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This paper addresses three questions: (1) When deciding on whether to reward or punish someone, how does how you think others expect you to behave affect your decision? (2) Does it depend upon whether others expect you to reward them vs. punish them? (3) What is the interpretation of such a causal effect? We investigate these questions using a modification of the lost wallet trust game (a simplified version of the trust game) that permits punishment. Like previous studies, we collect data on what second-movers think that first-movers expect them to do by directly eliciting the second-movers’ expectations. Unlike previous studies, we ensure exogeneity of these expectations by instrumenting for them. The instrument is the expectations of neutral observers which are disclosed to second-movers prior to the elicitation of second-movers’ expectations. We find that what you think others expect you to do has a zero causal effect on both reward and punishment decisions. We also find that it is important to instrument for second-order expectations because they are endogenous. We interpret these findings in terms of models of guilt-aversion and intentional reciprocity.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates situational variation as regards ethnic identification and develops some ideas about identity formation and the expression of ethnic identity in multiple ethnic contexts. The author discusses both social (ethnic) identity and subjective social identity (self-identifications). The author shows how expressions of ethnic origin and identification vary with changes in a number of hypothetical situational settings, explained in terms of a combination of the present and the past. The material consists of interview data from 110 Turks and 114 Yugoslavs aged 16-24, selected randomly, in Stockholm, Sweden. The 1st interview question asked of the Turks and Yugoslavs is how they would describe where they came from in several hypothetical situations. Answers vary more by place asked than by person asking. A tendency exists to relate oneself positively to the person asking, by stressing commonalities. The 2nd question was "To whom do you think you most strongly belong?" Answers show that these immigrants primarily relate themselves to their own ethnic groups and to Swedes, while other immigrant groups in Sweden are less important. The final question was "How would you feel if someone here in Sweden told you that you seem to be just like other Swedes?" The most usual answer is that it does not matter. Both Turks and Yugoslavs would appreciate the statements more from a Swede than a compatriot, and the Turks would become more angry than the Yugoslavs if a compatriot said it. Turks have preserved more ethnic and traditional lifestyles, lack close ties to the Swedes, and experience greater social distance to Swedes. Migrants often develop complex multiple identities, and situational variation, at least in part, can be understood as a competence for living with and making use of this complexity. The article concludes with a typology that illustrates how the interplay between the past and the present creates more or less complex patterns of identification, so that a person cannot express more than parts of his or her identifications in a given concrete situation.  相似文献   

In Australia cochlear implantation of profoundly deaf infants, babies, and young children is approaching 100% saturation. Why do parents choose to implant rather than learn Auslan? What is the Deaf community’s reaction to this and how will it change Sign as a living language? In this article, the author is a Deaf parent who chose to implant her Deaf child. When she initially published in a news outlet on this topic the reaction was quite heated: how terrible a parent you must be if you are denying your child Sign! This article explains the reasoning behind that decision to implant, taking issue with the notion that giving a child an ‘extra ability’ of speech means that you do not love them as they are. Nothing is natural, but everything is acquired or augmented – in all children.  相似文献   

Using a symbolic interactionist framework, this study is a narrative analysis of song lyrics from sixteen of the most popular heavy metal bands since the early 1990s. The data set for this study constituted 603 songs from fifty‐two long play (LP) recordings. Given that the overwhelming majority of metal music listeners are young males, these data were analyzed as texts of contemporary masculine identity. The contents of the data suggest that such identity is expressed in at least two ways. First, representing the “masculine crisis” identity, the data contain narratives of the self's hopeless domination from subjective and objective forces. Second, narratives representing the “traditional” masculine identity describe the cultivation of inner strength and the consequent conquering of perceived foes. Such narratives often predict the domination of a generic “you” and illustrate how the invocation of the “you” projects a future self. Both of these narratives, which depict either the subjugation or domination of the self, are argued to represent an ideology of individualism.  相似文献   

This paper applies dramaturgical analysis to the study of professional socialization in an innovative medical school. Using concepts from the theater, professionalization is seen as critically involving performances before legitimating audiences. The data were collected by means of participant observation and interviews of a cohort of students as they proceeded through the professionalizing career. Good acting demands that you are convincing in your part. The audience must be willing to take part in a ritual, in which you represent, say, Hamlet. You must be able to sustain this representation convincingly: that is to say, you must consistently satisfy the audience's imagination and never outrage its acceptance of the fact that yours is a convincing, or consistently credible, Hamlet,…or whatever character you are impersonating (Guthrie, 1971:11).  相似文献   

Little is known about whether and how children combine categories of race, ethnicity, language and religion in multicultural settings where more than one of these dimensions is salient. Ethnographic data from a multicultural London primary school found that children usually organised multiple categories congruently (e.g. ‘If you're Indian you are Sikh’), despite strong opposition from teachers. This congruent organisation may originate in an undifferentiated experience of categories in the family and/or represent the best ‘fit' with a local population in which categories were correlated. Children used congruent organisation to infer peers’ group membership, which may amplify intergroup contrasts.  相似文献   

This paper advances a social relational model of Deaf childhood as a guiding framework for working with Deaf children in a present-day universal neonatal hearing screening and early intervention context. The authors discuss how Deaf children are contextualized in a medical model discourse, in a social model of Deaf childhood, and in a Deaf culture discourse. A social relational model is then discussed in with reference to a capability approach and to findings from the first author’s study of parents and young children participating in an American Sign Language shared reading program in Ontario, Canada.  相似文献   

田野 《现代交际》2011,(12):81+80-81,80
成功并非取决于我们多努力工作,也不在于我们有多少学问,而是在于我们沟通能力的好坏与否。本文从高等学校办公室工作人员与学校领导、同事、学生三类人群的沟通方面出发,阐述了如何克服沟通障碍,掌握沟通技巧,以及在工作中运用这些技巧提高工作效率,提升工作人员素质。  相似文献   

While certain theorists have suggested that identity is increasingly reflexive, such accounts are arguably problematised by Bourdieu's concept of habitus, which – in pointing to the ‘embeddedness’ of our dispositions and tastes – suggests that identity may be less susceptible to reflexive intervention than theorists such as Giddens have implied. This paper does not dispute this so much as suggest that, for increasing numbers of contemporary individuals, reflexivity itself may have become habitual, and that for those possessing a flexible or reflexive habitus, processes of self‐refashioning may be ‘second nature’ rather than difficult to achieve. The paper concludes by examining some of the wider implications of this argument, in relation not only to identity projects, but also to fashion and consumption, patterns of exclusion, and forms of alienation or estrangement, the latter part of this section suggesting that those displaying a reflexive habitus, whilst at a potential advantage in certain respects, may also face considerable difficulties simply ‘being themselves’. ‘I noticed how people played at being executives while actually holding executive positions. Did I do this myself? You maintain a shifting distance between yourself and your job. There's a self‐conscious space, a sense of formal play that is a sort of arrested panic, and maybe you show it in a forced gesture or a ritual clearing of the throat. Something out of childhood whistles through this space, a sense of games and half‐made selves, but it's not that you’re pretending to be someone else. You’re pretending to be exactly who you are. That's the curious thing.’ ( DeLillo, 1997 : 103)  相似文献   

You're a health care provider, and your patient is interested in cannabis — perhaps for pain, for anxiety, for depression or even for trying to quit drinking or using drugs. You think it could help him or her. Or, rather, it might — you really have no idea, because you didn't learn about it in medical school (except that it's illegal and addictive), but you know it's now legal in your state and you want to know how to respond to your patient's request.  相似文献   

Using interview and observational data, this article analyzes how private detectives account for using work‐related deceptions, I place special emphasis on how practitioners' accounts draw on professional affiliations and organizational resources that are less available to individuals in their private lives. These affiliations and resources include economic and demographic characteristics of employers, practitioners, clients and investigative targets, state licensing, the profession's social repute, and asymmetries in specialized knowledge between practitioners and laypersons. The conclusion addresses how accounts for work‐related deceptions benefit professionals through advantaging them over targets, obscuring harmful consequences of work, and helping them and their clients to avoid negative labeling. If you call someone up and say, “Hi, would you mind telling me where your brother is, so that I can put his ass in jail for the next five years,” you won't last too long in the private detective business. —Anonymous private detective  相似文献   

Reporting sexual assault to the authorities is fraught with difficulties, and these are compounded when the complainant is hindered by an intellectual disability (ID). In a study of 19 U.K. police interviews with complainants with ID alleging sexual assault and rape, we found that most interviewing officers on occasion pursued lines of questioning which not only probed inconsistencies (which is mandated by their guidelines), but implicitly questioned complainants’ conduct (which is not). We detail two main conversational practices which imply disbelief and disapproval of the complainants’ accounts and behaviour, and whose pragmatic entailments may pose problems for complainants with ID. Such practices probably emerge from interviewers’ foreshadowing of the challenges likely to be made in court by defence counsel. As a policy recommendation, we suggest providing early explanation for the motivation for such questioning, and avoiding certain question formats (especially how come you did X? and why didn't you do Y?).  相似文献   

迁居不是一件容易的事,特别是当你移居国外时,将面临许多困难。因为你离开了自己的家人和朋友,来到一个新的国家重新开始,而这个国家往往有着不同的语言、文化和风俗习惯。如果带着孩子移居国外,是不是更难?在中国的外国人养育孩子时都遇到过什么样的欢乐和挑战?带着这些问题,本刊举办了这一期的读者座谈会。  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand how changes in the societal context of Chinese marriage are reflected in Chinese cultural understandings of marriage, we explore Chinese similes and metaphors for marriage posted on the World Wide Web. Seven themes were found: You will have to decide whether a marriage will work for you, marriage is not about romantic love, marriage is bitter and sweet at the same time, marriage is strong and real, you must work at a marriage, marriage is risky, and marriage is not always taken seriously. The themes give a picture of cultural meanings for marriage in China that reflect more traditional ideas and such recent changes as the move to greater freedom of choice of spouse and greater ease of divorce. The themes provide cultural understandings both by characterizing contemporary marriage and by capturing advice about how to find a partner and make a marriage work.  相似文献   

Abstract It is sometimes said that if you are on the team that wins the Irish championship in Gaelic football, you will never have to pay for a pint in your village pub again. However, if you are an outstanding soccer player, you may end up very rich and world famous. Sports are global, transnational or international to varying degrees: Scandinavians are deeply involved in Winter Olympics, which are unknown in most of the world, while many of the New Commonwealth countries participate in international cricket events which must seem global to them, but which are never heard about elsewhere. This essay discusses the factors that lead to the uneven globalization of different sports and the impact of transnational processes on local football, and briefly considers a few sports which have not succeeded (or tried) to become global. The biological concepts of natural selection and ecological niches are used metaphorically to account for the uneven spread, and alternative strategies, of transnational sports.  相似文献   

Recent pension reforms in Norway mean that old-age pensions to a greater extent are a function of adaptations made and decisions made throughout the lifetime. How much you work, who you work for, when you retire, and how you invest will influence your standard of living as an old-age pensioner. This article investigates one important source of information about retirement and pension, namely service journalism in main national newspapers. How is the issue of pension framed in these articles? And what kind of advice is presented by which kind of actors? Findings indicate that service journalism is dominated by pension industry sources, and old-age pension is framed as a function of individual investment choices rather than as citizens’ rights.  相似文献   

This paper utilises the rhetorical device of chronology, a device which helps to instantiate the ‘modern’ world, in order to demonstrate the “reversible imminence” of that world. It seeks to build upon other attempts at ‘postmodern’ writing which have relied on flouting modernist conventions to signify themselves as ‘innovative’. But rather than constructing another new ‘style’ that cuts across conventions in writing, the paper seeks to complement such ‘innovation’ through intensifying its reliance on one of these conventions. The paper illustrates how a diligent and detailed application of the demands of chronology can result in a history that deconstructs itself, or to put it another way, how a faithful adherence to one of the demands of ‘modernist’ writing can itself create a text that fragments into ‘postmodernist’ writing.

The author examined participants’ accounts of the emergence of refinery based computerised oil management systems. These accounts sought to instantiate at least partially enduring organisational and self identities through rhetorics of progress in the face of disorder. However, much of this disorder may be seen to be an effect of extended ordering practices. The chief threat to the maintenance of identities thus turns out to be the ordering practices upon which these identities depend. An impression of progress was seen to rely upon a re-presentation of reflexive process as discrete events, as innumerable black boxes, enabling a (re)integration through separation. But when the author brought these boxes and their contents back together, ‘progress’ disintegrated.

Who makes up real things, dad?

Nobody and everybody; they make themselves up. The thing is that because the real stories just happen, they don’t always tell you very much. Sometimes they do, but usually they’re too . . . messy.’

Iain Banks, The Crow Road.  相似文献   

The application of high-throughput technologies to aging-related research has the potential to dramatically enhance our understanding of how longevity is determined at a molecular level. Genome-scale studies are being carried out in every major model system used for aging-related research, and new technologies are being developed to rapidly identify mutations or small-molecules that increase life span. A meta-analysis of data derived from genome-wide studies of aging in simple eukaryotes will allow the identification of conserved determinants of longevity that can be tested in mammals.  相似文献   

The DMAICR problem-solving methodology is used throughout this paper to show you how to implement ergonomics recommendations. The DMAICR method consists of the following five six steps by which you can solve ergonomic design problems: The steps of the proposed method, adapting DMAICR, are the following: In the steep D, there is the definition of the project or the situation to be assessed and its guiding objectives, known as demand. In the step M, it relates to the work, tasks and organizational protocols and also includes the need of measuring. In the step A, all concepts are about the analysis itself. The step I is the moment of improving or incrementing. In the step C, control, prevention from prospective troublesome situation and implementation of management are the activities controlling the situation. R is Report. Some relevant technical and conceptual aspects for the comparison of these methodologies are illustrated in this paper. The steps of DMAICR were taken by a multifunctional team (multi-professional and multi-disciplinary) termed as focus group, composed by selected members of the company and supported by experts in ergonomics.  相似文献   

夏日里太阳几乎天天都火辣辣,这是女孩子"秀"的季节,我们的身材当然要比天气更热辣!夏季瘦身,美食有道,减肥有招。本期我们为您推荐一些利于减肥的天然食物,让您越吃越苗条,越吃越美丽。  相似文献   

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