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While much used in practice, latent variable models raise challenging estimation problems due to the intractability of their likelihood. Monte Carlo maximum likelihood (MCML), as proposed by Geyer & Thompson (1992 ), is a simulation-based approach to maximum likelihood approximation applicable to general latent variable models. MCML can be described as an importance sampling method in which the likelihood ratio is approximated by Monte Carlo averages of importance ratios simulated from the complete data model corresponding to an arbitrary value of the unknown parameter. This paper studies the asymptotic (in the number of observations) performance of the MCML method in the case of latent variable models with independent observations. This is in contrast with previous works on the same topic which only considered conditional convergence to the maximum likelihood estimator, for a fixed set of observations. A first important result is that when is fixed, the MCML method can only be consistent if the number of simulations grows exponentially fast with the number of observations. If on the other hand, is obtained from a consistent sequence of estimates of the unknown parameter, then the requirements on the number of simulations are shown to be much weaker.  相似文献   

This paper explores the asymptotic distribution of the restricted maximum likelihood estimator of the variance components in a general mixed model. Restricting attention to hierarchical models, central limit theorems are obtained using elementary arguments with only mild conditions on the covariates in the fixed part of the model and without having to assume that the data are either normally or spherically symmetrically distributed. Further, the REML and maximum likelihood estimators are shown to be asymptotically equivalent in this general framework, and the asymptotic distribution of the weighted least squares estimator (based on the REML estimator) of the fixed effect parameters is derived.  相似文献   

We provide Monte Carlo evidence on the finite-sample behavior of the conditional empirical likelihood (CEL) estimator of Kitamura, Tripathi, and Ahn and the conditional Euclidean empirical likelihood (CEEL) estimator of Antoine, Bonnal, and Renault in the context of a heteroscedastic linear model with an endogenous regressor. We compare these estimators with three heteroscedasticity-consistent instrument-based estimators and the Donald, Imbens, and Newey estimator in terms of various performance measures. Our results suggest that the CEL and CEEL with fixed bandwidths may suffer from the no-moment problem, similarly to the unconditional generalized empirical likelihood estimators studied by Guggenberger. We also study the CEL and CEEL estimators with automatic bandwidths selected through cross-validation. We do not find evidence that these suffer from the no-moment problem. When the instruments are weak, we find CEL and CEEL to have finite-sample properties—in terms of mean squared error and coverage probability of confidence intervals—poorer than the heteroscedasticity-consistent Fuller (HFUL) estimator. In the strong instruments case, the CEL and CEEL estimators with automatic bandwidths tend to outperform HFUL in terms of mean squared error, while the reverse holds in terms of the coverage probability, although the differences in numerical performance are rather small.  相似文献   

A new method for estimating a set of odds ratios under an order restriction based on estimating equations is proposed. The method is applied to those of the conditional maximum likelihood estimators and the Mantel-Haenszel estimators. The estimators derived from the conditional likelihood estimating equations are shown to maximize the conditional likelihoods. It is also seen that the restricted estimators converge almost surely to the respective odds ratios when the respective sample sizes become large regularly. The restricted estimators are compared with the unrestricted maximum likelihood estimators by a Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation studies show that the restricted estimates improve the mean squared errors remarkably, while the Mantel-Haenszel type estimates are competitive with the conditional maximum likelihood estimates, being slightly worse.  相似文献   

It is common practice to compare the fit of non‐nested models using the Akaike (AIC) or Bayesian (BIC) information criteria. The basis of these criteria is the log‐likelihood evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown parameters. For the general linear model (and the linear mixed model, which is a special case), estimation is usually carried out using residual or restricted maximum likelihood (REML). However, for models with different fixed effects, the residual likelihoods are not comparable and hence information criteria based on the residual likelihood cannot be used. For model selection, it is often suggested that the models are refitted using maximum likelihood to enable the criteria to be used. The first aim of this paper is to highlight that both the AIC and BIC can be used for the general linear model by using the full log‐likelihood evaluated at the REML estimates. The second aim is to provide a derivation of the criteria under REML estimation. This aim is achieved by noting that the full likelihood can be decomposed into a marginal (residual) and conditional likelihood and this decomposition then incorporates aspects of both the fixed effects and variance parameters. Using this decomposition, the appropriate information criteria for model selection of models which differ in their fixed effects specification can be derived. An example is presented to illustrate the results and code is available for analyses using the ASReml‐R package.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the focused information criterion (FIC) to copula models. Copulas are often used for applications where the joint tail behavior of the variables is of particular interest, and selecting a copula that captures this well is then essential. Traditional model selection methods such as the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) aim at finding the overall best‐fitting model, which is not necessarily the one best suited for the application at hand. The FIC, on the other hand, evaluates and ranks candidate models based on the precision of their point estimates of a context‐given focus parameter. This could be any quantity of particular interest, for example, the mean, a correlation, conditional probabilities, or measures of tail dependence. We derive FIC formulae for the maximum likelihood estimator, the two‐stage maximum likelihood estimator, and the so‐called pseudo‐maximum‐likelihood (PML) estimator combined with parametric margins. Furthermore, we confirm the validity of the AIC formula for the PML estimator combined with parametric margins. To study the numerical behavior of FIC, we have carried out a simulation study, and we have also analyzed a multivariate data set pertaining to abalones. The results from the study show that the FIC successfully ranks candidate models in terms of their performance, defined as how well they estimate the focus parameter. In terms of estimation precision, FIC clearly outperforms AIC, especially when the focus parameter relates to only a specific part of the model, such as the conditional upper‐tail probability.  相似文献   

This article studies the empirical likelihood method for the first-order random coefficient integer-valued autoregressive process. The limiting distribution of the log empirical likelihood ratio statistic is established. Confidence region for the parameter of interest and its coverage probabilities are given, and hypothesis testing is considered. The maximum empirical likelihood estimator for the parameter is derived and its asymptotic properties are established. The performances of the estimator are compared with the conditional least squares estimator via simulation.  相似文献   

This paper compares the properties of various estimators for a beta‐binomial model for estimating the size of a heterogeneous population. It is found that maximum likelihood and conditional maximum likelihood estimators perform well for a large population with a large capture proportion. The jackknife and the sample coverage estimators are biased for low capture probabilities. The performance of the martingale estimator is satisfactory, but it requires full capture histories. The Gibbs sampler and Metropolis‐Hastings algorithm provide reasonable posterior estimates for informative priors.  相似文献   

In the framework of the Engle-type (G)ARCH models, I demonstrate that there is a family of symmetric and asymmetric density functions for which the asymptotic efficiency of the semiparametric estimator is equal to the asymptotic efficiency of the maximum likelihood estimator. This family of densities is bimodal (except for the normal). I also chracterize the solution to the problem of minimizing the mean squared distance between the parametric score and the semiparametric score in order to search for unimodal densities for which the semiparametric estimator is likely to perform well. The LaPlace density function emerges as one of these cases.  相似文献   

Li Yan 《Statistics》2015,49(5):978-988
Empirical likelihood inference for generalized linear models with fixed and adaptive designs is considered. It is shown that the empirical log-likelihood ratio at the true parameters converges to the standard chi-square distribution. Furthermore, we obtain the maximum empirical likelihood estimate of the unknown parameter and the resulting estimator is shown to be asymptotically normal. Some simulations are conducted to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

The conditional maximum likelihood estimator of the shape parameter in the two-parameter geometric distribution is introduced and explored. The estimator is compared with the unconditional maximum likelihood estimator and the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problem of statistical inference in multivariate linear regression models when the errors involved are non normally distributed. We consider multivariate t-distribution, a fat-tailed distribution, for the errors as alternative to normal distribution. Such non normality is commonly observed in working with many data sets, e.g., financial data that are usually having excess kurtosis. This distribution has a number of applications in many other areas of research as well. We use modified maximum likelihood estimation method that provides the estimator, called modified maximum likelihood estimator (MMLE), in closed form. These estimators are shown to be unbiased, efficient, and robust as compared to the widely used least square estimators (LSEs). Also, the tests based upon MMLEs are found to be more powerful than the similar tests based upon LSEs.  相似文献   

This article derives explicit expressions for the asymptotic variances of the maximum likelihood and continuously-updated GMM estimators in models that may not satisfy the fundamental asset-pricing restrictions in population. The proposed misspecification-robust variance estimators allow the researcher to conduct valid inference on the model parameters even when the model is rejected by the data. While the results for the maximum likelihood estimator are only applicable to linear asset-pricing models, the asymptotic distribution of the continuously-updated GMM estimator is derived for general, possibly nonlinear, models. The large corrections in the asymptotic variances, that arise from explicitly incorporating model misspecification in the analysis, are illustrated using simulations and an empirical application.  相似文献   

One of the common problems encountered in applied statistics is that of comparing two proportions from stratified samples. One approach to this problem is via inference on the corresponding odds ratio. In this paper, the various point and interval estimators of and hypothesis testing procedures for a common odds ratio from multiple 2 ×2 tables are reviewed. Based On research to date, the conditional maximum likelihood and Mantel-Haenszel estimators are recommended as the point estimators of choice. Neither confidence intervals nor hypothesis testing metthods have been studied as well as the point estimators, but there is a confidence interval method associated with the Mantel-Haenszel estimator that is a good choice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) model using infinite normal scale-mixtures which can suitably avoid order selection problems in the application of finite normal scale-mixtures. We discuss its theoretical properties and develop a two-stage algorithm for the maximum likelihood estimator to estimate the mixing distribution non-parametric maximum likelihood estimator (NPMLE) as well as GARCH parameters (two-stage MLE). For the estimation of a mixing distribution, we employ a fast computational algorithm proposed by Wang [On fast computation of the non-parametric maximum likelihood estimate of a mixing distribution. J R Stat Soc Ser B. 2007;69:185–198] under the gradient characterization of the non-parametric mixture likelihood. The GARCH parameters are then estimated either using the expectation-mazimization algorithm or general optimization scheme. In addition, we propose a new forecasting algorithm of value-at-risk (VaR) using the two-stage MLE and the NPMLE. Through a simulation study and real data analysis, we compare the performance of the two-stage MLE with the existing ones including quasi-maximum likelihood estimator based on the standard normal density and the finite normal mixture quasi maximum estimated-likelihood estimator (cf. Lee S, Lee T. Inference for Box–Cox transformed threshold GARCH models with nuisance parameters. Scand J Stat. 2012;39:568–589) in terms of the relative efficiency and accuracy of VaR forecasting.  相似文献   

We introduce the method of estimating functions to study the class of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) models. We derive the optimal estimating functions by combining linear and quadratic estimating functions. The resultant estimators are more efficient than the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator. If the assumption of conditional normality is imposed, the estimator obtained by using the theory of estimating functions is identical to that obtained by using the maximum likelihood method in finite samples. The relative efficiencies of the estimating function (EF) approach in comparison with the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator are developed. We illustrate the EF approach using a univariate GARCH(1,1) model with conditional normal, Student-t, and gamma distributions. The efficiency benefits of the EF approach relative to the quasi-maximum likelihood approach are substantial for the gamma distribution with large skewness. Simulation analysis shows that the finite-sample properties of the estimators from the EF approach are attractive. EF estimators tend to display less bias and root mean squared error than the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator. The efficiency gains are substantial for highly nonnormal distributions. An example demonstrates that implementation of the method is straightforward.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of the parameters of a truncated gamma distribution over (0,τ), where τ is assumed to be a real number. We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE). The probability of nonexistence of MLE is observed to be positive. A simulation study indicates that the modified maximum likelihood estimator and the mixed estimator, which exist with probability one,are to be preferred over MLE. The bias, the mean square error, and the probability of nearness form a basis of our simulation study.  相似文献   

This article introduces a semiparametric autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model that has conditional first and second moments given by autoregressive moving average and ARCH parametric formulations but a conditional density that is assumed only to be sufficiently smooth to be approximated by a nonparametric density estimator. For several particular conditional densities, the relative efficiency of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator is compared with maximum likelihood under correct specification. These potential efficiency gains for a fully adaptive procedure are compared in a Monte Carlo experiment with the observed gains from using the proposed semiparametric procedure, and it is found that the estimator captures a substantial proportion of the potential. The estimator is applied to daily stock returns from small firms that are found to exhibit conditional skewness and kurtosis and to the British pound to dollar exchange rate.  相似文献   

It is well-known that the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator (NPMLE) of a survival function may severely underestimate the survival probabilities at very early times for left truncated data. This problem might be overcome by instead computing a smoothed nonparametric estimator (SNE) via the EMS algorithm. The close connection between the SNE and the maximum penalized likelihood estimator is also established. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate the superior performance of the SNE over that of the NPMLE, in terms of either bias or variance, even for moderately large Samples. The methodology is illustrated with an application to the Massachusetts Health Care Panel Study dataset to estimate the probability of being functionally independent for non-poor male and female groups rcspectively.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of the parameters of doubly truncated and singly truncated normal distributions when truncation points are known. We derive, for these families, a necessary and sufficient condition for the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE) to be finite. Furthermore, the probability of the MLE being infinite is positive. A simulation study for single truncation is carried out to compare the modified maximum likelihood estimator, and the mixed estimator.  相似文献   

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