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对北京市流动人口聚居区治理的再思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过拆除违章建筑的城市改造办法以压缩流动人口聚居区人口规模,遏制公共安全隐患,是各地城市政府治理“城中村”的通常措施,北京也不例外,但多年实践证明成效甚微。本文从北京的实际出发,通过分析流动人口聚居区对当地政府和村民的积极作用、流动人口融入当地社会的有利条件,指出流动人口聚居区治理需要管理制度的创新,同时提出了标本兼治、拆建结合等建议。  相似文献   

论违章建筑侵害赔偿   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
违章建筑建造人对违章建筑不享有任何权利,只是一种占有事实;对侵害违章建筑的行为,违章建筑建造人只能提起占有之诉,而不能提起基于所有权的诉讼;对侵占违章建筑的,可以请求侵权人返还原物,毁损违章建筑的,却只能请求损害赔偿,而不能请求恢复原状。侵害了违章建筑人对违章建筑的占有而导致违章建筑人不能使用、收益的可得利益损失,则不应承担赔偿责任。  相似文献   

沈莹  李志民 《唐都学刊》2010,26(3):67-70
根据对西安市西八里村调查数据的统计分析,对城中村外来人口特征、居住现状、居住履历及居住意向等进行了研究。结果表明,对于外来人口而言,城中村不仅是其进入城市首选的居住地,而且还是其中一部分人工作和生活的场所。鉴于此,在我国目前的社会经济背景下,建议在进行城中村改造时应充分关注城中村外来人口这一群体特殊的居住与生存权益问题。  相似文献   

邵任薇  王桢桢 《探求》2013,(5):26-31
城中村是中国城市化背景下出现的特殊的城市包围农村的现象.学术界对这一特殊的现象的研究主要集中在城市规划、法律、社会学和管理学等领域.自主与镶嵌理论作为探讨城中村特定场域内政府、村集体和村民互动关系的新视角,有助于考察城中村改造中利益相关方的行为策略.  相似文献   

在行政主管机关对违章建筑未做出认定及处罚之前,区别程序性违章和实质性违章给予其占有人在占有制度层面上不同程度的保护;以法经济学的方法,结合公租房制度构建程序性违章建筑利用制度,从而节约公租房开发成本并有效配置资源。  相似文献   

关于广州“城中村“改造的思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡曦亮 《探求》2003,(6):56-58
“城中村”问题是城市化进程和城乡一体化过程中的一个普遍现象。改造“城中村”,对广州的现代化建设具有重大的现实意义。本文对改造广州“城中村”问题提出了体制改革、环境改造、人的发展三条思路。  相似文献   

论改造城中村的现实途径   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
郭艳华 《探求》2002,(4):39-42
城中村作为一个规模较大、结构比较复杂、运行比较特殊的社区,在由农村社区向城市社区的转型过程中,有许多理论与实践问题亟待解决。本文论述了城中村改造的必要性与紧迫性,分析了城中村形成和产生的原因,城中村的基本特征,提出了城中村改造应坚持的原则及对策措施。并指出城中村得以存在的最主要根源在于城乡二元管理体制的存在,因此,在管理体制上寻求突破,是城中村改造的现实途径。  相似文献   

朱冬梅 《创新》2013,7(1):83-86,127,128
城中村是城市化发展过程中的产物,曾在城市化进程中发挥了重要作用。然而,随着城市现代化的推进,城中村成为制约城市继续发展的瓶颈。城中村改造的终极目标是融入城市。在城中村融入城市过程中面临着资产处置及利益纠结、管理体制滞后、居民路径依赖及对未来生活保障担忧等突出问题。要顺利实现城中村融入城市的目标,必须遵循"资产改制—村居改制—社保衔接—拆迁安置"四个环节有序推进、分步实施的路径。  相似文献   

关注"城中村"问题   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
代堂平 《社会》2002,(5):44-46
城中村是当前我国社会转型时期城市化进程中特有的现象。认清城中村现象 ,有助于我们把握我国城市化的特殊背景及其独特的发展道路 ,有助于认清我国现行城乡二元体制下一些内在的矛盾 ,无论是从理论认识上还是实践操作都有深刻的指导意义。城中村的定义及相关研究城中村作为城市里独有的社区形态 ,已存在多年。但城中村现象引发学者、政府、媒体的关注却还是近些年的事。从政府与媒体的关注的角度来看 ,集中在由城中村引发的城市管理问题上。譬如 ,他们就将城中村视为“城市里的不协调音符”(《信息日报》 ,2001.4.9)。中共广州市…  相似文献   

邵任薇  王桢桢 《探求》2014,(3):67-73
在当前城中村的改造模式中,压力型改造和市场化改造模式遭遇了很多问题,以村集体为主体的城中村改造模式越来越具有可行性和必要性.本文通过对广州市城中村H村的经验考察,分析了城中村改造中村集体自主改造的可行性在于改造的经济利益驱动和村集体的能力增长,并进而分析了增强村集体自主改造可行性的实现路径.  相似文献   

When do children, adolescents, and adults decide to punish fairness violations? Two studies with 9‐year‐old children, 13‐year‐old adolescents, and adults investigated whether the link between unfairness and punishment was mediated by negative emotional reactions (measured through galvanic skin responses and emotion ratings). Study 1 (N = 117) examined this question in the context of second‐party punishment, where the punisher is a direct victim of the violation. Study 2 (N = 119) assessed third‐party punishment, where the punisher is an observer, unaffected by the violation. In each study, participants were presented with seven distributions of points, which differed in how fairly the points were allocated between a proposer and receiver, and had to decide whether to punish these distributions. Although the unfairness of the distribution strongly influenced second‐ and third‐party punishment in all age groups, the mediating role of emotional appraisals (i.e., galvanic skin responses vs. emotion ratings) depended on whether or not the punisher was personally affected by the violation and age. Thus, negative emotions primarily motivate costly punishment when the punisher is affected by the violation or when an unaffected third‐party punisher takes the perspective of the victim of a violation, an ability that develops between childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   


Trace theory is a very important linguistic hypothesis within the framework of Generative Grammar. But whether the theory is correct, namely whether the assumed empty trace exists in syntactic representation, must be verified by experiments concerning the neural mechanisms of language. On the basis of Generative Grammar, the current study uses event- related potentials (ERP) to examine the neural mechanism of trace in Chinese topicalized constructions. The results show that three types of waves (a sustained negativity, a negativity elicited by the verb and a P600 elicited at the sentence-final position) are observed in the processing of Chinese topicalized constructions. These neural electrophysiological indexes indicate that the sentence-initial topic does leave a trace in the position out of which it moves, i.e. the sentence-final position, suggesting that there is a syntactic dependency between the topic and its trace. Consequently, we draw the conclusion that trace is neurologically supported in Chinese topicalized constructions and trace theory is neurophysiologically viable. Meanwhile, the study also adds neural evidence to the view that Chinese topicalized constructions are structures derived from syntactic movement.  相似文献   

Using an experimental design, we investigated the impact of participation in trauma-related research on well-being in a sample of 219 higher education students. We created five conditions that exposed participants to questions about life events. A sixth condition represented a control condition. Exposure conditions varied according to whether they contained yes/no questions about events that entailed stress, stigma, trauma, or sexual violation. We operationalized well-being by measuring positive and negative affect, state anxiety, and positive reactions to research. Across exposure conditions, participants reported low levels of negative affect and generally positive reactions immediately after participation. The most negative and least positive responses followed exposure conditions that contained questions about stressful events and sexual violation. We discuss implications of our findings for ethics review board practices.  相似文献   

Using an experimental design, we investigated the impact of participation in trauma-related research on well-being in a sample of 219 higher education students. We created five conditions that exposed participants to questions about life events. A sixth condition represented a control condition. Exposure conditions varied according to whether they contained yes/no questions about events that entailed stress, stigma, trauma, or sexual violation. We operationalized well-being by measuring positive and negative affect, state anxiety, and positive reactions to research. Across exposure conditions, participants reported low levels of negative affect and generally positive reactions immediately after participation. The most negative and least positive responses followed exposure conditions that contained questions about stressful events and sexual violation. We discuss implications of our findings for ethics review board practices.  相似文献   

Many real-world decisions entail choices between information on either probabilities or payoffs (i.e., prizes). Simplified versions of such decisions are examined to gain insight into preferences for different types of information as a function of risk-attitudes. General and simple decision rules are derived for cases where the utility function is concave (or convex) over the relevant payoff interval.The article further describes several experiments to test business students' intuitions concerning these optimal decision rules. In general, risk-taking attitudes did not correlate significantly with subjects' preferences for information, in violation of theorems regarding mean-preserving spreads of risk. Other tests, e.g., narrowing certain probability ranges, also resulted in preferences contrary to expected utility (EU) theory.  相似文献   

语迹理论是生成语法框架下所提出的重要理论假设,但这种理论假设正确与否,句法表征中是否真正存在没有语音形式的语迹,必须得到与语言相关的脑神经机制的实验验证。本研究在生成语法理论背景下,利用高时间分辨率的事件相关电位技术,以汉语话题句为研究语料,考察了汉语语迹的神经机制问题。实验结果表明,在汉语话题句的加工过程中所诱发的持续负波、动词位置的负成分以及句末位置的P600成分,均反映了句首话题成分移位后会在原有位置留有语迹,二者之间存在句法依存关系。根据实验结果,我们认为,语迹在汉语话题句中有其神经机制,语迹理论假设的合理性能够得到大脑神经机制上的证明。同时研究也从神经机制的角度逆向证实了汉语话题句是经由移位生成的句法结构。  相似文献   

Currently, there is no one uniform accepted or acceptable definition of elder maltreatment. As an important first step in the continued understanding of elder maltreatment, a differentiation is made between legal and social work definitions and a classification system for defining elder maltreatment from a social work orientation is suggested as a guide for assessment and intervention. Distinctions within each of three major categories of elder maltreatment (elder neglect, elder abuse and violation of the elder's rights) is presented.  相似文献   

Social and political constructions of carers have been criticizedfor undervaluing the complexities of the experiences of carers.However, relatively little research has attempted to generatemore meaningful constructions of carers by drawing these considerationstogether. The purpose of this article is to begin addressingthis need. To accomplish this, the article is presented in twosections. First, an overview is provided on the current constructionsof carers and suggested considerations for research. Second,with this overview as its context, a study, taken from the author’sacademic dissertation, is presented. The study sets out to generatemore meaningful constructions of the caring experience througha grounded approach. The findings are based on a focus groupand interviews with fourteen carers in total. A diverse rangeof participants were involved, in order to generate categoriesthat would hold more relevance across caring experiences. Fourcommon categories for carers emerged, along with propertiesthat explained differences in experiences. The categories ofwhen carers start to care, circumstances change over time, justifyingthe use of support and using support are subsequently discussedin relation to current constructions, practice and policy.  相似文献   

人行天桥的设计影响着行人过街的行为,包括行人过街的时间,行人流量,行人违章概率等等。本文通过实地调查两种不同类型的天桥,通过对比的方式来分析人行天桥对行人交通的影响。论文阐述了人行天桥是如何影响行人流量、行人过街速度以及行人违章概率的,为人行天桥的科学规划以及人性化设计提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   

转型期公共行政模式的变迁--由管制行政到服务行政   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋源 《学术交流》2006,(5):32-36
从计划经济到市场经济的转型所带来的社会变革,对公共行政的理念、规则乃至职能的履行模式都产生了深刻影响。在世界范围内,公共行政的变革以及科学发展观的本质要求也在推动公共行政模式由管制行政走向服务行政。由管制行政向服务行政的转变,意味着要转变行政理念、扩大行政主体以及变革管理方式。在为管制行政向服务行政变迁提供制度以及组织保障的同时,也要警惕行政对民众权利的侵犯、政府对应有职责的放弃等服务行政“异化”现象的发生。  相似文献   

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