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Model choice is one of the most crucial aspect in any statistical data analysis. It is well known that most models are just an approximation to the true data-generating process but among such model approximations, it is our goal to select the ‘best’ one. Researchers typically consider a finite number of plausible models in statistical applications, and the related statistical inference depends on the chosen model. Hence, model comparison is required to identify the ‘best’ model among several such candidate models. This article considers the problem of model selection for spatial data. The issue of model selection for spatial models has been addressed in the literature by the use of traditional information criteria-based methods, even though such criteria have been developed based on the assumption of independent observations. We evaluate the performance of some of the popular model selection critera via Monte Carlo simulation experiments using small to moderate samples. In particular, we compare the performance of some of the most popular information criteria such as Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion, and corrected AIC in selecting the true model. The ability of these criteria to select the correct model is evaluated under several scenarios. This comparison is made using various spatial covariance models ranging from stationary isotropic to nonstationary models.  相似文献   

We propose a new criterion for model selection in prediction problems. The covariance inflation criterion adjusts the training error by the average covariance of the predictions and responses, when the prediction rule is applied to permuted versions of the data set. This criterion can be applied to general prediction problems (e.g. regression or classification) and to general prediction rules (e.g. stepwise regression, tree-based models and neural nets). As a by-product we obtain a measure of the effective number of parameters used by an adaptive procedure. We relate the covariance inflation criterion to other model selection procedures and illustrate its use in some regression and classification problems. We also revisit the conditional bootstrap approach to model selection.  相似文献   

A Gaussian process (GP) can be thought of as an infinite collection of random variables with the property that any subset, say of dimension n, of these variables have a multivariate normal distribution of dimension n, mean vector β and covariance matrix Σ [O'Hagan, A., 1994, Kendall's Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol. 2B, Bayesian Inference (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)]. The elements of the covariance matrix are routinely specified through the multiplication of a common variance by a correlation function. It is important to use a correlation function that provides a valid covariance matrix (positive definite). Further, it is well known that the smoothness of a GP is directly related to the specification of its correlation function. Also, from a Bayesian point of view, a prior distribution must be assigned to the unknowns of the model. Therefore, when using a GP to model a phenomenon, the researcher faces two challenges: the need of specifying a correlation function and a prior distribution for its parameters. In the literature there are many classes of correlation functions which provide a valid covariance structure. Also, there are many suggestions of prior distributions to be used for the parameters involved in these functions. We aim to investigate how sensitive the GPs are to the (sometimes arbitrary) choices of their correlation functions. For this, we have simulated 25 sets of data each of size 64 over the square [0, 5]×[0, 5] with a specific correlation function and fixed values of the GP's parameters. We then fit different correlation structures to these data, with different prior specifications and check the performance of the adjusted models using different model comparison criteria.  相似文献   

This article studies a general joint model for longitudinal measurements and competing risks survival data. The model consists of a linear mixed effects sub-model for the longitudinal outcome, a proportional cause-specific hazards frailty sub-model for the competing risks survival data, and a regression sub-model for the variance–covariance matrix of the multivariate latent random effects based on a modified Cholesky decomposition. The model provides a useful approach to adjust for non-ignorable missing data due to dropout for the longitudinal outcome, enables analysis of the survival outcome with informative censoring and intermittently measured time-dependent covariates, as well as joint analysis of the longitudinal and survival outcomes. Unlike previously studied joint models, our model allows for heterogeneous random covariance matrices. It also offers a framework to assess the homogeneous covariance assumption of existing joint models. A Bayesian MCMC procedure is developed for parameter estimation and inference. Its performances and frequentist properties are investigated using simulations. A real data example is used to illustrate the usefulness of the approach.  相似文献   

Abstract. In geophysical and environmental problems, it is common to have multiple variables of interest measured at the same location and time. These multiple variables typically have dependence over space (and/or time). As a consequence, there is a growing interest in developing models for multivariate spatial processes, in particular, the cross‐covariance models. On the other hand, many data sets these days cover a large portion of the Earth such as satellite data, which require valid covariance models on a globe. We present a class of parametric covariance models for multivariate processes on a globe. The covariance models are flexible in capturing non‐stationarity in the data yet computationally feasible and require moderate numbers of parameters. We apply our covariance model to surface temperature and precipitation data from an NCAR climate model output. We compare our model to the multivariate version of the Matérn cross‐covariance function and models based on coregionalization and demonstrate the superior performance of our model in terms of AIC (and/or maximum loglikelihood values) and predictive skill. We also present some challenges in modelling the cross‐covariance structure of the temperature and precipitation data. Based on the fitted results using full data, we give the estimated cross‐correlation structure between the two variables.  相似文献   

Modeling spatial interactions that arise in spatially referenced data is commonly done by incorporating the spatial dependence into the covariance structure either explicitly or implicitly via an autoregressive model. In the case of lattice (regional summary) data, two common autoregressive models used are the conditional autoregressive model (CAR) and the simultaneously autoregressive model (SAR). Both of these models produce spatial dependence in the covariance structure as a function of a neighbor matrix W and often a fixed unknown spatial correlation parameter. This paper examines in detail the correlation structures implied by these models as applied to an irregular lattice in an attempt to demonstrate their many counterintuitive or impractical results. A data example is used for illustration where US statewide average SAT verbal scores are modeled and examined for spatial structure using different spatial models.  相似文献   

Summary.  We consider non-stationary spatiotemporal modelling in an investigation into karst water levels in western Hungary. A strong feature of the data set is the extraction of large amounts of water from mines, which caused the water levels to reduce until about 1990 when the mining ceased, and then the levels increased quickly. We discuss some traditional hydrogeological models which might be considered to be appropriate for this situation, and various alternative stochastic models. In particular, a separable space–time covariance model is proposed which is then deformed in time to account for the non-stationary nature of the lagged correlations between sites. Suitable covariance functions are investigated and then the models are fitted by using weighted least squares and cross-validation. Forecasting and prediction are carried out by using spatiotemporal kriging. We assess the performance of the method with one-step-ahead forecasting and make comparisons with naïve estimators. We also consider spatiotemporal prediction at a set of new sites. The new model performs favourably compared with the deterministic model and the naïve estimators, and the deformation by time shifting is worthwhile.  相似文献   

Bayesian estimation via MCMC methods opens up new possibilities in estimating complex models. However, there is still considerable debate about how selection among a set of candidate models, or averaging over closely competing models, might be undertaken. This article considers simple approaches for model averaging and choice using predictive and likelihood criteria and associated model weights on the basis of output for models that run in parallel. The operation of such procedures is illustrated with real data sets and a linear regression with simulated data where the true model is known.  相似文献   

Missing data in longitudinal studies can create enormous challenges in data analysis when coupled with the positive-definiteness constraint on a covariance matrix. For complete balanced data, the Cholesky decomposition of a covariance matrix makes it possible to remove the positive-definiteness constraint and use a generalized linear model setup to jointly model the mean and covariance using covariates (Pourahmadi, 2000). However, this approach may not be directly applicable when the longitudinal data are unbalanced, as coherent regression models for the dependence across all times and subjects may not exist. Within the existing generalized linear model framework, we show how to overcome this and other challenges by embedding the covariance matrix of the observed data for each subject in a larger covariance matrix and employing the familiar EM algorithm to compute the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters and their standard errors. We illustrate and assess the methodology using real data sets and simulations.  相似文献   

A dimension reduction technique is proposed for matrix data, with applications to face recognition from images. In particular, we propose a factored covariance model for the data under study, estimate the parameters using maximum likelihood, and then carry out eigendecompositions of the estimated covariance matrix. We call the resulting method factored principal components analysis. We also develop a method for classification using a likelihood ratio criterion, which has previously been used for evaluating the strength of forensic evidence. The methodology is illustrated with applications in face recognition.  相似文献   

Linear mixed effects models are frequently used to analyse longitudinal data, due to their flexibility in modelling the covariance structure between and within observations. Further, it is easy to deal with unbalanced data, either with respect to the number of observations per subject or per time period, and with varying time intervals between observations. In most applications of mixed models to biological sciences, a normal distribution is assumed both for the random effects and for the residuals. This, however, makes inferences vulnerable to the presence of outliers. Here, linear mixed models employing thick-tailed distributions for robust inferences in longitudinal data analysis are described. Specific distributions discussed include the Student-t, the slash and the contaminated normal. A Bayesian framework is adopted, and the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithms are used to carry out the posterior analyses. An example with data on orthodontic distance growth in children is discussed to illustrate the methodology. Analyses based on either the Student-t distribution or on the usual Gaussian assumption are contrasted. The thick-tailed distributions provide an appealing robust alternative to the Gaussian process for modelling distributions of the random effects and of residuals in linear mixed models, and the MCMC implementation allows the computations to be performed in a flexible manner.  相似文献   

Space–time correlation modelling is one of the crucial steps of traditional structural analysis, since space–time models are used for prediction purposes. A comparative study among some classes of space–time covariance functions is proposed. The relevance of choosing a suitable model by taking into account the characteristic behaviour of the models is proved by using a space–time data set of ozone daily averages and the flexibility of the product-sum model is also highlighted through simulated data sets.  相似文献   

We investigate mixed analysis of covariance models for the 'one-step' assessment of conditional QT prolongation. Initially, we consider three different covariance structures for the data, where between-treatment covariance of repeated measures is modelled respectively through random effects, random coefficients, and through a combination of random effects and random coefficients. In all three of those models, an unstructured covariance pattern is used to model within-treatment covariance. In a fourth model, proposed earlier in the literature, between-treatment covariance is modelled through random coefficients but the residuals are assumed to be independent identically distributed (i.i.d.). Finally, we consider a mixed model with saturated covariance structure. We investigate the precision and robustness of those models by fitting them to a large group of real data sets from thorough QT studies. Our findings suggest: (i) Point estimates of treatment contrasts from all five models are similar. (ii) The random coefficients model with i.i.d. residuals is not robust; the model potentially leads to both under- and overestimation of standard errors of treatment contrasts and therefore cannot be recommended for the analysis of conditional QT prolongation. (iii) The combined random effects/random coefficients model does not always converge; in the cases where it converges, its precision is generally inferior to the other models considered. (iv) Both the random effects and the random coefficients model are robust. (v) The random effects, the random coefficients, and the saturated model have similar precision and all three models are suitable for the one-step assessment of conditional QT prolongation.  相似文献   

Semiparametric regression models and estimating covariance functions are very useful in longitudinal study. Unfortunately, challenges arise in estimating the covariance function of longitudinal data collected at irregular time points. In this article, for mean term, a partially linear model is introduced and for covariance structure, a modified Cholesky decomposition approach is proposed to heed the positive-definiteness constraint. We estimate the regression function by using the local linear technique and propose quasi-likelihood estimating equations for both the mean and covariance structures. Moreover, asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators is established. Finally, simulation study and real data analysis are used to illustrate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

We propose a Bayesian stochastic search approach to selecting restrictions on multivariate regression models where the errors exhibit deterministic or stochastic conditional volatilities. We develop a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that generates posterior restrictions on the regression coefficients and Cholesky decompositions of the covariance matrix of the errors. Numerical simulations with artificially generated data show that the proposed method is effective in selecting the data-generating model restrictions and improving the forecasting performance of the model. Applying the method to daily foreign exchange rate data, we conduct stochastic search on a VAR model with stochastic conditional volatilities.  相似文献   

The QTc interval of the electrocardiogram is a pharmacodynamic biomarker for drug-induced cardiac toxicity. The ICH E14 guideline Questions and Answers offer a solution for evaluating a concentration-QTc relationship in early clinical studies as an alternative to conducting a thorough QT/QTc study. We focused on covariance structures of QTc intervals on the baseline day and dosing day (two-day covariance structure,) and proposed a two-day QTc model to analyze a concentration-QTc relationship for placebo-controlled parallel phase 1 single ascending dose studies. The proposed two-day QTc model is based on a constrained longitudinal data analysis model and a mixed effects model, thus allowing various variance components to capture the two-day covariance structure. We also propose a one-day QTc model for the situation where no baseline day or only a pre-dose baseline is available and models for multiple ascending dose studies where concentration and QTc intervals are available over multiple days. A simulation study shows that the proposed models control the false negative rate for positive drugs and have both higher accuracy and power for negative drugs than existing models in a variety of settings for the two-day covariance structure. The proposed models will promote early and accurate evaluation of the cardiac safety of new drugs.  相似文献   

Multivariate Poisson regression with covariance structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years the applications of multivariate Poisson models have increased, mainly because of the gradual increase in computer performance. The multivariate Poisson model used in practice is based on a common covariance term for all the pairs of variables. This is rather restrictive and does not allow for modelling the covariance structure of the data in a flexible way. In this paper we propose inference for a multivariate Poisson model with larger structure, i.e. different covariance for each pair of variables. Maximum likelihood estimation, as well as Bayesian estimation methods are proposed. Both are based on a data augmentation scheme that reflects the multivariate reduction derivation of the joint probability function. In order to enlarge the applicability of the model we allow for covariates in the specification of both the mean and the covariance parameters. Extension to models with complete structure with many multi-way covariance terms is discussed. The method is demonstrated by analyzing a real life data set.  相似文献   

The computational demand required to perform inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods often obstructs a Bayesian analysis. This may be a result of large datasets, complex dependence structures, or expensive computer models. In these instances, the posterior distribution is replaced by a computationally tractable approximation, and inference is based on this working model. However, the error that is introduced by this practice is not well studied. In this paper, we propose a methodology that allows one to examine the impact on statistical inference by quantifying the discrepancy between the intractable and working posterior distributions. This work provides a structure to analyse model approximations with regard to the reliability of inference and computational efficiency. We illustrate our approach through a spatial analysis of yearly total precipitation anomalies where covariance tapering approximations are used to alleviate the computational demand associated with inverting a large, dense covariance matrix.  相似文献   

In this paper, a simulation study is conducted to systematically investigate the impact of different types of missing data on six different statistical analyses: four different likelihood‐based linear mixed effects models and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using two different data sets, in non‐inferiority trial settings for the analysis of longitudinal continuous data. ANCOVA is valid when the missing data are completely at random. Likelihood‐based linear mixed effects model approaches are valid when the missing data are at random. Pattern‐mixture model (PMM) was developed to incorporate non‐random missing mechanism. Our simulations suggest that two linear mixed effects models using unstructured covariance matrix for within‐subject correlation with no random effects or first‐order autoregressive covariance matrix for within‐subject correlation with random coefficient effects provide well control of type 1 error (T1E) rate when the missing data are completely at random or at random. ANCOVA using last observation carried forward imputed data set is the worst method in terms of bias and T1E rate. PMM does not show much improvement on controlling T1E rate compared with other linear mixed effects models when the missing data are not at random but is markedly inferior when the missing data are at random. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A method is proposed for the estimation of missing data in analysis of covariance models. This is based on obtaining an estimate of the missing observation that minimizes the error sum of squares. Specific derivation of this estimate is carried out for the one-factor analysis of covariance, and numerical examples are given to show the nature of the estimates produced. Parameter estimates of the imputed data are then compared with those of the incomplete data.  相似文献   

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