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Two key issues arising from globalization of world markets are the impact of business activities on the environment and threats to sustainable development. These issues are usually referred to as “green” issues. This paper presents a detailed discussion of global green issues in the context of a number of environments that include the socioeconomic, political, technological, and competitive arenas. The discussion is based on an attempt to integrate two conceptual models by Maslow (Maslow, A., 1954. Motivation and Personality. Harper & Row, New York) and Cateora (Cateora, P.R., 1983. International Marketing, 4th. ed. Irwin, Chicago, IL). The goal is to bring together both a microlevel perspective of the individual consumer and a macrolevel perspective of business through analysis in multiple environments that are affected by green issues. This integration is viewed conceptually as a recursive system of mutually reinforcing causes and effects at the micro- and macrolevels.The leitmotiv throughout the paper is that “it isn't easy being green,” either for consumers, activists, corporate leaders and managers, or public policymakers. Practical examples are presented to support and illustrate the discussion. The main finding is that a new approach is needed to business in general through a new dominant social paradigm (DSP) and to international business in particular in order to achieve both sustainable development and sustainable consumption. In conclusion, the importance of individual responsibility and action by consumers and managers alike is underlined.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present what we call an “active case study” and we theorize specifically on the relevance hereof for an exploration of power distance (as conceptualized by Hofstede (Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values, Sage, Beverley Hills, CA, 1980)). As Hofstede conceives it, the notion of “power distance” enables an understanding of the predominant ideas about inequality prevalent in a (national) culture, which in turn infuse work relationships. An active case study approach—as we elucidate in the paper—implies an acknowledgement on the part of those organizing the research of the manner in which their intervention might affect the way “respondents” experience their work relationships. We suggest that our proposed active case study approach offers novel possibilities for exploring power distance and should be added to the repertoire of approaches used to examine this in organizational life. We develop our argument in this regard by offering a detailed account of the application of this approach to a Taiwanese organization (the Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau in Taiwan).  相似文献   

This article examines the proposition that MNCs from a particular country are likely to exhibit profile similarities that are distinct from those of MNCs emanating from another country due to differences in home country factors. We call this “country of origin effect” (COE). A generalized framework is presented briefly explaining the nature of relationships among various COE elements that influence MNC strategy. A number of research propositions are offered that postulate the presumed effect of COE elements on MNC strategy and competitive behavior. Finally, suggestions are made as to the implications of this avenue of enquiry for further research as well as guide for management action.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of supplier development in establishing and managing efficient buyer–supplier operational links. The paper develops and assesses a measurement instrument for “operational” and “supplier development” just-in-time purchasing practices, followed by an examination of the relationships between the two sets, and an investigation into whether the use of “operational” and “supplier development” practices has a bearing on higher plant performance. A plant-level survey was carried out on a sample of electronics and machinery plants. The study empirically:
• documents the close connection between the buyer–supplier operational link and the buyer’s practices for supplier development;
• demonstrates that recourse to supplier development programs and their nature depend on the kind of vendor–vendee operational connection;
• test whether different plant performance outcomes result from the implementing of different “operational” and “supplier development” practices. It demonstrates that better-performing plants exhibit more advanced design and logistic links with sources, more formalised vendor-rating and ranking procedures, greater use of organisational devices for supplier-organisational integration and place greater importance on supplier assistance and training.
Author Keywords: Just-in-time; Buyers; Suppliers; Empirical research  相似文献   

Strategic leadership research: Moving on   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
During the last 20 years, the field of strategic leadership has undergone both a rejuvenation and a metamorphosis. We argue that the essence of strategic leadership involves the capacity to learn, the capacity to change, and managerial wisdom. Against this backdrop, we first review issues related to under what conditions, when, and how strategic leadership matters. Next, we selectively review three streams of theory and research. The first is strategic leadership theory and its antecedent, Upper Echelon theory. The second stream of theory and research focuses on what Bryman has labeled the “new” leadership theories. These include charismatic, transformational, and visionary theories of leadership. The last stream of research we classify as the “emergent” theories of leadership. Among these are theories that explore behavioral and cognitive complexity as well as social intelligence. Finally, we attempt to suggest how the “new” and “emergent” theories can be integrated within what we claim is the essence of strategic leadership.  相似文献   

Brain circulation, diaspora, and international competitiveness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drawing upon findings of several studies, this paper examines the interrelationships between brain circulation or “triangular human talent flow”, ethnic diasporas (specifically, the Chinese and Indian diasporas), and a country’s international competitiveness. Globalization, the lowering of immigration and emigration barriers to the movement of people, and the emerging concept of boundaryless careers have all contributed to the phenomenon of brain circulation. Brain circulation replaces the traditional concepts of brain drain versus brain gain because of the growing mobility of human talent across international boundaries. Implications, both theoretical and practical, are then discussed.  相似文献   

Authentic leadership (AL) and positive organizational behavior (POB) are two important emerging approaches in the organizational sciences. To date, published work on AL and POB has been primarily leader-focused and based on individual differences. In this article, after verifying this individual-level focus via content coding of AL articles, AL and POB are explicated and integrated using a meso, multi-level perspective. Essentially, viewed in terms of multiple levels of analysis, AL promotes various multi-level “primary” criteria and outcomes of POB that, in turn, enhances various multi-level “secondary” criteria and outcomes of performance. Direct effects of AL on performance at multiple levels of analysis also are plausible. Implications for future meso perspectives on leadership theory and research in general and on AL and POB in particular are discussed.  相似文献   

Although technology management has been a subject of concern in recent years, its importance to the technical community is not well established. The fundamental implications of technology management for the engineering profession is explored. A definition of technology is sought that best communicates the full implications of the term. In particular, the importance of knowing “how to apply” in contrast to understanding the “scientific fundamentals” is developed as a basis for defining technology.It is concluded that the current attention being given to technology management has significant fundamental implications for engineering and business education. Technology management is shown to focus attention on the importance of decision making processes for engineers and managers. It is concluded that including decision making as a fundamental engineering process may provide a new basis for structuring the “non-science” part of engineering curricula and provide a link between engineering and business curricula. Coupling this with a recognition of the differing characteristics of what is defined as Science Knowledge and Application Knowledge may provide a new paradigm for better preparing engineering students for entering professional practice and also provide a new basis for planning professional development and life long learning.  相似文献   

In this paper we study a hybrid system with both manufacturing and remanufacturing. The inventory control strategy we use in the manufacturing loop is an automatic pipeline, inventory and order based production control system (APIOBPCS). In the remanufacturing loop we employ a Kanban policy to represent a typical pull system. The methodology adopted uses control theory and simulation. The aim of the research is to analyse the dynamic (as distinct from the static) performance of the specified hybrid system. Dynamics have implications on total costs in terms of inventory holding, capacity utilisation and customer service failures. We analyse the parameter settings to find preferred “nominal”, “fast” and “slow” values in terms of system dynamics performance criteria such as rise time, settling time and overshoot. Based on these parameter settings, we investigate the robustness of the system to changes in return yield and the manufacturing/remanufacturing lead time. Our results clearly show that the system is robust with respect to the system dynamics performance and the remanufacturing process can help to improve system dynamics performance. Thus, the perceived benefits of remanufacturing of products, both environmentally and economically, as quoted in the literature are found not to be detrimental to system dynamics performance when a Kanban policy is used to control the remanufacturing process.  相似文献   

Systematic Multiple Level Observation of Groups (SYMLOG) was applied to studying images of political leaders. Three left wing and three right wing Israeli leaders were evaluated by left and right wing voters along the SYMLOG's three dimensions—friendliness, task orientation, and dominance. It was found that right wing voters rated right wing leaders higher on friendliness and task orientation than left wing leaders. In a similar fashion, left wing voters viewed left wing leaders as more friendly and task-oriented than right wing leaders. Leaders of the right were viewed as more dominant than leaders of the left by left and right wing voters alike. Right and left wing voters assigned different SYMLOG types to right and left wing leaders. The dimension that distinguished between the various images was the dimension of friendliness. Whereas for right wing voters, all images of right wing leaders included a component of friendliness, none of these three images included an accented component of friendliness when rated by left wing voters. In a similar fashion, left wing voters saw two out of the three left wing leaders as including a component of friendliness, whereas none of the three left wing images included this component for right wing voters. Respondents from the right and the left rated their “ideal leader” as reflecting values of “dominance”, “friendliness,” and “task-orientation”. However, respondents saw leaders affiliated with their own political camp as closer to their image of the ideal leader on friendliness and task-orientation than leaders of the opposite political camp. Both right and left wing voters saw all political leaders as equally similar to their image of “ideal leader” on the “dominance” dimension regardless of that leader's political affiliation.  相似文献   

This article goes beyond the traditional celebration of Entrepreneurship to focus on why Entrepreneurship is not enough. First, entrepreneurial companies that have overcome the start-up difficulties, must become “professionalized” in order to consolidate their gains and face a period of stable growth. This, as is well-known, is not easy. But there is another, even harder problem: in becoming “professional”, most companies lose the entrepreneurial spirit that made them successful in the first place. In an ever-changing world, with more and more international competition in the face of Europe's unification in 1992, a company that loses its entrepreneurial sparkle is just waiting for dismissal. This article analyzes the main causes of that “hardening of the arteries” and their proven remedies.  相似文献   

The implementation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the United States and the German Law of transparency and disclosure (TransPuG) lead to a claim for more disclosure of information with the goal of a “naked corporation” such that all information is available to the (potential) investors. In this article we pick up this debate and present arguments that the “naked corporation” does not offer an efficient degree of disclosure, as we have to distinguish between more and better information. Concerning the latter the new regulations are critical. Cognitive limitations and bounded rationality highlight the risk of information overload. Asymmetric information illustrates that self induced disclosure can do better than a mandatory one. Therefore the legislator should not be asked for specific informational contents but for regulations on the way of information provision.JEL Codes: K22, G34, D82  相似文献   

The paper examines developments that led to the termination of California’s major state-run international trade programs managed by the now defunct Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency and provides perspectives on future policy options. Study findings indicate that what the academic literature refers to as “theory failure” and “implementation failure,” along with deficiencies in leadership and organizational culture, must be seen as the major reasons for the programs’ elimination.  相似文献   

Management research exploring the role of national culture on topics such as management style, strategy, and firm performance can broadly be divided into two categories. Studies that attempt to compare and contrast the impact of culture on organizations in different cultures have been labeled as “National Character” studies. These studies attempt to determine how specific cultural attributes affect actions, strategies and performance. The second type of culture study focuses on the interactions between two firms embedded in different national cultures. These studies look at the impact of “Cultural Distance” on the ability of organizations to successfully interact. It is this latter area which is becoming increasingly important to technology management in the “Flat World” of the 21st Century. Research propositions for technology management for each of the two frameworks are developed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a fuzzy approach to qualitative cross impact analysis. Cross impact analysis is seeking to find both direct and indirect relationships of variables relying on experts’ decisions to structure and formalize judgmental forecasting. The knowledge is often uncertain or fuzzy when dealing with future events. In addition, experts prefer to use linguistic terms or fuzzy values in their predictions. Therefore, a qualitative cross impact analysis is represented in terms of fuzzy relationships. Four different approaches including crisp binary, crisp rated, fuzzy linguistic and fuzzy rated are applied to a specific case—the security appliances sector. The results are then compared depending on the variables’ characteristics. The fuzzy approaches reveal different results than the crisp ones. The fuzzy rated approach makes it possible to “infer in a wider perspective” from the results and pick out hidden variables. On the other hand, the results of the fuzzy linguistic approach help in deciding for variables where indecision is high in other approaches. Finally, in contrast to crisp approaches, the fuzzy approaches are more successful in representing uncertainty.  相似文献   

Firms are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their technology strategies and are procuring know-how through a variety of collaborative methods including licensing agreements, joint ventures, minority investments, and equity acquisitions. This paper examines the relationship between an organization's learning capability and inter-organizational collaboration in acquiring technological competencies. Organizational learning is posited to be a mediating mechanism through which technological competencies are developed via varying levels of organizational interaction. A general model is developed which suggests an “efficient fit” relationship between an organization's ability to learn, characteristics of the technology, and mode of inter-organizational collaboration. The concept of a “learning gap” is introduced, and managerial implications are suggested. Finally, propositions are developed to facilitate future empirical research.  相似文献   

This paper compares the properties and performance of three weight elicitation methods. It is in effect a “second round contest” in which the Bottomley et al. (2000) champion, direct rating (DR), locks horns with two new challengers. People using DR rate each attribute in turn on a scale of 0–100, whilst people using Max100 first assign to the most important attribute(s) a rating of 100, and then rate the other attributes relative to it/them. People using Min10 first assign the least important attribute(s) a rating of 10, and then rate the other attributes relative to it/them.The weights produced by Max100 were somewhat more test–retest reliable than DR. Both methods were considerably more reliable than Min10. Using people's test–retest data as attribute weights on simulated alternative values in a multi-attribute choice scenario, the same alternative would be chosen on 91% of occasions using Max100, 87% of occasions using DR, but only 75% of occasions using Min10. Moreover, the three methods are shown to have very distinct “signatures”, that is profiles relating weights to rank position. Finally, people actually preferred using Max100 and DR rather than Min10, an important pragmatic consideration.  相似文献   

Moon-Soo Kim  Ho Kim   《Omega》2007,35(6):727
Traditionally, the diffusion of telecommunications services has been considerably affected by the presence of critical mass and network externalities, and thus has shown the so-called “late take-off” phenomenon. However, as telecommunications networks evolve from circuit switching to packet switching, especially IP networks, and thus enabling diverse new services, it seems these traditional telecommunications diffusion patterns are changing. By comparing the diffusion of IP-based services with those of circuit-based services and durable goods, we have found the late take-off phenomenon is not involved in the diffusion of newly introduced IP-based services. Moreover, we concluded that the diffusion of IP-based services is much faster than that of durable goods, thus showing an “early take-off” phenomenon. Based on this empirical result, we suggest that telcos (telecommunications companies) and (ISPs) Internet service providers should pay as much attention to the growth stage as the introduction stage in their development, in order for their IP-based services to be successful in the market.  相似文献   

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