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The autoregressive Cauchy estimator uses the sign of the first lag as instrumental variable (IV); under independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) errors, the resulting IV t-type statistic is known to have a standard normal limiting distribution in the unit root case. With unconditional heteroskedasticity, the ordinary least squares (OLS) t statistic is affected in the unit root case; but the paper shows that, by using some nonlinear transformation behaving asymptotically like the sign as instrument, limiting normality of the IV t-type statistic is maintained when the series to be tested has no deterministic trends. Neither estimation of the so-called variance profile nor bootstrap procedures are required to this end. The Cauchy unit root test has power in the same 1/T neighborhoods as the usual unit root tests, also for a wide range of magnitudes for the initial value. It is furthermore shown to be competitive with other, bootstrap-based, robust tests. When the series exhibit a linear trend, however, the null distribution of the Cauchy test for a unit root becomes nonstandard, reminiscent of the Dickey-Fuller distribution. In this case, inference robust to nonstationary volatility is obtained via the wild bootstrap.  相似文献   

The asymptotically normal, regression-based LM integration test is adapted for panels with correlated units. The N different units may be integrated of different (fractional) orders under the null hypothesis. The paper first reviews conditions under which the test statistic is asymptotically (as T→∞) normal in a single unit. Then we adopt the framework of seemingly unrelated regression [SUR] for cross-correlated panels, and discuss a panel test statistic based on the feasible generalized least squares [GLS] estimator, which follows a χ 2(N) distribution. Third, a more powerful statistic is obtained by working under the assumption of equal deviations from the respective null in all units. Fourth, feasible GLS requires inversion of sample covariance matrices typically imposing T>N; in addition we discuss alternative covariance matrix estimators for T<N. The usefulness of our results is assessed in Monte Carlo experimentation.  相似文献   

We consider an exact factor model with integrated factors and propose an LM-type test for unit roots in the idiosyncratic component. We show that, for a fixed number of panel individuals (N) and when the number of time points (T) tends to infinity, the limiting distribution of the LM-type statistic is a weighted sum of independent Chi-square variables with one degree of freedom, and when T tends to infinity followed by N tending to infinity, the limiting distribution is standard normal. The results should contribute to the challenging task of deriving likelihood-based unit-root tests in dynamic factor models.  相似文献   

Typical panel data models make use of the assumption that the regression parameters are the same for each individual cross-sectional unit. We propose tests for slope heterogeneity in panel data models. Our tests are based on the conditional Gaussian likelihood function in order to avoid the incidental parameters problem induced by the inclusion of individual fixed effects for each cross-sectional unit. We derive the Conditional Lagrange Multiplier test that is valid in cases where N → ∞ and T is fixed. The test applies to both balanced and unbalanced panels. We expand the test to account for general heteroskedasticity where each cross-sectional unit has its own form of heteroskedasticity. The modification is possible if T is large enough to estimate regression coefficients for each cross-sectional unit by using the MINQUE unbiased estimator for regression variances under heteroskedasticity. All versions of the test have a standard Normal distribution under general assumptions on the error distribution as N → ∞. A Monte Carlo experiment shows that the test has very good size properties under all specifications considered, including heteroskedastic errors. In addition, power of our test is very good relative to existing tests, particularly when T is not large.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of testing the mean vector in the multivariate normal distribution, where the dimension p is greater than the sample size N. We propose a new test TBlock and obtain its asymptotic distribution. We also compare the proposed test with other two tests. The simulation results suggest that the performance of the new test is comparable to the existing two tests, and under some circumstances it may have higher power. Therefore, the new statistic can be employed in practice as an alternative choice.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a family of relativel simple nonparametrics tests for a unit root in a univariate time series. Almost all the tests proposed in the literature test the unit root hypothesis against the alternative that the time series involved is stationarity or trend stationary. In this paper we take the (trend) stationarity hypothesis as the null and the unit root hypothesis as the alternative. The order differnce with most of the tests proposed in the literature is that in all four cases the asymptotic null distribution is of a well-known type, namely standard Cauchy. In the first instance we propose four Cauchy tests of the stationarity hypothesis against the unit root hypothesis. Under H1 these four test statistics involved, divided by the sample size n, converge weakly to a non-central Cauchy distribution, to one, and to the product of two normal variates, respectively. Hence, the absolute values of these test statistics converge in probability to infinity 9at order n). The tests involved are therefore consistent against the unit root hypothesis. Moreover, the small sample performance of these test are compared by Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, we propose two additional Cauchy tests of the trend stationarity hypothesis against the alternative of a unit root with drift.  相似文献   

It has been modeled for several replacement policies in literatures that the whole life cycle or operating interval of an operating unit should be finite rather than infinite as is done with the traditional method. However, it is more natural to consider the case in which the finite life cycle is a fluctuated parameter that could be used to estimate replacement times, which will be taken up in this article. For this, we first formulate a general model in which the unit is replaced at random age U, random time Y for the first working number, random life cycle S, or at failure X, whichever occurs first. The following models included in the general model, such that replacement done at age T when variable U is a degenerate distribution, and replacement done at working numbers N summed by number N of variable Y, are optimized. We obtain the total expected cost until replacement and the expected replacement cost rate for each model. Optimal age T, working number N, and a pair of (T, N) are discussed analytically and computed numerically.  相似文献   

We describe some simple methods for improving the performance of stationarity tests (i.e., tests that have a stationary null and a unit-root alternative). Specifically, we increase the rate of convergence of the test under the unit-root alternative from O p(T) to O p (T 2), then suggest an optimal method of selecting the order of the autoregressive component in the fitted autoregressive integrated moving average model on which the test is based. Simulation evidence suggests that these modifications work well. We apply the modified procedure to U.S. monthly macroeconomic data and uncover new evidence of a unit root in unemployment.  相似文献   

The asymptotic local power of least squares–based fixed-T panel unit root tests allowing for a structural break in their individual effects and/or incidental trends of the AR(1) panel data model is studied. Limiting distributions of these tests are derived under a sequence of local alternatives, and analytic expressions show how their means and variances are functions of the break date and the time dimension of the panel. The considered tests have nontrivial local power in a N?1/2 neighborhood of unity when the panel data model includes individual intercepts. For panel data models with incidental trends, the power of the tests becomes trivial in this neighborhood. However, this problem does not always appear if the tests allow for serial correlation in the error term and completely vanishes in the presence of cross-section correlation. These results show that fixed-T tests have very different theoretical properties than their large-T counterparts. Monte Carlo experiments demonstrate the usefulness of the asymptotic theory in small samples.  相似文献   


In this article, the unit root test for the AR(1) model is discussed, under the condition that the innovations of the model are in the domain of attraction of the normal law with possibly infinite variances. By using residual bootstrap with sample size m < n (n being the size of the original sample), we bootstrap the least-squares estimator of the autoregressive parameter. Under some mild assumptions, we prove that the null distribution of the unit root test statistic based on the least-square estimator of the autoregressive parameter can be approximated by using residual bootstrap.  相似文献   

We derive inconsistency expressions for dynamic panel data estimators under error cross-sectional dependence generated by an unobserved common factor in both the fixed effect and the incidental trends case. We show that for a temporally dependent factor, the standard within groups (WG) estimator is inconsistent even as both N and T tend to infinity. Next we investigate the properties of the common correlated effects pooled (CCEP) estimator of Pesaran (2006) which eliminates the error cross-sectional dependence using cross-sectional averages of the data. In contrast to the static case, the CCEP estimator is only consistent when next to N also T tends to infinity. It is shown that for the most relevant parameter settings, the inconsistency of the CCEP estimator is larger than that of the infeasible WG estimator, which includes the common factors as regressors. Restricting the CCEP estimator results in a somewhat smaller inconsistency. The small sample properties of the various estimators are analyzed using Monte Carlo experiments. The simulation results suggest that the CCEP estimator can be used to estimate dynamic panel data models provided T is not too small. The size of N is of less importance.  相似文献   

A new stationarity test for heterogeneous panel data with large cross-sectional dimension is developed and used to examine a panel with growth rates of unit labor cost in the USA. The test allows for strong cross-unit dependence in the form of unbounded long-run correlation matrices, for which a simple parameterization is proposed. A KPSS-type distribution results asymptotically if letting T→∞ be followed by N→∞. Some evidence against stationarity (short memory) is found for the examined series.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose instrumental variables (IV) and generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators for panel data models with weakly exogenous variables. The model is allowed to include heterogeneous time trends besides the standard fixed effects (FE). The proposed IV and GMM estimators are obtained by applying a forward filter to the model and a backward filter to the instruments in order to remove FE, thereby called the double filter IV and GMM estimators. We derive the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators under fixed T and large N, and large T and large N asymptotics where N and T denote the dimensions of cross section and time series, respectively. It is shown that the proposed IV estimator has the same asymptotic distribution as the bias corrected FE estimator when both N and T are large. Monte Carlo simulation results reveal that the proposed estimator performs well in finite samples and outperforms the conventional IV/GMM estimators using instruments in levels in many cases.  相似文献   

This paper rejects the preference expressed by Berkson for the heuristic test statistic TN with standard normal distribution testing equality of two binomial probabilities in favour of Fisher's conditional exact test statistic TE. Conditioning upon k1 + k2 = k shows that TN admits too large first kind error probabilities. But also unconditionally TN is systematically too large compared to TE, giving too small critical levels at given experimental outcomes and power which is misleadingly too large. This is mainly due to the fact that TN is not suitably corrected for continuity (at small sample sizes).  相似文献   


In a 2-step monotone missing dataset drawn from a multivariate normal population, T2-type test statistic (similar to Hotelling’s T2 test statistic) and likelihood ratio (LR) are often used for the test for a mean vector. In complete data, Hotelling’s T2 test and LR test are equivalent, however T2-type test and LR test are not equivalent in the 2-step monotone missing dataset. Then we interest which statistic is reasonable with relation to power. In this paper, we derive asymptotic power function of both statistics under a local alternative and obtain an explicit form for difference in asymptotic power function. Furthermore, under several parameter settings, we compare LR and T2-type test numerically by using difference in empirical power and in asymptotic power function. Summarizing obtained results, we recommend applying LR test for testing a mean vector.  相似文献   


The paper is concerned with an acceptance sampling problem under destructive inspections for one-shot systems. The systems may fail at random times while they are operating (as the systems are considered to be operating when storage begins), and these failures can only be identified by inspection. Thus, n samples are randomly selected from N one-shot systems for periodic destructive inspection. After storage time T, the N systems are replaced if the number of working systems is less than a pre-specified threshold k. The primary purpose of this study is to determine the optimal number of samples n*, extracted from the N for destructive detection and the optimal acceptance number k*, in the sample under the constraint of the system interval availability, to minimize the expected cost rate. Numerical experiments are studied to investigate the effect of the parameters in sampling inspection on the optimal solutions.  相似文献   

Summary We consider a lotL formed byN apparently similar unitsW 1,…,W N, where each of theW i may come from one of two different populationsP 1 andP 2;T 1,…,T N denote the corresponding lifetimes. The units fromP i undergo a failure of kindi and their survival function isS i (t). We assume that the failure rate function are known and that the units fromP 1 are ?substandard?: λ 1 (t)≥λ 2 (t), ∀t≥0. We want to putW 1,…,W N under a pre-operational test (burn-in test) in order to eliminate at least a great part of the substandard units and we face the problem of obtaining a rule for stopping the test under the assumption that, with the failure of a unit, it is possible to recognize the population from which the unit comes. Such a problem will be formalized as an optimal stopping problem for a suitably defined Markov process. Our study shall evidentiate some fundamental aspects of the problem and the role of the prior distribution of the (random) numberM 0 of those units inL coming fromP 1 (substandard). The latter distribution has a great influence on the form of the solution. This research was supported by the C.N.R. Project ?Statistica Bayesiana e Simulazione in Affidalità e Modellistica Biologica?.  相似文献   

For estimating unit roots of autoregressive processes, we introduce a new instrumental variable (IV) method which discounts large values of regressors corresponding to the unit roots. Based on the IV estimator, we propose new unit root tests whose limiting null distributions are standard normal. Observation at time t is adjusted for mean recursively by the sample mean of observations up to the time t. The powers of the proposed tests are better than those of the Dickey–Fuller tests and are comparable to those of the tests based on the weighted symmetric estimator, which are known to have the best power against stationary alternatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest a similar unit root test statistic for dynamic panel data with fixed effects. The test is based on the LM, or score, principle and is derived under the assumption that the time dimension of the panel is fixed, which is typical in many panel data studies. It is shown that the limiting distribution of the test statistic is standard normal. The similarity of the test with respect to both the initial conditions of the panel and the fixed effects is achieved by allowing for a trend in the model using a parameterisation that has the same interpretation under both the null and alternative hypotheses. This parameterisation can be expected to increase the power of the test statistic. Simulation evidence suggests that the proposed test has empirical size that is very close to the nominal level and considerably more power than other panel unit root tests that assume that the time dimension of the panel is large. As an application of the test, we re-examine the stationarity of real stock prices and dividends using disaggregated panel data over a relatively short period of time. Our results suggest that while real stock prices contain a unit root, real dividends are trend stationary.  相似文献   

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