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利用分位数回归方法,讨论了非参数固定效应Panel Data模型的估计和检验问题,得到了参数估计的渐近正态性及收敛速度。同时,建立一个秩得分(rank score)统计量来检验模型的固定效应,并证明了这个统计量渐近服从标准正态分布。  相似文献   

面板数据的自适应Lasso分位回归方法研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
如何在对参数进行估计的同时自动选择重要解释变量,一直是面板数据分位回归模型中讨论的热点问题之一。通过构造一种含多重随机效应的贝叶斯分层分位回归模型,在假定固定效应系数先验服从一种新的条件Laplace分布的基础上,给出了模型参数估计的Gibbs抽样算法。考虑到不同重要程度的解释变量权重系数压缩程度应该不同,所构造的先验信息具有自适应性的特点,能够准确地对模型中重要解释变量进行自动选取,且设计的切片Gibbs抽样算法能够快速有效地解决模型中各个参数的后验均值估计问题。模拟结果显示,新方法在参数估计精确度和变量选择准确度上均优于现有文献的常用方法。通过对中国各地区多个宏观经济指标的面板数据进行建模分析,演示了新方法估计参数与挑选变量的能力。  相似文献   

In this article, the appropriateness of inefficiency measures obtained directly from the production function as in Schmidt and Sickles (1984) is examined relative to those provided by (a) the cost function aproach, (b) Klein's approach, and (c) the iterative SUR technique. Efficiency rankings yielded by different methods are also compared and tested.  相似文献   

韩本三  曹征  黎实 《统计研究》2012,29(7):81-85
 本文将RESET检验扩展到二元选择面板数据模型的设定,考察了固定效应Probit模型和Logit模型的设定检验,包括异方差、遗漏变量和分布误设的检验。模拟结果表明Logit模型的RESET设定检验显示良好的水平和功效,而Probit模型的RESET检验可能由于估计方法的选择导致在某些方面的功效表现不好。但总体说来,在二元选择面板数据模型的设定检验上,RESET检验仍然是一个较好的选择。  相似文献   

分位数回归技术综述   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
普通最小二乘回归建立了在自变量X=x下因变量Y的条件均值与X的关系的线性模型。而分位数回归(Quantile Regression)则利用自变量X和因变量y的条件分位数进行建模。与普通的均值回归相比,它能充分反映自变量X对于因变量y的分布的位置、刻度和形状的影响,有着十分广泛的应用,尤其是对于一些非常关注尾部特征的情况。文章介绍了分位数回归的概念以及分位数回归的估计、检验和拟合优度,回顾了分位数回归的发展过程以及其在一些经济研究领域中的应用,最后做了总结。  相似文献   

Composite quantile regression (CQR) is motivated by the desire to have an estimator for linear regression models that avoids the breakdown of the least-squares estimator when the error variance is infinite, while having high relative efficiency even when the least-squares estimator is fully efficient. Here, we study two weighting schemes to further improve the efficiency of CQR, motivated by Jiang et al. [Oracle model selection for nonlinear models based on weighted composite quantile regression. Statist Sin. 2012;22:1479–1506]. In theory the two weighting schemes are asymptotically equivalent to each other and always result in more efficient estimators compared with CQR. Although the first weighting scheme is hard to implement, it sheds light on in what situations the improvement is expected to be large. A main contribution is to theoretically and empirically identify that standard CQR has good performance compared with weighted CQR only when the error density is logistic or close to logistic in shape, which was not noted in the literature.  相似文献   

The composite quantile regression (CQR for short) provides an efficient and robust estimation for regression coefficients. In this paper we introduce two adaptive CQR methods. We make two contributions to the quantile regression literature. The first is that, both adaptive estimators treat the quantile levels as realizations of a random variable. This is quite different from the classic CQR in which the quantile levels are typically equally spaced, or generally, are treated as fixed values. Because the asymptotic variances of the adaptive estimators depend upon the generic distribution of the quantile levels, it has the potential to enhance estimation efficiency of the classic CQR. We compare the asymptotic variance of the estimator obtained by the CQR with that obtained by quantile regressions at each single quantile level. The second contribution is that, in terms of relative efficiency, the two adaptive estimators can be asymptotically equivalent to the CQR method as long as we choose the generic distribution of the quantile levels properly. This observation is useful in that it allows to perform parallel distributed computing when the computational complexity issue arises for the CQR method. We compare the relative efficiency of the adaptive methods with respect to some existing approaches through comprehensive simulations and an application to a real-world problem.  相似文献   

研究面板数据聚类问题过程中,在相似性度量上,用Logistic回归模型构造相似系数和非对称相似矩阵。在聚类算法上,目前的聚类算法只适用于对称的相似矩阵。在非对称相似矩阵的聚类算法上,采用最佳优先搜索和轮廓系数,改进DBSCAN聚类方法,提出BF—DBSCAN方法。通过实例分析,比较了BF—DBSCAN和DBSCAN方法的聚类结果,以及不同参数设置对BF—DBSCAN聚类结果的影响,验证了该方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

The check loss function is used to define quantile regression. In cross-validation, it is also employed as a validation function when the true distribution is unknown. However, our empirical study indicates that validation with the check loss often leads to overfitting the data. In this work, we suggest a modified or L2-adjusted check loss which rounds the sharp corner in the middle of check loss. This has the effect of guarding against overfitting to some extent. The adjustment is devised to shrink to zero as sample size grows. Through various simulation settings of linear and nonlinear regressions, the improvement due to modification of the check loss by quadratic adjustment is examined empirically.  相似文献   

The so-called “fixed effects” approach to the estimation of panel data models suffers from the limitation that it is not possible to estimate the coefficients on explanatory variables that are time-invariant. This is in contrast to a “random effects” approach, which achieves this by making much stronger assumptions on the relationship between the explanatory variables and the individual-specific effect. In a linear model, it is possible to obtain the best of both worlds by making random effects-type assumptions on the time-invariant explanatory variables while maintaining the flexibility of a fixed effects approach when it comes to the time-varying covariates. This article attempts to do the same for some popular nonlinear models.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose various tests for serial correlation in fixed-effects panel data regression models with a small number of time periods. First, a simplified version of the test suggested by Wooldridge (2002) and Drukker (2003) is considered. The second test is based on the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) statistic suggested by Baltagi and Li (1995), and the third test is a modification of the classical Durbin–Watson statistic. Under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation, all tests possess a standard normal limiting distribution as N tends to infinity and T is fixed. Analyzing the local power of the tests, we find that the LM statistic has superior power properties. Furthermore, a generalization to test for autocorrelation up to some given lag order and a test statistic that is robust against time dependent heteroskedasticity are proposed.  相似文献   

为了尝试使用贝叶斯方法研究比例数据的分位数回归统计推断问题,首先基于Tobit模型给出了分位数回归建模方法,然后通过选取合适的先验分布得到了贝叶斯层次模型,进而给出了各参数的后验分布并用于Gibbs抽样。数值模拟分析验证了所提出的贝叶斯推断方法对于比例数据分析的有效性。最后,将贝叶斯方法应用于美国加州海洛因吸毒数据,在不同的分位数水平下揭示了吸毒频率的影响因素。  相似文献   

乔坤元 《统计研究》2014,31(1):98-106
本文提出了非等间隔动态面板数据模型的估计方法,包括非线性最小二乘和最短距离估计法以及这两种估计方法的一步估计量,并且证明了这几个估计量的一致性和渐进正态性。我们使用数值模拟的方法验证了这些估计在有限样本中的估计精度,并且将这四种估计方法应用于实际的问题当中,最终得到了与以往的文献基本一致的估计结果。  相似文献   

In this article, the problem of parameter estimation and variable selection in the Tobit quantile regression model is considered. A Tobit quantile regression with the elastic net penalty from a Bayesian perspective is proposed. Independent gamma priors are put on the l1 norm penalty parameters. A novel aspect of the Bayesian elastic net Tobit quantile regression is to treat the hyperparameters of the gamma priors as unknowns and let the data estimate them along with other parameters. A Bayesian Tobit quantile regression with the adaptive elastic net penalty is also proposed. The Gibbs sampling computational technique is adapted to simulate the parameters from the posterior distributions. The proposed methods are demonstrated by both simulated and real data examples.  相似文献   

Modified Profile Likelihood for Fixed-Effects Panel Data Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We show how modified profile likelihood methods, developed in the statistical literature, may be effectively applied to estimate the structural parameters of econometric models for panel data, with a remarkable reduction of bias with respect to ordinary likelihood methods. Initially, the implementation of these methods is illustrated for general models for panel data including individual-specific fixed effects and then, in more detail, for the truncated linear regression model and dynamic regression models for binary data formulated along with different specifications. Simulation studies show the good behavior of the inference based on the modified profile likelihood, even when compared to an ideal, although infeasible, procedure (in which the fixed effects are known) and also to alternative estimators existing in the econometric literature. The proposed estimation methods are implemented in an R package that we make available to the reader.  相似文献   

文章在响应变量随机缺失下,基于分位数回归研究了半参数模型的稳健估计问题。首先基于B样条基函数近似技术,将模型非参数函数的估计问题转化为样条系数向量估计问题;其次,在响应变量随机缺失下,提出了一种新的插补方法,对缺失的响应变量进行多重插补;再次,基于插补后的数据集,构造出新的分位数目标函数,得到模型非参数函数以及参数向量的稳健估计;最后给出了有效算法计算多重插补估计量。通过模拟研究验证了所提方法的有效性和稳健性。  相似文献   

Despite its emergence as a frequently used method for the empirical analysis of multivariate data, quantile regression is yet to become a mainstream tool for the analysis of duration data. We present a pioneering empirical study on the grounds of a competing risks quantile regression model. We use large-scale maternity duration data with multiple competing risks derived from German linked social security records to analyse how public policies are related to the length of economic inactivity of young mothers after giving birth. Our results show that the model delivers detailed insights into the distribution of transitions out of maternity leave. It is found that cumulative incidences implied by the quantile regression model differ from those implied by a proportional hazards model. To foster the use of the model, we make an R-package (cmprskQR) available.  相似文献   

基于北京市城镇住户调查数据,采用分位数回归与分解技术,结合核密度估计方法,定量考察了性别、年龄、受教育年限、工作经验等因素对城镇家庭收入差异及其演变的贡献。研究表明:不同收入群体并没有均等地分享经济社会发展的成果;城镇家庭收入差异是"回报效应"和"变量效应"共同作用的结果,不同历史时期两种效应的重要性有所不同;教育机会不均等是导致城镇家庭收入差异的关键因素;就业性质的差异助长了城镇家庭收入差距;不同收入群体间自身素质的差异是影响城镇家庭收入差异的重要因素;工作年限、工作经验、年龄、性别及家庭规模等因素影响力不容忽视。  相似文献   

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