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For a confidence interval (L(X),U(X)) of a parameter θ in one-parameter discrete distributions, the coverage probability is a variable function of θ. The confidence coefficient is the infimum of the coverage probabilities, inf  θ P θ (θ∈(L(X),U(X))). Since we do not know which point in the parameter space the infimum coverage probability occurs at, the exact confidence coefficients are unknown. Beside confidence coefficients, evaluation of a confidence intervals can be based on the average coverage probability. Usually, the exact average probability is also unknown and it was approximated by taking the mean of the coverage probabilities at some randomly chosen points in the parameter space. In this article, methodologies for computing the exact average coverage probabilities as well as the exact confidence coefficients of confidence intervals for one-parameter discrete distributions are proposed. With these methodologies, both exact values can be derived.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a general class of skew two-piece skew-normal distributions, denoted by GSTPSN1, λ2, ρ). We derive its moment generating function and discuss some simple and interesting properties of this distribution. We then discuss the modes of these distributions and present a useful representation theorem as well. Next, we focus on a different generalization of the two-piece skew-normal distribution which is a symmetric family of distributions and discuss some of its properties. Finally, three well-known examples are used to illustrate the practical usefulness of this family of distributions.  相似文献   

We introduce a new family of skew-normal distributions that contains the skew-normal distributions introduced by Azzalini (Scand J Stat 12:171–178, 1985), Arellano-Valle et al. (Commun Stat Theory Methods 33(7):1465–1480, 2004), Gupta and Gupta (Test 13(2):501–524, 2008) and Sharafi and Behboodian (Stat Papers, 49:769–778, 2008). We denote this distribution by GBSN n 1, λ2). We present some properties of GBSN n 1, λ2) and derive the moment generating function. Finally, we use two numerical examples to illustrate the practical usefulness of this distribution.  相似文献   

We consider the situation where one wants to maximise a functionf(θ,x) with respect tox, with θ unknown and estimated from observationsy k . This may correspond to the case of a regression model, where one observesy k =f(θ,x k )+ε k , with ε k some random error, or to the Bernoulli case wherey k ∈{0, 1}, with Pr[y k =1|θ,x k |=f(θ,x k ). Special attention is given to sequences given by , with an estimated value of θ obtained from (x1, y1),...,(x k ,y k ) andd k (x) a penalty for poor estimation. Approximately optimal rules are suggested in the linear regression case with a finite horizon, where one wants to maximize ∑ i=1 N w i f(θ, x i ) with {w i } a weighting sequence. Various examples are presented, with a comparison with a Polya urn design and an up-and-down method for a binary response problem.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of obtaining a confidence interval for some function g(θ) of an unknown parameter θ, for which a (1-α)-confidence interval is given. If g(θ) is one-to-one the solution is immediate. However, if g is not one-to-one the problem is more complex and depends on the structure of g. In this note the situation where g is a nonmonotone convex function is considered. Based on some inequality, a confidence interval for g(θ) with confidence level at least 1-α is obtained from the given (1-α) confidence interval on θ. Such a result is then applied to the n(μ, σ 2) distribution with σ known. It is shown that the coverage probability of the resulting confidence interval, while being greater than 1-α, has in addition an upper bound which does not exceed Θ(3z1−α/2)-α/2.  相似文献   

In this article, we obtain the UMVUE of the reliability function ξ=P(Y>X) and the UMVUE of ξ k =[P(Y>X)] k in the two-parameter exponential distributions with known scale parameters. We also derive the distribution of the UMVUE of ξ and further considering the tests of hypotheses regarding the reliability function ξ.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for model fitting and inference in the context of Bayesian models of the type f(Y | X,θ)f(X|θ)f(θ), where Y is the (set of) observed data, θ is a set of model parameters and X is an unobserved (latent) stationary stochastic process induced by the first order transition model f(X (t+1)|X (t),θ), where X (t) denotes the state of the process at time (or generation) t. The crucial feature of the above type of model is that, given θ, the transition model f(X (t+1)|X (t),θ) is known but the distribution of the stochastic process in equilibrium, that is f(X|θ), is, except in very special cases, intractable, hence unknown. A further point to note is that the data Y has been assumed to be observed when the underlying process is in equilibrium. In other words, the data is not collected dynamically over time. We refer to such specification as a latent equilibrium process (LEP) model. It is motivated by problems in population genetics (though other applications are discussed), where it is of interest to learn about parameters such as mutation and migration rates and population sizes, given a sample of allele frequencies at one or more loci. In such problems it is natural to assume that the distribution of the observed allele frequencies depends on the true (unobserved) population allele frequencies, whereas the distribution of the true allele frequencies is only indirectly specified through a transition model. As a hierarchical specification, it is natural to fit the LEP within a Bayesian framework. Fitting such models is usually done via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). However, we demonstrate that, in the case of LEP models, implementation of MCMC is far from straightforward. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a methodology to implement MCMC for LEP models. We demonstrate our approach in population genetics problems with both simulated and real data sets. The resultant model fitting is computationally intensive and thus, we also discuss parallel implementation of the procedure in special cases.  相似文献   

i , i = 1, 2, ..., k be k independent exponential populations with different unknown location parameters θ i , i = 1, 2, ..., k and common known scale parameter σ. Let Y i denote the smallest observation based on a random sample of size n from the i-th population. Suppose a subset of the given k population is selected using the subset selection procedure according to which the population π i is selected iff Y i Y (1)d, where Y (1) is the largest of the Y i 's and d is some suitable constant. The estimation of the location parameters associated with the selected populations is considered for the squared error loss. It is observed that the natural estimator dominates the unbiased estimator. It is also shown that the natural estimator itself is inadmissible and a class of improved estimators that dominate the natural estimator is obtained. The improved estimators are consistent and their risks are shown to be O(kn −2). As a special case, we obtain the coresponding results for the estimation of θ(1), the parameter associated with Y (1). Received: January 6, 1998; revised version: July 11, 2000  相似文献   

For estimating an unknown parameter θ, we introduce and motivate the use of balanced loss functions of the form Lr, w, d0(q, d)=wr(d0, d)+ (1-w) r(q, d){L_{\rho, \omega, \delta_0}(\theta, \delta)=\omega \rho(\delta_0, \delta)+ (1-\omega) \rho(\theta, \delta)}, as well as the weighted version q(q) Lr, w, d0(q, d){q(\theta) L_{\rho, \omega, \delta_0}(\theta, \delta)}, where ρ(θ, δ) is an arbitrary loss function, δ 0 is a chosen a priori “target” estimator of q, w ? [0,1){\theta, \omega \in[0,1)}, and q(·) is a positive weight function. we develop Bayesian estimators under Lr, w, d0{L_{\rho, \omega, \delta_0}} with ω > 0 by relating such estimators to Bayesian solutions under Lr, w, d0{L_{\rho, \omega, \delta_0}} with ω = 0. Illustrations are given for various choices of ρ, such as absolute value, entropy, linex, and squared error type losses. Finally, under various robust Bayesian analysis criteria including posterior regret gamma-minimaxity, conditional gamma-minimaxity, and most stable, we establish explicit connections between optimal actions derived under balanced and unbalanced losses.  相似文献   

Estimation of a normal mean relative to balanced loss functions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
LetX 1,…,X nbe a random sample from a normal distribution with mean θ and variance σ2. The problem is to estimate θ with Zellner's (1994) balanced loss function, % MathType!End!2!1!, where 0<ω<1. It is shown that the sample mean % MathType!End!2!1!, is admissible. More generally, we investigate the admissibility of estimators of the form % MathType!End!2!1! under % MathType!End!2!1!. We also consider the weighted balanced loss function, % MathType!End!2!1!, whereq(θ) is any positive function of θ, and the class of admissible linear estimators is obtained under such loss withq(θ) =e θ .  相似文献   

Pearn and Chen (1996) considered the process capability index Cpk, and investigated the statistical properties of its natural estimator under various process conditions. Their investigation, however, was restricted to processes with symmetric tolerances. Recently, Pearn and Chen (1998) considered a generalization of Cpk, referred to as C? pk, to cover processes with asymmetric tolerances. They investigated the statistical properties of the natural estimator of C? pk, and obtained the exact formulae for the expected value and variance. In this paper, we consider a new estimator of C? pk, assuming the knowledge on P(LI > T) = p is available, where 0 > p > 1, which can be obtained from historical information of a stable process. We obtain the exact distribution of the new estimator assuming the process characteristic follows the normal distribution. We show that the new estimator is consistent, asymptotically unbiased, which converges to a mixture of two normal distributions. We also show that by adding suitable correction factors to the new estimator, we may obtain the UMVUE and the MLE of the generalization C? pk.  相似文献   

Suppose [^(q)]{\widehat{\theta}} is an estimator of θ in \mathbbR{\mathbb{R}} that satisfies the central limit theorem. In general, inferences on θ are based on the central limit approximation. These have error O(n −1/2), where n is the sample size. Many unsuccessful attempts have been made at finding transformations which reduce this error to O(n −1). The variance stabilizing transformation fails to achieve this. We give alternative transformations that have bias O(n −2), and skewness O(n −3). Examples include the binomial, Poisson, chi-square and hypergeometric distributions.  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of R = P{X < Y}, where X and Y are independent random variables from geometric and exponential distribution, respectively. For complete samples, the MLE of R, its asymptotic distribution, and confidence interval based on it are obtained. The procedure for deriving bootstrap-p confidence interval is presented. The UMVUE of R and UMVUE of its variance are derived. The Bayes estimator of R is investigated and its Lindley's approximation is obtained. A simulation study is performed in order to compare these estimators. Finally, all point estimators for right censored sample from the exponential distribution, are obtained.  相似文献   

Summary This paper deals with the sequential estimation ofq1, ϑ2) when the underlying density function is of the formf(x)=q1, ϑ2)h(x), where ϑ1 and ϑ2 are unknown truncation parameters. We study the sequential properties of the stopping rule and the sequential estimator ofq1, ϑ2). In this study we assume that the sample is type II censored.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate the reliability of a system with k components. The system functions when at least s (1≤s≤k) components survive a common random stress. We assume that the strengths of these k components are subjected to a common stress which is independent of the strengths of these k components. If (X 1,X 2,…,X k ) are strengths of k components subjected to a common stress (Y), then the reliability of the system or system reliability is given byR=P[Y<X (k−s+1)] whereX (k−s+1) is (k−s+1)-th order statistic of (X 1,…,X k ). We estimate R when (X 1,…,X k ) follow an absolutely continuous multivariate exponential (ACMVE) distribution of Hanagal (1993) which is the submodel of Block (1975) and Y follows an independent exponential distribution. We also obtain the asymptotic normal (AN) distribution of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a sequence of independent continuous symmetric random variables X1, X2, …, with heavy-tailed distributions. Then we focus on limiting behavior of randomly weighted averages Sn = R(n)1X1 + ??? + R(n)nXn, where the random weights R(n)1, …, Rn(n) which are independent of X1, X2, …, Xn, are the cuts of (0, 1) by the n ? 1 order statistics from a uniform distribution. Indeed we prove that cnSn converges in distribution to a symmetric α-stable random variable with cn = n1 ? 1/α1/α(α + 1).  相似文献   

The consequences of substituting the denominator Q 3(p)  −  Q 1(p) by Q 2  −  Q 1(p) in Groeneveld’s class of quantile measures of kurtosis (γ 2(p)) for symmetric distributions, are explored using the symmetric influence function. The relationship between the measure γ 2(p) and the alternative class of kurtosis measures κ2(p) is derived together with the relationship between their influence functions. The Laplace, Logistic, symmetric Two-sided Power, Tukey and Beta distributions are considered in the examples in order to discuss the results obtained pertaining to unimodal, heavy tailed, bounded domain and U-shaped distributions. The authors thank the referee for the careful review.  相似文献   

When two‐component parallel systems are tested, the data consist of Type‐II censored data X(i), i= 1, n, from one component, and their concomitants Y [i] randomly censored at X(r), the stopping time of the experiment. Marshall & Olkin's (1967) bivariate exponential distribution is used to illustrate statistical inference procedures developed for this data type. Although this data type is motivated practically, the likelihood is complicated, and maximum likelihood estimation is difficult, especially in the case where the parameter space is a non‐open set. An iterative algorithm is proposed for finding maximum likelihood estimates. This article derives several properties of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) including existence, uniqueness, strong consistency and asymptotic distribution. It also develops an alternative estimation method with closed‐form expressions based on marginal distributions, and derives its asymptotic properties. Compared with variances of the MLEs in the finite and large sample situations, the alternative estimator performs very well, especially when the correlation between X and Y is small.  相似文献   

We consider here a generalization of the skew-normal distribution, GSN(λ1,λ2,ρ), defined through a standard bivariate normal distribution with correlation ρ, which is a special case of the unified multivariate skew-normal distribution studied recently by Arellano-Valle and Azzalini [2006. On the unification of families of skew-normal distributions. Scand. J. Statist. 33, 561–574]. We then present some simple and useful properties of this distribution and also derive its moment generating function in an explicit form. Next, we show that distributions of order statistics from the trivariate normal distribution are mixtures of these generalized skew-normal distributions; thence, using the established properties of the generalized skew-normal distribution, we derive the moment generating functions of order statistics, and also present expressions for means and variances of these order statistics.Next, we introduce a generalized skew-tν distribution, which is a special case of the unified multivariate skew-elliptical distribution presented by Arellano-Valle and Azzalini [2006. On the unification of families of skew-normal distributions. Scand. J. Statist. 33, 561–574] and is in fact a three-parameter generalization of Azzalini and Capitanio's [2003. Distributions generated by perturbation of symmetry with emphasis on a multivariate skew t distribution. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 65, 367–389] univariate skew-tν form. We then use the relationship between the generalized skew-normal and skew-tν distributions to discuss some properties of generalized skew-tν as well as distributions of order statistics from bivariate and trivariate tν distributions. We show that these distributions of order statistics are indeed mixtures of generalized skew-tν distributions, and then use this property to derive explicit expressions for means and variances of these order statistics.  相似文献   

A basic concept for comparing spread among probability distributions is that of dispersive ordering. Let X and Y be two random variables with distribution functions F and G, respectively. Let F −1 and G −1 be their right continuous inverses (quantile functions). We say that Y is less dispersed than X (Y≤ disp X) if G −1(β)−G −1(α)≤F −1(β)−F −1(α), for all 0<α≤β<1. This means that the difference between any two quantiles of G is smaller than the difference between the corresponding quantiles of F. A consequence of Y≤ disp X is that |Y 1Y 2| is stochastically smaller than |X 1X 2| and this in turn implies var(Y)var(X) as well as E[|Y 1Y 2|]≤E[|X 1X 2|], where X 1, X 2 (Y 1, Y 2) are two independent copies of X(Y). In this review paper, we give several examples and applications of dispersive ordering in statistics. Examples include those related to order statistics, spacings, convolution of non-identically distributed random variables and epoch times of non-homogeneous Poisson processes. This work was supported in part by KOSEF through Statistical Research Center for Complex Systems at Seoul National University. Subhash Kochar is thankful to Dr. B. Khaledi for many helpful discussions.  相似文献   

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