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Automatic monitoring of user-generated content on social networking sites (SNSs) aims at detecting potential harm for adolescents by means of text and image mining techniques and subsequent actions by the providers (e.g. blocking users, legal action). Evidently, current research is primarily focused on its technological development. However, involving adolescents' voices regarding the desirability of this monitoring is important; particularly because automatic monitoring might invade adolescents' privacy and freedom, and consequently evoke reactance. In this study, fourteen focus groups were conducted with adolescents (N = 66) between 12 and 18 years old. The goal was to obtain insights into adolescents' opinions on desirability and priorities for automatically detecting harmful content on SNSs. Opinions reflect the contention between a need for protection online versus the preservation of freedom. Most adolescents in this study are in favour of automatic monitoring for situations they perceive as uncontrollable or that they cannot solve themselves. Clear priorities for detection must be set in order to ensure the privacy and autonomy of adolescents. Moreover, monitoring actions aiming at the prevention of harm are required.  相似文献   

The 1791 slave revolt in Saint-Domingue (Haiti) and the first French abolition of slavery in 1793–1794 are generally seen as epochal events that redefined labor relations in the French Caribbean. But a close analysis of the labor codes promulgated during and after the Haitian Revolution indicates that elites were eager to reconcile the ideal of universal freedom with the needs of plantation agriculture, resulting in a succession of oppressive labor systems that subsisted until the 1820s.  相似文献   

Freedom of association can include the right of labour unions to take collective action in the interest of their members. In this regard, it is presumed that unions increase worker freedom. However, there is little literature on how worker freedom as self-actualization is linked to union collective action involving coalition-building with civil society. This article uses the notions of freedom according to Berlin (1969) and MacCallum (1967) to assess the meaning of such coalition-building for worker freedom. It then employs a radical democratic perspective (Laclau and Mouffe 2001) of union engagement with the Just Transition in New Zealand to explore how unions enhance worker freedom.  相似文献   

The article opens by explaining the architecture of the Internet. Given its present raison d'être, a free highway allowing maximum freedom, one may argue that the bounds of free expression are broader in scope on the Net compared with the bounds of legitimate speech allowed on other forms of communication. Contesting this assertion, it is argued that legally speaking, there is no difference between electronic communication and other forms of communication. I probe some problematic forms of expression: terrorism, criminal activity, and cyberbullying, arguing that freedom of expression is important but so is social responsibility. The article concludes by offering a new paradigm Internet for the future called CleaNet©. CleaNet© will be sensitive to prevailing cultural norms of each and every society and will be clean of content that the society deems to be dangerous and antisocial. No cyberbullying, child pornography, hateful bigotry, criminal activity, and terrorist material will be available on the new Net. Netusers, with the cooperation of ISPs and web-hosting companies, will together decide which content will be considered illegitimate and unworthy to be excluded from CleaNet©.  相似文献   

Choice,freedom, and freedom of choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues in favour of a distinction between freedom and freedom of choice – a distinction that economists and political philosophers have so far either ignored or drawn wrongly. Drawing the distinction correctly may help to resolve a number of disputes in contemporary political philosophy and non-welfarist normative economics regarding the so-called preference-based account of freedom and the relevance, to judgements about freedom, of degrees of similarity between agents options. The paper begins by setting out three much discussed axioms for the measurement of freedom (of choice?) originally put forward by Pattanaik and Xu. It is suggested that the problems these axioms give rise to can be solved by distinguishing correctly between freedom and freedom of choice. The paper then sets out definitions of freedom, choice and freedom of choice, justifying these in philosophical terms and arguing their superiority to alternative definitions. Finally, on the basis of these definitions and with reference to Pattanaik and Xus axioms, it is shown that an agent can enjoy freedom without enjoying freedom of choice, and that she can enjoy an increase in one of these without enjoying an increase in the other. For their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper, I should like to thank Keith Dowding, Martin van Hees, Matthew Kramer, Marco Negri, Serena Olsaretti, Olof Page, Mario Ricciardi, Alan Ritter, Hillel Steiner, Kotaro Suzumura and audiences at seminars in Manchester, Palermo, Pavia and Oxford. I am grateful to the Italian Ministry for Higher Education (MURST) and the Italian National Research Council (CNR) for funding that facilitated the completion of the paper.  相似文献   

This article explores stages of historical development of age status and relates this to the present. Old people, already in the transition from tribal society to literate high culture, lost their leading social position. Moral and economic support was granted to them, yet the old as a social and cultural group never came back to power again in Western history. In technologically highly developed societies of the present countertrends of a new valorization of older people have set in. This is no return of gerontocracy. However, the main increase in social and cultural prestige of old people as individuals can be observed. This “readmission” is connected with the general sociological phenomenon of individualization in postmodern value orientations and lifestyles and will continue to expand.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to identify effective strategies for socio-educational intervention with adolescents aged 12–16 years in a situation of social risk and provide some proposals from the field of social pedagogy. The research was conducted in three autonomous regions of Spain—Madrid, Galicia and Catalonia—between 2011 and 2013 and used the grounded theory approach. Thirty one practitioners and 19 adolescents participated in the focus groups and interviews. The main results suggest central strategies related to the empowerment and participation of adolescents, resilience and the flexible planning of interventions, with relevant implications for practice and policies.  相似文献   

This paper revisits and reconsiders the prevailing assumption or conventional wisdom about the association or affinity between Puritanism and liberty in historically Puritan societies, especially America and to a lesser extent Great Britain. It argues and elaborates on that the “Puritanism and liberty” equation or link is a naïve assumption, speculative explanation or cherished liberal-democratic mythology analogous and related to, as well as even more enduring and prevalent than, what contemporary sociologists call the “beloved myth” of an elective affinity or connection between Calvinism and modern capitalism. The paper aims to fill in a void in the current sociological literature in which attempts to question and reveal the Puritanism and liberty equivalence as a myth are relatively infrequent. Overall, the paper aims to contribute to the existing literature on the relationships between Puritanism, Calvinism and other ascetic Protestantism on the one hand and modern democratic society on the other.  相似文献   

The stress process and the social distribution of depression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mental health generally and depression in particular have been repeatedly shown to vary in relation to gender, socioeconomic status, marital status, and age. These status differences may be linked to mental health because they tend to define important differences in stress exposure and in the availability of coping resources. This paper examines the capacity of the stress-process model to account for the social distribution of depression. We employ mediation analyses using data from a 1990-1991 survey of Toronto community residents. In general, we found hypothesized risk factors to vary across these statuses with depressive symptoms and disorder and the distribution of protective factors to vary inversely. Results indicate that the model as expressed in our analyses accounts for a substantial minority of observed depression differences across individuals and for a considerable portion of reliably observed variation across social statuses. Our findings with respect to major depressive disorder parallel those for depressive symptomatology. Most compelling is the nearly total explanation of the socioeconomic status association with depressive symptoms and the substantial contribution toward explaining the socioeconomic status-disorder relationship when stress process mediators are accounted for.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between a region's cultural inclusion and its residents’ social trust. Based on the individual-level survey data from China, we find a positive correlation between cultural inclusion and average levels of social trust at the city level. When instrumenting culture inclusion using government spending on the construction of culture and fixed assets, we find a consistent positive correlation between cultural inclusion and social trust. We also find that higher levels of cultural inclusion are positively correlated with the happiness and optimistic social attitudes of residents and are negatively correlated with the probability of misperception and conflicts.  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigates how various aspects related to religion are related to different dimensions of social capital, based on the latest data from the European Values Study. The study intends to include as many religion-related variables as possible and to cover all main dimensions of social capital. In addition to regression analysis, cluster analysis is used for further exploration of religious composition and its consequences for social capital. The broadest conclusions are that religion is highly related to social capital, but the cognitive dimensions of social capital seem to have a closer relationship with social capital than the structural dimensions. Also, many relationships may be overlooked if not enough different religion-related aspects and social capital dimensions are analysed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the incentive of a player to join a syndicate in an environment of team production and payoff distribution according to Shapley value. We consider an economy in which a single output is produced by an increasing returns to scale production function using two inputs: labor and capital. By assuming that syndicates of factor owners can form, we are interested in their stability, i.e., the willingness of the members of the syndicate to stay in the syndicate. Our analysis, based on the Shapley value, allows us to find a fair imputation of the gains of cooperation and the conditions under which syndicates are stable.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the use, and potential misuse, of the ‘institution’ as a key concept in sociology. The concept of the ‘institution’ is interrogated using ‘family’ as an example and new institutional economics (NIE) as a crucible. The sociological understanding of family as an ‘institution’ is challenged by the distinction between ‘institutions’ and ‘organisations’ in NIE. The blurring of generic non-sociological terms with critical sociological concepts causes confusion between institutions and organisations. This is highly problematic for understanding social change in increasingly complex systems. I conclude that the contextual embedding of sociological concepts remains important to the appropriate use of the term ‘institution’ in the social sciences.  相似文献   

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