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In estimating the means of several independent Poisson distributions, we show that the maximum likelihood estimator is inadmissible when general weighted squared error loss is the criterion. Using this result, we extend the known results on estimation of several Poisson means (Peng 1975, Hudson 1978) to the case where possibly more than one observation is taken from each Poisson distribution and the samples are not necessarily of the same size.  相似文献   

Arnold and Stahlecker considered estimation of the regression coefficients in the linear model with a relative squared error and deterministic disturbances. They found an explicit form for a minimax linear affine solution d1 of that problem. In the paper we generalize the result of Arnold and Stahlecker proving that the decision rule d1 is also minimax when the class D of possible estimators of the regression coefficients is unrestricted. Then we show that d1 remains minimax in D when the disturbances are random with the mean vector zero and the identity covariance matrix.  相似文献   

The minimax linear Empirical Bayes estimators for a binomial parameter are obtained, assuming some information about the moments of the prior. The form of these estimates is used to propose a criterion which may be helpful in determining whether Empirical Bayes estimation is Indicated for a given problem.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with using the E-Bayesian method for computing estimates of exponential distribution. In order to measure the estimated error, based on the E-Bayesian estimation, we proposed the definition of E-MSE(expected mean square error). Moreover, the formulas of E-Bayesian estimation and formulas of E-MSE are given respectively, these estimations are derived based on a conjugate prior distribution for the unknown parameter under the scaled squared error loss function. The properties of E-MSE under different scaled parameters are also provided. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the performances of the proposed methods of estimation and a real data set have been analysed for illustrative purposes. Results are compared on the basis of E-MSE.  相似文献   

The average squared error has been suggested earlier as an appropriate estimate of the integrated squared error, but an example is given which shows their ratio can tend to infinity. The results of a Monte Carlo study are also presented which suggest the average squared error can seriously underestimate the errors inherent in even the simplest density estimations.  相似文献   

Arnold and Stahlecker (Stat Pap 44:107–115, 2003) considered the prediction of future values of the dependent variable in the linear regression model with a relative squared error and deterministic disturbances. They found an explicit form for a minimax linear affine solution d* of that problem. In the paper we generalize this result proving that the decision rule d* is also minimax when the class D{\mathcal{D}} of possible predictors of the dependent variable is unrestricted. Then we show that d* remains minimax in D{\mathcal{D}} when the disturbances are random with the mean vector zero and the known positive definite covariance matrix.  相似文献   

Minimax estimation of a binomial probability under LINEX loss function is considered. It is shown that no equalizer estimator is available in the statistical decision problem under consideration. It is pointed out that the problem can be solved by determining the Bayes estimator with respect to a least favorable distribution having finite support. In this situation, the optimal estimator and the least favorable distribution can be determined only by using numerical methods. Some properties of the minimax estimators and the corresponding least favorable prior distributions are provided depending on the parameters of the loss function. The properties presented are exploited in computing the minimax estimators and the least favorable distributions. The results obtained can be applied to determine minimax estimators of a cumulative distribution function and minimax estimators of a survival function.  相似文献   

In order to obtain optimal estimators in a generalized linear regression model we apply the minimax principle to the relative squared error. It turns out that this approach is equivalent to the application of the minimax principle to the absolute squared error when an ellipsoidal prior information set is given. We discuss the admissibility of these minimax estimators. Furthermore, a close relation to a Bayesian approach is derived.  相似文献   

In the presence of univariate censoring, a class of nonparametric estimators is proposed for linear functionals of a bivariate distribution of paired failure times. The estimators are shown to be root-n consistent and asymptotically normal. An adjusted empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic is developed and proved to follow a chi-square distribution asymptotically. Two types of confidence intervals, based on the normal approximation method and the empirical likelihood method, respectively, are constructed to make inference about the linear functionals. Their performance is evaluated in several simulation studies and a real example.  相似文献   

Let π1, …, πk be k (? 2) independent populations, where πi denotes the uniform distribution over the interval (0, θi) and θi > 0 (i = 1, …, k) is an unknown scale parameter. The population associated with the largest scale parameter is called the best population. For selecting the best population, We use a selection rule based on the natural estimators of θi, i = 1, …, k, for the case of unequal sample sizes. Consider the problem of estimating the scale parameter θL of the selected uniform population when sample sizes are unequal and the loss is measured by the squared log error (SLE) loss function. We derive the uniformly minimum risk unbiased (UMRU) estimator of θL under the SLE loss function and two natural estimators of θL are also studied. For k = 2, we derive a sufficient condition for inadmissibility of an estimator of θL. Using these condition, we conclude that the UMRU estimator and natural estimator are inadmissible. Finally, the risk functions of various competing estimators of θL are compared through simulation.  相似文献   

Four estimators of the prediction mean squared error (MSB) of an estimated finite population total for a zero-one characteristic are examined. The characteristic associated with each population unit is modeled as the realization of a Bernoulli random variable whose expected value is a nonlinear function of a parameter vector and a set of known auxiliary variables. To compare the estimators, a simulation study is conducted using a population of hospitals. The MSB estimator Implied by the form of the assumed model underestimates the mean squared error in each of the cases studied and produces confidence lntervals with less than the nominal coverage probabilities. Of the three alternative MSE estimators presented, a linear approximation to the jackknife produces the best results and improves upon the model-specific estimator.  相似文献   

Using survey weights, You & Rao [You and Rao, The Canadian Journal of Statistics 2002; 30, 431–439] proposed a pseudo‐empirical best linear unbiased prediction (pseudo‐EBLUP) estimator of a small area mean under a nested error linear regression model. This estimator borrows strength across areas through a linking model, and makes use of survey weights to ensure design consistency and preserve benchmarking property in the sense that the estimators add up to a reliable direct estimator of the mean of a large area covering the small areas. In this article, a second‐order approximation to the mean squared error (MSE) of the pseudo‐EBLUP estimator of a small area mean is derived. Using this approximation, an estimator of MSE that is nearly unbiased is derived; the MSE estimator of You & Rao [You and Rao, The Canadian Journal of Statistics 2002; 30, 431–439] ignored cross‐product terms in the MSE and hence it is biased. Empirical results on the performance of the proposed MSE estimator are also presented. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38: 598–608; 2010 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the mean θθ of an Np(θ,Ip)Np(θ,Ip) distribution with squared error loss ∥δ−θ∥2δθ2 and under the constraint ∥θ∥≤mθm, for some constant m>0m>0. Using Stein's identity to obtain unbiased estimates of risk, Karlin's sign change arguments, and conditional risk analysis, we compare the risk performance of truncated linear estimators with that of the maximum likelihood estimator δmleδmle. We obtain for fixed (m,p)(m,p) sufficient conditions for dominance. An asymptotic framework is developed, where we demonstrate that the truncated linear minimax estimator dominates δmleδmle, and where we obtain simple and accurate measures of relative improvement in risk. Numerical evaluations illustrate the effectiveness of the asymptotic framework for approximating the risks for moderate or large values of p.  相似文献   

Bias and mean squared error for linear combinations of the isotonic regression estimators are computed. The case of sampling three distinct populations and the case of sampling seven or fewer populations having common mean are studied in detail. Numerical results are given, and comparisons between isotonic and unbiased estimation procedures are made.  相似文献   

We consider the linear regression model with an interval restriction imposed on the coefficients, and examine the sampling performance of a family of Stein interval restricted and pre-test estimators Tor the coefficient vector. The risk, under squared error loss, of these Stein-like estimators are derived, and the inadmissibility of the maximum likelihood interval restricted and pre-test estimators is demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive the exact mean squared error (MSE) of the minimum MSE estimator for each individual coefficient in a linear regression model, and show a sufficient condition for the minimum MSE estimator for each individual coefficient to dominate the OLS estimator. Numerical results show that when the number of independent variables is 2 and 3, the minimum MSE estimator for each individual coefficient can be a good alternative to the OLS and Stein-rule estimators.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the scale parameter of an exponential or a gamma distribution under squared error loss when the scale parameter θ is known to be greater than some fixed value θ0. Natural estimators in this setting include truncated linear functions of the sufficient statistic. Such estimators are typically inadmissible, but explicit improvements seem difficult to find. Some are presented here. A particularly interesting finding is that estimators which are admissible in the untruncated problem which take values only in the interior of the truncated parameter space are found to be inadmissible for the truncated problem.  相似文献   

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