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Based on a progressively type II censored sample, the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimators of the scale parameter of the half-logistic distribution are derived. However, since the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and Bayes estimator do not exist in an explicit form for the scale parameter, we consider a simple method of deriving an explicit estimator by approximating the likelihood function and derive the asymptotic variances of MLE and approximate MLE. Also, an approximation based on the Laplace approximation (Tierney and Kadane in J Am Stat Assoc 81:82–86, 1986) and importance sampling methods are used for obtaining the Bayes estimator. In order to compare the performance of the MLE, approximate MLE and Bayes estimates of the scale parameter, we use Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of estimating the common location parameter of two exponential populations using record data when the scale parameters are unknown. We derive the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), the modified maximum likelihood estimator (MMLE) and the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of the common location parameter. Further, we derive a general result for inadmissibility of an equivariant estimator under the scaled-squared error loss function. Using this result, we conclude that the MLE and the UMVUE are inadmissible and better estimators are provided. A simulation study is conducted for comparing the performances of various competing estimators.  相似文献   

Since the publication of the seminal paper by Cox (1972), proportional hazard model has become very popular in regression analysis for right censored data. In observational studies, treatment assignment may depend on observed covariates. If these confounding variables are not accounted for properly, the inference based on the Cox proportional hazard model may perform poorly. As shown in Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983), under the strongly ignorable treatment assignment assumption, conditioning on the propensity score yields valid causal effect estimates. Therefore we incorporate the propensity score into the Cox model for causal inference with survival data. We derive the asymptotic property of the maximum partial likelihood estimator when the model is correctly specified. Simulation results show that our method performs quite well for observational data. The approach is applied to a real dataset on the time of readmission of trauma patients. We also derive the asymptotic property of the maximum partial likelihood estimator with a robust variance estimator, when the model is incorrectly specified.  相似文献   

In this article we consider estimation of causal parameters in a marginal structural model for the discrete intensity of the treatment specific counting process (e.g. hazard of a treatment specific survival time) based on longitudinal observational data on treatment, covariates and survival. We define three estimators: the inverse probability of treatment weighted (IPTW) estimator, the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), and a double robust (DR) estimator. The DR estimator is obtained by following a general methodology for constructing double robust estimating functions in censored data models as described in van der Laan and Robins (Unified Methods for Censored Longitudinal Data and Causality, 2002). The double-robust estimator is consistent and asymptotically linear when either the treatment mechanism or the partial likelihood of the observed data is consistently estimated. We illustrate the superiority of the DR estimator relative to the IPTW and ML estimators in a simulation study. The proposed methodology is also applied to estimate the causal effect of exercise on physical functioning in a longitudinal study of seniors in Sonoma County.  相似文献   

It is well-known that the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator (NPMLE) may severely under-estimate the survival function with left truncated data. Based on the Nelson estimator (for right censored data) and self-consistency we suggest a nonparametric estimator of the survival function, the iterative Nelson estimator (INE), for arbitrarily truncated and censored data, where only few nonparametric estimators are available. By simulation we show that the INE does well in overcoming the under-estimation of the survival function from the NPMLE for left-truncated and interval-censored data. An interesting application of the INE is as a diagnostic tool for other estimators, such as the monotone MLE or parametric MLEs. The methodology is illustrated by application to two real world problems: the Channing House and the Massachusetts Health Care Panel Study data sets.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of the parameters of a truncated gamma distribution over (0,τ), where τ is assumed to be a real number. We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE). The probability of nonexistence of MLE is observed to be positive. A simulation study indicates that the modified maximum likelihood estimator and the mixed estimator, which exist with probability one,are to be preferred over MLE. The bias, the mean square error, and the probability of nearness form a basis of our simulation study.  相似文献   

Based on a multiply type-II censored sample, the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and Bayes estimator for the scale parameter and the reliability function of the Rayleigh distribution are derived. However, since the MLE does not exist an explicit form, an approximate MLE which is the maximizer of an approximate likelihood function will be given. The comparisons among estimators are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations. An illustrative example with the real data concerning the 23 ball bearing in the life test is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimation of the scale parameter of the half-logistic distribution based on a multiply type II censored sample. However, the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE) and Bayes estimator do not exist in an explicit form for the scale parameter. We consider a simple method of deriving an explicit estimator by approximating the likelihood function and discuss the asymptotic variances of MLE and approximate MLE. Also, an approximation based on the Laplace approximation (Tierney & Kadane, 1986) is used to obtain the Bayes estimator. In order to compare the MLE, approximate MLE and Bayes estimates of the scale parameter, Monte Carlo simulation is used.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the survival function STunder the proportional hazards model of censorship is derived and shown to differ from the Abdushukurov-Cheng-Lin estimator when the class of allowable distributions includes all continuous and discrete distributions. The estimators are compared via an example. The MLE is calculated using a Newton-Raphson iterative procedure and implemented via a FORTRAN algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the discrete middle censoring where lifetime, lower bound and length of censoring interval are variables with geometric distribution. We obtain the likelihood function of observed data and derive the MLE of the unknown parameter using EM algorithm. Also we obtain the Bayes estimator of the unknown parameter under squared error loss (SEL) function and credible interval of unknown parameter using Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   

It is not uncommon to encounter a randomized clinical trial (RCT) in which each patient is treated with several courses of therapies and his/her response is taken after treatment with each course because of the nature of a treatment design for a disease. On the basis of a simple multiplicative risk model proposed elsewhere for repeated binary measurements, we derive the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the proportion ratio (PR) of responses between two treatments in closed form without the need of modeling the complicated relationship between patient’s compliance and patient’s response. We further derive the asymptotic variance of the MLE and propose an asymptotic interval estimator for the PR using the logarithmic transformation. We also consider two other asymptotic interval estimators. One is derived from the principle of Fieller’s Theorem and the other is derived by using the randomization-based approach suggested elsewhere. To evaluate and compare the finite-sample performance of these interval estimators, we apply the Monte Carlo simulation. We find that the interval estimator using the logarithmic transformation of the MLE consistently outperforms the other two estimators with respect to efficiency. This gain in efficiency can be substantial especially when there are patients not complying with their assigned treatments. Finally, we employ the data regarding the trial of using macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) over three courses of intensive chemotherapies to reduce febrile neutropenia incidence for acute myeloid leukemia patients to illustrate the use of these estimators.  相似文献   

A onestep estimator, which is an approximation to the unconditional maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the coefficient matrices of a Gaussian vector autoregressive process is presented. The onestep estimator is easy to compute and can be computed using standard software. Unlike the computation of the unconditional MLE, the computation of the onestep estimator does not require any iterative optimization and the computation is numerically stable. In finite samples the onestep estimator generally has smaller mean square error than the ordinary least squares estimator. In a simple model, where the unconditional MLE can be computed, numerical investigation shows that the onestep estimator is slightly worse than the unconditional MLE in terms of mean square error but superior to the ordinary least squares estimator. The limiting distribution of the onestep estimator for processes with some unit roots is derived.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the finite-sample bias of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) in a reduced rank vector autoregression and suggests two simulation-based bias corrections. One is a simple bootstrap implementation that approximates the bias at the MLE. The other is an iterative root-finding algorithm implemented using stochastic approximation methods. Both algorithms are shown to be improvements over the MLE, measured in terms of mean square error and mean absolute deviation. An illustration to US macroeconomic time series is given.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The likelihood ratio statistic for testing pointwise hypotheses about the survival time distribution in the current status model can be inverted to yield confidence intervals (CIs). One advantage of this procedure is that CIs can be formed without estimating the unknown parameters that figure in the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the distribution function. We discuss the likelihood ratio-based CIs for the distribution function and the quantile function and compare these intervals to several different intervals based on the MLE. The quantiles of the limiting distribution of the MLE are estimated using various methods including parametric fitting, kernel smoothing and subsampling techniques. Comparisons are carried out both for simulated data and on a data set involving time to immunization against rubella. The comparisons indicate that the likelihood ratio-based intervals are preferable from several perspectives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the scale parameter of the generalized exponential (GE) distribution based on a random censoring model. We assume the censoring distribution also follows a GE distribution. Since the estimator does not provide an explicit solution, we propose a simple method of deriving an explicit estimator by approximating the likelihood function. In order to compare the performance of the estimators, Monte Carlo simulation is conducted. The results show that the MLE and the approximate MLE are almost identical in terms of bias and variance.  相似文献   

This article addresses two methods of estimation of the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the Lindley distribution. Following estimation methods are considered: uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) and maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). Since the Lindley distribution is more flexible than the exponential distribution, the same estimators have been found out for the exponential distribution and compared. Monte Carlo simulations and a real data analysis are performed to compare the performances of the proposed methods of estimation.  相似文献   

We consider parametric regression problems with some covariates missing at random. It is shown that the regression parameter remains identifiable under natural conditions. When the always observed covariates are discrete, we propose a semiparametric maximum likelihood method, which does not require parametric specification of the missing data mechanism or the covariate distribution. The global maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), which maximizes the likelihood over the whole parameter set, is shown to exist under simple conditions. For ease of computation, we also consider a restricted MLE which maximizes the likelihood over covariate distributions supported by the observed values. Under regularity conditions, the two MLEs are asymptotically equivalent and strongly consistent for a class of topologies on the parameter set.  相似文献   

Approximate normality and unbiasedness of the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the long-memory parameter H of a fractional Brownian motion hold reasonably well for sample sizes as small as 20 if the mean and scale parameter are known. We show in a Monte Carlo study that if the latter two parameters are unknown the bias and variance of the MLE of H both increase substantially. We also show that the bias can be reduced by using a parametric bootstrap procedure. In very large samples, maximum likelihood estimation becomes problematic because of the large dimension of the covariance matrix that must be inverted. To overcome this difficulty, we propose a maximum likelihood method based upon first differences of the data. These first differences form a short-memory process. We split the data into a number of contiguous blocks consisting of a relatively small number of observations. Computation of the likelihood function in a block then presents no computational problem. We form a pseudo-likelihood function consisting of the product of the likelihood functions in each of the blocks and provide a formula for the standard error of the resulting estimator of H. This formula is shown in a Monte Carlo study to provide a good approximation to the true standard error. The computation time required to obtain the estimate and its standard error from large data sets is an order of magnitude less than that required to obtain the widely used Whittle estimator. Application of the methodology is illustrated on two data sets.  相似文献   

Many problems in Statistics involve maximizing a multinomial likelihood over a restricted region. In this paper, we consider instead maximizing a weighted multinomial likelihood. We show that a dual problem always exits which is frequently more tractable and that a solution to the dual problem leads directly to a solution of the primal problem. Moreover, the form of the dual problem suggests an iterative algorithm for solving the MLE problem when the constraint region can be written as a finite intersection of cones. We show that this iterative algorithm is guaranteed to converge to the true solution and show that when the cones are isotonic, this algorithm is a version of Dykstra's algorithm (Dykstra, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 78 (1983) 837–842) for the special case of least squares projection onto the intersection of isotonic cones. We give several meaningful examples to illustrate our results. In particular, we obtain the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of a monotone density function in the presence of selection bias.  相似文献   

Summary. The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the proportional hazards model with partly interval-censored data is studied. Under appropriate regularity conditions, the MLEs of the regression parameter and the cumulative hazard function are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Two methods to estimate the variance–covariance matrix of the MLE of the regression parameter are considered, based on a generalized missing information principle and on a generalized profile information procedure. Simulation studies show that both methods work well in terms of the bias and variance for samples of moderate size. An example illustrates the methods.  相似文献   

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