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Typical panel data models make use of the assumption that the regression parameters are the same for each individual cross-sectional unit. We propose tests for slope heterogeneity in panel data models. Our tests are based on the conditional Gaussian likelihood function in order to avoid the incidental parameters problem induced by the inclusion of individual fixed effects for each cross-sectional unit. We derive the Conditional Lagrange Multiplier test that is valid in cases where N → ∞ and T is fixed. The test applies to both balanced and unbalanced panels. We expand the test to account for general heteroskedasticity where each cross-sectional unit has its own form of heteroskedasticity. The modification is possible if T is large enough to estimate regression coefficients for each cross-sectional unit by using the MINQUE unbiased estimator for regression variances under heteroskedasticity. All versions of the test have a standard Normal distribution under general assumptions on the error distribution as N → ∞. A Monte Carlo experiment shows that the test has very good size properties under all specifications considered, including heteroskedastic errors. In addition, power of our test is very good relative to existing tests, particularly when T is not large.  相似文献   

Nonlinear mixed effect models have been studied extensively over several decades, particularly in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic applications. Here, we focus on investigating the performance of commonly applied tests of linear hypotheses about the fixed effect parameters under different approximations to the likelihood function and to the estimated covariance matrix of the estimators. Included are the first-order approximation (FIRO), first-order conditional approximation (FOCE), and Gaussian quadrature approximation (AGQ) estimation methods. There is no straightforward way to mimic the approximations and adjustments taken in linear mixed models, such as the Kackar–Harville–Jeske–Kenward–Roger approach. By simulations, we illustrate the accuracy of p-values for the tests considered here. The observed results indicate that FOCE and AGQ estimation methods outperform FIRO. The test with an adjustment coefficient that takes into consideration the number of sampling units and the number of fixed effect parameters (Gallant-type) seems to perform closest to desirable even for small-sample sizes.  相似文献   

Under complex survey sampling, in particular when selection probabilities depend on the response variable (informative sampling), the sample and population distributions are different, possibly resulting in selection bias. This article is concerned with this problem by fitting two statistical models, namely: the variance components model (a two-stage model) and the fixed effects model (a single-stage model) for one-way analysis of variance, under complex survey design, for example, two-stage sampling, stratification, and unequal probability of selection, etc. Classical theory underlying the use of the two-stage model involves simple random sampling for each of the two stages. In such cases the model in the sample, after sample selection, is the same as model for the population; before sample selection. When the selection probabilities are related to the values of the response variable, standard estimates of the population model parameters may be severely biased, leading possibly to false inference. The idea behind the approach is to extract the model holding for the sample data as a function of the model in the population and of the first order inclusion probabilities. And then fit the sample model, using analysis of variance, maximum likelihood, and pseudo maximum likelihood methods of estimation. The main feature of the proposed techniques is related to their behavior in terms of the informativeness parameter. We also show that the use of the population model that ignores the informative sampling design, yields biased model fitting.  相似文献   

蒋青嬗等 《统计研究》2018,35(11):105-115
忽略个体效应和空间效应会严重干扰效率测算,其中忽略个体效应使得技术无效率项发生偏移,忽略空间相关性导致估计量有偏且不一致。本文基于真实固定效应随机前沿模型(引入了个体效应),引入因变量和双边误差项的空间滞后项,构建了适用性更佳的真实固定效应空间随机前沿模型。对模型进行组内变化以消除额外参数,使用贝叶斯方法(需推导未知参数的后验分布并执行MCMC抽样)估计参数和技术效率。该方法真正克服了额外参数问题,比同类方法直观、简便。数值模拟结果表明,本文方法对参数、个体截距项及技术无效率项的估计精度均较高,且增加样本容量,估计精度变优。  相似文献   

Tests for mean equality proposed by Weerahandi (1995) and Chen and Chen (1998), tests that do not require equality of population variances, were examined when data were not only heterogeneous but, as well, nonnormal in unbalanced completely randomized designs. Furthermore, these tests were compared to a test examined by Lix and Keselman (1998), a test that uses a heteroscedastic statistic (i.e., Welch, 1951) with robust estimators (20% trimmed means and Winsorized variances). Our findings confirmed previously published data that the tests are indeed robust to variance heterogeneity when the data are obtained from normal populations. However, the Weerahandi (1995) and Chen and Chen (1998) tests were not found to be robust when data were obtained from nonnormal populations. Indeed, rates of Type I error were typically in excess of 10% and, at times, exceeded 50%. On the other hand, the statistic presented by Lix and Keselman (1998) was generally robust to variance heterogeneity and nonnormality.  相似文献   

We propose four different GMM estimators that allow almost consistent estimation of the structural parameters of panel probit models with fixed effects for the case of small Tand large N. The moments used are derived for each period from a first order approximation of the mean of the dependent variable conditional on explanatory variables and on the fixed effect. The estimators differ w.r.t. the choice of instruments and whether they use trimming to reduce the bias or not. In a Monte Carlo study, we compare these estimators with pooled probit and conditional logit estimators for different data generating processes. The results show that the proposed estimators outperform these competitors in several situations.  相似文献   


Standard econometric methods can overlook individual heterogeneity in empirical work, generating inconsistent parameter estimates in panel data models. We propose the use of methods that allow researchers to easily identify, quantify, and address estimation issues arising from individual slope heterogeneity. We first characterize the bias in the standard fixed effects estimator when the true econometric model allows for heterogeneous slope coefficients. We then introduce a new test to check whether the fixed effects estimation is subject to heterogeneity bias. The procedure tests the population moment conditions required for fixed effects to consistently estimate the relevant parameters in the model. We establish the limiting distribution of the test and show that it is very simple to implement in practice. Examining firm investment models to showcase our approach, we show that heterogeneity bias-robust methods identify cash flow as a more important driver of investment than previously reported. Our study demonstrates analytically, via simulations, and empirically the importance of carefully accounting for individual specific slope heterogeneity in drawing conclusions about economic behavior.  相似文献   

This article suggests random and fixed effects spatial two-stage least squares estimators for the generalized mixed regressive spatial autoregressive panel data model. This extends the generalized spatial panel model of Baltagi et al. (2013 Baltagi, B. H., Egger, P., Pfaffermayr, M. (2013). A generalized spatial panel data model with random effects. Econometric Reviews 32:650685.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) by the inclusion of a spatial lag term. The estimation method utilizes the Generalized Moments method suggested by Kapoor et al. (2007 Kapoor, M., Kelejian, H. H., Prucha, I. R. (2007). Panel data models with spatially correlated error components. Journal of Econometrics 127(1):97130.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) for a spatial autoregressive panel data model. We derive the asymptotic distributions of these estimators and suggest a Hausman test a la Mutl and Pfaffermayr (2011 Mutl, J., Pfaffermayr, M. (2011). The Hausman test in a Cliff and Ord panel model. Econometrics Journal 14:4876.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) based on the difference between these estimators. Monte Carlo experiments are performed to investigate the performance of these estimators as well as the corresponding Hausman test.  相似文献   

The so-called “fixed effects” approach to the estimation of panel data models suffers from the limitation that it is not possible to estimate the coefficients on explanatory variables that are time-invariant. This is in contrast to a “random effects” approach, which achieves this by making much stronger assumptions on the relationship between the explanatory variables and the individual-specific effect. In a linear model, it is possible to obtain the best of both worlds by making random effects-type assumptions on the time-invariant explanatory variables while maintaining the flexibility of a fixed effects approach when it comes to the time-varying covariates. This article attempts to do the same for some popular nonlinear models.  相似文献   

徐凤  黎实 《统计研究》2014,31(9):91-98
对固定效应模型,本文基于拉格朗日乘数(LM)原理提出了一种新的可混合性检验。不同于已有的LM型可混合性检验,这里使用每个截面个体的LM统计量构建可混合性检验统计量。数理分析表明,本文所提的方法有着渐进正态性,对于扰动项的异方差和非正态均稳健,且与PY检验(Pesaran&Yamagata,2008)渐近等价。Monte Carlo模拟实验表明,相对于PY检验及另外两种LM型的可混合性检验,对于不同大小的 ,本文提出的方法有着良好的水平表现和更优越的检验势。  相似文献   

This article considers fixed effects (FE) estimation for linear panel data models under possible model misspecification when both the number of individuals, n, and the number of time periods, T, are large. We first clarify the probability limit of the FE estimator and argue that this probability limit can be regarded as a pseudo-true parameter. We then establish the asymptotic distributional properties of the FE estimator around the pseudo-true parameter when n and T jointly go to infinity. Notably, we show that the FE estimator suffers from the incidental parameters bias of which the top order is O(T? 1), and even after the incidental parameters bias is completely removed, the rate of convergence of the FE estimator depends on the degree of model misspecification and is either (nT)? 1/2 or n? 1/2. Second, we establish asymptotically valid inference on the (pseudo-true) parameter. Specifically, we derive the asymptotic properties of the clustered covariance matrix (CCM) estimator and the cross-section bootstrap, and show that they are robust to model misspecification. This establishes a rigorous theoretical ground for the use of the CCM estimator and the cross-section bootstrap when model misspecification and the incidental parameters bias (in the coefficient estimate) are present. We conduct Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the finite sample performance of the estimators and inference methods, together with a simple application to the unemployment dynamics in the U.S.  相似文献   

In the paper the problem of testing hypotheses for variance components in mixed linear models is considered. It is assumed that covariance matrices commute after using the usual invariance procedure with respect to the group of translations. The test for vanishing of single variance component is based on the locally best quadratic unbiased estimator of this component and rejects hypothesis if the ratio of positive and negative part of this estimator is sufficiently large. The power of this test with powers of other four tests for two-way classification models corresponding to block design is compared.  相似文献   

邱瑾  马青 《统计研究》2014,31(8):97-103
本文针对固定效应面板线性回归模型中特意误差项为任意形式序列相关情形,提出了移动分块经验似然估计方法,并给出了大样本性质。模拟研究表明:该方法适用于特意误差项序列相关形式已知和形式未知两种情形,较Baltagi和Li(1994)以及Gon?alves(2011)提出的方法有效。本文采用该方法对CO2排放量与城市化水平之间的关系进行了实证分析,结果表明:城市化水平对CO2排放量有显著影响,不同城市化阶段对CO2排放量影响不同。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the biases of four different estimators with respect to the short run and the long run parameters if a static panel model is used, although the data generating process is a dynamic error components model. We analytically derive the associated biases and provide a discussion of the determinants thereof. Our analytical and numerical results as well as Monte Carlo simulations illustrate that the asymptotic bias of both the within and the between parameter with respect to the short run and long run impact can be substantial, depending on the memory of the data generating process, the length of the time series and the importance of the cross-sectional variation in the explanatory variables.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2013,32(3):199-214

This paper assesses the biases of four different estimators with respect to the short run and the long run parameters if a static panel model is used, although the data generating process is a dynamic error components model. We analytically derive the associated biases and provide a discussion of the determinants thereof. Our analytical and numerical results as well as Monte Carlo simulations illustrate that the asymptotic bias of both the within and the between parameter with respect to the short run and long run impact can be substantial, depending on the memory of the data generating process, the length of the time series and the importance of the cross-sectional variation in the explanatory variables.  相似文献   

张征宇  朱平芳 《统计研究》2010,27(4):103-108
近年来运用空间计量经济模型进行实证分析的文献都普遍采用空间自回归(SAR)形式的设定,对参数的估计也多采用极大似然(MLE)的方法。在经典多元线性回归模型中,仅有被解释变量的测量误差并不会影响系数估计的一致性。本文证明对于SAR模型,即使仅当被解释变量存在测量误差时,且无论该测量误差是否与模型本身的扰动项相关,普遍采用的MLE都将是不一致的。为此,Hausman型的设定检验被推广到SAR模型中用以判别是否存在被解释变量的测量误差。当零假设被拒绝时,我们说明由Kelejian&Prucha(1998), Lee(2003)提出的二阶段最小二乘法仍然可以得到参数的一致估计。Monte Carlo模拟的结果与我们的理论预期一致。最后我们用一个估计地方环境支出外溢效应的实例说明如何运用本文所提的方法来检验应用空间自回归模型时可能存在的测量误差。  相似文献   

The proportional hazards assumption of the Cox model does sometimes not hold in practise. An example is a treatment effect that decreases with time. We study a general multiplicative intensity model allowing the influence of each covariate to vary non-parametrically with time. An efficient estimation procedure for the cumulative parameter functions is developed. Its properties are studied using the martingale structure of the problem. Furthermore, we introduce a partly parametric version of the general non-parametric model in which the influence of some of the covariates varies with time while the effects of the remaining covariates are constant. This semiparametric model has not been studied in detail before. An efficient procedure for estimating the parametric as well as the non-parametric components of this model is developed. Again the martingale structure of the model allows us to describe the asymptotic properties of the suggested estimators. The approach is applied to two different data sets, and a Monte Carlo simulation is presented.  相似文献   

The “traditional” approach to the estimation of count-panel-data models with fixed effects is the conditional maximum likelihood estimator. The pseudo maximum likelihood principle can be used in these models to obtain orthogonality conditions that generate a robust estimator. This estimator is inconsistent, however, when the instruments are not strictly exogenous. This article proposes a generalized method of moments estimator for count-panel-data models with fixed effects, based on a transformation of the conditional mean specification, that is consistent even when the explanatory variables are predetermined. Two applications are discussed, the relationship between patents and research and development expenditures and the explanation of technology transfer.  相似文献   

The general mixed linear model can be denoted by y  =  X β +  Z u  +  e , where β is a vector of fixed effects, u is a vector of random effects, and e is a vector of random errors. In this article, the problem of admissibility of Q y and Q y  +  q for estimating linear functions, ? =  L β +  M u , of the fixed and random effects is considered, and the necessary and sufficient conditions for Q y (resp. Q y  +  q ) to be admissible in the set of homogeneous (resp. potentially inhomogeneous) linear estimators with respect to the MSE and MSEM criteria are investigated. We provide a straightforward alternative proof to the method that was utilized by Wu (1988 Wu , Q. G. ( 1988 ). Several results on admissibility of a linear estimate of stochastic regression coefficients and parameters . Acta Mathemaica Applicatae Sinica 11 ( 1 ): 95106 . (in Chinese)  [Google Scholar]), Baksalary and Markiewicz (1990 Baksalary , J. K. , Markiewicz , A. ( 1990 ). Admissible linear estimators of an arbitrary vector of parametric functions in the general Gauss–Markov model . J. Stat. Plann. Infer. 26 : 161171 . [Google Scholar]), and Groß and Markiewicz (1999 Groß , J. , Markiewicz , A. ( 1999 ). On admissibility of linear estimators with respect to the mean square error matrix criterion under the general mixed linear model . Statistics 33 : 5771 .[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). In addition, we derive the corresponding results on the admissibility problem under the generalized MSE criterion.  相似文献   

Regression analysis is one of the most commonly used techniques in statistics. When the dimension of independent variables is high, it is difficult to conduct efficient non-parametric analysis straightforwardly from the data. As an important alternative to the additive and other non-parametric models, varying-coefficient models can reduce the modelling bias and avoid the curse of dimensionality significantly. In addition, the coefficient functions can easily be estimated via a simple local regression. Based on local polynomial techniques, we provide the asymptotic distribution for the maximum of the normalized deviations of the estimated coefficient functions away from the true coefficient functions. Using this result and the pre-asymptotic substitution idea for estimating biases and variances, simultaneous confidence bands for the underlying coefficient functions are constructed. An important question in the varying coefficient models is whether an estimated coefficient function is statistically significantly different from zero or a constant. Based on newly derived asymptotic theory, a formal procedure is proposed for testing whether a particular parametric form fits a given data set. Simulated and real-data examples are used to illustrate our techniques.  相似文献   

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