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为弘扬中华民族扶贫爱幼的传统美德,进一步促进我国公益慈善事业的发展,中国儿童少年基金会发起了“中国儿童慈善活动日”大型公益活动。该活动极大地促进了全社会对3.6亿儿童健康成长的关注。  相似文献   

2012年7月12日~14日,首届中国公益慈善项目交流展示会在深圳举行。此次展示会汇聚国内544家公益慈善组织(项目)、基金会、企业、教研机构及省、直辖市、自治区参展团,展示国内优秀的公益慈善组织(项目)和公益创意。这是我国首次举办国家级、综合性公益慈善项目交流展示会,也是迄今为止全国最大规模的公益项目集中展示会。会上,民办社工机构也作为其中一个单独的类别参展。此前的7月1日,首届中国公益慈善项目创意大赛总决赛在深圳举行。  相似文献   

熊文钦 《现代妇女》2014,(6):105-106
近年来,中国慈善事业迅速发展,尤其在汶川地震后,公益捐赠款物急剧增加。然而,筹集的捐款屡次被擅自挪用甚至侵吞,使得中国公益慈善组织的公信力跌至冰点,公益捐赠乱象的法律规制迫在眉睫。因此,本文以"百名艺术家捐款事件"为出发点,浅析公益捐赠乱象的原因,初步探寻完善公益捐赠的运行路径。  相似文献   

首届中国公益慈善项目交流展示会(以下简称慈展会),折射出如企业家王石坦言的政府、企业和公益慈善三者更像是“象腿、牛腿和鸡腿”的现实和尴尬,也反映了一些草根公益慈善旺盛的生命力与真正公益慈善人才的不足。壹基金赠送给组委会一只水晶蝴蝶。希望慈展会能产生蝴蝶效应。在中央编译局副局长俞可平眼里,或许蝴蝶效应已经显现。他认为慈展会的标志性意义就是政府、企业和公益慈善真正地紧密结合,齐心合力推动社会管理创新。  相似文献   

这是一个亿万人关注儿童的舞台! 这是一个凝聚全球爱心力量,支持中国儿童事业的平台! 这是一次让长城作证,让爱心永存的公益盛事! 2004年6月“第三届中国儿童慈善活动日”将在北京完全演绎!  相似文献   

由民政部主办的“中国公益慈善创新型人才”培养计划日前在四川成都启动。据悉,该项目为期3年,培训对象以公益慈善相关政府部门主管领导及慈善组织管理者为主,2011年~2013年准备开展7期培训,累计培训400人左右,其目标是培养创新型公益人才、慈善专业人才队伍,促使中国慈善组织公信力的提升、自律机制的形成。  相似文献   

近日,由无锡市锡山区民政局与乐助社工事务所共同实施的“困境儿童援助项目”在首届中国公益慈善项目大赛中获实施类项目金奖。该项目是在保障困境儿童物质救助的基础上,从学业、心理、社会融入等六方面人手,协助孤儿逐步修复与自我、同辈群体、家庭、学校、社区及社会各系统间的适应问题,满足孤儿物质、精神、心理抚慰及成长需求。该项目自2010年7月实施以来,累计对锡山区72名孤儿进行个案辅导2000多次、团体活动50多次,先后开展了“手拉手与幸福同行爱心夏令营活动”、“锡山杯百名儿童大型公益绘画比赛”、“幸福之路未来之桥·锡山爱心圆梦晚会”等大型活动。  相似文献   

日本问题儿童救助机构历史悠久,可以追溯到1883年的"感化院",经历了"慈善性"的儿童救助、"青少年教护院"到"儿童自立支援设施"的历史发展与变革。历史的积淀形成了当前日本本土的、鲜明的和成熟的教育治理问题儿童的矫治模式——"自立支援"模式,在此基础上,对比中国工读教育的发展情况,得到"五点"启示:儿童本位,制度保障的基本理念;系统立法,给予充分的社会保障;家庭中心:重视归属与爱的需求;多元支持,健全的儿童保障体系;渐进发展,走出别样的制度模式。  相似文献   

邓飞,短短两三年就从调查记者迅速变身为全国“公益王”,先后发起成立七个专项基金:微博打拐基金、免费午餐基金、中国乡村儿童大病医保公益基金、让候鸟飞基金、中国水安全公益基金、暖流基金、中国儿童安全基金。各界资源也争相向他汇聚,他似乎变得无所不能。他究竟有怎样的成功法宝?  相似文献   

2011年5月31日,由《公益时报》社、中国社工协会企业公民委员会主办的公益十年——“富立爱心杯”慈善明星高尔夫对抗赛在北京开杆,活动旨在倡导快乐慈善理念,聚集各界精英,建立交流平台,以榜样的力量推动公益慈善文化传播.  相似文献   

The following article describes conditions in South Africa just as the "dismantling of apartheid" was beginning in earnest at the start of this decade. Thus it provides something of a baseline by which to compare changes which have taken place in that country since then. However, its greater contribution may be its evocation of the atmosphere of the time. As such it provides a unique perspective and a useful addition to the historical record of South African social welfare as well as a testament to those who struggled and continue to struggle to serve the nation's children.  相似文献   


In this study, difficulties that women with alcohol problems and victimization experiences might have protecting their children from victimization were investigated. Mothers of children (ages 3-17) were recruited from a longitudinal study of women, alcohol problems, and victimization; women came from alcohol treatment programs, battered women's shelters, mental health clinics, drinking and driving programs, and a random household sample. Hypothetical parenting scenarios were constructed to assess mothers' ability to protect their children from victimization trauma. Women's responses to the scenarios were analyzed thematically and coded. Next, coded responses were analyzed quantitatively to identify significant differences among women with past alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems, current AOD problems, and no AOD problems. Women with current AOD problems were more likely than women with no AOD problems and women with past AOD problems to provide aggressive responses to scenarios. Women with past AOD problems were more likely than their non-addicted counterparts to perceive sexual abuse as a possibility, to attribute responsibility for the problem to the other participant only (seeing no role for their child), and to seek information about what happened from the other participant only. Findings suggest that some interpersonal problem-solving difficulties resolve when women become sober while others persist into recovery, potentially affecting women's ability to protect their children.  相似文献   

In spite of alarming statistics about the status of children in the United States, there is little evidence of a public commitment that addresses the various dimensions of the problem (e.g., poverty, abuse) in a systematic, integrated, and long-term way. It is argued that this is because very poor children contribute disproportionately to these statistics and that they have become expendable within the context of contemporary economic trends. Examination of a variety of programs addressing children's issues illustrates that many of these have the effect of further marginalizing young people. Suggestions on how to reverse these trends are discussed.  相似文献   


In 2006 Western Australia passed legislation that introduced a system to check criminal records and issue permits to those who wish to work with children. In 2007, the legislation was described by the minister responsible as a “powerful system that would prevent harm to children”. This paper explores that system and identifies limits to its effectiveness. The paper concluded that unless the system's limits are fully appreciated there is a possibility of a paradoxical outcome, whereby children's lives will be less safe. It also raises the question of whether in the area of record checking a national approach is not preferable to each state and territory developing its own system.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. This article is based on the results of the first stage of a study of the Children Act (day care and preschool education), and looks at how the Children Act 1989 has been put into practice with respect to services for children under eight, in rural local authorities in England and Wales. It considers the duties given by the Act to local authorities from a rural perspective, including providing a range of services for children in need, reviewing the services that are available for all young children, and setting standards for day care services provided by the voluntary and private sectors. It concludes that although the Act has helped to focus attention on the needs of children in rural areas, there is a danger that nothing will be done to meet them because of the principle of targeting resources on children who are most in need. Rural isolation was rarely specified as an indicator of need, and other criteria often had an urban bias which may work against the development of services in rural areas. The article also argues that there is a particular need to develop new models of service delivery and ways of providing training and support to early years workers which are appropriate for rural areas.  相似文献   

Officials in Ma'anshan, a city in East China's Anhui Province, during the past year have done the following to improve the lives and promote the development of left-behind children (whose parents have left home to work elsewhere):  相似文献   

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