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ModelHeadofaFamilyPlanning"CentralHousehold"ModelHeadofaFamilyPlanning"CentralHousehold"Mrs.LiFuhuaisanordinaryruralwomenfarm...  相似文献   

Wang Xiuhua is a married woman of childbearing age with a registered permanent residence in Hanchuan, but running a clothing business in the Luonan comprehensive market in  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the United States are, to varying degrees, practitioners of the Afro-Cuban religion popularly known as Santería. Cuban and Puerto Rican forms of referencing LGBT populations are illustrated in this article, which is drawing from interviews and participant observation conducted in the United States, with close to 30 practitioners, many of whom were Cuban, Cuban American, and Puerto Rican. I discuss the ways in which Santería gatherings produce an alternative use of otherwise stigmatized language for "gay" practitioners. Through the use of distinctive language to reference all of these populations, we may rethink the relationship between identities and practices, and within that, gender presentations vis a vis identities.  相似文献   

"搭伴养老"胜似"空巢"独居   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋健 《人口研究》2003,27(3):26-30
1问题的提出 近年来,在广东、天津、成都等地,一种老年人“未婚同居”,即两位老人不领结婚证,就生活在一起的现象在悄悄蔓延。  相似文献   

IncreasinglyaWoman'sDisease¥ZhangKonglaiandWangYingAIDSisadeadlysexuallytransmitteddiseasecausedbythehumanimmuno-deficiencyvi...  相似文献   

背景党的十六届五中全会提出了建设社会主义新农村的重大历史任务。建设社会主义新农村是全面建设小康社会和推进社会主义现代化建设的必然要求,也是构建和谐社会的重要基础。同时。对研究在新农村建设过程中的人口问题提出了新的要求。中国人口学会不失时机地与湖南省人口计生  相似文献   

The plight of 900 million Chinese farmers has received renewed attention from the government and the public alike recently. Atthe 16~(th) Congress of the Chinese Communist Partylast November, improving the lot of Chinese farmersbecame the consensus of the new Central Committee,  相似文献   

重提"安乐死"立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“安乐死”一词源出于希腊文Euthanasia ,是由美好和死亡两个词所组成。其原意是指舒适或无痛苦地死亡或安然去世。安乐死并不是生与死的选择,而是死亡方式的选择。选择的目的是通过人工调节和控制,使死亡呈现出一种良好的状态,以避免精神和肉体的痛苦折磨,改善患者濒临死亡时的自我感觉状态,维护其尊严。随着医疗卫生水平的提高,中国人死因构成中因晚期恶性肿瘤和脑血管等疾病导致死亡的比例越来越高。现代的医疗技术不仅不能拯救这些病人的生命,而且绝大多数病人还要经历长期的、极为痛苦的疾病折磨和精神煎熬。今天,中国人口中老年人的…  相似文献   

定义"人口安全"   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
翟振武  明艳 《人口研究》2005,29(3):40-43
人口安全是中国学者提出的概念,它不同于人类安全.人口安全是非传统安全领域中的一个范畴,它的内涵中,应该既包括人口这个主体自身发展变化的安全,也包括以人口因素来保障另一客体的安全、使另一客体的安全不因人口的种种问题而受到威胁的内容.  相似文献   

One of the ideological foundations of the modern welfare states is the belief that people can be made happier by providing them with better living conditions. This belief is challenged by the theory that happiness is a fixed trait, rather than a variable state. This theory figures both at the individual level and at the societal level. The individual level variant depicts happiness as an aspect of personal character; rooted in inborn temperament or acquired disposition. The societal variant sees happiness as a matter of national character; embedded in shared values and beliefs. Both variants imply that a better society makes no happier people.Happiness can be regarded as a trait if it meets three criteria: (1) temporal stability, (2) cross-situational consistency, and (3) inner causation. This paper checks whether that is, indeed, the case.  相似文献   

The Model Primary School is a rural school located in a region joining the town and country in Jiamusi City,Heilongjiang Province.Sex education is a new idea and has never been taught there before. Two years ago,I had my first experience teaching a sex education class.During the first class,I blushed with embarrassment and found it difficult to talk about  相似文献   

"四普"至"五普"间中国城镇人口增长构成分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王放 《人口研究》2004,28(3):60-67
利用 1 990年第四次人口普查和 2 0 0 0年第五次人口普查的资料 ,对在“四普”至“五普”间中国城镇人口增长构成进行了分析。分析结果表明 ,在新增长的城镇人口中 ,有 5 2 %是来自于地域的重新划分 ,有 31 %是来自于人口从农村向城镇的迁移 ,来自于城镇人口自然增长的只有 1 7%。本文认为 ,未来中国的城市化应当主要依靠人口从农村向城镇的迁移 ,因此 ,采取有效的政策和措施 ,解决好从农村迁移到城镇的人口的就业和生活 ,使他们能够顺利向城镇转移 ,这对于 2 1世纪中国城市化的发展至关重要。  相似文献   

计生工作"三结合"不仅仅是计生工作思路和方法的改革,也是促使加大投入、产出力度,提高农村家庭生产、生活、生育(简称"三生")效益,实现少生、快富、文明目标,为农村、农业、农民的发展创造条件、提供保证、搞好服务的必经之路和成功之路。计生工作"三结合"的出发点和落脚点,就是为农村、农业、农民更好地向前发展创造良好的环境,主要是为农村家庭搞好"三生"服务,进而实现少生、快富、文明的目标。  相似文献   

My colleagues have presented at the Conference the Chinese initiative to reorient its family planning program from a demographic driven to a quality of care approach since 1995. I was responsible on behalf of China's State Family planning Commission (SFPC) for the quality of care experiment among the 11 pilot counties/districts until my retirement in 1999. While I devoted myself in the late 1990s to advocate the concept of the quality of care in China, I was in fact the person very much e…  相似文献   

The present study explored how women aged 50–65 years reflect and make meaning of a lifetime of body and weight struggles. Seven purposefully selected women with longstanding body image challenges participated in interviews and reflected on their perceptions, thoughts, and emotions around their body and weight since childhood. Findings revealed consistent and consuming concerns about the body; prevalent body-related self-conscious emotions; influential social experiences that impact physical self-perceptions; and enduring impacts of weight bias, stigma, and discrimination. Collectively, these findings provide support for the stability of body disturbances and highlight the need to explore the unique body-related narratives of women in midlife.  相似文献   

文章利用2000年人口普查数据中的流动人口数据和2003年上海市第七次流动人口抽样调查数据,通过队列分析研究外来人口进入城市后居留行为的特点和动态模式,并构造外来人口居留生命表.研究发现,外来人口在城市中"不断沉淀"、累积地沉淀,居留时间越长继续长期居留的概率越高,居留时间越长继续预期居留时间越长.在此基础上,分析了外来人口长期居留与城市发展的关系,以及对城市管理的启示.  相似文献   

浅析"留守妻子"现象   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汤梦君 《人口研究》2004,28(4):25-27
受城乡分隔的户籍制度影响,中国农村劳动力到城镇务工总体上来说是个既有迁出又有回迁的过程,并且迁移以个人而不是以家庭为单位的.  相似文献   

第五次全国人口普查改变了标准时点,使得在对比以往人口普查结果的一致性时需要先做调整。以往研究在进行这种一致性检查时均采用了对单岁年龄组人口内插分配的方法来取得与以前普查队列的相同口径。然而,这种调整方法所依赖的一些假定由于不符合实际可能导致较大的误差。本研究通过新的途径,根据第五次全国人口普查样本重新检查了"五普"和"四普"年龄别人口一致性,得到的结果与以往研究结果有显著差别。采用新方法来进行对比时,"五普"和"四普"队列人口的一致性显得比以往结果要好得多。  相似文献   

"硬制度"与"软环境"下的农村低保对象的识别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现行的农村低保制度尽管已经逐步覆盖农村的贫困人口,但这并非完全意味着中国农村贫困人口的消失,因为"硬制度"的完善,同时也需要"软环境"下的低保对象的识别机制,由于目前农村低保对象的复杂性--所需要解决的不仅是其温饱问题,还包括因疾病、教育等支出而导致的"选择性"贫困群体.因此作者试图在现有农村低保识别机制的基础上,建立一套识别低保群体的指标体系;并结合二者的各自优势提出农村低保对象的识别方法.  相似文献   

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