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李亮  王晓强 《学术界》2012,(1):279-283
The proposition"Marxism in China"has experienced an evolutionary process.Mao Zedong officially proposed it on the Sixth Plenum of the6th CPC Central Committee and withdrew it on the Seventh National People’s Congress.He tended to use"The Universal Truth of Marxism with China’s  相似文献   

刘剑英 《阴山学刊》2011,(2):114-115
Input plays an important part in the acquisition of second language.This report will just focus on Krashen's Input Hypothesis and Long's Interaction Hypothesis concerning input.First a summary will be made about the two theories,and then the writer will make a comparison between the two.This report will conclude with the writer's observations of how her thinking about 'input' has been clarified in the process of preparing and writing this report.  相似文献   

潘若芸 《阴山学刊》2010,23(3):116-119
The diversity present in every aspect of American life is an inevitable consequence of its muhicuharal society. Schools across the country are a reflection of what is, and always has been, an ever changing demographic constitution. Classroom teachers, especially teachers who have no teaching experience in the country, face a stiff challenge of teaching all students, regardless of their backgrounds. As a Chinese guest teacher in the States, I learn- ed that the "growing - up" of a teacher requires positive changes in three areas : knowledge, attitudes and skills. Support from administrators is also vital in the "growing- up" process.  相似文献   

冯平 《阴山学刊》2011,(5):63-66
The term "Other" is a key concept in the framework of postcolonialism.This paper attempts to analyze the native black people’s role-"the Other" in the process of colonization.The British writer Doris Lessing finds the unltimate expression in her first novel The Grass Is Singing.With the settlement of the colonizers,the South Africa has been rendered by the white colonizers as "the Other World" and the native people are regarded as "the Other" who are degraded into unspeakable animals by white people.  相似文献   

On the Islamization of Central Asia Lan Qi (1) Abstract: The ages from llth century to the early 13th century is the period of Islamization of Cen- tral Asia. From 7th century to 8th century, Islami...  相似文献   

Xunzi's Position on the Issue of Human Nature - -A Concurrent Discussion on Three Realms of Human Nature Development ,Some Views on the Promotion of XinjiangS Leap Forward in Development and Its Long -term Sta- bility - -Grasping the Spirit of the Central Work Conference on Xinjiang's Development,On Public Opinion Security in the Internet Age and Social Stability in Ethnic Minority Frontier Areas of Western China  相似文献   

Ma Yuli 《学术界》2015,(1):271-275
Coke was undoubtedly a milestone in the history of the legal thoughts in Britain and even in the whole western world.Coke stressed the restriction of royalty and the suprem e status of the common law.In the British Parliament’s struggle against the monarchy in the 17th century,he put forward the creative constitutional ideas about independence of judges and judicial review,advocating the protection of due process and the civil rights,which provided valuable ideological inspiration especially for the development of judicial review and the due process in the U.S.C onstitution.Just as the saying goes,"the old farmland would grow out new grain",looking back on traditional legal thoughts is im portant to the construction of a legal country for the present China.  相似文献   

Putting People and Their Prosperity at the Forefront: Concept of Core Values in Modernization Yang Naichu ( 1 )
Abstract:After expounding the classics of Marxism and the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the author holds that putting people and their prosperity at the forefront is the views of core values of Marxism, noumenal request of socialist practice and the core of socialist value system, so it becomes the concept of core value during the process of modernization in China.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.Introduction In 1978,under the re-emerging leadership of Deng Xiaoping,China began its economic reform and opened up to the outside world.Since then,the Chinese economy has been significantly modernised.The Chinese banking industry has been one of the first industries to participate in economic reform.As a key component of the national economy and taking a dominant role in China' s financial market,the Chinese banking industry has received much attention.Four SOCBs,in particular,ABC,BOC,CCB and ICBC still perform the most significant role in the domestic financial landscape,representing more than half of the total assets and total liabilities in the entire banking system.[1]Thus,the discussion below will focus on China' s four SOCBs.  相似文献   

Shanghaiology,originated in the 1980s,has attracted the public' s eyes by "Imaginary Shanghai" instead of "Realistic Shanghai".Translate this into terms of literature and you get this:"Shanghai Literature" has been replaced by "Literary Shanghai".Therefore," Literary Shanghai" has been put forward in this article in order to further the relationship between Shanghai and literature and offer an effective model.  相似文献   

3G (third generation), a new dynamic load-balancing algorithm is proposed. It bases on dynamic feedback and imports the increment for admitting new request into the load forecast. It dynamically adjusts the dispatching probability according to the remainder process capability of each node. Experiments on the per- formance of algorithm have been carried out in GMLC and the algorithm is compared with Pick-KX algorithm and DFB (Dynamic FeedBack) algorithm in average throughput  相似文献   

Hard Construction and Development of 60 Years to Create Great Achievements and Accumulate Experiences
--To Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of Chinese Republic of China
Chen Dunshan (Party Committee's Department of Propaganda, Tibet Nationalities Institute, 712082)
Abstract: Since the founding of the Chinese Republic of China, Chinese people have overcome all various hardships to boost the socialist modern construction under the shrewd leadership of Chinese Communist Party. During this process, China has achieved much in all aspects including economy, politics and culture, the living standard of all ethnics has improved a lot, our country's international position and influence grows much, the unity cause gets better and the successful practice of the socialist construction greatly promotes the international communist activity. Meanwhile, this process of 60 years also makes itself valuable experience for the socialist construction.  相似文献   

2013年6月7日到12日,第四届"中国与中亚的东方教会"(the Church of East in China and Central Asia)国际学术研讨会在奥地利萨尔兹堡举行,来自中国、奥地利、德国、美国、英国、澳大利亚、土耳其等10个国家的40多名学者与会,提交并讨论了40余篇论文和报告.  相似文献   

The higher education administration system in China has been a central theme in the reform and development of our country’s higher education. In the past two decades,deviation from reform goals, absence of reform participants, vagueness of reform approaches and other problems have occurred despite the significant effects gained through constant innovations in the reform under the guidance of government policies. For the purpose of better reforming the higher education administration system, the concept of ruling by law, or that of managing the university by law, should be applied. The key is to rationalize the relationship between government and higher institutions as well as to fully exercise the autonomous management of universities and colleges in order to achieve an overall reform of higher education administration system that is conducted from within and without.  相似文献   

Inner- Party Election and Inner- Party Democracy;Excess Liquidity: An Interpretation Based on the Structural Imbalances;Three Border Divisions between China and Central Asian States;Coexistence and Win - Win Situation: Construction and Practice of Symbiotic Development Model of Ethnic Groups;On Ethical Personality and Legal Personality: the Legitimacy of Civil Subject;  相似文献   

Thomas Pikettys Methodology and Theory on Capital in the Twenty--First Century
Abstract: Thomas Piketty's research on capital in the 21st century mainly has made some a- nalysis on the accumulation and distribution of wealth in Europe and America in the past 250 years. His conclusion is that social inequality will intensify when the income value by capital grows faster than the value of economic growth and human capital was defeated by financial cap- ital and real estate capital. Inequality is not coincidental but an internal logic of capitalism. If the capitalism system is not changed, the meritocratic value which is capitalism faith will be under punch, and the capitalism democratic order and so--called "justice" will be threatened.  相似文献   

1.Introduction Since 1980s criticism around canon formation has been characterized with two different controversies.Critics like Harold Bloom hold that cannon formation is defined by aesthetic quality of literary works,epitomizing the willpower and aesthetic standards while others like John Guillory believe that canon formation is a constructive process,determined by an assortment of sociocultural factors.The former is concerned with "canonicity" of literary works,underscoring the necessity and irreplaceability,i.e.,aesthetic quality of literary works.  相似文献   

The enlightenment of modern education in China was in the late Qing Dynasty, and it was originated from the Tibetan schools in the area of Western Sichuan. This paper tries to provide a review of the Tibetan schools' establishment, development and evolution, and to explore its unique role in the social and historical process at the time.  相似文献   

Lin Xiaowen 《学术界》2015,(1):266-270
According to the basic principles of institutional economics,the Constitutional system is the underlying causes to promote the economic development.The CPC Central Committee is the source of motivation to promote economic development by the startup mechanism of Constitution am endment,and the political interpretation of the Constitution is the basic way to promote economic development.The economic development in China has challenged the Constitutional system,calling for the appropriate adjustments to the Constitutional system so as to maintain the sustainable and stable development of the economy in China.  相似文献   

The certification test for English teachers in a certain state asked candidates to identify the name of the frog in Mark Twain's "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County." If students answered this question correctly and said, Dan'l Webster, does this mean that these students would be prepared for the teaching field? Conversely, if students answered this question incorrectly, does this mean they were ill - prepared for becoming teachers? Can such an irrelevant question really point to the knowledge and abilities of future teachers? Hardly, use of unimportant questioning such as this illustrates the main problem with using a multiple choice format when assessing students. Trivial items such as names of animals and other insignificant information are often given priority over their significance in the story simply because students are not able to demonstrate what they really know in narrative form (Smagorinsky, 2002).  相似文献   

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