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The basic assumption underlying the concept of ranked set sampling is that actual measurement of units is expensive, whereas ranking is cheap. This may not be true in reality in certain cases where ranking may be moderately expensive. In such situations, based on total cost considerations, k-tuple ranked set sampling is known to be a viable alternative, where one selects k units (instead of one) from each ranked set. In this article, we consider estimation of the distribution function based on k-tuple ranked set samples when the cost of selecting and ranking units is not ignorable. We investigate estimation both in the balanced and unbalanced data case. Properties of the estimation procedure in the presence of ranking error are also investigated. Results of simulation studies as well as an application to a real data set are presented to illustrate some of the theoretical findings. 相似文献
In this paper a new multivariate regression estimate is introduced. It is based on ideas derived in the context of wavelet estimates and is constructed by hard thresholding of estimates of coefficients of a series expansion of the regression function. Multivariate functions constructed analogously to the classical Haar wavelets are used for the series expansion. These functions are orthogonal in L2(μn), where μn denotes the empirical design measure. The construction can be considered as designing adapted Haar wavelets. 相似文献
In this paper, we consider a judgment post stratified (JPS) sample of set size from a location and scale family of distributions. In a JPS sample, ranks of measured units are random variables. By conditioning on these ranks, we derive the maximum likelihood (MLEs) and best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) of the location and scale parameters. Since ranks are random variables, by considering the conditional distributions of ranks given the measured observations we construct Rao-Blackwellized version of MLEs and BLUEs. We show that Rao-Blackwellized estimators always have smaller mean squared errors than MLEs and BLUEs in a JPS sample. In addition, the paper provides empirical evidence for the efficiency of the proposed estimators through a series of Monte Carlo simulations. 相似文献
Alexander Meister Ulrich Stadtmüller Christian Wagner 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2009
We consider the problem of estimating a density function based on aggregated data where the data group sizes may differ from each other. The reconstruction of the target density can be regarded as a nonlinear statistical inverse problem. We introduce some estimation procedures which are capable to use the observations from all groups by some nonstandard deconvolution techniques. General consistency and rate-optimality under common smoothness constraints are developed. We give some numerical simulations and a data-driven bandwidth selector. 相似文献
Yiping Yang Liugen Xue Weihu Cheng 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2009,139(12):4143-4153
In this paper, we consider the partial linear model with the covariables missing at random. Empirical likelihood ratios for the regression coefficients and the baseline function are investigated, the empirical log-likelihood ratios are proven to be asymptotically chi-squared and the corresponding confidence regions for the parameters of interest are then constructed. The finite sample behavior of the proposed method is evaluated with simulation and illustrated with an AIDS clinical trial dataset. 相似文献
We propose a regime switching autoregressive model and apply it to analyze daily water discharge series of River Tisza in Hungary. The dynamics is governed by two regimes, along which both the autoregressive coefficients and the innovation distributions are altering, moreover, the hidden regime indicator process is allowed to be non-Markovian. After examining stationarity and basic properties of the model, we turn to its estimation by Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and propose two algorithms. The values of the latent process serve as auxiliary parameters in the first one, while the change points of the regimes do the same in the second one in a reversible jump MCMC setting. After comparing the mixing performance of the two methods, the model is fitted to the water discharge data. Simulations show that it reproduces the important features of the water discharge series such as the highly skewed marginal distribution and the asymmetric shape of the hydrograph. 相似文献
Efromovich-Pinsker and Stein blockwise-shrinkage estimates are traditionally studied via upper-bound oracle inequalities, which bound the estimate's risk from above by the oracle's risk plus a remainder term. These bounds allow one to establish sufficient conditions for attaining the oracle's risk. To explore necessary conditions, this article develops a lower-bound oracle inequality, which bounds the estimate's risk from below by the oracle's risk minus a remainder term. In particular, the lower bound implies that thresholds must vanish for attaining the oracle's risk. 相似文献
In this paper, a mixture model under multiplicative censoring is considered. We investigate the estimation of a component of the mixture (a density) from the observations. A new adaptive estimator based on wavelets and a hard thresholding rule is constructed for this problem. Under mild assumptions on the model, we study its asymptotic properties by determining an upper bound of the mean integrated squared error over a wide range of Besov balls. We prove that the obtained upper bound is sharp. 相似文献
The consistency of the Parzen kernel-type as well as recursive kernel estimates of a regression function is shown. The rates of the convergence are studied and compared. Moreover, the problem of selecting asymptotically optimal kernels is discussed. 相似文献
Maria Carmen Iglesias-Pérez Jacobo de Uña-Álvarez 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2008
In this paper we propose a new nonparametric estimator of the conditional distribution function under a semiparametric censorship model. We establish an asymptotic representation of the estimator as a sum of iid random variables, balanced by some kernel weights. This representation is used for obtaining large sample results such as the rate of uniform convergence of the estimator, or its limit distributional law. We prove that the new estimator outperforms the conditional Kaplan–Meier estimator for censored data, in the sense that it exhibits lower asymptotic variance. Illustration through real data analysis is provided. 相似文献
N. Balakrishnan R.C. Tripathi N. Kannan H.K.T. Ng 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》2010
In this paper, we consider the problem of testing the equality of two distributions when both samples are progressively Type-II censored. We discuss the following two statistics: one based on the Wilcoxon-type rank-sum precedence test, and the second based on the Kaplan–Meier estimator of the cumulative distribution function. The exact null distributions of these test statistics are derived and are then used to generate critical values and the corresponding exact levels of significance for different combinations of sample sizes and progressive censoring schemes. We also discuss their non-null distributions under Lehmann alternatives. A power study of the proposed tests is carried out under Lehmann alternatives as well as under location-shift alternatives through Monte Carlo simulations. Through this power study, it is shown that the Wilcoxon-type rank-sum precedence test performs the best. 相似文献
We consider robust permutation tests for a location shift in the two sample case based on estimating equations, comparing the test statistics based on a score function and an M-estimate. First we obtain a form for both tests so that the exact tests may be carried out using the same algorithms as used for permutation tests based on the mean. Then we obtain the Bahadur slopes of the tests in these two statistics, giving numerical results for two cases equivalent to a test based on Huber scores and a particular case of this related to a median test. We show that they have different Bahadur slopes with neither exceeding the other over the whole range. Finally, we give some numerical results illustrating the robustness properties of the tests and confirming the theoretical results on Bahadur slopes. 相似文献
We propose a method for the analysis of a spatial point pattern, which is assumed to arise as a set of observations from a spatial nonhomogeneous Poisson process. The spatial point pattern is observed in a bounded region, which, for most applications, is taken to be a rectangle in the space where the process is defined. The method is based on modeling a density function, defined on this bounded region, that is directly related with the intensity function of the Poisson process. We develop a flexible nonparametric mixture model for this density using a bivariate Beta distribution for the mixture kernel and a Dirichlet process prior for the mixing distribution. Using posterior simulation methods, we obtain full inference for the intensity function and any other functional of the process that might be of interest. We discuss applications to problems where inference for clustering in the spatial point pattern is of interest. Moreover, we consider applications of the methodology to extreme value analysis problems. We illustrate the modeling approach with three previously published data sets. Two of the data sets are from forestry and consist of locations of trees. The third data set consists of extremes from the Dow Jones index over a period of 1303 days. 相似文献
Consider a finite population of large but unknown size of hidden objects. Consider searching for these objects for a period of time, at a certain cost, and receiving a reward depending on the sizes of the objects found. Suppose that the size and discovery time of the objects both have unknown distributions, but the conditional distribution of time given size is exponential with an unknown non-negative and non-decreasing function of the size as failure rate. The goal is to find an optimal way to stop the discovery process. Assuming that the above parameters are known, an optimal stopping time is derived and its asymptotic properties are studied. Then, an adaptive rule based on order restricted estimates of the distributions from truncated data is presented. This adaptive rule is shown to perform nearly as well as the optimal stopping time for large population size. 相似文献
Shan-Huo Chen 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》1983,8(2):161-174
In this paper an estimator of the population mean is introduced by using the idea of selective probability vector and the optimization algorithm of linear programming to find the optimal solution of the selective probability vector under the condition of unbiasedness. 相似文献
Motivated by Chaudhuri's work [1996. On a geometric notion of quantiles for multivariate data. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 91, 862–872] on unconditional geometric quantiles, we explore the asymptotic properties of sample geometric conditional quantiles, defined through kernel functions, in high-dimensional spaces. We establish a Bahadur-type linear representation for the geometric conditional quantile estimator and obtain the convergence rate for the corresponding remainder term. From this, asymptotic normality including bias on the estimated geometric conditional quantile is derived. Based on these results, we propose confidence ellipsoids for multivariate conditional quantiles. The methodology is illustrated via data analysis and a Monte Carlo study. 相似文献
We introduce the Hausdorff α-entropy to study the strong Hellinger consistency of posterior distributions. We obtain general Bayesian consistency theorems which extend the well-known results of Barron et al. [1999. The consistency of posterior distributions in nonparametric problems. Ann. Statist. 27, 536–561] and Ghosal et al. [1999. Posterior consistency of Dirichlet mixtures in density estimation. Ann. Statist. 27, 143–158] and Walker [2004. New approaches to Bayesian consistency. Ann. Statist. 32, 2028–2043]. As an application we strengthen previous results on Bayesian consistency of the (normal) mixture models. 相似文献