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Thisarticlewaspresentedatthesymposiumtocelebratethe20thanniversaryofCASSin1997.Ⅰ.TheDevelopmentofMarxistPhilosophyintheNewEraSincethethirdplenarysessionofthe11thCentralCommitteeoftheCPC,researchontheprinciplesofMarxistphilosophybyChinesescholarshasgonethroughthreestages.Inthefirststage,asaresultofthedebateoverwhetherornotpracticeistherealarbiteroftruth,mostscholarsreturnedtogenuineMarxism,whichtheydistinguishedfromthephilosophicdogmasthatservedasthetheoreticalfoundationforleftistpoliti…  相似文献   

Major scientific findings about women's sexuality and sexual orientation are reviewed. Sexual orientation is unrelated to mental health. There is no inherent association between gender conformity and women's sexual orientation; masculinity and femininity are linked to sexual orientation in some social contexts but not in others. Research has so far failed to identify major biological or childhood antecedents of women's sexual orientation. Women's sexuality and sexual orientation are potentially fluid, changeable over time, and variable across social contexts. Regardless of sexual orientation, there are important commonalities in women's sexuality. In particular, women tend to have a relational or partner-centered orientation to sexuality. Together, these findings provide the basis for a paradigm shift in the conceptualization of women's sexual orientation.  相似文献   

对于因三相第二相的理解历来众说纷纭,本文试通过欧拉图、文恩图、表达式等各种方式来分析这一问题。由于除宗有法问题的存在,同、异品的关系在具有宗法性质方面类似于反对关系,再用P和P来表示同、异品就不合适,本文在此基础上提出在第二相中应明确表示出除宗有法的要求,即用(P∧S)IM来表述因三相的第二相。  相似文献   

黄小玲 《探求》2003,(5):51-53,68
法律的本质是法学研究中一个基本问题。在我国长期以来把“阶级意志论”作为法律的本质,今天,有必要对法律的本质进行反思。本文从社会契约论出发,提出了法律总是来自最大多数人民的意志,在调整相互利益关系,约束自己的过程中形成的规则。法律制定以后,如果有人违反了法律,那么实际上是违反了自己对约定的承诺,要他承担违约的责任也就是理所当然的了,所以这种制裁也不是别人强加给违法者的。立法者也一样要遵守法律,也不能违反自己所承诺的约定,否则也要受到法律的制裁。  相似文献   

人类正在进入一个新世纪和新的千年纪。早些时候人们关于新世纪到底应从2000年还是2001年起算的争论,多少已有点强弩之末的味道,被淹没在了全世界迎接新世纪和新千年的巨大热情之中。对大多数人来说,这个问题似乎已经显得不那么重要了。2000年也好,2001年也罢,相距仅一年,而一年的时间在人类历史长河中只不过是极短暂的一瞬。...  相似文献   

If young children approached word learning with little social savvy, certain predictable patterns of error would arise in the way they interpret new words. The absence of such errors provides evidence that social understanding informs word learning even in the infancy period. We outline such evidence, and then scrutinize it with respect to four challenges. 1) Is it necessary to invoke genuine social understanding to explain infants’ word‐learning successes? 2) Do infants treat social clues as criterial in their interpretation of new words? 3) Individuals suffering clear deficits in social understanding sometimes display apparently intact vocabulary acquisition: Must we then conclude that word learning can proceed without the aid of social understanding? 4) Is processing of social clues too effortful to be generally useful for everyday word learning? The first challenge is answered by the available evidence: Infants indeed capitalize on social understanding to interpret new words. Although the remaining challenges have yet to be resolved, we offer speculations that might profitably guide future investigation.  相似文献   

走进新世纪,中国慈善事业已经进入一个关键发展时期。一方面,中国的飞速发展为慈善事业打下了良好的基础条件,慈善事业的发展态势良好,也取得了突出的成就。另一方面,我国的慈善事业还处于发展的初级阶段,慈善事业还处在一种粗放、简单的传统状态,还受到诸多问题的困扰与制约,还面临着一些严峻的挑战。当前,必须从法制建设、政府定位、完善财税制度、民间慈善组织发展、健全运作机制、建设慈善文化等几个方面着手,推进新世纪的慈善事业发展  相似文献   

走进新世纪,中国慈善事业已经进入一个关键发展时期。一方面,中国的飞速发展为慈善事业打下了良好的基础条件,慈善事业的发展态势良好,也取得了突出的成就。另一方面,我国的慈善事业还处于发展的初级阶段,慈善事业还处在一种粗放、简单的传统状态,还受到诸多问题的困扰与制约,还面临着一些严峻的挑战。当前,必须从法制建设、政府定位、完善财税制度、民间慈善组织发展、健全运作机制、建设慈善文化等几个方面着手,推进新世纪的慈善事业发展  相似文献   

关于建设"社会主义新农村"的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王道国 《社科纵横》2006,21(8):40-41
党的十六届五中全会提出建设“社会主义新农村”的历史任务,为中国现代化建设指明了方向,2006年“中央一号文件”又提出了明确的措施。那么,“社会主义新农村”是如何提出的?它“新”在何处?如何建设?本文作了简要阐述。  相似文献   

马红平 《社科纵横》2009,24(2):63-65
2008年6月1日,新的律师法开始实施了,修改后的律师法的最大亮点之一,是对执业律师在刑事诉讼中的会见权、取证权和阅卷权进行了完善和强化,这无疑增加了侦查工作的难度。侦查机关要在新形势下更有效地履行打击犯罪、保护人民的职责,一是应进一步转变思想观念,二是应从传统侦查模式走向现代侦查模式,三是应进一步加强与检察机关的合作。四是应更加注重全面收集证据,更加注重听取律师意见。  相似文献   


Members of an HIV-prevention research network were asked to describe ethical challenges faced in their work. Major themes included acceptable standards of care for participants, defining research of relevance to host countries, reducing risks related to stigma, designing research that meets local needs without contributing to an inadequate status quo, and ensuring informed consent for complex research with potentially vulnerable participants. The challenges are interrelated and highlight the need for innovative, practical strategies to be incorporated into the planning, design, and conduct of HIV prevention trials. Research in applied ethics to support decision-making about HIV prevention research is needed, along with ethics training, mechanisms to support community-wide benefit from research, and expanded dialog on the ethics surrounding HIV prevention and public health research.  相似文献   

The rise in paid care workers has not, until very recently, included carers specifically trained to provide domiciliary postnatal care. In 2002 a new occupation of domiciliary postnatal carers was introduced in the catchment area of a large metropolitan hospital in Adelaide, South Australia. The carers work with professional midwives to provide home based postnatal support to women discharged early from hospital following childbirth. Carers were trained in a short, six month program, and were recruited from long term unemployed young women from the same geographically disadvantaged catchment area as the hospital. In this paper, findings from the evaluation of the program are described and analysed. These include its implications for the postnatal care workers themselves and for the professionals involved in training and working with them. In addition, the implications for birthing women of a program using young, minimally trained carers are considered. Finally, the more general lessons for the training and ‘insertion’ of paid carers into domiciliary work with professionals are reflected on.  相似文献   

马士远 《唐都学刊》2005,21(6):98-102
扬州大学文学院博士生导师、语言学科学术带头人钱宗武先生在<<尚书>新笺与上古文明>一书中,尝试采用现代语法学理论与传统文化阐释学知识融为一体的方法对今文<尚书>进行注释与笺说,在传统笺说和注释形式中揉进新质,不但为解读<尚书>开辟了新途径,而且提出了诸如<尚书>的儒源地位、文学特性、德法兼治思想和不少具有学术价值的新观点,对<尚书>蕴涵的上古文明母题进行了多方位思考.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Few issues are of such grave importance to society and to the science and practice of psychology as child maltreatment. Our goal in editing this issue of JSI was to inform scientists across various sub-fields of psychology about the most current knowledge in the field of child maltreatment, broadly defined. The authors of the articles have gone further, pushing past the edge of current knowledge and setting aggressive agendas for future empirical and policy-relevant work. We believe that the result will be enriched future research, practice, policy, and law, and in turn, the increased well-being of children and their families.  相似文献   

环境公益诉讼是在环境污染和生态破坏日趋严重的形势下,为保护环境公共利益的迫切需要而产生的。当下,在全国范围内发生的环境公益诉讼司法实践及某些地方制定的规范性文件牵动着国家层面的立法,并导致环境公益诉讼制度的诞生。然而,由于我国的社会价值取向、公民权利意识、法律思想、司法救济手段等诸多因素影响,使得环境公益诉讼立法不完整、不彻底,存在起诉主体受限、起诉条件过严、诉讼类型单一、相关机制的衔接不明等先天不足,让它面临新的挑战。  相似文献   


Reflecting on experiences of coresearching with young people aged 13 to 15 in evaluating a government-funded initiative within their own communities, the author explores both some of the consequences of this endeavor and learnings from reflections on research processes therein. Reflections upon lessons learned are analyzed through applying some key concepts from complexity science to the research. It is argued that complexity science assists in reflection and in reaching more in-depth understandings of research processes. The author outlines how these concepts could be applied in research more generally and concludes that learnings from this experience are relevant to researchers everywhere.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the current and developing grandparent caregiver housing programs throughout the United States. Telephone interviews were conducted with eight current and proposed sites for grandparent and/or relative caregivers throughout the United States. Housing design, funding sources, referral sources, service provided, and rules and regulations of the housing programs were discussed. Funding, education, and advocacy appeared crucial to helping these families provide safe homes for the children in their care. Recommendations are made for social workers and grandparent caregivers to lobby legislators for increases in funding for programs nationwide to ensure all grandparent families have safe, affordable and accessible housing.  相似文献   

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