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This article develops limit theory for likelihood analysis of weak exogeneity in I(2) cointegrated vector autoregressive (VAR) models incorporating deterministic terms. Conditions for weak exogeneity in I(2) VAR models are reviewed, and the asymptotic properties of conditional maximum likelihood estimators and a likelihood-based weak exogeneity test are then investigated. It is demonstrated that weak exogeneity in I(2) VAR models allows us to conduct asymptotic conditional inference based on mixed Gaussian distributions. It is then proved that a log-likelihood ratio test statistic for weak exogeneity in I(2) VAR models is asymptotically χ2 distributed. The article also presents an empirical illustration of the proposed test for weak exogeneity using Japan's macroeconomic data.  相似文献   

This article aims at making an empirical likelihood inference of regression parameter in partial linear model when the response variable is right censored randomly. The present studies are mainly designed to use empirical likelihood (EL) method based on synthetic dependent data, and the result cannot be applied directly due to the unknown weights in it. In this paper, we introduce a censored empirical log-likelihood ratio and demonstrate that its limiting distribution is a standard chi-square distribution. The estimating procedure of β is developed based on piecewise polynomial method. As a result, the p-value of test and the confidence interval can be obtained without estimating other quantities. Some simulation studies are conducted to highlight the performance of the proposed EL method, and the results show a good performance. Finally, we apply our method into the real example of multiple myeloma data and show the proof of theorem.  相似文献   

The logistic regression model has become a standard tool to investigate the relationship between a binary outcome and a set of potential predictors. When analyzing binary data, it often arises that the observed proportion of zeros is greater than expected under the postulated logistic model. Zero-inflated binomial (ZIB) models have been developed to fit binary data that contain too many zeros. Maximum likelihood estimators in these models have been proposed and their asymptotic properties established. Several aspects of ZIB models still deserve attention however, such as the estimation of odds-ratios and event probabilities. In this article, we propose estimators of these quantities and we investigate their properties both theoretically and via simulations. Based on these results, we provide recommendations about the range of conditions (minimum sample size, maximum proportion of zeros in excess) under which a reliable statistical inference on the odds-ratios and event probabilities can be obtained in a ZIB regression model. A real-data example illustrates the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

A generalized Cox regression model is studied for the covariance analysis of competing risks data subject to independent random censoring. The information of the maximum partial likelihood estimates is compared with that of maximum likelihood estimates assuming a log linear hazard function.The method of generalized variance is used to define the efficiency of estimation between the two models. This is then applied to two-sample problems with two exponentially censoring rates. Numerical results are summarized ane presented graphically.The detailed results indicate that the semi-parametric model wrks well for a higher rate of censoring. A method of generalizing the result to type 1 censoring and the efficiency of estimating the coefficient of the covariate are discussecd. A brief account of using the results to help design experiments is also given.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider empirical likelihood inference for the parameter in the additive partially linear models when the linear covariate is measured with error. By correcting for attenuation, a corrected-attenuation empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic for the unknown parameter β, which is of primary interest, is suggested. We show that the proposed statistic is asymptotically standard chi-square distribution without requiring the undersmoothing of the nonparametric components, and hence it can be directly used to construct the confidence region for the parameter β. Some simulations indicate that, in terms of comparison between coverage probabilities and average lengths of the confidence intervals, the proposed method performs better than the profile-based least-squares method. We also give the maximum empirical likelihood estimator (MELE) for the unknown parameter β, and prove the MELE is asymptotically normal under some mild conditions.  相似文献   

Robinson (1982a) presented a general approach to serial correlation in limited dependent variable models and proved the strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) for the Tobit model with serial correlation, obtained under the assumption of independent errors. This paper proves the strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the QMLE based on independent errors for the truncated regression model with serial correlation and gives consistent estimators for the limiting covariance matrix of the QMLE.  相似文献   

Robinson (1982a) presented a general approach to serial correlation in limited dependent variable models and proved the strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) for the Tobit model with serial correlation, obtained under the assumption of independent errors. This paper proves the strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the QMLE based on independent errors for the truncated regression model with serial correlation and gives consistent estimators for the limiting covariance matrix of the QMLE.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose an empirical likelihood-based test to check the existence of serial correlation in partial linear errors-in-variables models. A nonparametric version of Wilk' theorem is derived, which says that our proposed test has an asymptotic chi-square distribution. Simulation results reveal that the finite sample performance of our proposed test is satisfactory in both size and power.  相似文献   

We consider a semiparametric method based on partial splines for estimating the unknown function and partially linear regression parameters in partially linear single-index models. Three methods—project pursuit regression (PPR), average derivative estimation (ADE), and a boosting method—are considered for estimating the single-index parameters. Simulations revealed that PPR with partial splines was superior in estimating single-index parameters, while the boosting method with partial splines performed no better than PPR and ADE. All three methods performed similarly in estimating the partially linear regression parameters. The relative performances of the methods are also illustrated using a real-world data example.  相似文献   

A fast and accurate method of confidence interval construction for the smoothing parameter in penalised spline and partially linear models is proposed. The method is akin to a parametric percentile bootstrap where Monte Carlo simulation is replaced by saddlepoint approximation, and can therefore be viewed as an approximate bootstrap. It is applicable in a quite general setting, requiring only that the underlying estimator be the root of an estimating equation that is a quadratic form in normal random variables. This is the case under a variety of optimality criteria such as those commonly denoted by maximum likelihood (ML), restricted ML (REML), generalized cross validation (GCV) and Akaike's information criteria (AIC). Simulation studies reveal that under the ML and REML criteria, the method delivers a near‐exact performance with computational speeds that are an order of magnitude faster than existing exact methods, and two orders of magnitude faster than a classical bootstrap. Perhaps most importantly, the proposed method also offers a computationally feasible alternative when no known exact or asymptotic methods exist, e.g. GCV and AIC. An application is illustrated by applying the methodology to well‐known fossil data. Giving a range of plausible smoothed values in this instance can help answer questions about the statistical significance of apparent features in the data.  相似文献   

This paper deals with statistical inference on the parameters of a stochastic model, describing curved fibrous objects in three dimensions, that is based on multivariate autoregressive processes. The model is fitted to experimental data consisting of a large number of short independently sampled trajectories of multivariate autoregressive processes. We discuss relevant statistical properties (e.g. asymptotic behaviour as the number of trajectories tends to infinity) of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimators for such processes. Numerical studies are also performed to analyse some of the more intractable properties of the ML estimators. Finally the whole methodology, i.e., the fibre model and its statistical inference, is applied to appropriately describe the tracking of fibres in real materials.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of reliability R = P(Y < X) when X is a random strength of a component subjected to a random stress Y, and (X, Y) follows a bivariate Rayleigh distribution. The maximum likelihood estimator of R and its asymptotic distribution are obtained. An asymptotic confidence interval of R is constructed using the asymptotic distribution. Also, two confidence intervals are proposed based on Bootstrap method and a computational approach. Testing of the reliability based on asymptotic distribution of R is discussed. Simulation study to investigate performance of the confidence intervals and tests has been carried out. Also, a numerical example is given to illustrate the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

A statistical test procedure is proposed to check whether the parameters in the parametric component of the partially linear spatial autoregressive models satisfy certain linear constraint conditions, in which a residual-based bootstrap procedure is suggested to derive the p-value of the test. Some simulations are conducted to assess the performance of the test and the results show that the bootstrap approximation to the null distribution of the test statistic is valid and the test is of satisfactory power. Furthermore, a real-world example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed test.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a weighted permutation (WP) method to construct confidence intervals for regression parameters in relative risk regression models. The WP method is a generalized permutation approach. It constructs a resampled history which mimics the observed history for individuals under study. Inference procedures are based on studentized score statistics that are insensitive to the forms of the relative risk function. This makes the WP method appealing in the general framework of the relative risk regression model. First-order accuracy of the WP method is established using counting process approach with a partial likelihood filtration. A simulation study indicates that the method typically improves accuracy over asymptotic confidence intervals.  相似文献   

Therneau et al (1990) used martingale residual plots to study the threshold effect of some covariates in a proportional hazard regression model for survival data subject to right censoring. We show that the maximum partial likelihood estimate provides an asymptotically consistent estimator for the unknown threshold. This procedure is illustrated by applying it to a data set from a cohort of patients with B-lineage leukemia treated at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a longitudinal semi‐parametric regression model in a generalised linear model setup for repeated count data collected from a large number of independent individuals. To accommodate the longitudinal correlations, we consider a dynamic model for repeated counts which has decaying auto‐correlations as the time lag increases between the repeated responses. The semi‐parametric regression function involved in the model contains a specified regression function in some suitable time‐dependent covariates and a non‐parametric function in some other time‐dependent covariates. As far as the inference is concerned, because the non‐parametric function is of secondary interest, we estimate this function consistently using the independence assumption‐based well‐known quasi‐likelihood approach. Next, the proposed longitudinal correlation structure and the estimate of the non‐parametric function are used to develop a semi‐parametric generalised quasi‐likelihood approach for consistent and efficient estimation of the regression effects in the parametric regression function. The finite sample performance of the proposed estimation approach is examined through an intensive simulation study based on both large and small samples. Both balanced and unbalanced cluster sizes are incorporated in the simulation study. The asymptotic performances of the estimators are given. The estimation methodology is illustrated by reanalysing the well‐known health care utilisation data consisting of counts of yearly visits to a physician by 180 individuals for four years and several important primary and secondary covariates.  相似文献   

Diagnostic techniques are proposed for assessing the influence of individual cases on confidence intervals in nonlinear regression. The technique proposed uses the method of profile t-plots applied to the case-deletion model. The effect of the geometry of the statistical model on the influence measures is assessed, and an algorithm for computing case-deleted confidence intervals is described. This algorithm provides a direct method for constructing a simple diagnostic measure based on the ratio of the lengths of confidence intervals. The generalization of these methods to multiresponse models is discussed.  相似文献   

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