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以“爱情”为主题的童书不胜枚举,不免令人困惑:“儿童也有爱情吗”?通过阅读相关童书并分析其中所蕴含的儿童爱情观,结合现实生活中儿童“爱情”的表现,可以发现:儿童的“爱情”虽受成人文化的影响,但与“早恋”、“性”等无关,而是孩子向他人表达的真诚而美好的善意。所以,当成人面对儿童的“爱情”时,应转变观念,正视儿童的“爱情”;可以借助童书,守护儿童美好的情感;也要身体力行,引导儿童学会爱。  相似文献   

当幼儿教师和家长遇到儿童的争宠行为时,通常会认为他们看到儿童的纠缠、竞争、嫉妒、哭闹等现象就是儿童争宠行为本身。从现象学的视角看,儿童争宠行为在本源上是儿童正在以排他性方式获得“爱”的感受、驱散其内心焦虑与恐慌的情感体验。通过对案例的现象学分析与教育者生活体验的反思,理解儿童争宠行为之意义,以期更好引导学前儿童形成自我认同。  相似文献   

通过在厦门市的调研发现,新时期城市女性非正规就业表现出年轻化、白领化、社会参与意识较强且有正规化预期等新特点。现行的就业和福利政策都未能关注到这个群体的成长和变化,对年轻女性非正规就业人员存在保障失灵的问题。同时,制度性的就业保护和非制度性的"职场规范"等原因导致的正规就业"高门槛",加速了年轻女性就业的非正规化趋势,且由于女性就业非正规化会形成一个自我加强的机制,从而可能将女性固化在非正规就业轨道。基于此,提出重塑职场文化,降低女性正规就业的门槛;改变非正规就业"低下"的标签,加大对非正规就业的保护力度;规避妇女福利对女性就业的负外部性,优先发展儿童福利等政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外学者陆续利用系统功能语言学解读和批评文学作品,使文学评论建立在更加客观的基础上。文章以《所罗门之歌》的追寻主题为研究对象,通过对文本中展现人物回归和人物终结的话语片断的及物性分析,阐释了属于同一层次的及物性过程所达到的主题意义,重读了奶娃在女性引导下的“腾飞”、女性在父权社会压迫下的觉醒及黑人中产阶级在白人主流文化下的精神危机。分析表明,奶娃并非是小说中唯一一个在追寻中获利的主人公。黑人要获得真正的飞翔和成长,必须回归黑人社区、认同黑人文化,撇弃黑人民族文化的黑人必将沦为社区“弃儿”。   相似文献   

利用2013和2015年中国健康与养老追踪调查数据,基于“健康资本模型”和“社会支持理论”提出研究假说,分别从情景记忆得分、精神状态得分和抑郁状况得分三个角度探析了子女照料对农村失能老年人精神健康的影响及作用机理。结果表明,子女照料对农村失能老年人精神健康有积极影响,这种影响会随照料强度的增加而有所变化且对女性和中西部的农村失能老年人影响更大;进一步的中介效应检验表明,子女照料可以通过增加老年人参加社会活动和进行身体锻炼的机会以及提高对子女的满意度来改善其精神健康。因此,有效利用以子女为主的家庭养老资源,构建以家庭照料为基础的多元供给服务体系,有助于提升农村失能老年人精神健康水平,助推“健康老龄化”。  相似文献   

失独群体是中国一个特殊的群体,在经历了丧子之痛后即将步入暮年的他们,面临着重重困境。目前对于失独群体的相关政策不统一、政策定位“瞄不准”,对失独者的扶助存在“一刀切”的问题。未考虑到这一群体需求的差异性和层次性,既不能很好地满足受助者的实际需求,又造成了巨大的资源浪费。文章在实地调研和问卷调查的基础上,详尽阐述了失独者在经济、精神、养老等方面需求的差异性,提出了建立“供需对口”的瞄准机制的政策建议。为研究失独群体需求提供了新的视角。   相似文献   

The analysis of labour supply involves two issues: whether individuals participate in the labour market and, if they do, for how many hours. In this article we investigate the differences in labour supply of married women and cohabiting women in the Netherlands; we try to answer the question how these differences can be explained. From this study, it can be concluded that differences between both categories of women in participation and in weekly hours worked can predominantly be explained by differences in characteristics (e.g. age, net wage rate, and age of children), than by differences in behaviour. The empirical results indicate that cohabiting women are more economically independent than married women. However for married women we found evidence that there was increased economic independence during the eighties; i.e. their weekly hours work has become less affected by the income of their partners.  相似文献   

2021年1月初,新冠肺炎疫情在我国多地零星散发,各地陆续发出就地过年的倡议。基于手机信令大数据的分析表明,就地过年政策会鼓励人们择期返乡:2021年春节返乡人数仅是2019年同期的45%,清明返乡人数则达到2019年的1.76倍,二者存在替代效应,且返乡地远的人2021年更倾向选择清明返乡。此外,就地过年政策中的现金类激励政策效应显著,其他类政策则不然。因此,可从需求端入手探讨缓解春运压力的可能途径,以及解决我国城镇化过程中体制性问题和矛盾的可能方案。  相似文献   

青年毛泽东的主体性教育思想是毛泽东教育思想的重要组成部分,它旨在救亡图存、强国新民,主张“三育并重、身心并完”,学习与劳动相结合,以及“自动学习、自力研究”。青年毛泽东与众多爱国青年一道,以工读新村建设为契机,为主体性教育思想的探索作出重要的贡献。青年毛泽东的主体性教育思想的“参与、激励和增能”三个特质对于理解“中国梦”的“凝聚中国力量”具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

We examine how strongly fertility trends respond to family policies in OECD countries. In the light of the recent fertility rebound observed in several OECD countries, we empirically test the impact of different family policy instruments on fertility, using macro panel data from 18 OECD countries that spans the years 1982–2007. Our results confirm that each instrument of the family policy package (paid leave, childcare services and financial transfers) has a positive influence on average, suggesting that the combination of these forms of support for working parents during their children’s early years is likely to facilitate parents’ choice to have children. Policy levers do not all have the same weight, however: in-cash benefits covering childhood after the year of childbirth and the provision of childcare services for children under age three have a larger potential influence on fertility than leave entitlements and benefits granted around childbirth. Moreover, we find that the influence of each policy measure varies across different family policy contexts. Our findings are robust after controlling for birth postponement, endogeneity, time-lagged fertility reactions and for different aspects of national contexts, such as female labour market participation, unemployment, labour market protection and the proportion of children born out of marriage.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyze how the gender division of labour has been embodied in the social expectation of women’s roles in urban settings, mainly with respect to married people in contemporary Japan. Especially among Japanese feminist researchers it is much discussed how gender role consciousness and the traditional division of labour have fettered the behaviour of the Japanese—both men and women. I start my discussion by examining the distinction between public and private spheres that seems to be used in different ways by researchers. The gender division of labour functions as a “vicious circle” in hindering possibilities for change, making it more difficult for women to obtain the same primary positions in working life as men and, at the same time, preventing men from enjoying family life as much as women.  相似文献   

以泉州市刺桐幼儿园为例,将木偶特色文化融合于幼儿园美育环境创设之中,对幼儿进行审美教育并增强其对传统文化的了解,并指出幼儿园美育环境创设可以采取以下四个行动策略:整体规划,创设“偶意”环境;挖掘内涵,营造“偶情”环境;丰富感受,搭架“偶动”环境;释放潜能,共创“偶育”环境。  相似文献   

As the populations of industrialized countries become progressively older, it becomes increasing apparent that traditional social security systems will have to be modified. This has sparked many questions about the future of social security systems. How can social security adapt to chaning family structures and the expected increase in retirees in a way not discriminating between men and women? to what extent will policy interventions impact differently on men and women? What is “fair” in terms of future pension contributions and benefits? This article attempts to address these questions. It reviews the main policy reforms countries have undertaken to address the long-life society challenge, considers the gender impact of such reforms and identifies the key questions policy-makers need to grapple with in ensuring fairness of outcome for men and women.  相似文献   

以雅安市城区0-3岁婴幼儿家长为研究对象,通过问卷调查了解其育儿观念及困惑。研究结果显示:家长有着较为科学的儿童发展观,但是缺乏全面的认识;具有初步的早教意识和平等的亲子关系,育儿知识获取途径多样,但是教育内容不均衡;对子女有着较高的成才期望,在职业定向上呈现“求稳”心态;碎片化、情绪化的育儿信息和育儿过程中的知行不一是导致家长陷入困惑的主要原因。建议构建以社区为主导的家庭早期教育服务指导体系、引导和规范新媒体科学育儿理念的传播、鼓励幼儿园开展亲职教育等措施。  相似文献   

从“红楼三钗”到现代女性形象之塑立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“红楼三钗”(薛宝钗、林黛玉、史湘云)是一组既有异同但又富有艺术生命力的古典悲剧才女,以中华传统文化与女性观的视角来解读,可领略人生另一层面的生命味道。在崇尚女性主义的“她时代”,在“野蛮”“性自由”被少数人当作新女性标签的时下,“红楼三钗”身上所具备的淑女气质和风范,具有特殊的时代意义。现代女性当学习借鉴“红楼三钗”以解析这个时代所流行与负载的东西;新生代“红楼三钗”当用心灵来化解情感困扰以建构生命坐标;时代呼唤新新“红楼三钗”——现代淑女,有独立人格且能不断反省,在事业和家庭中领悟多元化的人生价值。  相似文献   

中小学总有教育家长的冲动,这种冲动表现在"家长执照""家长学校"等所谓创新上。家庭比学校古老得多,家长过去一直主导着子女的教育,但如今家庭、家长的教育地位前所未有的下降。中小学及其教师教育家长的冲动正是家庭、家长教育地位下降的反映。问题不是不能教育家长,而是谁有资格教育家长。家长教育属于成人教育、非正规教育,只有成人教育机构才有教育家长的资格与能力。对中小学及其教师来说,家庭、家长是与他们处在平行位置的平等教育主体,是合作的对象,不是教育的对象。中小学及其教师从事的是基础教育,不是成人教育,不具备教育家长的资格与能力。越界而教,不但无益,反而有害,包括削弱家长的教育能力,放大学校教育体系的缺陷等。  相似文献   

随着儿童哲学在幼儿园的深入推广,其与幼儿园中常用教学策略的结合有待进一步加强;同时,儿童哲学传统中单纯强调“对话”的“探究团体”面临着难以持续吸引幼儿参与、忽视幼儿的情感及忽视幼儿除口头语言之外的多种表征等问题。因此,为解决儿童哲学在幼儿园应用过程中存在的困难,笔者结合幼儿园教师在实践中常用到的戏剧教学策略,将教育戏剧引入儿童哲学中,通过论述教育戏剧与儿童哲学在理论基础、教学法属性(目标、内容、教师与幼儿的角色)方面的天然联结,及教育戏剧融入儿童哲学的五方面意义:扩展幼儿表现自我的方式、帮助幼儿理解儿童哲学活动的规则、为参与者营造安全的氛围、更好地处理讨论中出现的突发情况、实现从“认知”到“实践”的转变,进而提出教育戏剧融入儿童哲学的两条路径:“肢体与声音的表达”在儿童哲学中的应用及“戏剧策略”在儿童哲学中的应用,最后阐述了教育戏剧在儿童哲学中应用的局限与展望。  相似文献   

中小学总有教育家长的冲动,这种冲动表现在"家长执照""家长学校"等所谓创新上。家庭比学校古老得多,家长过去一直主导着子女的教育,但如今家庭、家长的教育地位前所未有的下降。中小学及其教师教育家长的冲动正是家庭、家长教育地位下降的反映。问题不是不能教育家长,而是谁有资格教育家长。家长教育属于成人教育、非正规教育,只有成人教育机构才有教育家长的资格与能力。对中小学及其教师来说,家庭、家长是与他们处在平行位置的平等教育主体,是合作的对象,不是教育的对象。中小学及其教师从事的是基础教育,不是成人教育,不具备教育家长的资格与能力。越界而教,不但无益,反而有害,包括削弱家长的教育能力,放大学校教育体系的缺陷等。  相似文献   

仪式结构可以说是典礼的“基因排列”。在以冠婚丧祭为代表的传统人生四礼中,婚礼是唯一一个由主体本身自主完成的典礼。从结构学的角度来观察,传统婚礼的六礼可以纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期五个环节为阈限前的分隔环节,以亲迎为阈限环节,而以成妇、成婿为阈限后的聚合环节。这些环节在古今殊域的践行中有着复杂的仪式呈现,其中又以阈限亲迎的仪式结构最为丰富。从主体及其对境的表征来说,亲迎的仪式结构可以分为五个节点:家、庭、门、车、路。其中家又是由室、堂、庙三个节点构成,新郎、新娘通过五个节点的往返出入建构起亲迎的“神圣时空”,并在此时空的对境中通过彼此以及与双方父母、祖神和天地人之间的沟通融合仪式,完成“继后世”“合二姓之好”和“事宗庙”的婚礼目的。在这一过程中,隐在的深层礼义认同与显现的表层礼仪表达共同构建了传统婚礼仪式结构的基本范式。  相似文献   

There have been many studies of how the number of children in a family affects the parents’ or the children’s lives. One strand of this research focuses on the implications of fertility for the parents’ level of self-reported well-being or happiness. It is argued in this paper that an overall “happiness effect” is not very informative because of the presumably large variation in individuals’ perceived gains from having children. Furthermore, it is explained that such an effect would be difficult to estimate. Most importantly, the highly varying ideas about how a child will affect life quality are important for the decision about whether to have a child. Many of those who have few or no children have chosen this because they think their life will be best this way, and their happiness therefore tells us little about how happy their more fertile counterparts—who to a large extent have different views about the consequences of childbearing—would have been if they had few or no children. This estimation problem that arises when effects of a certain event (here childbearing) are heterogeneous, and the individuals who experience that event tend to be among those for whom the effects are particularly positive or negative, is acknowledged in the treatment effect literature. However, there is little consciousness about it in the fertility–happiness research. In addition, there is a more “standard” selection problem: factors with implications for childbearing desires, or for the chance of fulfilling these, may also affect or be linked to happiness for other reasons. Unfortunately, even the most advanced statistical approaches that have been used in this research area fail to handle all these problems, so reported results should be interpreted very cautiously.  相似文献   

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