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Summary The paper is concerned with the admission process to prison.The paper begins by outlining some of the current views on theeffects of imprisonment and the adjustment of the inmate toprison life. Gofiman in particular has identified the importantpart played by admission procedures in depriving the individualof his personal identity and immersing him in the institutionalsystem.The authors studied the admission procedures at two penalestablishments to see how far these showed the characteristicsdescribed by Gofrman as being 'fairly standard in total institutions'.The paper describes how the study was conducted, and gives anaccount of the admission procedure at the institutions. In theirfindings the authors try to assess the impact of this systemon the inmate, and its significance within the total socialsystem of the institution. The study casts doubt on the generalapplicability of Goffman's hypothesis, but at the same timeshows that the admission procedure has a potential for introducingthe inmate to his new environment in a constructive way, whichis not being realized within the present system  相似文献   

Dominant Western paradigms of the social work profession havelargely failed to integrate Aboriginal traditional knowledgesand practices on healing and helping. This paper contributesto the promotion of a context-based approach to social workin prison by examining Aboriginality from both institutionaland individual points of view. Drawing on documentary analysesand interviews with Aboriginal women prisoners in Canada, thepaper sheds light on the prison’s endorsement of a hegemonicvision of Aboriginality, and on social work practitioners’inclination to adhere to it. Conversely, we argue that Aboriginalwomen prisoners negotiate their passage into prison throughAboriginal self-identification configurations that often havelittle in common with the prison’s vision of Aboriginality.Service delivery in prison may be enhanced by considering individualmodes of resisting identity-based oppression in prison, andby challenging prisons’ master narrative on Aboriginality.  相似文献   

新的牢狱与教育的异化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈振中 《社会》2001,(8):31-33
“大考场”———学历社会面面观中国———考试的故乡 ,曾产生过举世皆知的科举制。一千多年来考试传统绵绵不绝 ,在“文革”期间中断之后 ,这个传统又改头换面、卷土重来。今天的中国社会成了一个“大考场” ,参加人数之多、竞争之激烈、涉及的人群之广、考试的种类之繁、卷入的次数之频、耗费的资本之大以及人们关注的热情之高均前所罕见。从参加的人数看 ,每年国内国外 ,各种类型、各种级别的考试所牵涉的总量在千万以上 ;从考试的种类和名目看 ,可谓数不胜数 :国内的有初中考、高考、硕博考、律考、会计考、公务员考、计算机考等等 ,国…  相似文献   


This study reports on a qualitative national telephone survey with coordinators of 14 prison hospice programs in 11 states. The rationale behind the survey was to learn about interdisciplinary collaboration between social work and criminal justice, using prison hospice as an exemplar of this collaboration. In addition to learning that all prison hospices in the study operate using an interdisciplinary team model and that most report high quality collaboration on the hospice team, the following additional five themes emerged: administrators and wardens are very supportive while correctional staff provides mixed support to team and program; greater collaboration with those outside prison hospice is critical; collaboration through prison hospice has a positive impact on dying prisoners; collaboration through prison hospice has a positive impact on prisoner volunteers; and, collaboration through prison hospice has a positive impact on the entire culture of the prison.  相似文献   

Summary Some findings of a survey into the experiences of men releasedfrom prison are reported, where they relate to their use ofprison welfare and after care services. These are discussedin the context of issues such as through-care, rate of take-up,and the factors which may be influential in determining whethera man makes use of after care on release from prison. It isproposed that for more isolated men the probation service shouldadopt a ‘reaching-out’ strategy.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents some of the results of a Home Office sponsoredresearch project in which men discharged from prison were interviewedbefore and after release. The findings compare pre-arrest andpost-release accommodation and demonstrate than many men arelikely to be in poorer accommodation after release than theywere before arrest.  相似文献   

This study investigates relationships between older prisoners’ social experiences and their levels of distress. One hundred and seventy-three older prisoners (aged ≥ 50 years) from 8 Australian prisons were administered the Kessler Psychological Distress (K10) Scale, with additional information collected via individual interviews. Psychological distress scores were significantly associated with measures of self-reported safety (p < .001), prison victimization (< .05), perceived social support from staff (< .01) and inmates (< .001), current employment (< .05), and level of exercise (< .001) among older inmates. Findings suggest that strategies for improving sense of safety, social support and level of exercise may ameliorate distress among older prisoners.  相似文献   

Correctional institutions are obligated to provide end-of-life care to a population with complex medical needs. Prison hospices are increasingly being formed to address this demand. Few empirical studies have examined the impact of caring for dying inmates on the hospice inmate volunteers, who, in several prison health care systems, provide direct care. In this study, experiences of the inmate hospice volunteers with death were investigated to illuminate their grief processes. Understanding the bereavement needs of hospice volunteers and how prison hospice volunteers navigate grief and remain committed to providing excellent hospice care can inform the grief processes and practices of hospice care professionals.  相似文献   

Summary The role of social workers within the penal system has beenthe subject of much discussion and heart-searching by probationofficers and others since the probation service took on responsibilityfor rilling prison welfare posts in 1966. Many officers havebeen reluctant to undertake secondment as Prison Welfare Officersbecause of the difficulties of applying their social work trainingand experience in a penal setting and their fears of absorptioninto a punishment-oriented culture. This article explores thenature of the stresses involved in the practice of social workin this setting, and argues the case for the positive contributionthat social workers can make, at present often ignored in discussingthe stress and conflict inherent in the situation. Stress, itis argued, may be a necessary function of effective work inthis context, and the attempt to reduce it by giving the PWOa more detailed role definition and a clearer position withinthe prison hierarchy is premature. The role is best definedas it emerges from the experience of good practitioners withinthe setting, a concept which has implications for the choiceof probation officers for this type of work and for their approach.They should be able to see and utilize the opportunities foreffective social work, and incorporate available research ina flexible and imaginative methodology  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This study tested the effectiveness of a therapeutic community (TC) intervention on imprisoned Korean substance abusers. Volunteer participants from 2 Korean prisons were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (n = 24) with the TC intervention or a control group (n = 24) with optional supportive sessions. Pretest and posttest data were collected on measures of abstinence self-efficacy and problem-solving skills. Participants in the TC intervention showed significant increases in abstinence self-efficacy and problem-solving skills, whereas those in the control group did not. The differences in abstinence self-efficacy for the TC were found for 2 of 3 subscales: Problem-Solving Confidence and Approach-Avoidance Style but not Self-Control. Further study is needed to replicate these findings with larger Korean prison populations and to establish the relationship between these skill dimensions and subsequent drug use and criminal recidivism for this population. Nevertheless, the findings suggest potential benefits of using a TC intervention with imprisoned Korean substance abusers.  相似文献   

Recognizing the intent of Affirmative Action to include historically marginalized citizens into institutions of higher learning, we stretch the limits of Affirmative Action to consider the role of higher education in prison. We present empirical findings of a 4-year, qualitative and quantitative participatory action research study of the impact of college in prison. Evidence is drawn from participant observations; individual and focus group interviews with participants of the college program, former inmates, prison administrators, corrections officers, and children of inmates; faculty surveys; and a quantitative analysis of recidivism rates. We address the psychological, academic, and crime-related impacts of higher education on women in prison, and document the benefits of broad-based access for inmates, prison environments, children of prisoners, and society-at-large.  相似文献   

Prisons are increasingly being called upon to provide end-of-life (EOL) care within the restrictive correctional environment. Several relatively recent phenomena have brought medical ethics to the forefront of prison EOL care—including aging behind bars, a paradigm shift in prison culture, the increasing rate of in-prison deaths, and the corresponding prison hospice movement. This article examines prominent ethical issues that emerge for prison personnel who are tasked with providing care to terminally ill offenders by presenting three offender composite characters that exemplify dying offenders and emergent ethical issues surrounding their care. Identification and critical analysis of these ethical issues demonstrate the need for strong commitment to ethical practice and highlights specific issues for prisons to examine in their own EOL care practice.  相似文献   

孔颖 《日本研究》2006,(4):90-95
“觇见监狱之实况,可测其国度之文野。”清末,西方列强以清政府狱制不及西方国家为借口,阻碍清政府与西方列强放弃关于领事裁判权的谈判。为此,许多有识之士走出国门,游历考察西方国家的狱制,以期改革清政府的监狱制度。游历较之留学,是一个新兴的研究领域,其中日本狱制考察与清末狱制改良,更是一个崭新的课题。本文以近六十本东游日记(清末官绅日本考察日记)为第一手资料,着重考察清末新政时期的日本狱制视察之全貌。在上述实证研究的基础上,本文得出一个结论:清政府对日本狱制的考察,在清末狱制改良过程中起到了重要的媒介作用。  相似文献   

In this article the author argues that there was a strengthening optimism about the value of psychological treatment between 1914 and 1939 amongst medical personnel employed by the English Prison Commission. This optimism contrasted with the pessimistic eugenic notion that there was an increasing and unreformable underclass which transmitted its inferior mental and physical characteristics biologically. Prison Commission medical staff became openly critical of eugenic proposals during the interwar years and, advised by a number of its medical personnel such as medical inspector and later Medical Commissioner William Norwood East, the Prison Commission was influenced towards the mental hygienism advocated by a growing number of American and British clinicians. Fherefore the Commission initiated a number of experiments in psychological treatment and psychoanalysis in English prisons.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Shoshana Pollack, Faculty of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5. E-mail: spollack{at}wlu.ca Summary An anti-oppressive practice (AOP) framework emphasizes issuesof power and oppression within the provision of social workservices themselves as well as within the lives of clients whohave been marginalized and oppressed (Preston-Shoot, 1995; Garciaand Melendez, 1997). AOP seeks to deindividualize clients’problems in order to see them within the wider social contextof their lives. In addition, this framework attempts to moveaway from an ‘expert’ model of service deliverytowards one that is more inclusive of clients’ experiencesand that incorporates a recognition of coping and resistenceto oppression. In this paper I discuss how an AOP frameworkcan contribute to our understanding of and interventions withwomen in prison. In particular, I will focus upon how we canbetter understand and respond to women’s mental healthissues and the experience of imprisonment. Peer support servicesare examined as an example of AOP programming for women in prison.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that children with a parent or close relative in prison are more likely to experience educational difficulties, emotional distress, family breakdown and a substantial reduction in family income (Boswell 2002; Smith et al. 2007; Morgan et al. 2013b; Morgan and Gill 2013). Consequently, children with a parent in prison are more likely to require support from statutory services, especially education and social care. However, statutory support for this group of children is sparse, and children of prisoners tend not to be identified as a priority group. The demand on local authorities to spend their limited budgets wisely means tough decisions have to be made. These decisions are not taken in a vacuum: they are taken in a context of local need, consumer representation, central and local politics; underpinned by the values and attitudes of individual members as well as by the ethos or culture of the local authority itself. In this article we apply Axford's typology (2009) of the different cultures which underpin local authority service provision to data from a research study carried out in 2011 in one local authority which explored support provision in schools for children of prisoners. We examine the contradictions and gaps within the local authority's attempts to synergize the different modules of service delivery into a coherent pattern of provision, and we explore how changes in strategic culture might lead to improvements being made in terms of service delivery to this group of ‘vulnerable’ children.  相似文献   

Advance care planning is considered a best practice within health care. However, the extent to which planning occurs within prison settings is unknown. Through the course of implementing an advance care planning (ACP) program for aging and dying offenders at a medical classification center, multiple barriers were identified that need to be addressed systemically to ensure the medical wishes of offenders were known and honored. This article will outline the barriers and the steps that were taken to create systems change to promote and sustain advance care planning.  相似文献   

Drawing on Bevir's (2013) decentered theory of governance, and Donati's (2016) theory of the relational subject, this article explores how User Voice Prison Councils in England have contributed to shifts in aspects of prison governance and practice. It discusses the cultural and policy context in which the Councils emerged and operate before exploring their perceived purposes, dynamics, and effects. User Voice Prison Councils represent an important example of different actors co‐producing alternative patterns of governance through innovations in democratic participation. Interviews with Prison Council participants, User Voice and prison staff revealed that the development of such “bottom–up” participatory governance practices require and restore interpersonal trust, the mechanisms of which are interactions underpinned by a distinct manner of relating and the establishment of a network of relations oriented to the common good. The effects include enhanced institutional legitimacy; improvements in prison officer‐prisoner relations; and greater quality of life for prisoners. Revealing the “how” of co‐production, from the “inside”, the argument advanced here is that while the effects of co‐production may be more ameliorative than transformative, such collaborative and dialogic approaches can enable differently situated people to forge new norms of interactions and forms of democratic participation to achieve collective goals.  相似文献   

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