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1990年以后的中国人口迁移研究综述   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王德  叶晖 《人口学刊》2004,2(1):40-46
我国改革开放以来的人口迁移从规模到强度均呈现强势发展状态。人口迁移现象相较于改革开放前完全计划经济时代有着更大的主动性和灵活性。1990年人口普查首次将人口迁移的项目列入其中,使众多的研究人员获得了全面把握我国人口迁移的机会,有关人口迁移的研究也随之活跃起来。对1990年以来中国人口迁移状况的研究大致集中在了回顾,并从城市规划角度提出有待进一步研究的方向及意义。  相似文献   

三西建设是我国最早的区域性扶贫开发项目,开发范围包括甘肃省河西地区和以定西为代表的中部干旱地区及宁夏南部西海固地区。以解决温饱为目的,组织超土地承载能力的贫困山区农民向新开发的灌溉区迁移,是三西建设的一项重大决策。这项为期十年的移民活动,是建国以来我国西部地区规模最大的一次农村人口迁移,取得了巨大的经济效益和社会效益,并对我国西部开发合理组织人口流动、经济开发同解决农村贫困问题结合进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

关于我国人口迁移的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国1990年的第四次人口普查,增加了前三次普查所没有的人口迁移项目,从而为了解近5年中我国的人口迁移状况提供了权威数据。以此再结合对其它资料的分析,使我们可以为建国40年来的人口迁移,尤其是省际人口迁移,勾划出一个较为清晰的轮廓。 (一) 应该承认,过去我国一直缺乏有关人口迁移的完备统计。户籍登记机关提供的数字,已汇总发表在《中国人口统计年鉴》  相似文献   

改革开放后,我国放开了对人口迁移流动的管制,跨省区的人口迁移逐渐活跃起来,人口迁移对经济的影响作用也开始凸显。因此,国家越来越重视迁移人口的问题。在第五次人口普查中,流动人口首次成为主要普查的项目。目前,第六次人口普查的数据也已经公布。为此,本文以两次人口普查数据为依据,首先分析了我国目前迁移人口特征的变化,确定了新的人口迁移中心;此外,通过灰色关联度分析,证明迁入人口数和就业人数与经济总量之间存在较强的相关关系。  相似文献   

位于黄河上游的三西建设是我国最早的区域性扶贫开发项目。其开发范围包括甘肃的河西走廊,以定西为代表的中部干旱地区和宁夏西海固地区(因其三地都有“西”,故简称“三西”)。以解决温饱为目的,组织超出土地承载能力的贫困山区农民向新开发的灌区迁入,则是三西建设的一项重大决策。1983—1992年的十年间,在政府的组织下,以开发型扶贫移民模式成功地实现了农村45万人口迁移和100多万亩新灌区开发,引起了国内外人们的关注。  相似文献   

多年来,各级人口计生与扶贫开发部门密切配合,认真贯彻落实中央的决策部署,坚持将贫困地区作为工作重点,进一步加强人口计生工作,并与发展农村经济、扶贫开发、资源保护、生态建设相结合,有效控制了人口增长,提高了人口素质,促进了贫困地区民生改善和家庭发展,促进了国际减贫事业的发展。在多年的工作实践中,也积累了许多行之有效的做法和宝贵经验:坚持统筹规划,将人口计生与扶贫开发相结合作为推进贫困地区经济社会发展的重要举措;坚持因地制宜,制定实施行之有效的人口计生与扶贫开发相结合的具体政策和项目;坚持整合资源,加大对贫困计生家庭的扶持力度;坚持部门配合,建立健全县乡两级狠抓落实的工作机制。  相似文献   

改革开放和社会主义商品经济的蓬勃发展,加速了中国人口的迁移流动。人口迁移作为人口变动的三个重要过程之一,愈来愈被中国人口学界和社会各界所重视。1987年国家统计局进行的1%人口抽样调查中包括人口迁移的项目。1990年第四次全国人口普查中,又被首  相似文献   

中国人口终身迁移状况分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“出生地”是用来收集人口迁移信息最常用的调查项目之一。中国以往的人口普查中一直缺少这一调查项目 ,这使得利用出生地资料对人口迁移状况进行分析在国内一直是个空白。中国第五次人口普查在中国人口普查史上首次调查了人口的出生地信息。本文主要根据第五次人口普查提供的出生地资料 ,对中国各省人口的终身迁移水平、流向以及不同年龄人口的终身迁移状况进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

利用出生地资料进行人口迁移分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在世界各国的人口普查和其他人口调查中 ,“出生地”是最广泛地被采用的人口迁移项目之一。在人口调查中 ,所有的人都可被分成迁移者和非迁移者 ,利用“出生地”资料 ,不仅可以获得地区之间的人口迁移数据 ,而且可以获得城市与乡村之间的人口迁移信息。这一方法的优点是 :便于调查 ,所得信息准确、全面 ,但其局限也同样突出 ,如不能反映人口迁移发生的时间和迁移次数等。在运用这一方法时 ,应注意将出生地信息收集完整  相似文献   

我国省际人口迁移与距离关系之探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、引言 因为人口迁移乃人口在地表上的移动现象,所以距离是衡量和影响人口迁移的基本地理要素,人口迁移与距离的关系,构成了人口迁移现象的基本地理内容。也因此,探讨人口迁移与距离的关系,乃是人口迁移地理学研究不可忽视的重要课题。 距离作为一个基本地理要素,它对人口迁移的影响就是阻碍、减小人口迁移;距离越大,人口迁移减小越多。这是人口迁移与距离关系的一般规律。但不同地区及其不同类型的人口迁移,由于所受影响因素与迁移机制的不同,距离对其影响的大小也将有所不同,从而  相似文献   

郑勇 《西北人口》2013,(6):123-126
“少生快富”工程是国家针对西部地区推出的一项计划生育利益导向政策。其目的是鼓励少生和促其脱贫致富相结合。本文首先介绍了该项工程到目前为止的实施情况。然后分析了该工程在全国的总体运行状况。紧接着.笔者分析比较了各省区在运行该工程方面的异同。最后,在了解情况基础上,对该项政策做了深层次的思考:该工程更为重要的意义:和养老保险的对接;与城镇化战略的呼应。  相似文献   

The ASEAN Population Expert Group met in Manila and was followed by a meeting of the ASEAN heads of population programs, during the period November 5-10, 1979. Heads of population programs from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines attended. The meetings were held to review progress-to-date on phase 1 projects and to consider the development of an expanded population program. 5 projects funded by UNFPA are reviewed in tabular form with the project, the sponsoring country, date of implementation, data analysis, and date of completion. Suggestions were made for improving and extending these projects and it was also suggested that all projects being developed and proposed should include a section on use of research. 7 new projects were proposed as phase 2 projects. The 1st, sponsored by Malaysia, deals with women in development; project 2, lead by Thailand, will investigate population movement and its effect on development; project 3, led by the Philippines, will develop and strengthen national population information systems and networks in ASEAN countries; project 4, led by Indonesia, is directed towards institutional development and exchanges of personnel; project 5, led by the Philippines, will examine population and development dynamics and the man/resources balance; project 6, led by Thailand, will develop ASEAN social indicators; and project 7, led by Indonesia and Malaysia, will make a comprehensive analysis of existing medical/health care and family planning systems. It was recommended that an executive director of the proposed ASEAN population coordination unit should be appointed to expedite the recommendations of the meeting related to preparation and submission of phase 2 project proposals.  相似文献   

Like the pilot project, the scaling up of the quality of care approach is also new in China and requires continued research and exploration. In July 2003, the National Population and Family Planning Commission (NPFPC) drew on the experience of scaling up the quality of care project and decided to launch a campaign to select and commend model counties (cities/districts) in implementing the project in order to set an example for different regions with different economies and ensure the quali…  相似文献   

社会性别平等是实现人口与发展的有效途径,相关政府部门管理者的社会性别意识对于推进人口与生殖健康领域的性别平等具有重要意义。对30个省、市、自治区人口和计划生育委员会与卫生厅项目管理者的调查显示,大多数项目管理者能够正视传统性别文化对妇女的影响,从不平等的性别关系分析人口与生殖健康领域的突出问题,对于推进性别平等具有一定的社会责任感。但同时也反映出:一部分项目管理者对中国的性别平等发展形势缺乏了解,对现实生活中两性不平等的权责关系缺乏辨析,对女性参与项目决策的必要性认识不足,这容易造成公共政策与项目管理中的性别缺失。为此,应提升项目管理者的社会性别分析能力,建立性别平等咨询机制和监督机制,以促进人口与生殖健康领域的社会性别主流化。  相似文献   

Reproductive tract infections(RTIs)prevention and treatment is one of the three major projects organized by the National Population and Family Planning Commission.The author,based on the practice of this project and the China/UNFPA reproductive health and family planning project,made some suggestions on how to improve the effectiveness of the efforts made to prevent and treat RTIs.1.Focus on people’s needs and improve public awareness about RTI prevention and treatment Reproductive tr…  相似文献   

The Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand (PPAT) aims to promote living conditions for Thai people. Accordingly, PPAT is planning to implement Family Health Promotion for the Southern Provinces Project, with emphasis on mother and child care. Another PPAT project started in 1978 was the Women's Better Living Project in Ubon Rachathani Province. The project aims to improve the living conditions of housewives in the northeastern region by giving them vocational training and knowledge on health and nutrition. Housewives were taught kitchen gardening, dressmaking, soil fertilizing, making waste drainage wells, wastewater drainage beneath their houses, and proper cooking methods. This project is expected to improve the living conditions of rural people, thereby easing the problem of migration from the northeast to some extent.  相似文献   

This paper describes the process and some findings of a collaborative project between the New South Wales Commission for Children and Young People and researchers at the Social Justice and Social Change Research Centre, at the University of Western Sydney. The project was designed to inform the Commission in implementing its legislative mandate to develop a set of well-being indicators to monitor children's well-being over time. Placing children centrally as research participants was fundamental to the methodological approach of the project in which children's understandings of what contributes to their well-being were explored through qualitative methods. We discuss the epistemological and methodological approaches used in the project, in the context of other, earlier research towards the development of children's well-being indicators. Some of the early findings from the collaborative project are outlined and an example given of the way in which knowledge produced by a research approach which places children centrally, differs from and is similar to knowledge produced by more traditional child social indicator research. The paper ends with a discussion of some of the implications and challenges posed by reflecting on the research process and early findings from the research.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, overseas labor migration plays a vital role in the development strategy promoted by government agencies, international donor organizations and civil society organizations. Civil society organizations facilitate the migration process, respond to exploitation facing migrants while overseas and assist migrants upon their return to Bangladesh. Organizations in Bangladesh are pursuing a ‘transnational project,’ whereby their activities, missions, and objectives are now focused around transnational work in order to assist migrants. The transnational project is driven by foreign development agencies and the legitimating actions of local migrant organizations. This paper demonstrates the different ways transnationalism has moved from a radical concept to a banal development practice, by critically analyzing contemporary development practices of migrant civil society organizations in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Also addressed are the implications of the transnational project on migrant organizations, development, and migrant political inclusion, arguing that the transnational project creates new power structures and paradoxes within organizations.  相似文献   

Sterilization as a means of permanent family planning will be the prime target of the Nepal Family Planning and Maternity and Child Health Project in the current fiscal year. Under the permanent sterilization scheme, the project plans to open 18 laparoscopic camps in addition to 34 vasectomy camps in different parts of the country. The 146 mobile teams of the project sent to different parts of the country performed vasectomies on over 9000 males in the previous fiscal year. According to project statistics, more than 38,000 males have undergone vasectomy so far in Nepal. The rate of population growth is estimated to continue to increase by 3% in the next 5 years. This estimate is much higher than the original estimate made during the formation of the current 5-year plan.  相似文献   

包广静 《西北人口》2011,32(1):88-90,94
水电移民作为一项复杂的系统工程,与区域相关要素存在多种关联,其中与文化的关联既重要又容易被忽视,特别是对于少数民族地区,移民所带来的文化冲击更为明显。怒江傈僳族自治州作为我国典型的少数民族地区,其水能资源蕴藏丰富,水电移民受文化因素的影响较为明显。怒江水电移民与文化的关联包括与文化类型空间、文化构成要素、文化演进态势的关联。文化因素在怒江水电移民过程中起着重要的作用。同质文化类型区域移民安置的文化阻力较小,有利于移民工程的开展;不同文化类型区域文化作用表现出的阻力较强,不利于安置工作的开展。  相似文献   

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