou at 22:32.  相似文献   

学生会是学生实现“自我管理、自我教育、自我服务”的组织者,学生会干部在学校学生管理和校园文化建设中扮演者十分重要的角色,是学生中的骨干力量和先进分子.如何当好学生干部,发挥好学生干部的作用就显得尤为重要.笔者就学生会干部在平时工作中应处理好的几种关系加以论述.  相似文献   

, 《国际人才交流》2013,(1):66-67
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Wednesday used his first meeting with foreign guests since his election to stress China’s commitment to peaceful development and opening-up policy.  相似文献   

For more information,please click www.echinacities.com While it’s at least very annoying,and at most woefully erroneous that many Chinese people judge all foreigners to be totally minted,it’s not hard to see why,when many foreigners are here living decadent lifestyles,partying on weekends(and weekdays),travelling all over the country and mincing around town with Macbooks,iPods and Ray Bans.But then there are the secret "squirrelers",who scrimp together just enough cash to feed  相似文献   

记得我在教学三年级下册<荷花>一课时,文中文字很优美.在指导朗读时,我努力引导着学生读出荷花婀娜多姿的高贵美美.可是任凭我怎么努力,学生就是读不到我想要的那种味道.于是我借助多媒体教学,把一幅荷花图展现在学生眼前,再次让他们悟读.呦,学生的朗读提高了一个档次,而且他们越读越有劲.这次教学的成功,让我领略了图画在语文课堂上的超凡魅力.俗话说:"百闻不如一见",本来干瘪抽象的文字,通过"影"和"像",就让学生充分地感受到了每一个汉字的神奇.此后,我就经常留意语文课堂中出现的能教会孩子更多的图画.除了多媒体课件中的资料图和课本中的插图,还有教师上课时的板书图、教学学生学习生字书写时四肢做出相应形状的人体图和学生初读课文后为课文添补的插图.它们的出现都为语文课堂的生动趣味性浓浓地添上了一笔.  相似文献   

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