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This essay offers a feminist perspective on the call for a "productive aging" society, and says that the movement provides an answer before we have systematically asked questions about the meaning of old age. An emphasis on productivity, among other things, can devalue relational activities, often inherent in women's roles, and certain older people-older women in particular. The author proposes a number of measures for the short term, so that society can be responsible to older women who need and want jobs, as well as ideas for more far-reaching change.  相似文献   

Personal and Perplexing: feminist disability politics evaluated   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Organizational transformation was the theme of a 1996 meeting in Canada of men and women from Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America, and Europe concerned with more equitable power relations between men and women. Gender parity policies and initiatives are necessary but not sufficient as long as the organizational culture remains antithetical to gender equality and adequate resources are withheld. Three salient structural aspects of organizations were identified by participants: the expectation that staff should place their employment rather than family at the center of their lives, a view of power as a finite resource linked with control and hierarchy, and a tendency to focus narrowly on a single purpose and course of action. Recommended, to change these factors, were linkage of the feminist goal of social transformation to the espoused values of the organization, clarification of the multiple meanings attached to the concept of gender and their implications for different organizational contexts, identification of instances of dissonance between an organization's stated values and its actual culture (e.g., pressure on employees to work long hours, to the detriment of family), and an emphasis on process as well as outcome.  相似文献   

The use of concept mapping in research and evaluation has expanded dramatically over the past 20 years. Researchers in academic, organizational, and community-based settings have applied concept mapping successfully without the benefit of systematic analyses across studies to identify the features of a methodologically sound study. Quantitative characteristics and estimates of quality and rigor that may guide for future studies are lacking. To address this gap, we conducted a pooled analysis of 69 concept mapping studies to describe characteristics across study phases, generate specific indicators of validity and reliability, and examine the relationship between select study characteristics and quality indicators. Individual study characteristics and estimates were pooled and quantitatively summarized, describing the distribution, variation and parameters for each. In addition, variation in the concept mapping data collection in relation to characteristics and estimates was examined. Overall, results suggest concept mapping yields strong internal representational validity and very strong sorting and rating reliability estimates. Validity and reliability were consistently high despite variation in participation and task completion percentages across data collection modes. The implications of these findings as a practical reference to assess the quality and rigor for future concept mapping studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of concept mapping in research and evaluation has expanded dramatically over the past 20 years. Researchers in academic, organizational, and community-based settings have applied concept mapping successfully without the benefit of systematic analyses across studies to identify the features of a methodologically sound study. Quantitative characteristics and estimates of quality and rigor that may guide for future studies are lacking. To address this gap, we conducted a pooled analysis of 69 concept mapping studies to describe characteristics across study phases, generate specific indicators of validity and reliability, and examine the relationship between select study characteristics and quality indicators. Individual study characteristics and estimates were pooled and quantitatively summarized, describing the distribution, variation and parameters for each. In addition, variation in the concept mapping data collection in relation to characteristics and estimates was examined. Overall, results suggest concept mapping yields strong internal representational validity and very strong sorting and rating reliability estimates. Validity and reliability were consistently high despite variation in participation and task completion percentages across data collection modes. The implications of these findings as a practical reference to assess the quality and rigor for future concept mapping studies are discussed.  相似文献   


This article considers cross-dressing within feminist and cultural theory from the perspective of performance. It offers a close reading of the materiality of particular examples of transvestism, mostly drawn from the Australian context. The specificity of these performances reveals that bodies can both reproduce and fail to comply with discursive regimes of gender.  相似文献   

B Smith 《Child welfare》1991,70(2):175-184
Viewing biological and foster mothers through a feminist lens would make fostering a form of care in which both women would share. One agency has put this into practice. This article describes how both groups felt about the experience.  相似文献   

This paper offers a critical feminist analysis of the biomedical conceptualization of women's sexual desire. The five major features of the biomedical model of female sexual desire examined and critiqued are: 1) use of the male model as the standard, 2) use of a linear model of sexual response, 3) biological reductionism, 4) depoliticalization, and 5) medicalization of variation. A "New View", an alternative to the biomedical model, is offered for reconceptualizing women's sexual problems. This analysis concludes with recommendations for feminist-based biopsychosocial research.  相似文献   

This article offers a critical feminist analysis of the biomédical conceptualization of women's sexual desire. The five major features of the biomedical model of female sexual desire examined and critiqued are (a) use of the male model as the standard, (b) use of a linear model of sexual response, (c) biological reductionism, (d) depoliticalization, and (e) medicalization of variation. A “New View,” an alternative to the biomédical model, is offered for reconceptualizing women's sexual problems. This analysis concludes with recommendations for feminist‐based biopsychosocial research.  相似文献   

Women and the illness role: rethinking feminist theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Une femme adopte le rôle de malade. Comment analyser ce phénomène? Je propose dans les pages qui suivent une théorie féministe de L'adoption du rôle de malade qui met L'accent sur des formes culturelles et phénoménologiques d'investigation. Diverses auteures féministes ont récemment traité ce problème en soulignant comment le contrôle social patriarcal sur les femmes peut s'exercer par la définition même des maladies. Mais les études produites dans ce cadre ont tendance à négliger la façon dont les femmes vivent les maladies ainsi définies. Ces études sont alors incapables de comprendre pourquoi certains types de maladies - le syndrome pré-menstruel, par exemple - acquièrent une crédibilité certaine, alors que d'autres dont 1'étiologie et la symptomatologie sont similaires demeurent dans I'ombre. Un paradigme plus étoffé du comportement de malade, comme celui proposé ici, examinerait de plus près la relation entre structure sociale et expérience sociale de la maladie, ainsi qu'entre idéologie et biographie. En dernière analyse, je propose un paradigme qui explore la désignation des maladies à trois niveaux d'analyse: 1/les activités productrices des groupes dominants qui ont un intérêt politique ou commercial dans la désignation médicale; 2/ les activités productrices de celles et ceux qui adoptent la désignation; et 3/ les trajets ou déterminants culturels qui prédisposent L'adoption collective de certains types de maladies à L'exclusion de certaines autres. This paper advances a feminist theory of women and illness behaviour which places a stronger emphasis on cultural and phenomenological forms of investigation. Current theoretical treatments of this topic by feminist scholars focus on how definitions of illness may be viewed as patriarchal forms of social control of women. Rarely do such studies investigate the personal experience of women adopting the illness role. As a result, such approaches fail to articulate how it is that some categories of illness, such as the premenstrual syndrome, come to be credited with plausibility, while others similar in aetiology and symptomatology, are ignored. A more comprehensive paradigm of illness behaviour as suggested by this paper would explore, more fully, the relationship between social structure and the social experience of illness; between ideology and personal biography. Ultimately, the paradigm suggested here explores illness labelling at three levels of investigation: 1/ the productional activities of dominant groups with commercial and/or political self-interests in medical labelling; 2/ the productional activities of those adopting the label; and 3/ the cultural pathways or determinants which predispose the collective adoption of some illness categories, and not others.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, leftists, interpretive sociologists, black nationalists and feminists have challenged the subject matter, methods, and social control functions of sociology. The feminist critique continues today, but it is arguable that a “fourth critique” of the field is in the making. This fourth critique emanates from the writings of a black feminist intelligentsia. Its theoretical anchor is a developing perspective on the intersection of race, class, and gender. This intersection is an important revision of feminist sociology and feminist theory, which tend to emphasize gender. The perspective is also corrective of race relations perspectives, which are often omissive of gender. The perspective, therefore, is recreative and may be transformatory of all prior critiques of the field. Rose M. Brewer is in the Departments of Sociology and Afro-American and African studies at the University of Minnesota. Her current research interests are race, class, and gender theory, black family formation, and welfare state policy.  相似文献   

This paper explores the development and maintenance of the self among members of an Orthodox Christian monastery. The principal communicative resource by which members effect their unique social order, the blessing sequence, is interpreted as a spiritual technology for altering processes of reality construction, especially those associated with agency and selfhood. The deconstruction and reconstruction of the monastic self is essential to their membership in the community and a necessary preparation for the achievement of their shared objective: immediate experience of Ultimate Reality. This study demonstrates the interdependence of communicative practice and psychological experience and suggests that specific interactive routines may be identified and enacted in order to secure desirable psycho-social outcomes.  相似文献   

Feminist writers in the seventies angrily criticized the work of male academicians, arguing that what scholarship presented as the norm was in fact white male experience. That critique generated a body of interdisciplinary theory and scholarship. This introduction examines what feminist sociologists mean when they talk about feminist theory—how they use the interdisciplinary theories, and how they apply a feminist methodological stance to generate feminist theory within sociology. It provides a context for understanding the articles that follow in this special issue as examples of feminist research in sociology and as statements of some of the current issues and as problems of concern to feminists in sociology. She is interested in gender, culture, religion and feminist theory. She wroteCharisma and Community: A Study of Religious Commitment within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and is currently studying witchcraft traditions and the communities that support them.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on research carried out with a group of women receiving intensive family support aimed at addressing the cause of their family’s ‘anti-social behaviour’. The methodological approach to the research was underpinned by the philosophical principles of critical realism. It was also informed by the ethical and political concerns of feminist scholarship. The paper reports on the potential points of tension that arise between feminism and critical realism in empirical research. In particular, attention is centred on the process of trying to marry approaches which stress the central role of participants’ knowledge, particularly those who are ‘labelled’ and whose voices are not readily heard, with the principle that some accounts of ‘reality’ are better than others.  相似文献   

In The division of labor in society, Durkheim conceptualizes deviance as an essentially asocial phenomenon, and he conceptualizes "woman" as an essentially asocial being. Both theories contradict Durkkheim's characteristic social determinism, and both encounter, in Suicide, two further contradictions. First, Suicide demonstrates conclusively that relatively asocial individuals, women, are actually much less prone to deviance than relatively social individuals, men. Second, Suicide introduces the theory that deviance is an essentially social phenomenon that is produced by pathological social forces or "currents" rather than by "excessive individualization" and "insufficient socialization." Durkkheim's second theory of deviance thus simultaneously rescues his theory of the social nature of men and his theory of the asocial nature of women.  相似文献   

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