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皮特艾兹等研究者对传统的情绪智力模型进行整合,提出情绪智力包括能力情绪智力和特质情绪智力的观点,认为特质情绪智力是指一系列与情绪相关的行为特质和个体识别,加工及利用情绪信息的自我觉知能力,其结构由一个整体特质情绪智力和四大因素及其15个因子构成。研究者根据特质情绪智力的概念和结构,编制了测量工具,并采用所开发的测量工具在多领域进行了情绪智力的应用性研究,丰富了情绪智力的研究内容,扩展了情绪智力的研究领域。  相似文献   

智力是什么?--智力观的回溯与前瞻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类对智力的探究走过了漫长的历史,沿着哲学层面、心理层面、生理层面的路径,逐步从宏观思考走向微观探察,取得了对智力本质日益科学和深入的理解.本文以回顾西方历史上哲学家的智慧观为起点,重点分析当代心理学中智力观的演变与发展,指出拓展智力概念的内涵,对智力从静态描绘到动态评估,从"纯智力"研究转变为文化生态智力研究,以及开展系统化、多元化和跨学科的智力研究,是智力研究领域未来发展的方向.  相似文献   

肖峰 《东西南北》2010,(11):77-77
凤姐,是一位被大众严重低估了的人物。 凤姐搅动了大众的是精心制造的一个“强烈反差”——一个“应该自卑”、“应该羞愧”的丑女,居然自信、自恋!居然反传统、反习俗地如此张扬!  相似文献   

马奇柯 《社科纵横》2007,22(5):35-37
关于企业智力资本内涵的理解,国内外研究者尚未统一认识。文章概括分析了国外关于智力资本的界定,并从实际出发对企业智力资本的定义和构成进行重新界定,提出了企业智力资本存量和增量概念。文章随后分析了企业智力资本开发的内涵、目的、主要特征及重要意义。最后,构建了企业智力资本开发模式供参考。  相似文献   

王悦  姚芳 《社会工作》2009,(21):44-45
案例背景 日前,人们普遍埘孩子的优生优育问题很重视,但大多局限于营养等方面的调理,而忽略心理、神会健康等因素。在妊娠期间,孕妇对夫妻关系和家庭关系一般会格外敏感,容易产生情绪波动。另外,孕妇即将为人母,面对社会、家庭角色的改变也会感到负担加重。  相似文献   

袁晓 《社科纵横》2009,(7):160-161
教师情绪影响整个课堂氛围,进而影响课堂教学效果。本文分析了影响教师情绪变化的因素,以及教师应从建立和谐的师生关系,认真备课,加强个人修养,适时调控个人情绪,加强与人沟通,适当运用情绪控制术等手段来调控个人情绪,进而增强整个课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

豆宏健 《社科纵横》2005,20(6):178-179
由于情绪在发生上的先天性以及在个体生活和适应中的普遍性,情绪必然成为人格研究和人格理论无法回避的主题。现代信息加工心理学和情绪基本理论对情绪在人格结构和人格适应中的地位作出新的解释,认为情绪具有加工组织功能,情绪在人格结构中处于核心地位。  相似文献   

冀未来 《社会福利》2008,(10):48-49
研究发现,情绪是影响老年人健康长寿的主要原因。对于老年人而言,退休,权力、地位和环境的变化,都会引发情绪的变化,特别是引发负面情绪的出现。研究显示,负面情绪有以下四方面的危害。  相似文献   

张小蕾 《社科纵横》2012,(5):42-43,46
引进海外人才智力是我国对外开放的重要组成部分,是人才强国战略的重要内容。本文在比较国内各地引才引智工作经验的基础上,从创新机制方法、搭建平台载体、完善服务体系和优化战略环境四个方面,对加强海外人才智力引进工作提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Emotional intelligence (EI) has become one of the new management‘buzz’ terms. It is suggested that this is the missingingredient that separates average from top management or performance.However, despite its potential relevance for social work practice,there has been little investigation and few reports about itsapplication in social work settings. This paper seeks to stimulatedebate about the role of EI in social work practice by consideringits development, definitions and problematics. Whilst the empiricalevidence supporting the existence of a separate and measurableEI is ambiguous and emergent, the role of emotion in the organizationof human behaviour is more firmly established. The paper examinesthe role of EI and emotion in relation to five core social worktasks: engagement of users; assessment and observation; decisionmaking; collaboration and co-operation; dealing with stress.The paper situates itself in the rapidly changing context ofsocial work: the merger of social services departments withlarger more powerful bureaucracies; the movement towards integratedservice delivery; and the new social work degree. It is arguedthat social work needs to identify its claims to professionalcompetence at a time of such change, one of which is the abilityto use relationships to address users’ needs. This requiresthe capacity to handle both one’s own and others’emotions effectively.  相似文献   


Psychological violence during dating is a current phenomenon of universal proportions. Initiatives are urgently required to deal with this reality, initiatives focused on anticipating the potentially violent dynamics. Various works of research have confirmed that emotional intelligence can be a protecting factor against violence in relationships. This paper analyses the relation between the capacity to exercise behavior patterns of psychological maltreatment within dating couples and the subjects’ emotional competences, as well as its relation to the subjects’ age. 1080 students of the University of Extremadura (Spain) participated in the study, aged between 17 and 23?years or more. The results show the presence of all the behavior patterns of psychological maltreatment analyzed, especially among the students aged 17–18?years. Similarly, the existence of significant correlations between all the manifestations of psychological violence and the emotional competences studied are confirmed, with a great variability in the results depending on the subjects’ age. Future studies are suggested focusing on training in emotional self-management skills as a protective agent against psychological violence in dating couples and as a healthy marital mechanism with no age limit.  相似文献   

This study examined the linkage between low-income mothers' conversations about emotions and their children's understanding of emotion. Forty-five low-income preschoolers and their mothers were videotaped while viewing a wordless picture book designed to elicit talk about emotions. Three maternal and child emotional language behaviors were coded from the videotapes: (a) unelaborated comments about emotions; (b) explanations about the causes and consequences of emotions; and (c) empathy-related statements. The children's questions about emotions were also coded. In a separate interview, the preschoolers were administered tasks that assessed emotional expression knowledge, emotional situation knowledge, and emotional role-taking. The results revealed that emotional situation knowledge was positively predicted by mothers' empathy-related statements. Mothers' explanations about the causes and consequences of emotions were uniquely related to emotional role-taking ability. There were very few correlations between the mothers' and children's talk about emotions. Results are discussed in terms of the functional significance of mothers' emotional language for young children's emotional competence.  相似文献   

电子商务的智能化是指利用数据仓库、数据挖掘技术对客户数据进行系统的储存和管理,并通过各种数据统计分析工具对客户数据进行分析,提供各种分析报告,如客户价值评价、客户满意度评价、服务质量评价、营销效果评价、未来市场需求等,为企业的各种经营活动提供决策信息.电子商务的智能化主要体现为电子商务管理的智能化、电子商务存储的智能化、电子商务检索的智能化、电子商务系统的智能化.智能化电子商务借助互联网服务平台,为企业快速地实现信息流、资金流和物流的全方位管理和监控,同时将上下游的供应商、企业、经销商、客户等进行全面的业务协同管理,从而实现高效的资金周转.它将彻底变革传统的上下游商业协同模式,成为电子商务下一个十年的关键词.  相似文献   

In Roberts and Strayer (1996 ) we described how emotional factors were strongly related to children's empathy, which in turn strongly predicted prosocial behavior. This paper focuses on how these child emotional factors, assessed across methods and sources, related to parental factors (empathy, emotional expressiveness, encouragement of children's emotional expressiveness, warmth and control) for a subset of 50 two‐parent families from our earlier sample. Parents reported on their emotional characteristics and parenting; children (5 to 13 years old; 42% girls) also described parenting practices. Children's age and parenting factors accounted for an average of 32% of the variance in child emotional factors, which, with role‐taking, strongly predicted children's empathy. In contrast to earlier, less comprehensive studies, we found important paths between parents’ and children's empathy, mediated by children's anger. These countervailing pathways largely neutralized each other, resulting in the low correlations usually seen when parents’ and children's empathy are examined in isolation. Thus our findings are an important confirmation and extension of the theoretically expected link between parents’ and children's empathy.  相似文献   


This article reports a psychometric evaluation of a measure of susceptibility to emotional contagion, designed to measure the degree to which a person is vulnerable to “catching” and sharing the emotion experienced by another. The scale was examined to test its application to depression, burnout, and impairment among practicing social workers. Data from a probability sample of 751 practicing social workers were collected in an anonymous survey about social workers' health and work issues. The sample was split to conduct exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. The factor analyses resulted in a revised scale that demonstrated acceptable internal consistency reliability, good content validity, excellent factorial validity, and preliminary construct validity. Susceptibility to emotional contagion was related to burnout, depression, and professional impairment. Future recommendations are made and this instrument may be a useful tool for the identification, prevention, intervention, and education of social workers at risk for depression, burnout, and professional impairment.  相似文献   

盛思鑫 《社会》2010,30(2):74-100
在借鉴西方保险业营销模式的同时,中国的保险公司对其代理人实行了激进的情感管理。由于较为普遍的社会抵制,保险代理人经常体验到负面情感。而在工作中,对人际关系过度的商业化使用,不仅破坏了代理人原有正常的社会网络,还妨碍了代理人在生活中与他人建立非商业性的关系。“保险生活化,生活保险化”的工作意识形态更是模糊了工作与生活的界限,使保险代理人的工作不可避免地陷入深刻的情感矛盾和冲突之中。尽管代理人通过一系列的策略试图消解这些矛盾与冲突,但是任何的努力都可能加深个体的非人化问题,最终带来情感异化的后果。  相似文献   

Associations between marital quality, maternal emotional expressiveness and children's sibling relationships were examined in a sample of 64 seven-year-olds and their mothers. Mothers reported on the quality of their marital relationships, and children rated the quality of their sibling relationships. Mothers and children provided data on maternal emotional expressiveness. Results indicated that marital dissatisfaction was associated with hostile and rivalrous sibling relationships and with maternal negative emotional expressiveness. Mothers' negative emotional expressiveness was correlated with hostile and rivalrous sibling relationships, and maternal positive emotional expressiveness was associated with affectionate sibling relationships. Maternal emotional expressiveness mediated the links between the marital relationship and sibling hostility and rivalry.  相似文献   

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