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目前,我国失地农民利益受损、土地资源流失严重。究其原因,现象上,在于不合理的失地补偿安置制度,而本质上,则在于农民土地所有权主体地位的缺失。因而确立农民对土地的所有权主体地位,并以此对补偿安置制度进行系统改革,才是保护农民利益、保障土地资源的关键。  相似文献   

城市化进程中的失地农民——制度安排与利益冲突   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
失地农民问题实际暴露的是我国在土地制度、征地制度和社会保障制度方面存在重大缺陷。缺乏土地的所有权、使用权、收益权和处置权,缺乏基本的社会保障以及征地过程的不合理性和非市场化是造成失地农民处境艰难的制度原因,而政府或集体对失地农民的征地补偿、就业安置和社会保障问题考虑不够,是导致农民失地失业问题日益严重的关键;失地农民并不仅仅是因为不合理的征地政策而成为社会边缘群体,事实上,在征地之前,现有的土地产权制度和社会保障制度就已经将农民边缘化了。  相似文献   

为失地农民建立社会保障制度是解决失地农民的长久生计的重要途径。失地农民的社会保障制度是结构性嵌入于我国土地产权制度、征地制度、城乡社会保障制度、农民利益诉求实现制度之上中的,这种结构性嵌入机制要求仅仅完善失地农民社会保障制度本身是不足够的,失地农保制度的完善必须以上述四项制度的完善为前提。必须改革土地产权制度、变革征地制度、完善城乡社会保障制度、构建农民利益诉求实现制度,从而为失地农民社会保障制度的建立提供制度环境保证。  相似文献   

文章使用2003~2007年农户调查数据分析发现,中国城市化过程中的征地行为加大了农村居民的健康风险,失地农民的健康水平普遍显著低于有地农民的健康水平。造成这种现象的主要原因是征用农村土地时补偿政策不太合理。只有完善现行的征地补偿政策,提高征地补偿标准,增强失地农民的收入获取能力,才能提高失地农民的健康水平。  相似文献   

失地农民养老保障制度是失地农民社会保障制度的核心内容之一,其对保障失地农民群体的合法权益以及维持社会稳定意义重大。本文通过对南京市、阜阳市及重庆市失地农民养老保障制度的比较分析,指出了三市失地农民养老保障制度建设在保障目标、资金筹集和管理及待遇水平上存在的差异及问题,认为目前存在的多样化的失地农民养老保障政策难以有效维护失地农民的合法权利,可能会再生社会不平等,因此有必要完善现有的失地农民养老保障制度。理论上说,应将失地农民纳入城镇养老保障体系,享受城镇社会保障待遇,但考虑到我国地区经济发展不平衡,在经济落后地区将失地农民直接纳入城镇养老保障体系还存在一定困难,因此在经济落后地区可以实行失地农民养老保障制度进行过渡。失地农民养老保障制度应着重从保障目标、筹资方式、缴费与给付标准等方面进行设计。  相似文献   

鲍海君 《西北人口》2012,(5):59-63,68
失地农民是城市化中产生的一类弱势群体。由于其所处的社会层次较低,各界普遍关注的是这一弱势群体的生存与保障问题,而忽视了他们的发展机会与发展能力。借鉴国际经验,教育培训是促进失地农民持续发展的有效做法。本文构建了失地农民教育培训体系,较系统地论述了培训资金、培训内容、培训机构、培训模式以及培训监督等机制。教育培训不同于现有的保障性政策,作为发展性政策它能在发展层次上解决失地农民问题。  相似文献   

陈俊 《西北人口》2005,(5):58-60
目前我国农村城镇化进程中的失地农民保障问题引起了普遍的关注,许多学者都从不同角度尤其是正式制度的角度提出了各自的见解,但对于从非正式制度角度提出解决措施的还较少。本文论述了正式制度和非正式制度的关系,并试着从非正式制度角度提出了发挥家庭养老功能和采用非正式形式解决失地农民养老和就业问题。通过非正式制度的手段的补充能更好的解决失地农民保障问题,构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,甘肃等欠发达地区有越来越多的农村劳动力涌入城市和发达地区寻找机会,与此同时也出现了大量的留守人口。与其他农村居民相比。这部分留守群体对新型农村合作医疗的需求更加复杂也更为迫切。因此.分析农村留守成员对新农合体系的认同度及其影响因素并提出相应的建议就有了重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

人口的文化科学素质,尤其是父母受教育的程度对生育率的高低往往有着非常明显的影响。一般说来,父母文化程度愈高,则生育率愈低;反之,生育率则愈高。凡经济发达、文化层次普遍较高的国家和地区,妇女生育率较低,人口增长率相应偏低;凡经济落后、文化层次普遍较低的国家和地区,妇女生育率较高,人口增长率相应偏高。但教育与生育率之间并不总是呈现负相关关系,在生育率转变早期,随着教育的扩张,曾一度出现生育率上升的现象。苏珊·H·科克雷恩(SusanH·Cochrane)对教育与生育率之间的关系进行了深入的分析后,发现在一个文盲…  相似文献   

对甘肃失地农民社会保障问题的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志远  马丁丑  王生林 《西北人口》2010,31(3):101-105,109
在深入分析甘肃省在失地农民社会保障方面的制度安排和主要实践方式的基础上。提出完善失地农民社会保障制度的对策建议——构建发展型的失地农民社会保障制度、建立公平合理的征地补偿制度、完善社会保险制度、完善最低生活保障制度、完善再就业保障机制、促进村级集体经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

陶斯文 《西北人口》2012,33(3):110-115
土地乃民生之本,民族地区由于城市化发展、生态环境建设需要以及自然灾害等原因,面临着大量农业用地转为非农利用问题,成为影响民族地区社会稳定和经济发展的"难症";本研究以民族地区失地农民的可持续生计问题作为研究对象,运用多学科的理论和方法,着重分析了民族地区失地农民生存现状、可持续生计存在问题及对当地经济社会发展和民族关系的影响等,全面而系统地对失地农民生计路径进行具有建设意义和实践意义的探索。  相似文献   

刘洪银 《西北人口》2012,33(1):33-36
城镇化过程中农民土地权益不同程度地遭受损害,农民市民化进程减缓。农民能否可以带着土地权益转为市民?研究表明,农民"带土进城"保障了农民土地权益,有助于失地农民的就业安置,有助于农民享受城乡均等的社会公共服务。农民"带土进程"不但为农民工市民化提供了一个缓冲期,还一定程度上稀释了城镇化的社会成本,具有一定的合理性。  相似文献   

失地农民内涵与数量估算——以广东省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,由于缺乏一致认可的"失地农民"内涵界定,导致失地农民数量的估算较为混乱。文章提出,应从时间、身份、土地面积、土地用途或权属4个维度把握失地农民内涵,并在此4个维度下分耕地、农用地、集体土地3种口径对广东省截至2008年的失地农民数量进行了估算。研究结果表明,失地农民数量被低估,耕地总量动态平衡政策的实施效果不尽如人意。失地农民问题远比预计的严重,政府应及时提供妥善安置失地农民的制度供给。  相似文献   

文章基于社会学定性研究的方法,以安居和乐业为视角,利用一些典型案例阐释了农民城镇化困境。研究发现,在农民城镇化过程中,农村和小城镇给予农民的是安居:便宜的房子、低成本的生活、熟悉的环境、剪不断的乡情;而大城市给予农民的是乐业:就业机会多、工资待遇不低。农民城镇化困境分为传统类型、新类型、特殊类型三大类,在困境中,农民的“安居”与“乐业”不能兼得,经过进城买房的利弊权衡和外出打工的策略选择,在没有最优的情况下,绝大多数农民选择次优:青壮年进城打工“乐业”,老人和孩子留守农村“安居”。农民的城镇化困境不容忽视。  相似文献   

党政机构、事业单位和国企具有工作稳定、收入高的特点,其岗位成为大学毕业生可以进入的高收入工作岗位。本文认为,父母的职务、个人党员身份等与社会资本相关的变量可以提供招聘信息以及非课本知识,因此,能够提升大学毕业生进入党政机构、事业单位或国企的可能性。之后,本文利用2011年南京6所高校的数据,采用Probit估计方法,证实了此假说。  相似文献   

Working-age migrants need to possess adequate social capital in order to secure a stable and satisfactory job so that they can pursue a better quality of life (QOL). The positive relationship between social capital and vocational experiences, including successful employment, has been well established. In this study we focused on testing a multi-step mediation model linking social capital with employment experiences, and further to QOL. Survey data from rural-to-urban migrants randomly selected from Wuhan, China were analyzed. Social capital, including bonding and bridging capital, was measured using the Personal Social Capital Scale; employment experiences were measured using five job-related items; and QOL was measured using the Brief Symptoms Inventory. Structural equation modeling analysis indicated that job security and job satisfaction were positively and significantly associated with QOL, and social capital measures were significantly associated with higher QOL (primarily for males). Furthermore, job security and job satisfaction fully mediated the relationship between social capital and QOL after controlling for covariates. Findings of this study suggest the significance of social capital, job security and satisfaction in improving migrants’ QOL, implying the importance of vocational experiences in mediating the effect from social capital to QOL. If the findings can be confirmed with longitudinal data, these factors should be considered in decision making to improve rural-to-urban migrants’ QOL in China.  相似文献   


The global relevance of food security has attracted a plethora of research, because it is a determinant of either the prosperity or poverty of any nation. Accordingly, food security is directly associated with the poverty in many developing countries of the world today. Rural people around the world continue to struggle with food insecurity, persistent poverty and inequality, and environmental degradation. This necessitated a research study on food security in the North West province of South Africa, with a view to evaluate the food security status and its determinants in the area, as well as to compare the impact of gender on the food security status of households. A cross-sectional survey was conducted, where 346 maize farmers in the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality of the North West, South Africa, were interviewed. A logically structured questionnaire was used to collect data where household expenditure survey was used to evaluate the food security status of these farmers, after which a logistics regression model was used to determine the factors responsible for food security. The findings reveal that, with more farming experience, the probability of household food security decreased. Also, an increase in the household size, by one member, decreases the probability of a household achieving food security. Similarly, a unit increase in the age of the head of household decreases the probability or likelihood of being food secured in the study area. The result also revealed that more than half of the farming households were food secure, while the female-headed households were more food secure, proportionately, compared to male-headed households.


近年来,劳动力外出务工已成为农民增收的一个重要途径。农村流动劳动力作为一个特殊群体,影响其收入的因素既具有居民收入的一般规律。又具有其特殊性。现有的研究一般以传统人力资本理论和收入均等化理论等为基础,来分析农村流动劳动力收入水平的影响因素。本文以甘肃省农村流动劳动力的调查数据为样本,试图从流动劳动力的人口学特征、就职行业、流动去向及工作稳定性等四个方面分析劳动力市场分割对农民工收入水平的影响。  相似文献   

Job insecurity (threat of job loss) is widespread and becomes a permanent phenomenon for a lot of employees. Based on the response of 926 Finnish employees, this study investigated the direct lagged relationship between job insecurity, coping resources (job control, social support, and optimism), and employees’ work- (vigor at work and job satisfaction) and family-related outcomes (work-family enrichment). Particular interest was in the moderating role of job control, support, and optimism in the job insecurity–employee outcome relationship. Our analyses of three-wave longitudinal data, collected in 2008, 2009, and 2010, showed that job control was the strongest lagged buffer against job insecurity in relation to vigor at work. In addition, social support longitudinally buffered against the negative effects of job insecurity on job satisfaction and vigor at work. However, optimism did not function as a buffering factor in any of the tested models.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the link between job satisfaction and home ownership. We explicitly focus on the effect of a transition from non-ownership to ownership on the self-reported job satisfaction scores. In other words, we concentrate on the change in job satisfaction response for individuals observed right before and after the transition. Utilizing the panel feature of the British Household Panel Survey, we find that transition to ownership reduces job satisfaction within a year following the purchase—controlling for observed variation and unobserved heterogeneity. The reduction in job satisfaction is sharper when the purchase is financed through a mortgage. We also test if this pattern persists over years. We show that the initial reduction in job satisfaction is more than doubled within 3 years after the transition for both categories of ownership. We conclude that home ownership may be a constraint for the career prospects of the employed workers, since it reduces mobility and forces them to become more dependent on the local labor market conditions. These concerns are deeper in case of a debt-financed ownership.  相似文献   

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