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In “Cohabitation and Child Well-Being,” Wendy D. Manning, an associate professor in Bowling Green State University's Department of Sociology, summarizes what is known about cohabitation and its effects on children. She describes how some people view “cohabiting-couple” households (that is, unmarried couples cohabiting with a biological child of at least one of the adults) as a two-parent family form and that one of the major goals of the 1996 welfare reform law was to encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families. The main sources of data she uses are the Current Population Survey (CPS), the Decennial Census, the Survey of Income and Program Participation, the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), and the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG).  相似文献   

In “Child Maltreatment and Foster Care,” Richard J. Gelles, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work, reports what is known about the incidence of child maltreatment and foster care placement rates since welfare reform. He relies on four major sources of data: Current Trends in Child Abuse Reporting and Fatalities: Results of the 1998 Annual Fifty State Survey, the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), the National Incidence Survey of Reported and Recognized Child Maltreatment (NIS), and the Voluntary Cooperative Information System (VCIS).  相似文献   

In this essay Douglas J. Besharov and Peter Germanis trace what is known about the large decrease in welfare recipiency and what families are doing after they leave welfare. According to them, welfare offices have been transformed from places where mothers are automatically signed up for benefits to places where mothers are helped (and at times pressured) to get a job—or to rely on others for support. The authors' main data sources are the Current Population Survey (CPS), the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), state administrative data on welfare submitted to HHS, and state "leaver studies."  相似文献   

In “Housing Conditions and Homelessness,” John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing/Federal Housing Administration Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, discusses trends in homelessness and housing conditions. His main sources of data are the American Housing Survey (AHS) and special surveys on homelessness. Because of the dearth of post-1996 data, he focuses on trends before welfare reform. In regard to homelessness, Weicher explains that few reliable data are available, so that estimates of the total number of homeless people are problematic. He estimates that about 600,000 people are homeless in an average week, and that the estimate can vary over the course of a year. The most recent national data are for 1996 and serve as a baseline from which to observe trends. At present, virtually no evidence indicates that homelessness has increased (or decreased) since the passage of welfare reform.  相似文献   

In “Nutrition, Food Security, and Obesity,” Harold S. Beebout, a senior fellow at Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., and chief information officer at the Child and Family Services Agency, District of Columbia, reviews what is known about nutrition, food security, and obesity. He relies on the following data sources: the Continuing Survey of Food Intake for Individuals (CSFII), the CPS, the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES), and state administrative data reported to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Beebout first examines the forces behind the dramatic decline in food stamp rolls, which dropped by 9.1 million (35 percent) between August 1995 and July 2000. He describes how the welfare reform law (PRWORA) restricted eligibility, particularly for able-bodied adults who have no children and who work less than twenty hours per week. He adds that many legal immigrants were disqualified under the legislation as well. But, he notes, these changes explain only about 20 percent of the food stamp decline. Most of the decline occurred among households with children, many of which still appear to be eligible for benefits.  相似文献   

福利多元主义为福利国家改革后福利供给中出现的复杂现象提供了有效的分析框架,而分析框架本身的发展也随着福利改革的不断深化而向前推动。在经历了横向单维度——福利提供主体扩展对福利现象的认识后,复杂的社会福利供给现象要求更精确的认知方法,分析框架纵向发展成为必然。福利多元主义纵向的发展经历了提供、融资以及规制/决策维度不断深化,虽然对于规制与决策维度的采用问题,学者们存在不同的观点,但有一点是确定的,他们都在推动福利多元主义作为范式的不断深化和成熟。  相似文献   

中国福利性第三部门(CWTS),作为专业化的从事社会福利工作的非营利性机构,视救困济难、社会福利为己任,切实为社会弱势群体谋福利,为实现社会公平公正和政府机构改革提供了有效的帮助。在分析第三部门和社会福利概念本土化的基础上,研究中国福利性第三部门形成与发展的理论基础及制度环境,对中国福利性第三部门的进一步发展尤具意义。  相似文献   

根据福利磁力理论,对我国户籍制度改革中的人口迁移福利磁力问题进行了系统分析,建立福利磁力效应的财政压力估算公式,并以广东省为例,就户籍制度改革中的福利磁力效应的潜在财政压力展开社会救助制度层面的实证分析。分析结果表明:户籍制度改革在不去除目前的社会救助制度区域分隔机制的情况下,将可能产生大规模福利移民问题,使发达地区财政负担迅速加重,显著增加国家总体财政开支。借鉴国外福利去磁力化政策实践,设置社会救助制度的资格申请等待期和福利递进机制是比较可取的应对策略。  相似文献   

2009年我国深化医药卫生体制改革全面启动。新医改对公立医院试点改革给出了坚持公益性的命题。目前,制药人事制度改革的主要难点是人员配置和流动机制不科学、绩效考核制度滞后、分配制度过于强调经济利益等。以此为切入点,文章探索工作岗位定岗、岗位轮转培训、人才队伍建设、绩效管理等公立医院人事制度的改革途径。  相似文献   

Child health     
In "Child Health," Lorraine V. Klerman, a professor at Brandeis University's Heller School for Social Policy and Management, describes the difficulty of measuring welfare reform's impact on children's physical and mental health by using existing data sources and suggests additional approaches to consider. She relies on the following data sources: the Behavior and Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS); the Current Population Survey (CPS); the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS); the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS); the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES); the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS); the National Household Survey of Drug Abuse (NHSDA); the National Immunization Survey; the State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey (SLAITS); the VSCP; and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS).  相似文献   

全球社会保障制度发展与经济发展关系的历史进程和欧洲不同类型福利体制典型国家都未遭遇主权债务危机的现实充分说明,社会保障制度不是导致欧债危机的主要原因。以主权债务危机最为严重的希腊为例展开的研究也表明,是经济结构失衡和经济增长模式存在问题影响了福利开支的正常增长,而非相反。选择符合本国国情的社会保障制度模式,区分导致福利增长的内生性因素和外生性因素,是中国社会保障制度建设过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

公务员社会保障制度是整个社会保障制度的重要组成部分,也是国家公务员制度的重要内容,公务员社会保障制度是推进行政体制改革的重要一环,和企业社会保障制度相比,公务员社会保障制度发展相对滞后,存在许多问题,其中最为关键的问题在于没有明确提出适合我国国情的公务员社会保障制度的改革模式。中国公务员社会保障制度可以采用“基本社会保障和政府补助相结合”的模式。  相似文献   

基于我国特殊政事关系背景,公办养老机构改革沿着事业单位改革和社会福利社会化两个维度,以职能、效率和机制为三条主线,不断推进社会化和市场化。近四十年的改革卓有成效,但始终难以平衡好公平和效率的关系。以政事分开为目标的公办养老机构改革的核心是所有权、经营权的处理。从产权及委托—代理理论的视角检视其改革历程及存在的问题,根本上说是没有厘清政府、事业单位和社会主体的责权边界和利益关系,未能建立起科学的激励约束机制。在全面放开养老服务市场的背景下,公办养老机构改革要明确目标,从确立独立法人再逐步走向法人治理,完善事业单位法人治理结构;加强公建民营机构的规制,打造现代型养老机构,从而切实履行公益服务职能,提高效率,提升养老服务品质。  相似文献   

集体林权制度改革作为一项制度变革,是否会带来农村的可持续发展,是社会普遍关注的焦点.采用可持续经济福利指数(ISEW)对福建省三明市农村社会经济福利进行测度.可持续经济福利指数的测算结果表明,集体林权制度改革以后,三明市农村社会经济福利是先下降后增加的,人均ISEW值的增长低于人均GDP的增长水平.从ISEW的发展趋势来看,三明市农村处于可持续发展的状态.  相似文献   

公益性事业单位作为提供社会公共服务的重要载体,为推动政府职能的转型起到积极作用。但是,随着行政体制改革步伐的逐步加快,公益性事业单位自身存在的相关问题逐渐暴露,已经难以适应社会公益事业和社会公共服务发展的需要。深化公益性事业单位改革是事业单位改革最重要的环节,也是创新社会管理体制的题中之义。公益性事业单位改革要从各项体制上着手,不断提升自身治理能力,最终实现公共服务均等化目标。  相似文献   

人们将“北欧福利模式”视为西方福利国家的一种独特模式。北欧模式的一个主要特征是社会保障、健康以及惠及全民的教育政策,换句话说,即基于普遍性原则的社会政策。近期的改革趋势不得不令人质疑:普遍性原则当前在挪威这个福利国家是否受到了威胁。大体上,福利国家都以不同的规范、价值观和原则为基础。从几种主要福利原则可以看出,在现代北欧与欧洲其他福利国家近期改革中,重心从普遍性原则转移到更强调互惠性与标的设定原则。后两者更侧重合同、义务和激励措施,以使人们为个人幸福承担更多责任。  相似文献   

从公益性事业体制改革的实践出发,论述了公益性事业转轨过程中应着重解决的几个问题,包括:1.完善内部机制;2.建立内部成本管理体系;3.建立合理分配原则与分配依据;4.打破常规的用人之道。  相似文献   

从竞争、分工、社会适应性、标准确定、法制化五个方面阐述了走军民融合式发展之路是深化军人福利制度改革的必由之路,并指出深化军人福利制度改革的四项具体举措:一是建立以货币化为主,实物供给为辅的军人福利保障体系;二是以中央机关公务员作为参照系,以系数法确定军人福利标准;三是建立健全体现军人职业特点的津补贴体系;四是建立健全军人福利待遇的法律法规体系。  相似文献   

《个人责任和工作机会和解法》(PRWORA)也被称作一场"权力下移的革命",本文通过对权力下移的特点及其影响和存在问题的分析,对于从全面理解美国1996福利制度改革提供更多视角。权力下移中有待解决的问题也是进一步完善福利制度改革不可忽视的重点。  相似文献   

公立医院改革是新一轮医改的重点和难点。作者在对看病难看病贵、公立医院及其公益性等主要概念进行界定的基础上,总结阐述了当前我国公立医院改革试点的主要成效,并从公立医院公益性淡化、补偿机制不完善、治理和内部运行机制不健全、医疗人才资源配置失衡等四个方面对其所面临的挑战进行深入分析,最后结合实际情况提出了有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

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