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加强党的执政能力建设,关键在于加强执政主体建设,提高党员干部特别是领导干部的执政能力和水平。按照十六大和十六届四中全会精神,加强领导干部执政能力建设,必须找准切入点,把握以下五个重点环节,在实践中提高领导干部的领导水平和工作能力。  相似文献   

学习是领导干部提高素质的基本途径,在新的历史时期,领导干部只有不断学习,才能加强知识的积累,实现能力的提高。本文试就领导干部如何把握好学习的强制性和自觉性、学习的阶段性和持久性、读有字之书和读无字之书三个方面的关系,谈几点粗浅的认识。  相似文献   

学习是领导干部提高素质的基本途径,在新的历史时期,领导干部只有不断学习,才能加强知识的积累,实现能力的提高.本文试就领导干部如何把握好学习的强制性和自觉性、学习的阶段性和持久性、读有字之书和读无字之书三个方面的关系,谈几点粗浅的认识.  相似文献   

彭美云 《决策导刊》2005,(12):14-16
创新是社会发展的动力,民族进步的灵魂。中国社会的发展已进入建设社会主义和谐社会的时期,把“和谐社会”的要求贯穿到领导活动之中,领导干部就必须从领导素质、领导方法、领导能力和领导体制诸方面进行创新。  相似文献   

把字音读准是发言、演讲中的最基本要求。尤其是领导干部,由于工作的原因,大会发言、即席演讲的机会比较多,发音不准或者读"白字"不仅会闹笑话,影响发言或者演讲的效果,更直接影响到领导形象甚至组织形象。因此,对讲话、演讲中经常用到的字词,领导干部要放下架子,下功夫认真学习,把音读对、读准,杜绝读错字、念"白字"。在此,特搜集整理领导干部容易读错的字词,陆续刊发,以供参考。  相似文献   

马平轩 《领导科学》2007,(18):38-39
为什么我们党始终高度重视思想理论建设,并要求不断进行理论创新?为什么我们党一贯要求各级领导干部要加强理论学习,努力掌握科学理论,用科学理论武装头脑?这不仅因为思想理论建设是我们党的建设的一  相似文献   

作为一名优秀副职,除具备领导干部应具备的基本素质外,还要按照"三个代表"重要思想的要求,做到道德品质好、专业技能精、大局意识浓、创新精神强.具体到实际工作中,就是要处理好五个关系,增强五种能力.  相似文献   

对领导干部来说,述职是一项经常性的工作,是领导干部接受群众监督、进行自我教育的有效手段,也是领导干部展示自己能力水平和政绩的重要渠道.述职的好坏,直接影响到领导干部的威信和形象,对以后开展工作有非常大的影响.笔者从多年来从事干部工作的实践中体会到,领导干部要述好职,必须做到五忌.  相似文献   

建设学习型政党,是党根据我们目前所面临的新形势而提出的一项战略性任务。争当学习型领导干部,首先需要深刻理解坚持不懈的学习是世界新形势下生存、发展的需要;其次是要着眼于能力培养和工作要求,科学的选择学习内容;最后要努力提升领导干部的学习力,起到事半功倍的效果。“有益家国书多读,无益身心事莫为“,这不仅应当为一般人所记取,更应是领导干部的追求。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义事业是改革创新的事业,建设创新型国家对领导干部的能力提出了新的更高要求.创新能力是领导者必须具备的核心能力,建设创新型国家,必须不断提升领导干部的创新能力.领导干部要具有崇高的理想信念、强烈的事业心、进取心和责任感,要提高思想政治素质,要有扎实的理论功底,要勘于实践锻炼,要尊重群众的首创精神、善于借鉴和总结,要营造良好的创新环境,才能不断地提升自己的创新能力.  相似文献   

管理者激励组合的理论探讨   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
本文主要对管理者实施非物质激励和激励组合进行的研究.首先,论文分析了非物质激励的作用,并提出了计量非物质激励的模型.随后,管理者组合激励模型被建立.在进行了静态分析的基础上,论文对组合激励模型中有关参数的变化含义进行了深入分析,说明了组合激励的意义在于在一定物质条件和激励成本约束下,管理者的效用可以达到最优化.文章最后给出了主要结论.  相似文献   

曾庆红同志在全国干部监督工作会议上强调:"要加强干部监督理论的研究,探索新形势下干部监督工作的特点和规律,为搞好干部监督工作提供理论支持."干部监督工作的理论研究,是党的建设和政权建设理论研究的一个重要方面.开展干部监督工作理论研究,一定要以"三个代表"为指针、为动力,坚持坚定正确的政治方向,在理论和实践的结合上积极探索、深入研究,努力推进新形势下的干部监督工作.  相似文献   

Creating value through outsourcing has emerged as a popular competitive strategy for firms in various industries. In order to survive in the domestic and international marketplaces, firms, especially in developed countries, are seeking opportunities offshore, which is one focus of globalization. Offshore outsourcing has emerged as a popular competitive strategy and emerging markets have become increasingly attractive locations. As firms in developed countries (e.g., the US) continue to face enormous challenges to sustain competitive advantage, outsourcing to emerging markets is becoming an increasingly important source of business renewal and corporate transformation.In spite of the growing strategic significance of sourcing, we have limited knowledge of offshoring and outsourcing to emerging markets. The objectives of this review are fourfold: (1) to provide a better understanding of the concepts of offshoring and outsourcing business models, (2) to discuss relevant theoretical perspectives related to outsourcing, (3) to present a taxonomy of outsourcing strategies drawing on the extant literature, and (4) to discuss public policy implications. Conclusions and direction for future research are provided.  相似文献   

We formally review the Author Affiliation Index (AAI) method as originally conceived by David Harless and Robert J. Reilly from the Economics Department at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Business and as subsequently developed and interpreted by Gorman and Kanet in their 2005 article. Through this formal review, we first highlight and discuss two important informational inputs that can impact the stability of the AAI scores for journals in any given set of to‐be‐evaluated journals. We then identify and challenge interpretations related to these scores (one theoretical, one statistical) offered by Gorman and Kanet that result in misleading conclusions about journal quality and that may potentially motivate inappropriate editorial behavior. For important professional decisions of hiring, performance evaluation, promotion, and tenure, we conclude by cautioning against sole reliance on the AAI method for ranking journals and against exclusive interpretation of the score computed via the AAI method as an indicator of journal quality.  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部于2004年8月24日在北京西郊宾馆召开了第二届第一次专家咨询委员会扩大会议。会议主题是“管理科学‘十一五’发展战略研究和优先资助领域”。莅会专家有郭重庆院士、刘源张院士、汪应洛院士、王众托院士、方新研究员、陈荣秋教授、乌家培研究员、任若恩教授、于景元研究员、李善同研究员、陈国青教授。经过认真、热烈的讨论,在主要问题上达成共识:  相似文献   

激励合约线性结构的行为合约理论解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合约理论继承了经济学传统自利偏好假设,却忽略了公平偏好等行为心理因素。为此,在借鉴行为经济学描述公平偏好的FS模型基础上,把公平偏好引入最优激励合约设计的标准框架,以行为合约理论为工具,通过建立离散产出和离散努力模型,研究设计公平偏好下的最优激励合约。分析结果发现,引入公平偏好之后的一级最优和二级最优激励合约都是线性结构的,并且其斜率会随着公平偏好增强而增大,但不会超过0.5。这不但得到了线性结构的激励合约,而且得到了与实证研究结论相一致的关于激励合约斜率性质的理论分析结果,从而为激励合约线性结构提供了一种较合理的理论解释。  相似文献   

While many studies deal with comparative public sector reform, the fundamental question of whether and to what extent states are actually able to abolish parts of their administrative structure remains untackled. Despite some efforts to solve this puzzle, the topic remains underestimated. This article identifies the main conceptual and theoretical problems associated with existent research on the termination of public organizations. Furthermore, the article systemizes various causal factors of termination into two broad dimensions: “organizational stickiness” and “political incentives.” Taken together, these constitute a typology, which is able to guide future empirical investigation of the termination of public organizations.
Christoph KnillEmail:

Christian Adam   has received his B.A. in Politics and Public Administration from University of Konstanz. Michael W. Bauer   is Assistant Professor of Comparative Public Policy and Administration. Christoph Knill   is Professor of Comparative Public Policy and Administration. Philipp Studinger   is Student of Politics and Public Administration from the University of Konstanz.  相似文献   

通过考虑第一大股东监管行为选择和股权制衡对第一大股东行为所施加的约束,扩展了La Porta等提出的关于大股东行为影响公司价值的分析模型。新的模型将大股东行为对企业价值的正负作用以及不同股权结构对其行为选择的影响置于统一框架中,运用数学推理和比较静态分析方法得出企业股权结构对于公司价值影响的一系列命题。研究结果表明,公司价值与非第一大股东所持股权的集中度和法律环境对中小股东的保护程度正相关;在无进一步假设的情况下,公司价值与第一大股东持股份额无确定性的单调关系;当第二大股东持股份额超过某一临界点时,其对第一大股东的有效股权制衡有利于公司价值的提升。现有的众多实证研究结果与上述理论推断的结论基本吻合。  相似文献   

The New York City 9/11 terrorist attacks urged people from academia as well as from industry to pay more attention to operational security research. The required focus in this type of research is human intention. Unlike safety‐related accidents, security‐related accidents have a deliberate nature, and one has to face intelligent adversaries with characteristics that traditional probabilistic risk assessment techniques are not capable of dealing with. In recent years, the mathematical tool of game theory, being capable to handle intelligent players, has been used in a variety of ways in terrorism risk assessment. In this article, we analyze the general intrusion detection system in process plants, and propose a game‐theoretical model for security management in such plants. Players in our model are assumed to be rational and they play the game with complete information. Both the pure strategy and the mixed strategy solutions are explored and explained. We illustrate our model by an illustrative case, and find that in our case, no pure strategy but, instead, a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium exists.  相似文献   

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