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This article provides a method to estimate search costs in a differentiated product environment in which consumers are uncertain about the utility distribution. Consumers learn about the utility distribution by Bayesian updating their Dirichlet process prior beliefs. The model provides expressions for bounds on the search costs that can rationalize observed search and purchasing behavior. Using individual-specific data on web browsing and purchasing behavior for MP3 players sold online we show how to use these bounds to estimate search costs as well as the parameters of the utility distribution. Our estimates indicate that search costs are sizable. We show that ignoring consumer learning while searching can lead to severely biased search cost and elasticity estimates.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Bayesian analysis of partially linear additive models for quantile regression. We develop a semiparametric Bayesian approach to quantile regression models using a spectral representation of the nonparametric regression functions and the Dirichlet process (DP) mixture for error distribution. We also consider Bayesian variable selection procedures for both parametric and nonparametric components in a partially linear additive model structure based on the Bayesian shrinkage priors via a stochastic search algorithm. Based on the proposed Bayesian semiparametric additive quantile regression model referred to as BSAQ, the Bayesian inference is considered for estimation and model selection. For the posterior computation, we design a simple and efficient Gibbs sampler based on a location-scale mixture of exponential and normal distributions for an asymmetric Laplace distribution, which facilitates the commonly used collapsed Gibbs sampling algorithms for the DP mixture models. Additionally, we discuss the asymptotic property of the sempiparametric quantile regression model in terms of consistency of posterior distribution. Simulation studies and real data application examples illustrate the proposed method and compare it with Bayesian quantile regression methods in the literature.  相似文献   

This article attempts to predict home run hitting performance of Major League Baseball players using a Bayesian semiparametric model. Following Berry, Reese and Larkey we include in the model effects for era of birth, season of play, and home ball park. We estimate performance curves for each player using orthonormal quartic polynomials. We use a Dirichlet process prior on the unknown distribution for the coefficients of the polynomials, and parametric priors for the other effects. Dirichlet process priors are useful in prediction for two reasons: (1) an increased probability of obtaining more precise prediction comes with the increased flexibility of the prior specification, and (2) the clustering inherent in the Dirichlet process provides the means to share information across players. Data from 1871 to 2008 were used to fit the model. Data from 2009 to 2016 were used to test the predictive ability of the model. A parametric model was also fit to compare the predictive performance of the models. We used what we called “pure performance” curves to predict future performance for 22 players. The nonparametric method provided superior predictive performance.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this study, we investigate a recently introduced class of non‐parametric priors, termed generalized Dirichlet process priors. Such priors induce (exchangeable random) partitions that are characterized by a more elaborate clustering structure than those arising from other widely used priors. A natural area of application of these random probability measures is represented by species sampling problems and, in particular, prediction problems in genomics. To this end, we study both the distribution of the number of distinct species present in a sample and the distribution of the number of new species conditionally on an observed sample. We also provide the Bayesian Non‐parametric estimator for the number of new species in an additional sample of given size and for the discovery probability as function of the size of the additional sample. Finally, the study of its conditional structure is completed by the determination of the posterior distribution.  相似文献   

Mixtures of Dirichlet process priors offer a reasonable compromise between purely parametric and purely non‐parametric models, and are popularly used in survival analysis and for testing problems with non‐parametric alternatives. In this paper, we study large sample properties of the posterior distribution with a mixture of Dirichlet process priors. We show that the posterior distribution of the survival function is consistent with right censored data.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of the Bernstein–Dirichlet process prior for a new nonparametric approach to estimating the link function in the single-index model (SIM). The Bernstein–Dirichlet process prior has so far mainly been used for nonparametric density estimation. Here we modify this approach to allow for an approximation of the unknown link function. Instead of the usual Gaussian distribution, the error term is assumed to be asymmetric Laplace distributed which increases the flexibility and robustness of the SIM. To automatically identify truly active predictors, spike-and-slab priors are used for Bayesian variable selection. Posterior computations are performed via a Metropolis-Hastings-within-Gibbs sampler using a truncation-based algorithm for stick-breaking priors. We compare the efficiency of the proposed approach with well-established techniques in an extensive simulation study and illustrate its practical performance by an application to nonparametric modelling of the power consumption in a sewage treatment plant.  相似文献   

We propose a more efficient version of the slice sampler for Dirichlet process mixture models described by Walker (Commun. Stat., Simul. Comput. 36:45–54, 2007). This new sampler allows for the fitting of infinite mixture models with a wide-range of prior specifications. To illustrate this flexibility we consider priors defined through infinite sequences of independent positive random variables. Two applications are considered: density estimation using mixture models and hazard function estimation. In each case we show how the slice efficient sampler can be applied to make inference in the models. In the mixture case, two submodels are studied in detail. The first one assumes that the positive random variables are Gamma distributed and the second assumes that they are inverse-Gaussian distributed. Both priors have two hyperparameters and we consider their effect on the prior distribution of the number of occupied clusters in a sample. Extensive computational comparisons with alternative “conditional” simulation techniques for mixture models using the standard Dirichlet process prior and our new priors are made. The properties of the new priors are illustrated on a density estimation problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a mixture of beta–Dirichlet processes as a nonparametric prior for the cumulative intensity functions of a Markov process. This family of priors is a natural extension of a mixture of Dirichlet processes or a mixture of beta processes which are devised to compromise advantages of parametric and nonparametric approaches. They give most of their prior mass to the small neighborhood of a specific parametric model. We show that a mixture of beta–Dirichlet processes prior is conjugate with Markov processes. Formulas for computing the posterior distribution are derived. Finally, results of analyzing credit history data are given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present growth curve models with an auxiliary variable which contains an uncertain data distribution based on mixtures of standard components, such as normal distributions. The multimodality of the auxiliary random variable motivates and necessitates the use of mixtures of normal distributions in our model. We have observed that Dirichlet process priors, composed of discrete and continuous components, are appropriate in addressing the two problems of determining the number of components and estimating the parameters simultaneously and are especially useful in the aforementioned multimodal scenario. A model for the application of Dirichlet mixture of normals (DMN) in growth curve models under Bayesian formulation is presented and algorithms for computing the number of components, as well as estimating the parameters are also rendered. The simulation results show that our model gives improved goodness of fit statistics over models without DMN and the estimates for the number of components and for parameters are reasonably accurate.  相似文献   

Abstract.  One of the main research areas in Bayesian Nonparametrics is the proposal and study of priors which generalize the Dirichlet process. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive Bayesian non-parametric analysis of random probabilities which are obtained by normalizing random measures with independent increments (NRMI). Special cases of these priors have already shown to be useful for statistical applications such as mixture models and species sampling problems. However, in order to fully exploit these priors, the derivation of the posterior distribution of NRMIs is crucial: here we achieve this goal and, indeed, provide explicit and tractable expressions suitable for practical implementation. The posterior distribution of an NRMI turns out to be a mixture with respect to the distribution of a specific latent variable. The analysis is completed by the derivation of the corresponding predictive distributions and by a thorough investigation of the marginal structure. These results allow to derive a generalized Blackwell–MacQueen sampling scheme, which is then adapted to cover also mixture models driven by general NRMIs.  相似文献   


This article develops a method to estimate search frictions as well as preference parameters in differentiated product markets. Search costs are nonparametrically identified, which means our method can be used to estimate search costs in differentiated product markets that lack a suitable search cost shifter. We apply our model to the U.S. Medigap insurance market. We find that search costs are substantial: the estimated median cost of searching for an insurer is $30. Using the estimated parameters we find that eliminating search costs could result in price decreases of as much as $71 (or 4.7%), along with increases in average consumer welfare of up to $374.  相似文献   

Due to computational challenges and non-availability of conjugate prior distributions, Bayesian variable selection in quantile regression models is often a difficult task. In this paper, we address these two issues for quantile regression models. In particular, we develop an informative stochastic search variable selection (ISSVS) for quantile regression models that introduces an informative prior distribution. We adopt prior structures which incorporate historical data into the current data by quantifying them with a suitable prior distribution on the model parameters. This allows ISSVS to search more efficiently in the model space and choose the more likely models. In addition, a Gibbs sampler is derived to facilitate the computation of the posterior probabilities. A major advantage of ISSVS is that it avoids instability in the posterior estimates for the Gibbs sampler as well as convergence problems that may arise from choosing vague priors. Finally, the proposed methods are illustrated with both simulation and real data.  相似文献   

Summary.  In functional data analysis, curves or surfaces are observed, up to measurement error, at a finite set of locations, for, say, a sample of n individuals. Often, the curves are homogeneous, except perhaps for individual-specific regions that provide heterogeneous behaviour (e.g. 'damaged' areas of irregular shape on an otherwise smooth surface). Motivated by applications with functional data of this nature, we propose a Bayesian mixture model, with the aim of dimension reduction, by representing the sample of n curves through a smaller set of canonical curves. We propose a novel prior on the space of probability measures for a random curve which extends the popular Dirichlet priors by allowing local clustering: non-homogeneous portions of a curve can be allocated to different clusters and the n individual curves can be represented as recombinations (hybrids) of a few canonical curves. More precisely, the prior proposed envisions a conceptual hidden factor with k -levels that acts locally on each curve. We discuss several models incorporating this prior and illustrate its performance with simulated and real data sets. We examine theoretical properties of the proposed finite hybrid Dirichlet mixtures, specifically, their behaviour as the number of the mixture components goes to ∞ and their connection with Dirichlet process mixtures.  相似文献   

A measure is the formal representation of the non-negative additive functions that abound in science. We review and develop the art of assigning Bayesian priors to measures. Where necessary, spatial correlation is delegated to correlating kernels imposed on otherwise uncorrelated priors. The latter must be infinitely divisible (ID) and hence described by the Lévy–Khinchin representation. Thus the fundamental object is the Lévy measure, the choice of which corresponds to different ID process priors. The general case of a Lévy measure comprising a mixture of assigned base measures leads to a prior process comprising a convolution of corresponding processes. Examples involving a single base measure are the gamma process, the Dirichlet process (for the normalized case) and the Poisson process. We also discuss processes that we call the supergamma and super-Dirichlet processes, which are double base measure generalizations of the gamma and Dirichlet processes. Examples of multiple and continuum base measures are also discussed. We conclude with numerical examples of density estimation.  相似文献   

Our article presents a general treatment of the linear regression model, in which the error distribution is modelled nonparametrically and the error variances may be heteroscedastic, thus eliminating the need to transform the dependent variable in many data sets. The mean and variance components of the model may be either parametric or nonparametric, with parsimony achieved through variable selection and model averaging. A Bayesian approach is used for inference with priors that are data-based so that estimation can be carried out automatically with minimal input by the user. A Dirichlet process mixture prior is used to model the error distribution nonparametrically; when there are no regressors in the model, the method reduces to Bayesian density estimation, and we show that in this case the estimator compares favourably with a well-regarded plug-in density estimator. We also consider a method for checking the fit of the full model. The methodology is applied to a number of simulated and real examples and is shown to work well.  相似文献   

We evaluate MCMC sampling schemes for a variety of link functions in generalized linear models with Dirichlet process random effects. First, we find that there is a large amount of variability in the performance of MCMC algorithms, with the slice sampler typically being less desirable than either a Kolmogorov–Smirnov mixture representation or a Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. Second, in fitting the Dirichlet process, dealing with the precision parameter has troubled model specifications in the past. Here we find that incorporating this parameter into the MCMC sampling scheme is not only computationally feasible, but also results in a more robust set of estimates, in that they are marginalized-over rather than conditioned-upon. Applications are provided with social science problems in areas where the data can be difficult to model, and we find that the nonparametric nature of the Dirichlet process priors for the random effects leads to improved analyses with more reasonable inferences.  相似文献   

We employ a hierarchical Bayesian method with exchangeable prior distributions to estimate and compare similar nondecreasing response curves. A Dirichlet process distribution is assigned to each of the response curves as a first stage prior. A second stage prior is then used to model the hyperparameters. We define parameters which will be used to compare the response curves. A Markov chain Monte Carlo method is applied to compute the resulting Bayesian estimates. To illustrate the methodology, we re-examine data from an experiment designed to test whether experimenter observation influences the ultimatum game. A major restriction of the original analysis was the shape constraint that the present technique allows us to greatly relax. We also consider independent priors and use Bayes factors to compare various models.  相似文献   

Variable selection is an important decision process in consumer credit scoring. However, with the rapid growth in credit industry, especially, after the rising of e-commerce, a huge amount of information on customer behavior is available to provide more informative implication of consumer credit scoring. In this study, a hybrid quadratic programming model is proposed for consumer credit scoring problems by variable selection. The proposed model is then solved with a bisection method based on Tabu search algorithm (BMTS), and the solution of this model provides alternative subsets of variables in different sizes. The final subset of variables used in consumer credit scoring model is selected based on both the size (number of variables in a subset) and predictive (classification) accuracy rate. Simulation studies are used to measure the performances of the proposed model, illustrating its effectiveness for simultaneous variable selection as well as classification.  相似文献   

Particle filters for mixture models with an unknown number of components   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We consider the analysis of data under mixture models where the number of components in the mixture is unknown. We concentrate on mixture Dirichlet process models, and in particular we consider such models under conjugate priors. This conjugacy enables us to integrate out many of the parameters in the model, and to discretize the posterior distribution. Particle filters are particularly well suited to such discrete problems, and we propose the use of the particle filter of Fearnhead and Clifford for this problem. The performance of this particle filter, when analyzing both simulated and real data from a Gaussian mixture model, is uniformly better than the particle filter algorithm of Chen and Liu. In many situations it outperforms a Gibbs Sampler. We also show how models without the required amount of conjugacy can be efficiently analyzed by the same particle filter algorithm.  相似文献   

In the context of an objective Bayesian approach to the multinomial model, Dirichlet(a, …, a) priors with a < 1 have previously been shown to be inadequate in the presence of zero counts, suggesting that the uniform prior (a = 1) is the preferred candidate. In the presence of many zero counts, however, this prior may not be satisfactory either. A model selection approach is proposed, allowing for the possibility of zero parameters corresponding to zero count categories. This approach results in a posterior mixture of Dirichlet distributions and marginal mixtures of beta distributions, which seem to avoid the problems that potentially result from the various proposed Dirichlet priors, in particular in the context of extreme data with zero counts.  相似文献   

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